胸腔X光全自動影像註冊系統用於輔助醫學診斷及療效評估 (2024)

近年來,伴隨著科技日新月異地快速發展,全球在未來數十年也即將面對一個共同難題-人口老化速度加劇,造成各國逐漸邁向高齡化社會結構,而此趨勢同時也導致全球對於醫療產業發展和病患照護品質在市場面和技術面上越發重視。像中華民國經濟部 (Ministry of Economic Affairs, R. O. C.) 曾在2017年4月投入約20億元新台幣於高階影像醫療器材領域,試圖在2020年推動產值2000億元的生醫產業創新推動方案。在完善的醫療過程中,除了先進的儀器、專業的醫療人員外,各種含病患資訊影像的即時產生和應用也是不可或缺的一環,其中像電腦輔助診斷系統 (Computer aided detection/diagnosis, CAD) 透過對病患影像的重建和結合,提供更全面的醫療資訊來提高醫生對病灶的判讀和疾病監測的效率,或像是手術導航系統 (Surgical navigation system) 和微創手術系統 (Minimally invasive surgery, MIS) 的結合,以提升醫師的手術品質和操作容易度。在上述的應用中,醫學影像註冊技術都在其中擁有舉足輕重的影響,透過對多張相同或不同型態影像的空間定位和影像對位,建構多樣化的整合資訊,提供醫師在病患術前、中、後時期不同的醫療協助。

本論文開發一套針對2D胸腔X光影像的全自動影像註冊系統,可將病患在不同治療階段的X光影像進行精準對位產生差異分析結果。其中胸腔區域的特徵點是透過六個機器學習L-SVM (Linear support vector machine) 模組針對肺、肋骨、鎖骨部位組成的混合模型進行偵測,並透過新開發的演算法ADMA (Absolute Distance Matching Algorithm) 來匹配混合模組在不同影像所偵測到的特徵點。篩選出的特徵點分別作為三種變形技術的對位標準,產生不同特性的變形結果,最後針對原始目標和變形後的影像之間進行差異分析,產生融合影像用於協助後續的醫學療程。在實際應用中,由於胸腔X光的影像品質會受到拍攝儀器、人員校準、病患姿勢、骨骼差異等變因所影響,因此本系統的研發挑戰在於如何使系統針對各種不同條件的胸腔X光影像上,都能穩定且準確的偵測以及匹配特徵點來達成精確的影像註冊。

在驗證階段,本系統和現有的兩種影像註冊技術BunwarpJ 和 Fully Automatic Elastic Registration (FAER) 進行成對樣本T檢定精確度比較,透過15個手動標記在胸腔X光影像的驗證標點計算出的平均誤差,證明本系統在針對胸腔X光影像的註冊精確度相較於既有技術有顯著差異(P ≤ 0.001)。同時也將系統應用在多組被診斷感染胸腔疾病的病患影像上,結果表示,註冊完的融合影像能顯現出病患在治療期間的病灶變化。本研究期望能透過全自動且精確的胸腔X光影像註冊技術協助醫生對胸腔疾病的診斷和治療期間的療效評估。

Image registration is important in medical applications accomplished with the advance of healthcare technology in recent years. Through the image registration task of finding the spatial relationship between input images, various studies have been proposed in the medical applications, including clinical track of events, updating the treatment plan for radiotherapy and surgery. This study presents a fully automatic registration system for chest X-ray images to generate fusion results for difference analysis. Through the accurate alignment of the proposed system, the fusion result indicates the difference of thoracic area during the treatment process. Registration of chest X-ray images is a challenging task due to variations on data appearance, imaging artifacts and complex data deformation problems, making existing registration approaches unstable and performs poor. The proposed method consists of a data normalization method, a hybrid L-SVM model to detect lungs, ribs and clavicles for object recognition, a landmark matching algorithm, two-stage transformation approaches, and a fusion method for difference analysis to highlight the difference of thoracic area. In evaluation, a preliminary test to compare three transformation models in the proposed system and a full evaluation process to compare the proposed method with two existing elastic registration methods for medical images have been conducted. The results show that the proposed method performs significantly better result than two benchmark methods (P value ≤ 0.001). The proposed system achieves the lowest mean registration error distance (MRED) (8.99 mm, 23.55 pixel) and the lowest mean registration error ratio (MRER) w.r.t. the length of image diagonal (1.61%) compared to the two benchmark approaches with MRED (15.64 mm, 40.97 pixel) and (180.5 mm, 472.69 pixel) and MRER (2.81%) and (32.51%), respectively.

中文摘要 iiAbstract iii致謝 iv目錄 v表目錄 vi圖目錄 viiChapter 1 Introduction 11.1 Motivation 11.2 Aim and Objectives 11.3 Contribution 21.4 Thesis Organization 2Chapter 2 Related Works 32.1 Semi and Fully Automatic Registration System 32.2 Feature Detection 42.3 Transformation 8Chapter 3 Methodology 113.1 Data Preprocessing 133.2 Hybrid L-SVM Model 153.3 ADMA 203.4 Global Registration 263.5 Elastic Registration 283.6 Difference Analysis 35Chapter 4 Result 374.1 Study Population 374.2 Preliminary Test 384.3 Full Evaluation 394.4 Error Distance of 15 Evaluation Landmarks 414.5 Evaluation for Implication of Patient Care 424.6 Special Case of Scoliosis 434.7 Limitation 454.8 Result Demonstration 46Chapter 5 Discussion 83Chapter 6 Reference 85

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胸腔X光全自動影像註冊系統用於輔助醫學診斷及療效評估 (1) 全文公開日期 2023/07/31 (校內網路)
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胸腔X光全自動影像註冊系統用於輔助醫學診斷及療效評估 (2)
胸腔X光全自動影像註冊系統用於輔助醫學診斷及療效評估 (2024)


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