Pokémon: Pride Version - PitFTW (2024)

Chapter 1: The Very Best

Chapter Text

I wanna be the very best

That no one ever was

To catch them is my real test

To train them is my cause

- Pokémon Theme (Gotta Catch ‘Em All!) (Jason Paige)

An ice-cold wind met him as he stepped into the chamber, sending a familiar, exhilarating shudder down his spine. A small, sinister sneer curled on his lips as his footsteps echoed on the hard floor, reverberating on the walls around him. With every breath he took, every tap of his cane against the floor, the shadows of the room seemed to bow before him, then retreated in fear as if they too understood the consequences of invoking his ire. When he finally reached the center of the room, he stood tall and proud, one hand behind his back while the other rested lazily on the head of his cane.

Another fool was on their way in. Rosie had tried very, very hard to make sure that he wouldn’t have to work today, but alas, Fairy-types could only do so much against the hard gleam of Steel and the insidious rot of Poison. What was more, Zestial had trouble against this one too; apparently, there was a Houndoom amongst this Trainer’s team that was “most terribly cruel.” He wasn’t quite sure what The Arcane Visionary meant by that - after all, weren’t most Houndooms “most terribly cruel” when it came to Psychic-types?

Almost in response to his thoughts, his shadow rippled lightly beneath his feet, sending tiny gusts of wind that gently blew up his legs. He moved his other hand to the top of his cane glancing down with a raised eyebrow and a tilted head. Tempted as he was to ask the presence there to come out and play, he knew it would refuse. It always refused. But that was fine. He was told that he could be “scary as sh*t” sometimes and he preferred to keep that reputation without resorting to effortlessly inducing nightmares.

Things were much more entertaining when he did it himself, after all.

His ears pricked up as soon as he heard the door to his chamber slide open and slam shut. Without missing a beat, he allowed a smile to crest over his face. It was one he had practiced hundreds of times - bright, sharp, and just a touch too wide. Lucifer had told him hundreds of times just how unsettling it was. Combined with the slightest head-tilt, it apparently gave him the appearance of a haunted doll. He decided to forego the tilt today, if only to give his dearest little star’s nerves a rest.

Was he watching?

Deep brown eyes glinted in the dim light, the air around him growing colder still. The chamber itself seemed to hold its breath with anticipation, the shadows at its edges quivering eagerly, ready to pounce. Already, he could feel the adrenaline coursing through his veins, the promise of another soul daring to enter his dominion, foolish enough to think that they were worthy enough to challenge his star. He lived for these moments - the confrontation, the fear, the inevitable realization that his Ghosts were an impenetrable wall between their unworthy eyes and the only man in the region - no, the entire world - who was worthy of his attention.

A thin strip of light slowly pierced the inky blackness, traveling across the floor until it stopped mere inches away from his shoe. The figure silhouetted against the faint light outside was unremarkable at best. It didn’t matter what they looked like, how they carried themselves, or even what name they liked to call themselves; all that mattered to him was their scream. He treasured those, relished them, sometimes even recorded them to play over his broadcast.

The heavy footsteps of the approaching Trainer echoed closer to him, each step just another drumbeat in the symphony of fear he so loved to orchestrate. Their trepidation hung in the air, dancing on his tongue like a sharp, delicious spice. Without missing a beat, he pressed one of the buttons adorning his cane, remotely activating the radio that sat behind him. It immediately sprang to life with the screams of Trainers long defeated before a cheerful, jazzy tune began to float through the air.

“Dearly beloved! For your entertainment, it’s my pleasure to introduce to you the final Elite Four member: the fabulous Phantasmal Host, Alastor!”

His sneer widened as the Trainer flinched, his eyes narrowing with predatory glee. As the announcement once again settled into a jaunty jazz tune, he pressed another button on his cane to pause the music, allowing the oppressive silence to creep back into the room.

“Well, hello there! It’s a pleasure to meet you, quite the pleasure,” he purred, his voice a silken whisper that sliced through the cold air. “You already know my name, but I’m afraid that I haven’t bothered learning yours!” He pressed another button on his cane, causing eerie canned laughter to ring out from the radio. Then, he tilted his head, the corners of his smile widening even more. “Though, I’m sure you’ll try your best to make yourself as pathetically memorable as possible.”

“Ha! Says you,” the Trainer replied, a confident grin on his face. He pulled a Pokéball from his belt and pressed its center, grinning as it grew to the size of an orange. “I’ll make sure to wipe that stupid grin off your face!”

Alastor rolled his eyes. Ah, yes, how could he forget? First-time Elite Four challengers were often silly, arrogant little things. Little more than a pack of roaches that he should tell Niffty to clean up. Hardly anything worth expending energy on - and absolutely, utterly, completely unworthy of so much as breathing in his star’s general direction.

Now that the Trainer was in his sights, Alastor decided to grace him with a brief once-over, if only to know the face of the idiot whose Pokémon he was going to eviscerate before he got too close to the Champion. He was a tall, lanky little thing no older than sixteen. He was dressed like he hadn’t even touched Victory Road. Did he somehow manage to fly over the damned cave? Alastor made a mental note to talk to Lucifer about having Val deploy a few Flying-type Pokémon to… discourage such lazy behavior. After all, Victory Road was a rite of passage. For a Trainer to skip it was an absolutely disgusting thing to do.

“Well, then I hope you’re prepared for the last battle you’ll ever face,” he sneered as he pressed yet another button on his cane and pulled his first Pokéball from it. “Because I’m about to end your f*cking Pokémon journey!”

The Pokéball snapped open, and out from it emerged his Shedinja, the shadows clinging to its hollow shell as though attempting to possess it. Its ghostly form hovered in the air, exuding an empty, eerie calm. Alastor stood back and watched, dark eyes glinting as he awaited his opponent’s first Pokémon.

“Go, Gallade!”

A Fighting/Psychic-type against a Ghost/Bug-type with the Wonder Guard ability? Alastor smirked. Was this Trainer stupid or simply arrogant? Almost certainly a mix of both. He didn’t mind; Shedinja needed the exercise.

“Gallade, use Psycho Cut!”

A chuckle escaped Alastor’s lips. “Shedinja, Shadow Sneak.”

As Gallade charged at Shedinja with its glowing blades, Shedinja remained motionless. Gallade’s Psycho Cut glanced off Shedinja’s form, as though it were striking an impenetrable shield. The Trainer’s face twisted in shock, and Alastor wet his lips, savoring the sight as though it were the finest meal he had ever tasted.

“You’re cheating! That should’ve brought that thing down!”

“And perhaps you should’ve paid more attention in Trainer school,” Alastor said, leaning lazily on his cane as he ordered Shedinja to attack again with a lazy flick of his wrist. “Wonder Guard allows Shedinja to be immune to any and all attacks that aren’t strong against its typing.”

Shedinja melted into the shadows and reappeared behind Gallade, striking with a flurry of ghostly power. Gallade staggered, and the Trainer snarled, already reaching for another Pokéball. Again, Alastor flicked his wrist, commanding Shedinja to attack again. It did so swiftly, landing yet another blow, then it unleashed a barrage of Will-O-Wisp, ghostly flames igniting all over Gallade’s body. The powerful Psychic/Fighting-type succumbed to the burns, collapsing as the Trainer frantically recalled it.

No sooner did Gallade retreat from the field did the Trainer send out his next Pokémon, a hulking pink Blissey that loomed over Shedinja’s ghostly form.

“Blissey, Fire Punch!” the Trainer barked.

“Shedinja, Protect,” Alastor countered, raising his hand to yawn.

A protective barrier shimmered around Shedinja, deflecting the fiery hit. With a quick snap of Alastor’s fingers, Shedinja used Toxic, sending poisonous spikes to infect Blissey. The Trainer watched in horror as Blissey staggered, letting out a loud, high-pitched cry of pain. Another Fire Punch brought Shedinja down, but not before it had done its job.

Alastor’s eyes narrowed, his smile thinning slightly as he recalled Shedinja. No matter. Shedinja was meant to annoy, not to win battles. He still had plenty of Pokémon left.

“Gourgeist, it’s your turn,” he said, pressing the button on his cane.

Gourgeist appeared in a flurry of vines, smiling a bit too politely at the Blissey in front of it. When Alastor snapped his fingers, she launched a hail of Leech Seeds that embedded themselves in Blissey, draining her energy. Then, she followed up with a swift Trick-or-Treat, ensuring that Blissey’s Normal-type immunity to Ghost-type moves would be rendered null and void. The Trainer growled as he ordered Blissey to unleash yet another Icy Wind, but Gourgeist easily dodged it, cackling madly as she swept away from its path. Soon enough, the combined assault of Leech Seed, Poison, and Ghost-type moves quickly overwhelmed Blissey, and it fell with a heavy thud.

The Trainer immediately released a Volcarona. The fiery moth hovered in the air, its wings glowing with an intense heat. Without hesitation, Volcarona unleashed a fierce Air Slash, blades of wind slicing through Gourgeist’s defenses. The ghostly pumpkin staggered, letting out a pained cry before collapsing in defeat.

Alastor’s fury surged like a tempest, his eyes narrowing into dangerous slits. He called Gourgeist back, his grip on the Pokéball tightening. This was entirely unwelcome, but not unusual. Alastor had lost two Pokémon plenty of times before. With a sneer, he pressed a few more buttons on his cane, selecting his next Pokémon with a hiss of anger.

“Chandelure, go!” he growled, his voice seething with rage.

Chandelure emerged, her ghostly flames flickering with an eerie light. Volcarona’s Heat Wave was no use against Chandelure’s Flash Fire ability, the Luring Pokémon easily absorbing the attack, growing stronger in the face of the fiery assault.

“Calm Mind,” Alastor ordered sharply.

Chandelure closed her eyes and focused, her power and defenses rising. When Volcarona came at her with a Bug Buzz, she dodged with disdainful grace.

“Shadow Ball!”

The spectral orb of dark energy hurtled towards Volcarona, striking it head-on. The Fire/Bug-type staggered, its wings faltering before it crashed to the ground. Alastor’s sneer returned, though fury still simmered beneath it.

How dare this pathetic waste of flesh and fat think he was worthy of Lucifer’s gaze.

Chandelure easily took down the Trainer’s Skarmory and Breloom next with two powerful Flamethrowers, her ghostly flames flaring up with each attack, taunting the Trainer who dared to stand against her and think he’d win. Now down to one Pokémon, the Trainer growled and threw out his last pathetic stand.

“Go, Houndoom!”

From the moment the Dark Pokémon emerged, bile rose in Alastor’s throat at the sight of it. It wasn’t its typing; Alastor had faced many, many Dark-types in his time as a Trainer and he knew how to handle them. No, there was something else.

It was the way the Pokémon’s lips pulled back into a fearsome snarl, the way its teeth gnashed with a ferocious, primal hunger, and the way foaming drool dripped from its mouth. But most terrifying of all was the desperate, manic, hungry gleam in its eye, the way it eyed Chandelure as though she were prey.

The entire room, previously warmed from the heat of Volcarona’s fiery attacks, grew cold in an instant, thousands of needles prickling just under Alastor’s skin as he stared straight into the Houndoom’s eyes. These were not the eyes of a normal Houndoom. They were pools of madness, of brutal savagery, of an abominable, feral monster.

“Dark Pulse!” the Trainer shouted.

Before Alastor could so much as speak, the Houndoom pounced, its claws gleaming dangerously as it darted towards the Luring Pokémon with brutal force. Chandelure shrieked, managing to release a Shadow Ball that smacked her opponent straight in the face. Houndoom fell to the ground but immediately rose again, more foam dripping from its lips. Then, it let out a feral roar, a cacophony so loud and primal that it shook Alastor to his very core.

Alastor’s chest clenched as the deafening cry filled the chamber. The Houndoom’s scream wasn’t simply loud - it was a primal, feral shriek that seemed to resonate from deep within it. His pulse hammered in his veins as cold sweat trickled down his neck. What was going on? This… this thing was far more savage than any Houndoom he had ever faced before.

Chandelure crumpled under the relentless assault, releasing a final languished cry that echoed throughout the room. It pierced straight to the last tiny shards of Alastor’s heart, each note twisting a knife in his chest. He grit his teeth, rage boiling over as his eyes blazed with fury. How dare this mutt harm Chandelure? How dare this Trainer bring this clearly deranged creature here? And most of all-

It was still attacking.

Houndoom’s disgusting, horrible claws ripped at Chandelure’s helpless form, shredding through her ghostly, ethereal body as she lay there limp, unable to fight back. Every swipe, every gouge, every bit of drool dripping from its lips was a violation, a brutal display of raw, unhinged aggression. Alastor’s blood ran cold as he watched the snarling, foaming beast tear at her, his fingers trembling as he lifted Chandelure’s Pokéball.

“Chandelure, return!”

Chandelure’s body disappeared in a beam of light, pulling her to safety just as Houndoom’s claws struck once again at her quickly fading form. Three down now? Three? How long had it been since he had three Pokémon faint? Alastor’s hand shook slightly as he selected his next Pokémon, Drifblim emerging in a fierce guest of wind. From the moment the Blimp Pokémon appeared, Houndooms fierce, manic eyes locked upon it, the intensity alone making Alastor’s skin crawl.

“Houndoom, Foul Play!”

The beast’s paws crackled with dark power as it lunged at Drifblim, the attack landing with a sickening rip. Drifblim recoiled, her form flickering with pain. She let out a low whine, red eyes darting to Alastor, fear flashing behind them.

“Drifblim, Stockpile!”

Drifblim glared at Houndoom as her body swelled, the Blimp Pokémon quickly gathering energy to store deep within her. Houndoom charged again, another Foul Play tearing through her defenses. When she attempted to heal with Swallow, Houndoom attacked again, ripping through her with yet another savage Foul Play. Soon enough, Drifblim collapsed with a loud wail, her eyes sliding closed as she lay there, defeated. Alastor recalled her before she could be subject to Houndoom’s assault yet again.

As the foolish Trainer cheered, Alastor clutched his cane so hard his knuckles went white, the wood creaking and groaning beneath his touch. Four down now. It had been a very, very long time since someone had come that far. What was going on? Was it him? Did he underestimate the Trainer before him? Had he been too arrogant? Was Vox right? Was Alastor finally losing his touch?

No… that couldn’t be it. It was the Houndoom. There was something wrong, something abnormal. It was attacking without inhibition, not caring if it rip, tore, or even killed its opponent. One look in its eye told him as much; there was no personality, no fear, not even the tiniest hint of anger. It was lost, given into its most primal instincts, more savage beast than beloved Pokémon.

Where did this Trainer get such a terrible thing?

He… had to be smart. This creature wasn’t just powerful; it was completely unhinged, a nightmare given flesh, a scourge upon both his team and the Pokémon world. If he allowed this thing anywhere near Lucifer’s team, his dearest star would be in danger. And if he allowed this child to continue his journey with it, then there was every chance someone else’s Pokémon would be harmed instead.

Alastor’s stomach churned at the thought of this stupid, sloppy Trainer stepping into the Champion’s room, his breath coming in cold, desperate pants. No. He couldn’t let that happen. He was the only one worthy of seeing Lucifer’s power, the gatekeeper to his throne, the angel guarding the gate to the Apple of Eden himself with a beautiful, ghostly sword.

His fingers brushed over his final two buttons, the last two Pokémon standing in the way of his star and this mangy mutt. His hand trembled as he hovered over one button in particular, waves of nausea crashing over him. He... he could send Mimi out now. Maybe there was a way for Mimi to turn the tide of battle. He need experience, after all, especially against fierce foes like this one.

But… Mimi could get hurt. Mimi could get killed. Lucifer wouldn’t be able to bear it if Mimi were killed. Alastor wouldn’t be able to bear it if Mimi got killed.

He had to protect Mimi.

He had to protect Lucifer.

Once again, his thoughts turned to the presence in his shadow. He could end this with a single request. If he persuaded it well enough, perhaps it would emerge. It would be so very easy to-


He was going to win this battle without resorting to that.

Ma had raised a Pokémon Master, after all.

Taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes, moving his finger over the other button on his cane.

“Gengar, I choose you!”

Gengar leaped from the Pokéball with a sinister laugh, her eyes alight with malevolent glee. In the face of Alastor’s first Pokémon, the Trainer sneered, throwing back his head and letting out a loud, mocking laugh. Houndoom immediately let out another Dark Pulse, which Gengar dodged effortlessly, countering with a Shadow Ball. The attack struck true, but Houndoom shrugged it off, continuing to glare and snarl at the cackling Ghost-type floating in front of it.

Alastor took a deep breath and raised his left hand, taking the middle finger of his glove between his teeth. With an almost effortless grace, he pulled it off, revealing the ring underneath. Lucifer had proposed with this ring long ago, while they had been standing atop a cliff overlooking the sea. He had been a vision that night, the silver moonlight glinting over his pale skin, his platinum blonde locks transformed into a glowing, ethereal halo. He had knelt down and slipped the ring on Alastor’s finger, promising to stand by his side forever. That same ring now pulsed with a deep, ancient power as Gengar floated closer to him, tongue lolling out, crimson eyes flashing expectantly.

As Alastor turned his head to the side and spat out his glove, a beautiful light emerged from the ring, spider-webbing its way across the battlefield. At the same time, the Mega Stone adorned on the bow tied around Gengar’s left ear glowed as well, creating its own web of light. The two webs met in the middle, pulsing in sync like a pair of heartbeats as raw, unfiltered power exuded from the Pokémon and her master, echoing around the room like a song.

“Gengar! Mega Evolve!”

Energy surged through the air and swirled around Gengar, creating a vortex of shadow and light. Gengar cackled, sticking out her tongue as she closed her eyes and embraced the power flaring around her. As the vortex swallowed her whole, her form shifted and grew, her tail and arms lengthening as a third eye opened up on her forehead. The energy coalesced around her and then burst, revealing Mega Gengar. Her eyes blazed with unholy fire, her grin widening to a sickening, sinister degree. The Trainer’s Houndoom growled and snapped in response to her, but even its feral fury seemed to waver in the face of her Mega Form.

Alastor smiled now, his grin so wide it nearly split his face in two. He threw back his head and let out a wild, thunderous laugh as the energy whipped around him like a whirlwind. His brown eyes gleamed maniacally when he fixed the Trainer and Houndoom with a fierce glare, cold fury rising in his chest.

“Gengar, Hypnosis!”

“Dark Pulse!”

Houndoom unleashed a wave of dark energy, roaring as more foam poured from its mouth. Gengar cackled as she dodged it, then her eyes began glowing with a dim crimson light, forcing Houndoom’s movements to slow. Then, its snarls faded as it fell into a deep, forceful slumber.

“Dream Eater!”

Gengar opened her mouth impossibly wide, inhaling sharply as she focused her power on the Houndoom. The feral Pokémon twitched and whimpered in its sleep, its dreams consumed under Gengar’s relentless attack. Alastor watched with a cold, satisfied smile as the Houndoom fell with a tiny, pathetic little whimper.

As Houndoom finally stopped twitching, unconscious and defeated, Alastor’s anger still simmered. This Trainer had dared to threaten his star, to bring such a monstrous Pokémon to his domain. There would be no mercy, no quarter. He would make sure that this sloppy, pathetic waste of sem*n never breathed in the same direction as his Lucifer ever again.

With a final, chilling smile, Alastor turned to the trembling Trainer, watching coldly as he recalled the Houndoom. His smile stretched even wider, growing so tight Alastor could almost feel his own face split in two.

“Remember this lesson well, my dear,” Alastor said, every word dripping with sharp, unyielding malice as he recalled Gengar. “You are not worthy of breathing in the Champion’s direction, let alone standing in his presence.” He let out a barking laugh as he turned around, walking towards the door that led to the Champion’s room. “Do drop that Houndoom’s Pokéball before you leave. He has likely broken at least one League regulation. He attacked a fainted opponent and not to mention, you’ve allowed him to go so mad it drooled all over my floor.”

The Trainer hesitated, a flicker of defiance in his eyes as he opened his mouth to argue. “But-”

Alastor’s smile slid off his face. His eyes darkened. The temperature of the room plummeted. The presence in his shadow, the nightmare given form, leaped forward, engulfing the room in a suffocating darkness. The otherworldly cold seemed to seep into the bones of everyone present, ripping a hole in their souls. The Trainer let out a blood curdling shriek as the shadows coalesced into a terrifying, indistinct shape. The thunk of a Pokéball hitting the floor resounded as rapid footsteps quickly retreated in the face of the horrible, twisted presence that now filled every spare inch of the room.

How obnoxious; it refused to battle for him, yet was always thrilled to scare others off.

Alastor smirked in satisfaction as he listened to the Trainer disappearing. The darkness receded and the room slowly warmed again as the presence returned to Alastor’s shadow. He smiled down at it and winked, his chest thrumming in satisfaction as the presence once again fell into a deep slumber.

Taking a deep breath, Alastor picked up his remaining glove and put it on, then picked up the Houndoom’s fallen Pokéball. It was slightly dented and covered in scratches - a mark of a Pokémon not treated well at all. Alastor scowled as he turned the Pokéball in his hand. The opposing Trainer may have been an arrogant fool, but he didn’t seem to be the mistreating sort. After all, all of his other Pokémon - despite how pathetic they were - had been very clearly loved. No, this Houndoom had come as a result of a trade. He needed to report this to the rest of the League as soon as possible.

His thoughts turned to Lucifer as he shrunk the Pokéball and stowed it away. This… had taken him much longer than he had anticipated. They were going to be late to the party at this rate, and he doubted there would be enough time for him and Lucifer to talk about what had just happened. Still, he couldn’t help but smile as the Champion’s door opened and he strode through, making his way towards Lucifer's room.

His dearest star was waiting for him.

It made all of the slaughter worth it.

When she woke up that morning, she was immediately greeted by the golden light of the rising sun casting its warm glow over the cobblestone streets and gently sloping roofs of her hometown. The first rays of dawn filtered through her window, dancing across the room and illuminating her collection of Pokémon posters, all signed by various members of the League. The sight of Niffty grinning maniacally down at her made her heart flutter with excitement.

A large grin spread over her face as she immediately threw off her blanket and leaped off the mattress, taking off in a run as soon as her feet hit the floor. Golden hair streamed behind her as she rushed to the bathroom. She nearly collided with the sink as she burst in. The Pikachu soap dispenser Vox had given her a couple years ago teetered precariously at its edge. She reached out and righted it, then shoved a toothbrush in her mouth. The sharp and overly sweet flavor of Chansey Bubblegum Delight danced across her tongue, causing her to wrinkle her nose. She made a mental note later to tell Dad to stop letting Mimzy send toothpaste to her, even if it was free.

This was it. Today was the day she finally turned ten. The day when she would finally set off on her Pokémon journey. The day she would begin the long road towards becoming Charlie Morningstar, the greatest Pokémon Master the world would ever know.

She spat out the toothpaste and quickly rinsed her mouth before wiping her face on the fluffy Vulpix towels that hung cheerfully near her shower. Then, she darted back into her room, dodging past the bookcase full of Pokémon encyclopedias and coloring books as she raced towards the closet. The sunlight was now fully flooding in through the window, casting a golden hue over her bedsheets which she hadn’t bothered making today, not wanting to waste any time. Without missing a beat, she grabbed her backpack - already packed with the essentials - and threw her jacket on, pausing for a moment only to gaze at the tiny photo sitting on her nightstand.

It was a rather silly photo from a rather silly time, taken during the last Pokémon League Retreat. For some inexplicable reason, her father had thought it was a good idea to invite everyone to a potluck at her mother’s lab. That was all well and good, except for the fact that this was the Pokémon League that he was dealing with, not merely a small gathering of Trainers. And if there was one thing that Charlie had learned from her mother in the nine years and 364 days leading up to today, it was the fact that every member of the League was absolutely insane.

She could still remember everything that happened on that day: Vox had made the mistake of trying to evolve his Pikachu while her step-father’s Gengar and Val’s Cramorant had been around. It had led to a rather hilarious sequence of events involving a snatched Thunderstone and a Pikachu stuck in Cramorant’s mouth, its little paws flailing helplessly. The rest of the League - who seemed to solve every issue related to misbehaving Pokémon with more misbehaving Pokémon - had sent out their aces to try to quell the chaos.

Charlie had been trying to help her father set up the picnic tables at that time, but Mimzy’s Miltank had decided to try to squish the Pikachu out of Cramorant’s mouth by using Rollout. Unfortunately, Miltank didn’t have very good aim and had begun rolling towards Charlie and her father instead.

That was when Alastor had stepped in, cutting his own laughter short to tackle Lucifer and Charlie out of the way of the Miltank. The rescue had worked - Miltank ended up just destroying the table instead - but perhaps a bit too well. The three of them had tumbled into the pond with a tremendous splash.

When the three of them surfaced, gasping and laughing, Rosie appeared with a camera and captured the moment perfectly. The photo showed the three of them dripping wet, their faces alight with joy, their laughter palpable in the image. Lucifer had bits of moss and pondweed stuck to his hair, while Alastor’s glasses were lopsided and foggy. Meanwhile, Charlie had bobbed between them both, hair a mess of golden tangles, grin brighter than the summer’s sun.

With careful, almost reverent fingers, she removed the photo from her nightstand and smiled fondly at the memory, tracing her thumbs over her fathers’ grinning faces. Then, she placed it in her backpack, nestling it alongside another cherished photo: one of herself, her mom, and Rosie planting tulips in the back garden. Once she was sure that there was nothing else for her to do in her room, Charlie hoisted her bag onto her back and ran outside.

(Well, okay, maybe she should’ve made her bed, but you know what? It was her birthday - the most important birthday of all the birthdays - and she simply didn’t have time to do silly things like that.)

As she bounded down the stairs, Charlie was immediately greeted by the sight of her mother standing in the kitchen, pulling a tray of carefully sliced vegetables from the fridge. When she looked over her shoulder and met Charlie’s gaze, Lilith smiled, the corners of her mouth tilting up just a touch before she set it down and glided across the kitchen to pull Charlie into a… well. It was more of a stiff lukewarm squeeze than a warm embrace. But that was fine.

Her mother… wasn’t very good at expressing herself.

“Good morning, Birthday Girl,” Mom murmured, her smile widening just a bit more but as usual, never reaching her eyes. “Did you sleep well?”

“Like a Togepi!” Charlie said cheerfully as she took a step back, periwinkle eyes searching her mother’s face. Lilith’s expression remained completely neutral as she continued to stare at Charlie. With a casual tilt of her head, Charlie allowed a few strands of golden hair to fall in front of her face. “Is everyone here yet?”

Lilith blinked at the strands of hair obscuring Charlie’s vision, then looked out the window, her smile tightening slightly as her own periwinkle gaze swept over the people gathered outside. “...Not everyone.” She paused for a moment to glance at the faded photo on the fridge - the one of her, Lucifer, and Alastor on the day Alastor turned 10 - before turning back to Charlie. “But I’m sure those two will be landing shortly.”

Charlie giggled as she walked towards the door. “Doesn’t Dad always do things shortly?”

Lilith blinked. Then, her brows furrowed just a touch. “I… believe it’s quite the opposite. He’s usually late when it comes to-”

“Nevermind, Mom!” Charlie interrupted, shaking her head. The poor woman clearly didn’t understand how excellent Charlie’s puns were. Oh well. At least Alastor would understand her. “I’m heading out! Seeya soon!”

As Charlie stepped into the backyard, her eyes sparkled with delight. The space was transformed into a vibrant birthday celebration, with colorful streamers fluttering and clusters of balloons bobbing cheerfully in the breeze. A long table was set up featuring a large variety of delicious treats, from cupcakes decorated with Pokémon faces to bowls of fresh berries and pitchers of lemonade. The centerpiece was the cake Carmilla had made for her to celebrate this day: a three-tiered masterpiece of meringue frosting and angel food cake that featured images of Venomoths and Butterfrees fluttering around a vibrant garden.

Vaggie was waiting for her, silver hair pulled up in a high ponytail, her own backpack already slung over her back. When she turned around, Charlie immediately ran up and pulled her into a tight hug, drawing a high-pitched squeak from her neighbor. Once Charlie was sure that she had bruised at least six ribs - Alastor always said six was a good number, after all - she pulled back and beamed at Vaggie, who returned Charlie’s grin with one of her own.

“I was wondering where you were, Morningstar,” Vaggie said, her hazel eye twinkling cheerfully as she gave Charlie a once-over. “You look like you just rolled out of bed! You weren’t seriously about to miss your own birthday party, were you?”

Charlie stuck out her tongue, then shook her head. “No way! This is the most important day of our lives. I’ll miss that when Tepigs fly!”

“Thou may crave reconsideration of thine words,” a gentle, soothing voice said from behind her. When Charlie turned around, she squealed and pulled Zestial into a tight hug, which he returned with a gentle ruffle of her hair. “For t’was by my Kadabra’s hand that I bore witnessed to a Tepig taking flight.”

“And I’ve certainly sent a Tepig or two flying myself back in the day,” Carmilla said, her face lighting up slightly as Charlie also pulled her into a hug. One slim, elegant hand came up to gently brush some hair away from Charlie’s face before she brought out a small wrapped gift from behind her back. “Happy birthday, Charlotte. I must apologize. Odette and Clara wished they could be here, but today happened to be the same day as the Master Rank Contest.” Carmilla’s perfect brow wrinkled slightly as she cast her steely gaze towards the horizon. “They send their best wishes to you. Both of you.”

“It’s fine, Carmilla,” Charlie said cheerfully as she took the gift and held it to her ear. Based on the cheerful jingle of the item inside, it had to be a bell of some sort. “I’m just glad that both you and Zestial came!”

“And why would we not, child?” Zestial asked playfully, kneeling down until he was eye-level with both Vaggie and Charlie. “‘Tis thine natal day and the day thou shalt embark upon thy journey. We would be most remiss as parents if we did not see both of thee off.”

Vaggie turned red at that, one hand coming up to rub the back of her head. “Zestial, it’s fine, I-”

“Zestial is right, little Pidove,” Carmilla said gently. Then, she reached into her pocket and pulled out a small wooden box. “You waited three months for this day… and as Charlotte said, it is the most important day of your life.” Her smile widened as she placed the box in Vaggie’s hands, then covered them with her own. “Take this. It’s been passed down from Carmine woman to Carmine woman for generations. You can consider it a family heirloom.”

Vaggie’s eyes widened as she dipped her head, more red creeping up her cheeks. “C-Carmilla, I’m-”

“A Carmine,” Carmilla said firmly. She gave Vaggie’s hands one last squeeze before straightening. “And because you’re a Carmine, we know you’ll do great things.”

“Thy mother speaketh true,” Zestial said as he too straightened. “Tend well to our gift and perchance one day it shall tend well to thee on our behalf. Until then, we shall watch over you both.” He looked over his shoulder, bright green eyes narrowing slightly as his gaze swept across the backyard. “And now, if thou wouldst pardon us, we must keep vigilant o’er the chip table, lest Niffty doth attempt to douse them with her ‘special sauces’ once more.”

As soon as the two Elite Four members left, Charlie immediately turned her attention to the box in Vaggie’s hands. “Well? What’s inside it?”

Vaggie sent her a small, teasing smile, hazel eye sparkling. “What do you mean, ‘what’s inside it?’ You’re the birthday girl! You should be the only one opening your presents today.”

Oh, this again. Vaggie always thought up the strangest rules for the strangest things. Charlie planted her hands on her hips, periwinkles narrowing. “‘Cause I know if you don’t open it now, you’re either gonna forget it exists or lose it and then that’ll make your parents upset!”

Now it was Vaggie’s turn to stick out her tongue. “That’s only happened, like, twice, Morningstar, and you know it!”

“It still happened!”

Vaggie scrunched up her nose. “Fine, fine!” She crossed her arms with a huff. “You won’t ever let me live that down, will you?”

“Vaggie, we almost burnt down your house!”

“And I was able to save us without your Papa getting his creepy ghosts out!”

Charlie laughed. “Okay, then how about we both open them at the same time? That way, you can open your parents’ present and I can open mine. It’ll be like a birthday for both of us.”

Vaggie rolled her eye. “You’re ridiculous, Morningstar.” Despite her words, there wasn’t a single bit of venom behind them.

Once again, Charlie stuck out her tongue. “As Papa says, I don’t pretend to be otherwise!”

The shining red ribbon and pink wrapping paper quickly gave way to greedy hands as Charlie eagerly shredded through it. Once the white box underneath was revealed, she wasted no time in ripping that apart as well. Then, she gasped, her pulse rising as she lifted the tiny silver bell into the air, relishing the feel of the cool metal between her fingertips.

Soothe Bells were somewhat rare and very special items, said to be forged from the shed feathers of a Skarmory who was well-loved by its Trainer. Their gentle, pleasant ring during battle was said to make the bond between Pokémon and Trainer grow stronger. Overall, it was the absolute perfect gift for a newly-fledged Trainer just beginning her Pokémon journey.

While she gently rang the bell in her ear, Charlie turned to Vaggie, who was staring at the now-opened wooden box in her hand in unchecked wonder. Inside was a beautiful necklace, a delicate chain of silver holding a pendant shaped like a crescent moon. It shimmered with an iridescent glow, and nestled within the curve of the moon was a tiny sliver that seemed to pulse with a soft verdant light.

Vaggie’s eye widened as she gingerly lifted the necklace from the box, her fingers trembling slightly. “This... this is amazing,” she whispered, her voice filled with awe. “The Carmines... they must’ve gone through a lot to get this.”

Charlie grinned, her own excitement mirrored in Vaggie’s expression. “See? I told you it would be worth it to open it now!”

Vaggie nodded, tears of joy welling up in her eye. Then, she inhaled and closed her eye, clearly willing those tears away. Once she seemed sure that they weren’t about to spill, Vaggie fastened the necklace around her neck, the pendant resting perfectly against her chest. It seemed to glow even brighter as it lay against her skin.

“Thanks, Morningstar,” Vaggie said, her voice trembling with emotion. “But enough staring. It’s your birthday. So we gotta get back to your party.”

Charlie beamed, her heart swelling with happiness as she gave Vaggie another hug. “Happy not-birthday, Vaggie! Let’s make this journey the best ever!”

Their next mission was to, of course, greet the rest of the assembled guests. Charlie cheerfully dragged Vaggie by the hand to greet each and every one of her guests, making sure to emphasize that it was both her and Vaggie embarking on their journeys today. And with every guest she visited, she received yet another gift to help start her journey, just like Vaggie had three months ago.

Pentious and Cherri had bought her a starter set of healing items, from Potions to Antidotes plus some medicinal herbs grown from their garden. Husk and Angel gifted her with a fishing rod and custom tackle. It took them a long while to find Niffty, but that was fine because she found them by popping out of a large bowl of chips and pressing her gift - a set of berries straight from her personal orchard - into Charlie’s hands before being shooed off by Rosie, who gifted Charlie with a brand new pair of Running Shoes.

Mimzy gave her a few sets of clothes straight from the most expensive section of the Slyth Department Store. When she pressed the packages into Charlie’s hands, the Harmonious Muse gave her a wink and said it was for making sure everyone knew who she was, wherever she was. Never to be outdone, Vox, Val, and Velvette had presented their gifts with a flourish: a very pretty and very expensive set of evolution stones plus a single Everstone.

And of course, right when Charlie thought she had every gift she could possibly receive, Vaggie herself turned Charlie around and shyly presented her with a beautifully wrapped box. Inside was a single green Pokéball hand-painted with tiny red points - a Friend Ball, said to make any Pokémon caught by it friendlier to its new Trainer. When Charlie turned to her with tears in her eyes, Vaggie flushed and admitted that she had asked Charlie’s father specifically to craft the ball for her. Vaggie had been the one to paint it.

Between the esteemed celebrity guests and the other townspeople, Charlie’s birthday party was truly a sight to behold. So much so that the League had even taken extra steps to make sure that the media couldn’t come anywhere near the little backyard. With Vox’ excellent surveillance efforts, Niffty’s Bug-Pokémon watching the perimeter, and nearly everyone else having their Pokémon out to prevent unwelcome people from coming in, it was as though the whole world had come together to celebrate Charlie’s and Vaggie’s first steps into their Pokémon journey.

But there were still two very important people missing.

Just as Charlie’s heart began to sink, a shadow passed overhead. Heart racing, she looked up, her grin widening when she saw a majestic Dragonite starting to descend, his powerful wingbeats causing the balloons and streamers to sway precariously. As Dragonite - or SnapDragon to those close to him - landed in the backyard, she took off running towards the two figures seated on his back, her brand new shoes kicking up bits of mud and grass as she dashed.

Lucifer, her father, beamed with pride as he tried to slide off SnapDragon’s back to embrace his daughter. Unfortunately, he seemed to have miscalculated where exactly he would land, as he almost immediately slipped on the mud and nearly fell face-first into it. His white top hat wobbled precariously on his head as he fell, the pure red Cherish Ball that always sat atop it flashing in the bright sunlight. Thankfully, the Dragonite seemed to be used to his master’s antics by now and was able to grab the Champion by the collar of his jacket before he met the mud.

Once Lucifer recovered, he immediately picked up Charlie and spun her around, pulling a loud, joyous laugh from her lips. When he stopped and nuzzled her cheek, Charlie turned her attention to the other man seated on Dragonite’s back. Unlike her dad, Alastor slid gracefully off of SnapDragon’s back, but his smile was tight and strained, an unmistakable hint of terror in his expression.

Dad broke Al’s bike again, didn’t he?

Charlie watched as Alastor clutched onto his stomach, one eye twitching as he tried to steady himself using SnapDragon’s arm. Despite the smile frozen on her step-father’s face, it was clear that he very much did not enjoy the flight. While Lucifer happily greeted the rest of the League, Alastor simply stood there, clearly trying everything he could not to puke then and there. Charlie shot him a sympathetic smile as their eyes met. She knew all too well how rough it could be to fly on SnapDragon’s back.

Evidently, Charlie was not the only one to notice that Alastor was considerably less colorful than usual today. Vox’ eyes widened in glee as soon as he saw Alastor not moving from the Dragonite’s side and immediately reached into his pocket. Charlie stiffened slightly as he pulled out a familiar-looking Fast Ball, knowing exactly what was going to happen next.

“HA! Alastor’s too busy being a f*cking airsick wuss to stop me now!” Vox crowed triumphantly.

“Language, dumbass,” Velvette said, snickering as her fingers flew over her V-phone. Judging from the wild look in her eye, she had probably managed to record her father almost face-planting into the mud. Charlie made a mental note to ask for the video later.

Vox growled. “Shut the… Furret up, Vel! Anyways…” He turned to grin at Val, who was lounging on a nearby bench, lazily petting a large, blue bird Pokémon - his infamous Cramorant. “Val, put that stupid blue feather-brained sh-... Shuppet away so I can do my thing!”

“Vox, baby, I know your eyesight’s going from staring at those screens all day, but that’s not a Shuppet! It’s a-”

“Cramorant! I f… Furfrou-ing know it’s a Cramorant, you idiot! How can I forget? You won’t punish it for trying to eat my Pikachu!”

“I mean, why would I? That little rat of yours keeps getting into our toy-”

“Just call it back!”

“But I need him to get exer-”

“He’s gonna eat my Pikachu again and I’m not gonna let you traumatize these Fennekin-ing kids today!”

Once the Gulp Pokémon was safely back in his ball, Vox sent out his Pikachu, who chirped happily and waved at the assembled crowd. Next, he stuffed one hand in his pocket and pulled out a Thunderstone - the same one he had just been bragging about mining up over the weekend. Then, his grin widened as he knelt down in front of Pikachu, slowly bringing the stone to his face.

“Aw, he-... Heracross yeah, baby! Finally,” Vox growled, practically vibrating in anticipation. “Time to get myself a Raich-”

It was as if a lightswitch had flicked on behind Alastor’s eyes. Without missing a beat, he pulled a Pokéball from his pocket and threw it to the ground. “Mimi, fetch!”

The little Mimikyu burst out from the Pokéball with an adorable little squeak before a long, shadowy arm reached out from underneath his disguise and snatched the Thunderstone from Vox’ hand. The Thunderous Overlord cursed as the precious rock was stolen from him, immediately leaping to his feet to give chase. But then, Gengar appeared from another one of Alastor’s Pokéballs and grabbed the stone, swallowing it with a wicked sneer. Charlie let out a small giggle as Vox sank to his knees.


“Vox, dear, what have we all said about your language?” Alastor asked, all traces of terror gone from him. His grin widened as he walked over to join Lucifer, who had by now stooped down to pick up Mimi and was cradling him like a toddler. Unable to help herself, Charlie frowned at the sight, her stomach churning. He hadn’t carried her like that since she was three or four… and even then, he hardly ever held her that close. “This is a children’s party, after all. I understand that you try to tell us you have an electric personality, but a dictionary of curse words doesn’t count as a quirk, I’m afraid.”

“Yeah, whatever,” Vox rolled his eyes. “Are you gonna give the Thunderstone back or not?”

Alastor smirked. “Of course… right after Gengar is done digesting it.” He tilted his head, grin going even wider. “And I’m afraid that I’m much too busy with my duties as a member of the Elite Four to sort through Gengar’s stool, so-”

“Oh you slimy little piece of Trubbish! Being a Gym Leader is way harder than what you do! Plus-”

“Hey CharChar,” Lucifer interrupted, giving Alastor a light elbow in the stomach. “Sorry we’re late. Your Papa got his ass-”

“Language!” Val said cheerfully, spinning Cramorant’s Pokéball on one finger. He squeaked a little bit as the Pokéball dropped and Cramorant immediately flew out of it.

“His butt almost kicked by a Challenger,” Lucifer finished, his grin widening when Alastor narrowed his eyes. Laughter rang out all around them as Cramorant made a beeline towards Pikachu. “But it’s fine. He won in the end. And besides, he knows that sooner or later, he’s gonna lose to you, right?”

Charlie nodded eagerly, her grin growing to match her father’s. “Uh-huh! I’m gonna be the very best Trainer ever!”

“That’s the spirit,” Lucifer said cheerfully. Then, he nodded at Alastor. “Got the gift, Al?”

Alastor reached into his pocket and pulled an all-white Pokéball - a Premier Ball, which was her father’s signature Pokéball type - out of his jacket pocket. Ignoring Vox, who had by now started screaming at Val and was trying to pull his Pikachu out of Cramorant’s mouth, Alastor walked over and presented the Premier Ball with a flourish, giving Charlie a little bow and wink.

“A gift from your father and myself, Boo.”

Charlie wrinkled her nose, a coil of irritation appearing in her stomach. “You can’t call me that anymore, Al! I’m basically an adult now.”

For a moment, Alastor said nothing, merely raising an eyebrow at her. He cast a sidelong glance at Lucifer, who shrugged. Then, Alastor shook his head, his smile turning playful. “Very well. From now on, you’ll be our little Sunkern then.” He hummed. “Just try not to grow out of that name too fast now.”

Charlie took the Premier Ball, her fingertips tingling as she exchanged an excited smile with Vaggie. “Alright, let’s see what’s inside!”

She threw the Premier Ball and, with a bright flash of light, a small, green Pokémon emerged. His round, apple-like body gleamed in the sunlight as he tumbled onto the ground before hopping up on his bottom, little green eyes peeking out from the top. He turned around and blinked up at Charlie, causing her heart to soar with joy as she let out a loud, unfettered squeal.

“It’s an Applin!” she cried, gently picking him up and cradling him in her hands, marveling at the smooth, soft texture of his apple shell. “He’s perfect! Thank you so much!”

Lucifer beamed, walking forward a bit to lightly tap Applin’s head. “We knew you’d love him, kiddo! He’s full of potential, just like you.” He pressed a kiss to Charlie’s cheek. “I had to shut Pippin in the daycare for almost a week to get you this one. And then on top of that, Al broke his bike riding around trying to hatch him in time.”

“You owe me a new bike, by the way, my dear,” Alastor said, his grin tightening slightly as he narrowed his eyes at Lucifer. “Three days of nonstop riding does terrible things to even the best of bikes.”

“Oh, please, like you didn’t have fun with it. You were smiling nonstop riding that bike back and forth!”

“I’m always smiling. Besides, are we quite sure that it wasn’t you having more fun watching me bike back and forth? Despite your stature, I can still see where your eyes go.”

“Oh yeah? Well how about I-”

“Attention everyone!” Rosie’s high, clear voice rang out across the backyard, drawing the attention of all the assembled guests. Without missing a beat, The Dragon Devourer grinned as she gestured to Lilith, who was already walking out holding a tray with three Pokéballs set atop it. “It’s time for the main event! Our two lovely ladies will now select their first Pokémon and begin the first steps of their journey!”

After a round of polite applause, Alastor stepped up next, grin wide and microphone in hand. Charlie bounced on the balls of her feet as her mother set down the tray, practically vibrating in excitement. Alastor had been a part-time radio host back when he was a Gym Leader. Upon gaining entrance to the Elite Four, he had to unfortunately close his broadcast, only occasionally popping back up to do announcements. The fact that Papa was now about to introduce the three possible choices for Charlie’s lifelong partner was absolutely thrilling, so much so that Charlie almost missed it when he started speaking.

“Salutations, everyone! What a pleasant day we’re having. Let’s start with the first possible Pokémon choice!”

Right on cue, Lilith tossed the first Pokémon out, her face completely impassive as the ball arced through the air. It burst open in a shower of light and a small, round Pokémon fluttered into view, its leafy wings rustling softly in the breeze.

“Ladies, gentlemen, and whatever Vox is-”

“Hey, screw you!”

“May I present to you the feathered fletcher, the nocturnal navigator, the Grass Quill Pokémon, Rowlet! With his keen eyesight and silent flight, Rowlet is sure to keep an eye on your journey, even in the darkest of times!”

Rowlet hooted softly, swiveling its head as it gazed around at the crowd, its big eyes shining with curiosity. Charlie clapped her hands, her heart pounding as she admired the little owl Pokémon. Next to her, Vaggie let out a tiny gasp, both hands flying to her mouth as her hazel eye fixed itself on the Rowlet, who began hopping along the ground.

“And now, for our second contender,” Alastor continued, his grin widening. Lilith nodded, then tossed out the next Pokéball. With another burst of light, a sleek feline form landed gracefully on all fours, her bright eyes gleaming with fiery determination. Without missing a beat, she began batting as a weed growing nearby before bending low, wiggling her butt before pouncing on it. Charlie let out a squeal of delight at the sight.

“Look at her, isn’t she adorable?” Charlie asked, turning to Vaggie.

Vaggie nodded distractedly, hazel eye still fixed on Rowlet, who was now staring curiously while Litten began wrestling the weed. “Uh-huh… cute…”

“Behold, the fiery feline, the tempestuous tabby, the blazing beauty… Litten!” Alastor said, his voice filled with playful energy. “With her fiery fur and even fiercer spirit, she’s sure to light up your life and burn through any challenges that come your way! Especially if they’re also cat-shaped, but considerably less cute!”

“You know what? Go suck Exeggcute, Smiles!” Angel shouted. He crossed his arms and flipped his hair with a huff. “Meowscarada can kick your ghostly butt any day!”

“What!? No!” Pentious yelped, pulling said Exeggcute close. “If he sucks on them, then everyone will want to suck on them! Don’t do that to my Boiz!”

“Can we please stop talking about sucking things in front of f*cking children?” Vox snapped.

“I dunno, can you stop cursing in front of said f*cking kids?” Lucifer snickered, only to yelp as Rosie smacked him upside the head. “Ow! Rosie, what the f*ck?”

All of you need to watch your language,” Rosie scolded. “No corrupting the children until after their first Gym Battle!”

While the adults continued to bicker, Litten stopped wrestling the weed for a moment to let out a confident meow, flicking her tail as she surveyed the squabbling audience. Once she seemed to grow bored, she went back to wrestling the weed, spitting out a tiny ball of fire to scare Rowlet away when he got too close.

“And last but certainly not least,” Alastor declared over the din, gesturing to Lilith with a flourish. “We have our final contender! Everyone, please put your hands together for the aquatic acrobat, the melodic marvel, the dazzling darling of the sea-”

Lilith tossed the final Pokéball. With a splash of water and a light, playful bark, the blue sea lion Pokémon appeared, balancing a bubble on her nose with effortless grace.

“Popplio! Not merely a performer, but a partner with a heart almost as big as our dear Champion’s ill-fitted cape!”

“Hey! Capes are cool!” Lucifer seethed, continuing to clutch Mimi close. “Just because I tripped on it one time-”

“With its powerful water-based moves and playful personality, Popplio is sure to make a splash in your heart and on the battlefield!” Alastor continued, smirking as he ignored Lucifer’s small rant. On the ground in front of them, Popplio performed a quick flip and tossed the bubble onto her tail before popping it with a small flourish.

With the three Pokémon now assembled in front of her, Charlie’s eyes darted between them, her mind racing. Okay, well… she just got an Applin from her dads, which was a Grass-Dragon. This meant that Rowlett was out; she needed a balanced team, after all. Plus, as cute as Popplio was, her dad already had a Primarina, and the last thing she wanted was to have a carbon copy of his team. Oh, wait, but Husk had an Incineroar in his usual gym party, which meant she was going to have a hard time with him when the time came. Maybe it was better to get a Water/Fairy type like Primarina on her team so she could easily take down Husk, her dad, and Cherri when the time came? Oh, but Rowlett’s future Grass/Ghost typing would mean she would have an advantage over Zestial and Alastor when it came down to it-

Charlie rocked back on her heels, biting her lip as her large periwinkles scanned over each Pokémon. The backyard was silent with anticipation, the assembled guests’ eagerness almost palpable. Tension hung in the air like a taut string, causing her stomach to turn and twist as she darted between the three. And then, of course, there was Vaggie standing beside her, that pretty hazel eye still fixed on the Pokémon that had captured her heart from the very beginning-

After what seemed like an eternity, Charlie took a deep breath and stepped forward, periwinkles locking onto the Pokémon that had captured her heart from the moment she appeared. “Litten, I choose you!”

A collective cheer erupted from the crowd, and Litten’s eyes widened in surprise and delight as she trotted over to Charlie. Without missing a beat, the newly-minted Trainer bent down, scooping up the little fiery feline into her arms. Litten’s soft fur brushed against her skin, warmth radiating off her body as she nuzzled into Charlie’s hair. Charlie let out a small giggle, her heart swelling with affection as she bumped her nose against Litten’s. “I’m gonna name you… KeeKee.”

KeeKee purred gently, then bumped Charlie’s nose again, drawing yet another giggle from her new Trainer. After tucking KeeKee into her arms, Charlie turned to face Vaggie, who was now stepping forward with a determined glint in her hazel eye. Without hesitation, she pointed at Rowlet, declaring her choice with a voice filled with excitement.

Rowlet hooted happily and fluttered over to Vaggie, landing gracefully on her outstretched arm. He gave Vaggie a little bow, causing the new Trainer’s smile to widen as she gently stroked Rowlet’s feathers. Then, beaming with pride, the two young women - the two Trainers - quickly bowed before the assembled crowd, applause and loud cheers ringing through the air.

Charlie’s heart swelled with pride and happiness as Lucifer, Alastor, the Carmines, and Rosie surged forward, enveloping the two in a tight group hug. Before she could so much as react, Lucifer hoisted her and KeeKee onto his shoulders, stumbling slightly as he began parading her around the party. Over her shoulder, Charlie heard Vaggie’s own laughter split through the air as Zestial stooped low and did the exact same thing.

Although Charlie didn’t rise nearly as high as Vaggie with her father’s distinct lack of height and all, she couldn’t help but beam at her new travel partner as they moved through the crowd. Soon enough, with Vaggie, Rowlet, and KeeKee at her side, they were going to finally begin their new adventure. Together.

The sun hung low in the sky as the party wound down, with many of their guests giving Charlie and Vaggie eager goodbyes before leaving on a variety of Flying-type Pokémon. Lucifer watched his League leave, letting out a small sigh at their retreating backs. With how busy things had become lately, it had been a long time since they all simply unwound like this and did something other than talking about League business. It was… nice. Something he wished could happen more often.

As the last of the guests departed, the once-vibrant backyard now seemed so quiet and still. A gentle breeze blew through the area as the cleaning team of Pokémon Lilith had hired began steadily making their way through the trash and tearing down the decorations. This allowed the remaining adults to gather at the edge of the garden, where Charlie and Vaggie stood. Their backpacks were on, their Pokémon were by their sides, and of course, they both faced the world with determined expressions on their faces.

A warm arm wrapped around Lucifer’s waist, pulling him close as he watched Charlie speaking with Lilith and Rosie while Vaggie whispered to Zestial and Carmilla. Lucifer glanced to his side, meeting Alastor’s deep brown eyes. The Phantasmal Host’s smile had slipped somewhat, softening at the corners. It was a rare expression, one that Lucifer treasured whenever it appeared.

“I’ll only say this once, Starly, so don’t ask me to repeat it,” Alastor began, the tiniest playful lilt in his voice as he smiled down at Lucifer. “Despite your responsible streak being about as wide as you are tall, you’ve managed to pull together a wonderful party.”

Lucifer scowled, leaning into the embrace and resting his head on Alastor’s shoulder. “Gee, thanks, asshole. Don’t think I don’t know that you’re just fishing for compliments on how good your hosting was today.” Despite his words, there was not a single drop of venom in his voice. “How long did you rehearse all of that anyways?”

Alastor chuckled, the sound a low, melodic rumble that gently vibrated both of their bodies. “Oh, only a few days… in a row. I wouldn’t be able to live it down if Vox ever noticed me slipping. That glorified video podcaster could hardly bear having my old broadcasting tower in his town. Can you imagine what he’d try to do if he ever caught wind that I slipped even a little bit in my hosting skills?”

“Oh, trust me, if he tries to turn your old studio into a f*cking V-phone tower again, I’ll make sure that Pikachu of his has a lot more than just some weirdo’s Cramorant to be worried about,” Lucifer said, rolling his eyes. “After all, can’t feed it the most luxurious-ass Pokémon food possible if you can’t afford it, right?”

Alastor snickered. “A man after the void where my heart should be, I see. Tell me, are you doing anything later?”

“Nah, just gonna watch some baby videos of Charlie with that Ghost-training loser I call my husband,” Lucifer said casually, warmth rising to his cheeks. “Maybe I’ll try to spook him with some special moves of my own to win over that cold, dead void of his before the night ends.”

This time, Alastor let out a barking laugh and shook his head. “My dear, between you and our daughter, this void of mine doesn’t stand a ghost of a chance.”

They shared a laugh, Lucifer’s chest growing lighter as Alastor pulled him even closer, so close that Lucifer could inhale the gentle, earthy scent of magnolias that seemed to always cling to Alastor’s skin. Without missing a beat, he reached up and flicked his husband’s nose before turning his blue-eyed gaze towards the two tall women currently wishing Charlie a fond farewell.

Lilith’s expression was serene as she bent down and pulled Charlie into a light hug, periwinkle eyes clear and calm. When she pulled away, she removed her hands from Charlie’s shoulders and folded them in front of her. “Be brave, but don’t forget to be cautious, alright?” she asked, her voice gentle and even. “And don’t forget to consult your Pokédex if you have any questions.”

Charlie nodded, pulling her mother in for another tight hug which, once again, Lilith only returned lightly. “Thanks, Mom. I will. I promise.”

Lucifer watched as Lilith gave Charlie a stiff nod before moving away to allow Rosie to pull Charlie into a hug, his chest tightening. There was no pain in Lilith’s eyes, no warmth in her embrace, not even a tiny quiver at the corner of her mouth. In their younger days, all of that had been there and more. Lilith had been perhaps the most expressive of the four of them, sometimes randomly bursting into song or twirling in joy, other times sobbing with tears spilling down her face or pulling her friends into hugs so tight their bones cracked and popped. In fact, her smile had been most radiant of all on their wedding day and on the day Charlie was born. To have lost the ability to do any of that had been all Lucifer’s-

Suddenly, Lucifer felt himself being squished into a warm, comforting chest, the scent of magnolias and cinnamon filling his nostrils as long, slim fingers began tracing soothing circles into his back. Almost immediately, the Pokémon League Champion felt the tension uncoiling from his shoulders. He let out a breath he didn’t know he had been holding, pale, clammy hands coming up to rest on Alastor’s back. sh*t, he almost had another episode, didn’t he? f*ck, he should be better about that now. He needed to be.

It had been ten years, after all.

“You’re alright,” Alastor murmured. “It’s okay. You’re in Dawnveil Town. Our daughter’s here. Mimi’s here. I’m here.”

Lucifer felt himself melting into Alastor almost immediately, the warmth of his husband’s embrace grounding him. He closed his eyes, focusing on the steady rhythm of Alastor’s heartbeat against his own. The tension that had coiled in his gut and his shoulders began to ebb away, replaced by the calm reassurance that Alastor always seemed to bring.

“I-I know,” Lucifer whispered, his voice shaking with every word. “B-but… Lily and you-”

“We knew what we were getting into,” Alastor’s fingers continued their soothing motion, his voice pitched low. “And we made our choices despite the absolutely horrid chances of victory. Remember that. We chose to follow you there and we’d do it again.”


Before he could say more, a small, shy voice interrupted them. “Um… Dad? Papa?”

He pulled himself from Alastor’s embrace immediately. Charlie stood there, twisting her jacket in her hands, feet shuffling slightly. Her periwinkle eyes flashed with uncertainty. “U-um… I wanna say goodbye…”

Lucifer’s heart quivered as he knelt down to face her, a smile breaking across his face. f*ck, what was this pressure behind his eyes? Was one of Al’s ghosts chopping onions somewhere? “Charlie… kiddo…”

Charlie stepped closer and Lucifer enveloped her in a tight hug, his heart clenching as he inhaled the gentle apple blossoms and rose of her shampoo. “I want you to be safe, okay? Always stay alert, and if you ever feel like something’s wrong, you call us immediately. I’ll Fly to you anywhere, even if I have to fly through a storm. Oh, and don’t talk to too many strangers but if you do, make sure that they’re not trying to sell you a Magikarp, okay? Those things can be caught for free anywhere, so 200 bucks ain’t worth it. Don’t take too many risks, but don’t be afraid to take them either. And no matter what, remember to-”

“Dad,” Charlie interrupted gently, placing her hands over his. His breath stuttered in his throat as she blinked at him, her bottom lip quivering slightly. “I’ll be fine. I’m a big girl now. I can handle this.”

Lucifer’s gaze softened, though his chest remained tight. “I know, sweetheart… I know. Just…” he swallowed hard. “Just be careful, okay? Me, Al, your mom, Rosie… we all love you. More than anything.”

Alastor knelt as well and pulled Charlie into a tight hug, gently threading his fingers through her hair and combing the tiny tangles out. Lucifer swallowed again, unable to look away. Alastor used to brush Charlie’s hair all the time when she was a kid - he somehow had this strange little talent that prevented Charlie from ever feeling pain even when he was brushing out extremely complicated tangles. It was something that Lucifer had never been able to do.

The corners of Alastor’s smile trembled and quaked as he leaned in and touched his forehead against Charlie’s. “We believe in you, Pumpkaboo. You’re going to do great things.”

Charlie stuck out her tongue at her step-father and gently flicked his nose, though her eyes sparkled with affection. “What’d I say earlier, Papa? I’m a big girl now. You can’t keep calling me that!” Then, her expression softened. “But I’ll make you proud. All of you.”

Alastor let out a huffed laugh, then shook his head. “Little Sunkern then. And you already do that.” Then, he winked. “After all, I was the one who taught you how to battle while your so-called father here was too busy playing peek-a-boo with his Appletun to teach you properly.”

Lucifer rolled his eyes. When he spoke, however, there was no stopping the gentle hum of affection underlying his words. “Yeah, yeah, whatever, Al. Let’s just hope that she got my strategic brain instead of your recklessness.”

Alastor smirked. “Lilith’s mind is the strategic one, I’m afraid. The only thing your genes do is stunt her growth.”

“Why you-”

“Okay, I definitely won’t miss this too much,” Charlie giggled as she straightened up her back and began walking towards Vaggie, who had just finished up her own goodbyes. After a few moments of whispering, Charlie offered Vaggie her hand and together, the two began to walk away, their every step full of confidence and eagerness.

As they neared the gentle slope of the path that led them away from Dawnveil Town and the only life Charlie had ever known, Charlie looked back one last time. Then, she lifted her hand and waved, her eyes bright with the promise of a new adventure. “Bye! I love you all!”

Lucifer watched her go, his heart aching as the cheerful bounce of her golden ponytail and bright red backpack slowly shrank to a pinpoint. Next to him, Alastor shifted closer, their shadows merging into one against the fading light. Lucifer took a deep, shuddering breath, his hand finding Alastor’s. His gaze never left his daughter’s retreating back as he spoke. “Al… are we doing the right thing? Letting her head out like this while she’s still so young?”

Alastor’s hand left his to once again slip his arm around Lucifer’s waist, drawing him close. Again, the gentle scent of magnolias and cinnamon wafted around him. “Well… she is ten now, my dear. That’s essentially an adult in our world!” He paused. “...We really ought to change that.”

Lucifer sighed, tension working its way through his brow. “I know, it’s just… f*ck, Al. Our own journeys were absolute hell for us. I’m just worried that Charlie’s will be too.”

Alastor now turned to face him, his expression softening slightly as he grasped Lucifer’s shoulders. “Starly… she’s the daughter of the Pokémon League Champion and the leading scientific mind of our region. There is no way she could possibly have trouble.”

Lucifer tried to smile, he really did. But the weight of farewell and premonition remained heavy on his shoulders. Almost unconsciously, one hand reached above the brim of his hat and gently touched the pure red Cherish Ball that had sat there for the past 10 years. He remembered his own journey all too well - how everything started off with such joy and hope as he traveled alongside Lilith and Alastor, then later Rosie. It wasn’t until months, even years down the road that everything became horrible.

“You’re right… it’s just… I dunno, Al. I have this weird, weird feeling. Like something might go wrong…”

Alastor said nothing at that, but the shadow that flitted across his face said it all: he was thinking about the same thing that Lucifer was. That Elite Four Challenger, who had at the very last moment brought out a strange, feral Houndoom that seemed to be more powerful than any other Houndoom Alastor had faced before. It had put up such a fierce fight, had savaged poor Chandelure so badly… a shiver ran down Lucifer’s spine at the memory. Alastor had brought that Houndoom today to give to Lilith; perhaps if she studied it, she would find some answers on how this strange Houndoom came to be.

But he shouldn’t be thinking about that Houndoom now. Champion Lucifer should be left at work. No, today, he was nothing but a father and a husband. One who had just said goodbye to his little girl as she embarked on her very own Pokémon journey. With a deep shuddering breath, he leaned against Alastor, squeezing him as he watched the last trace of Charlie disappear over the horizon.

Chapter 2: In a Pokémon World


Charlie and Vaggie take the first steps of their journey together. Meanwhile, Lucifer and Alastor face what it's like to have their daughter leave home.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

We all live in a Pokémon world


I wanna be the greatest Master of them all!

(Greatest Master)

We all live in a Pokemon world


Put myself to the test

To be better than all the rest


- Pokemon World (Russell Velazquez)

The cool, dewy scent of dawn greeted her as she unzipped her tent, welcoming the sun with a stretch of both arms. Next to her, KeeKee stirred and meowed softly before rolling onto all-fours and arching her back in the most relaxing-looking stretch Charlie had ever seen. Unable to help herself, the Pokémon Trainer copied the movement, giggling as she imagined her back popping the way her dad’s always did whenever he picked her up.

Once she was done getting in her morning stretches, Charlie pulled on her smiling red Ledian boots and ran outside. The first thing she did was look towards Vaggie’s tent, but she noticed that there was no shadow moving around inside. Vaggie was already up. She was probably training hard or capturing a Pokémon. Well, Charlie couldn’t let her get too ahead! Without hesitation, she ran headfirst into the forest behind her, kicking up bits of dew and grass as she went. KeeKee quickly followed her, the little Litten loping gracefully past the tall grass and weeds surrounding them.

The road between Dawnveil Town and Thundercrest City was about a day’s walk, meaning that at some point, the two girls had to find somewhere to stay. Normally, new Pokémon Trainers would end up staying at the Gatehouse located right on the border between the two places. In addition to functioning as the border guard between Dawnveil Town and Thundercrest City, Gatehouses also functioned as simple, low-cost hostels for Trainers and Pokémon to rest while embarking on their journey. Of course, there was always the option of camping underneath the stars - the option that Vaggie and Charlie had chosen after looking outside and seeing just how beautiful the Alighieri region truly was.

The Ledian boots squished softly through the mud as she ran, golden locks flying while she struggled to tie them into a braid. KeeKee jumped up and landed on her shoulder with a single elegant leap. Judging from the Caterpie, Weedle, and Silcoon beginning to stir awake around them, Vaggie had probably seen some sort of Bug Pokémon that she liked; that was fine. KeeKee was a Fire-type, meaning Charlie should still be able to take Vaggie on in a fight even if whatever Bug-type Vaggie caught could beat Applin.

As Charlie pushed through the dense foliage, the early morning light filtering through the leafy canopy above cast a gentle, almost mystical glow over the forest. The soft hum of waking Bug-type Pokémon filled the air, mingling gently with the symphony of chirping Pidgey and humming Oddish. When the gentle rustling of leaves appeared to her left, Charlie followed the sound, her pulse quickening with every step.

She found Vaggie in the middle of a verdant clearing, silver hair pulled up into a high ponytail, single hazel eye narrowed in concentration. She was crouched low, her tongue sticking out of her mouth, her gaze fixed upon a dark purple puffball rummaging through the underbrush. Rowlet perched silently on top of Vaggie’s head, his plumage already puffed and ready for action. Judging from the tension in Vaggie’s shoulders, it was clear that she had been stalking this one for quite a while. Carmilla had clearly taught her well.

Suddenly, Vaggie’s body unwound like a taut bowstring as she pointed at the Venonat. “Rowlet, use Leafa*ge!”

Rowlet responded with a soft hoot as he spread his wings and unleashed a flurry of razor-sharp feathers, striking the Venonat with precision. The Venonat’s compound eyes widened in surprise, but she quickly shook off the attack, her antenna twitching as she leered at Rowlet, causing him to shudder midair. Undeterred, Rowlet dove towards Venonat, his normally large eyes narrowed in concentration.

“Use Peck, Rowlet!”

Rowlet’s beak glowed with energy as he delivered a powerful Peck to Venonat’s side. The Insect Pokémon let out a pained squeak as she fell to the ground, flailing her tiny feet. Vaggie seized the moment and pulled out and threw a Pokéball, determination blazing in her eye.

The Pokéball struck true and opened, drawing Venonat inside in a flash of red light. The ball landed on the ground and began to shake, the familiar sound of the Pokémon’s struggle echoing in the clearing. Charlie balled her hands into fists as she glued her eyes to the rocking Pokéball, her heart racing.

One shake.

Two shakes.


The ball clicked shut.

For a few moments, neither girl moved, too busy staring in awe at the incredible event they had just witnessed. Vaggie… had caught a Pokémon. A wild Pokémon. Her first wild Pokémon.

Vaggie was first to break the silence. “I-I… I did it,” she panted, both hands coming up to her chest. “I-I… I really did it! I caught a Venonat!”

Charlie emerged from the trees, clapping both hands and grinning from ear to ear. “Yeah, you did! Oh my Arceus, Vaggie, that was amazing! You’re amazing! I can’t believe you already have another Pokémon!”

At their feet, Rowlet let out a rather offended-sounding little hoot, drawing both of their attention. Giggling, Charlie knelt down and began gently stroking his head, marveling at the softness of Rowlet’s feathers. Then, she picked up Rowlet and pulled him into a tight hug, earning a little squeak from the Grass Quill Pokémon.

“You did great too, Rowlet!”

“You sure did,” Vaggie said proudly, grinning when Charlie handed Rowlet back to her. Without missing a beat, she unzipped her backpack and placed Rowlet inside it. The little Pokémon almost immediately fell asleep. “And I’m super proud of him. At this rate, there’s no way Vox will beat him!”

Charlie hummed as she reached up and began petting KeeKee, who was already starting to look around at the Pokémon stirring around them. Aipom leaped through the trees, groups of Pidgey nested in the branches, and groups of Metapod and Kabuto relaxed lazily on the ground. True, if Charlie and Vaggie worked really, really hard, they might be able to beat Vox and the team he used against Trainers who had no badges to their name. Like every Gym Leader, Vox tailored his team to the skill of the Challenger facing him; no doubt, if they went to face him now, they would likely be up against a Voltorb and a Joltik… plus, since she was the daughter of Vox’ boss, the Thunderous Overlord might even throw in a Yamper to keep her on her toes.

But neither she nor Vaggie had good Electric-type counters.

“I was actually thinking,” Charlie began, her grin widening when Vaggie raised an eyebrow.

“Charlie, that’s dangerous. Especially when it’s you.”

“Hey, what’s that supposed to mean?”

Vaggie smirked and crossed her arms. “Nothing. What’re you thinking about?”

Charlie stuck out her tongue. “I think that since we don’t have any Ground-types, it’ll be a lot easier for us to take down Vox later down the road. Instead, we should head to Bountia Town and take on Pentious!” She gestured at Vaggie’s backpack and the Pokéball she was holding. “He’s a Grass-type, and you have a Bug-type Pokémon now. Plus, Rowlet knows Peck and KeeKee’s a Fire-type. He’ll be a super easy battle!”

Vaggie tilted her head, her brow furrowing slightly as she considered Charlie’s words. “Well, you’re not wrong… but are you sure? Vox is only gonna get harder later on.”

“We can just take him down right before we go to Victory Road,” Charlie said cheerfully. “By then, yeah, his team will be tougher, but so will we! And we might have Ground-types on our team by then so it’ll make battling him easier.”

Vaggie hesitated, her eye searching Charlie’s face before sliding to KeeKee, as though asking the little Fire-type for help. Unfortunately, KeeKee seemed much more interested in cleaning her paw. After a few moments, Vaggie sighed and shook her head, a small, fond smile cresting over her face. “Okay, Charlie, you’ve got a point. Let’s head to Bountia Town.”

Charlie nearly squealed with excitement as she grabbed Vaggie’s hand and dragged her out of the clearing. They had a lot to pack up and a lot more steps to take before they reached Thundercrest City. After a rather chaotic cleanup session that ended with Applin nearly getting eaten by a group of squawking Spearow, the two set off down the road, their laughter echoing around them as they walked.

Just like their fathers’ stories, the first few thousand steps into their journey were perhaps the most magical, most exciting steps in their young lives. Charlie and Vaggie’s laughter echoed through the forest as they ran through it, dodging webs spun by Spinarak and side-stepping little groups of Petilil and Cottonee as they wandered through the area. Once or twice, they would stop and have an impromptu training session against these wild Pokémon. It was a true joy to watch KeeKee and Applin dance around the battlefield, Ember and Pounce working together to take down any Grass-type Pokémon that dared stray across their path.

Of course, no Pokémon journey was complete without battling against fellow Trainers. It didn’t take long at all for the two to lock eyes with a young couple who seemed to be traveling together. When they exchanged Trainer IDs to confirm that, yes, all four of them were registered Trainers interested in battling, Charlie quickly got their names: Moxxie and Millie. They were originally from faraway Illusoria Town and were on their honeymoon.

“Oh my Arceus, just look at these lil’ cuties!” Millie trilled, pressing her hands to her cheeks as she bit her bottom lip. “Newly-minted Trainers on their way to the League!” She fell into her husband’s arms, pressing her hand to her chest. “Doesn’t that just take ya back, Mox?”

“Uh… in what way?” Moxxie asked, blinking owlishly. “Like in the trip down memory lane kind of way or in the ‘I wish I could go back in time and tell Blitz to stay out of my stash’ way?”

Millie rolled her eyes, then turned her attention to the two Trainers, her grin widening. “Don’t mind him, sugars. He’s been like this ever since his Chaz dropped him on his head when he was a kid! But it’s fine, ‘cause I love the dickens outta him anyways.” She pouted and reached up, squishing her husband’s cheeks together. “Anyways, have y’all had your first Trainer battle yet? Battlin’ against a real sack of flesh n’ blood’s real different than battlin’ a plain ol’ wild Pokémon!”

Charlie balled her hands into fists and squealed happily, practically vibrating out of her boots. “No, but I’d love to! How do we do this? Are we gonna do a double battle or just face each other one at a time? Do we need to set anything up? Are you gonna use your whole team on us? Ooh! Wait, if we win, how do we decide on how much money we get?”

Millie threw back her head and laughed, then reached for one of the Pokéballs at her belt. “I think I like you, sweetie. Let’s do this, then. We’ll do a double battle, no strings attached, just one Pokémon from each of us! If you two win, we’ll give you a lil’ allowance. If we win, well… we’ll talk about it when it happens.” She winked.

“Okay! Let’s do this!” Charlie cheered, grabbing Vaggie by the hand and dragging her over to the edge of the clearing.

Vaggie chewed her bottom lip uncertainly as she looked over her shoulder, her brow furrowing in worry. “Charlie, are you sure about this? They look pretty tough, and I dunno if Rowlet’s ready for-”

“We’ll be fine, Vaggie,” Charlie interrupted, giving her hand a reassuring squeeze. “I’ll take the lead and you can support me!”

As soon as they reached the edge of the clearing, Charlie and Vaggie stood around to face the honeymooning couple. Anticipation and excitement seemed to crackle in the air, the sun casting long shadows around the area. Charlie’s heart pounded in her chest as she lifted Applin’s Premier Ball in her hand and threw it into the air. “Let’s go, Applin!”

The Premier Ball snapped open and Applin rolled onto the field, great green eyes blinking at the world around him. When he realized that he was about to be in yet another Pokémon battle, those eyes narrowed and he hopped on his bottom, letting out a low growl. Soon, Vaggie threw out her own Pokéball, sending out a familiar little purple puffball.

“Go, Venonat!”

Millie grinned wildly as she spun her Pokéball on one finger before tossing it into the air. Moxxie flicked his wrist and sent an identical Pokéball after hers, the two opening with a simultaneous snap.

“Go, Plusle!”

“Minun, you’re up!”

The two Electric-type pokémon materialized, their blue and red ears twitching eagerly. Tiny sparks danced around their cheeks as they turned to face Applin and Venonat, dark eyes blazing with determination. Without missing a beat, Charlie lifted one pale hand and pointed at Minun.

“Applin, use Astonish!”

Applin rolled forward, his body glowing with ghostly energy as he aimed to startle Minun. The move connected, causing the Cheering Pokémon to flinch. Venonat took advantage of the distraction and immediately launched a Psybeam at Plusle, causing the other Cheering Pokémon to let out a cry and hold her head, squeezing her eyes shut.

“C’mon, Plusle, no quittin’ yet!” Millie shouted. She pointed at Applin. “Spark!”

Plusle gritted her teeth and charged, electricity pouring from her body. She slammed her body against Applin’s, causing him to skid backwards.

“Venonat, Confusion!” Vaggie ordered.

Venonat’s eyes glowed as she unleashed a wave of psychic energy at Plusle, causing the Electric-type to stagger. Without missing a beat, Charlie had Applin follow up with a Pounce, only for Applin to launch himself straight into a powerful Swift attack. The stars struck Applin with pinpoint accuracy, causing him to miss his attack.

Where had that come from? Charlie whirled, mouth falling open as she turned to face Minun, who grinned mischievously at her. One hand came up to slap her forehead, her stomach churning as she internally scolded herself. They were in a double battle! This meant they were facing two Pokémon at the same time. And she had been foolish enough to just write Minun off after making him flinch that first time.

Stupid, stupid, stupid-

“Forgot about me?” Moxxie asked, laughing as he wiped the sweat from his forehead. “Let’s do a Thunder Wave!”

Minun crouched low to the ground and unleashed a small pulse of electricity, which rushed towards Applin with a slight gust of wind. Applin shuddered as the paralyzing wave hit its mark, rolling a bit in his apple as he fought against the paralysis. Now that it was weakened, Millie ordered one last Quick Attack. Plusle charged, striking Applin with a rapid, merciless attack. The blow was too much for the already weakened Pokémon and he fainted, rolling back in his apple. Charlie’s heart sank at the sight, but she quickly recalled her fallen Pokémon.

She had to do better. She had to.

“KeeKee, it’s your turn!” Charlie shouted. KeeKee hopped off of her shoulders and crouched low, glaring at Plusle and Minun. “Use Ember on Plusle!”

KeeKee let out a fierce cry and launched a stream of embers at Plusle, who dodged with surprising ease. The Electric-type Pokémon almost immediately retaliated with a Spark, which KeeKee just barely managed to avoid. In the midst of the battle, Vaggie’s voice rang out as she lifted her Pokéball.

“Venonat, return! Rowlet, I choose you!”

Rowlet swooped out of Vaggie’s backpack, spreading its wings wide as he let out a loud trill. Undeterred, Moxxie and Millie exchanged confident nods before pointing at their Pokémon.

“Use Assist!”

Plusle and Minun joined hands, a white light engulfing them as they raised their attack power. Charlie followed up with a Scratch from KeeKee, only for the Fire-type to miss when Minun launched yet another shower of stars at her. Gritting her teeth, Charlie pointed at Minun again and ordered yet another Ember. The tiny fireballs hit Minun directly, causing him to stagger. But then, Minun grinned and launched another Thunder Wave, this time paralyzing KeeKee.

“No!” Charlie shouted, her heart in her throat. Vaggie immediately pointed to Minun and ordered a Peck, ferocity flashing in her eye. Rowlet soared high, then swooped low, his beak glowing ominously as he aimed for Minun. The Cheering Pokémon had no time to dodge and the attack struck true, sending Minun to the ground, fainted.

They still had one opponent left. Millie ordered another Spark from Plusle and aimed it towards KeeKee. Plusle charged at her, electricity crackling around her body. KeeKee tried to dodge, but the paralysis slowed her down, and the Spark hit its mark. KeeKee yowled in pain and staggered, but managed to stay on her feet, panting.

This was bad. One more attack like that and KeeKee would go down. Charlie’s heart pounded in her chest, periwinkles widening as Plusle charged at KeeKee again, electricity crackling fiercely around her tiny, determined form. KeeKee staggered slightly, struggling to stay upright as she sent a yellow-eyed glare towards Plusle, her tail brushing the grass.

“KeeKee, hang in there!” Charlie called out, cursing herself for allowing her voice to tremble. “Quick, Ember!”

KeeKee groaned as she tried to summon the last of her strength, flames flickering weakly at the corners of her mouth. But Plusle was already upon her, the electric charge surging through the air, ready to deliver the final, devastating blow.

Time seemed to slow as Plusle closed the gap, her electric aura crackling louder with each passing second. Charlie’s heart felt like it would burst from her chest. She clenched her fists, every muscle in her body taut with desperation. One more hit, and KeeKee would be done for. This was it.

“KeeKee!” Charlie screamed, but it was no use. Plusle was too fast, too relentless.

Suddenly, a low, clear voice rang out around the clearing, cutting through the tension like a knife. “Rowlet, Shadow Sneak!”

Rowlet’s wings glowed a deep, eerie purple as he merged with the shadows around them, darting towards Plusle with incredible speed. He intercepted the Electric-type just before the Spark could connect with KeeKee, ramming into the Cheering Pokémon with the full force of his attack. Plusle let out a loud cry, one tiny arm coming up to shield herself as Rowlet flew back into the air and spread his wings, eyes narrowing upon his prey.

“Finish her off! Peck!”

Rowlet didn’t hesitate. He soared upwards, then dove back down, his beak glowing with a sharp, white light. With a single, precise motion, he struck Plusle right in the forehead. Plusle let out one last pained yelp before flopping to the ground, unconscious.

The clearing fell silent now, the tension shattering into a million shards of glass. Millie’s eyes widened in surprise, then she beamed, her smile almost too big for her face. She recalled her fallen Plusle and shook her head. “Well, I’ll be. You two sure are somethin’ else!”

“I’ll say,” Moxxie agreed, stuffing a hand in his pocket. “Guess we’ll need to budget a bit better for dinner tonight, but that’s fine, I guess.” He walked over to Vaggie and dropped some money into her hand. “You have a ton of talent! That Rowlet of yours was awesome.”

Vaggie turned to Charlie, a large, proud smile on her lips as Rowlet landed on her head. “I had a great partner.”

Charlie smiled back, though something dark twisted in her chest. She… almost lost. KeeKee had almost lost. Charlie Morningstar, the daughter of Champion Lucifer and Professor Lily, had almost lost her first battle. If it weren’t for Rowlet’s timely intervention, she would’ve been the one handing money over instead. Her bottom lip quivered somewhat as she bent down and scooped KeeKee up, feeling around for any injuries. Then, she removed a Potion and began spraying the little scrapes and bruises dotted underneath the Litten’s fur, gently stroking KeeKee each time she hissed.

A shadow appeared above her. Charlie looked up, meeting Millie’s dark, gentle gaze. The honeymooner gently knelt down and began spraying KeeKee with her own Potion, causing the Litten to flinch and hiss some more. Despite her irritation, KeeKee squinted and did her best to hold still as the medicine took effect, the tension sliding off of her tiny kitten head. Meanwhile, Vaggie helped tend to Applin, feeding him a Revive that helped him hop back up almost as good as new.

“You were great too, sweet pea,” Millie said quietly, her grin softening slightly as she met Charlie’s eyes. “Got lots of potential. Didn’t do too bad for your first real battle!”

Charlie gave her a small, hesitant smile, the strange twist in her chest constricting even more. “Oh, uh… thanks. I mean, I really tried but it was super tough, and KeeKee almost fainted-”

Millie reached out and gave Charlie’s shoulder a firm squeeze as she tossed her now-empty potion bottle over her shoulder. “Word of advice? Try to keep your eye on what your opponent’s doin’. Don’t just attack to try to knock ‘em out. You gotta watch how their Pokémon moves, how it thinks, and even what kinda injuries it’s got!” She winked. “That’ll help you get to your enemy’s weak points and get you a win.”

Charlie paused for a moment, considering her words. She… She already knew that, right? Alastor had a tendency to battle the same way, pressing every single little advantage he had to launch a flurry of attacks. Sure, Dad criticized him a lot for always going on the attack, but wasn’t the best defense a good offense? Or something like that.

She’d have to think about it later.

Soon enough, the two were on the road again after wishing a polite goodbye and good luck to the honeymooning couple. As the two girls set back off down the road, they found themselves facing even more Pokémon battles - wild and Trainer alike. In this forest, there seemed to be no end to the Bug Catchers, Lasses, and Youngsters who were also newly-registered Trainers and eager to battle. KeeKee and Applin practically flew across the battlefield when facing off against the relentless onslaught of Rattata, Jigglypuff, Weedle, Oddish, and Pidgey, defeating each one. And whenever Vaggie stepped in to battle instead, Rowlet and Venonat made extremely quick and efficient work of all of their foes.

Despite all of the victories, Charlie couldn’t help but worry about what she was seeing in front of her: despite coming up against plenty of Bug and Grass-type Pokémon, KeeKee and Applin were struggling. She lost count of how many times one or both of them nearly fainted in the face of what should have been an easy fight against an Oddish or Caterpie. And yet, here she was, struggling against Pokémon they should have had no trouble with. Was it something she was doing? Something she was missing? If being an excellent Trainer was in her blood, then why wasn’t her blood helping her battle!?

Eventually, the packed dirt road of the forest gave way to a nicely paved path, indicating the transition between the forest and the city beyond. Exchanging matching grins, Charlie and Vaggie charged into the Gatehouse and set down their Trainer IDs to be registered as visitors of Thundercrest City. Once the guard finished with them, the gates slid open, allowing them to finally step into Thundercrest City for the first time not as a couple of little girls accompanying their parents, but as strong, beautiful, fully-fledged Trainers.

Thundercrest City’s motto was “A City of Shock and Awe,” a phrase that perfectly encapsulated everything that Vox had helped it become. After inheriting the Gym from Alastor years ago, the Thunderous Overlord (or Electric Boogaloo, depending on if Alastor was nearby) had quickly grown the place from a small, charming town into a booming beacon of technological marvels. He moved VoxTek’s headquarters into the city and grew it to become the top consumer electronics company in the region.

The girl found themselves in the middle of a bustling city, where skyscrapers with neon lights reached towards the skies. Hundreds of billboards and screens surrounded them, showing off the latest in Pokémon shopping and entertainment. Hovering taxis, shining bikes, and light-up skateboards zipped past them while sleek, automated walkways transported people from different parts of the city. At one point, they grabbed ice cream from an automated machine, watching in awe as a tiny Kirlia-shaped robot inside swirled and topped their soft serve with perfect precision.

While licking their ice creams, the girls stopped by a glossy, futuristic looking Pokémon Center with automated healing machines and V-pads you could fill out paperwork and request medications from. The Nurse Joy behind the counter was a hologram armed with artificial intelligence, fixing them with a somewhat unsettling smile as she waved at them and gave them rather canned AI-fueled lines. In the same building stood a Poké Mart, armed with even more technology. A holographic display allowed them to browse items at every angle and any orders for products were brought out to them by an automated conveyor belt.

As shining and new as the city was, there was definitely one huge flaw about it: the ads. They were everywhere, on every magazine, every screen, even floating through the streets as giant holograms. Charlie lost count of the number of times she had to turn away from an ad featuring Vox’ way-too-wide grin, the Gym Leader hawking everything from the latest V-phone model to Velvette’s latest fashion line. One especially obnoxious ad featured an obviously AI-generated hologram of him choking Alastor, with the text underneath it advertising Vox’ latest autobiography, Watt I’m Made of: My Journey to Power.

“Geez, what’s with Vox and your papa?” Vaggie asked as she popped the last of her cone into her mouth and watched the hologram float past them. “I’m pretty sure his last book had, like, six chapters dedicated to how much he hates the guy alone.”

Charlie shrugged, periwinkle eyes narrowing slightly as she tried to make out the list of chapter titles floating next to the hologram ad. She counted five, no, six… no, seven. Seven chapters dedicated to Vox’ so-called rivalry with Alastor. “I’m… not sure. Dad said that Vox doesn’t really like Al, but he never says why. Plus, Al told me that Dad was his rival when he was a kid, not Vox.”

“Maybe Vox is still mad about the whole thing where your papa keeps stealing his Thunderstones?”

“Maybe? But why doesn’t Vox just evolve his Pikachu at home, away from Papa?”

For that, Vaggie had no answer. She didn’t need to have one. Adults, as she and Vaggie had long concluded when they were much younger, were very silly. Just because someone was a grown-up doesn’t mean they had grown up at all.

Once the two had gotten their fill of Thundercrest City, they decided it was time they head to the next town. Bountia Town was much further away, and it would take several days of walking to get that far. Thankfully, with the extra money they had won from Millie and Moxxie, the two were able to afford a train ticket to the Cornucopia of Delights instead. Therefore, they - very logically - decided it was best to save themselves many, many days and take the train to Bountia Town, where no doubt Pentious would welcome them with a hot meal and open arms.

As they hopped on the automated walkway to the train station, Charlie couldn’t help but allow her eye to be drawn to the only building in the entire city that wasn’t made of sparkling glass. The Phantasmal Host’s old broadcasting tower stood out against the glassy buildings, defying the modern age with a resilience that matched its former owner. It stood tall against the neon backdrop of Thundercrest City, its massive antenna pointing towards the sky like a massive skeletal finger. Alastor occasionally visited the place in between his League duties, so it wasn’t as dilapidated as expected, but it was still a surprising sight, nonetheless. Unable to help herself, Charlie felt a small shiver run down her back; the place looked downright haunted.

“Think your Papa’s ever gonna do his show again?” Vaggie asked, the corners of her mouth pulled tight as her hazel eye scanned the tower before her.

Charlie shook her head. “Nah, he doesn’t really have time anymore… he and Dad are busy taking care of Mimi.” A tiny sliver of bitterness crawled into her words at the thought of the little Mimikyu nestled in her father’s arms.

Vaggie’s brow furrowed as one hand came up to play with her necklace, but she said nothing. She didn’t need to. Charlie couldn’t even count how many nights she had spent in either a makeshift fort in her bedroom or on the little cot in Vaggie’s room whispering about everything she wished she could say to her parents.

After snapping a picture of the tower with her V-phone and texting it to her fathers, Charlie proceeded to tug Vaggie off of the walkway and into the bustling heart of the Thundercrest City train station. It was a marvel of modern engineering, a sprawling complex of shining, polished metal and glass. Sunlight filtered through the expansive skylights, casting dappled patterns on the shining polished floors below. Digital billboards displayed schedules and advertisem*nts, their vibrant colors reflecting off the walls. Vaggie ducked her head as they passed an especially bright advertisem*nt of Mimzy’s latest line of evening gowns, shielding her eye from the light.

“What?” she asked when Charlie raised an eyebrow at her. “I only have one eye left. I’m not about to lose it to Mimzy of all people.”

Charlie giggled, then led Vaggie over to a futuristic kiosk. The scent of freshly brewed coffee - or as Al would call it, “powdered drivel undeserving of the name ‘coffee’” - floated through the air, mingling with the crisp, metallic tang of the station. Traveler’s hurried to and fro, with many of them stopping in front of this kiosk to quickly press its buttons and grab their ticket, clearly in a hurry to their next destination.

When the girls approached the kiosk, the holographic interface flickered to life, showing a detailed map of the region’s train routes. Charlie tapped on the screen, navigating through the options until she found the route to Bountia Town. With a few more taps, she selected their tickets and deposited some Poké into the machine. It whirled softly before dispensing the tickets with a cheerful little chime.

“Got ‘em!” Charlie declared, waving the tickets around.

Vaggie chuckled, tucking a silvery strand of hair behind one of her ears. “Let’s head to our platform.”

They found Platform 9.75 easily enough just from following the signs that pointed them there. The bullet train arrived rather quickly after that, its sleek body flashing silver as it slowed to a stop. Charlie bounced on the balls of her feet as the doors opened up with a small hiss. She was so excited that she froze where she stood, with Vaggie having to push her inside so they didn’t miss boarding it.

Inside, they found a spacious and modern interior, with plush seats arranged in neat rows. Large windows offered a panoramic view of the cityscape and gentle yellow lights hanging overhead created a serene atmosphere. When they found their seats, the first thing they did was order off of the rather extensive menu - a Snorlax Tummy-Filling Nap lunch plate for Charlie and a Pikachu and Bulbasaur Best Friends Forever Curry plate for Vaggie - before they settled in and allowed the gentle hum of the train engine to float through their thoughts.

For a few minutes, they rode in silence, embracing the soft cushions against their backs and sipping on their lemonades. The cool, tangy drink provided a refreshing respite from the summer heat, and the quiet hum of the train’s engine created a soothing background melody. Soon enough, however, Charlie stirred, noticing for the first time a tiny prickling sensation on the back of her neck.

It was a familiar feeling, one that she had experienced plenty of times before when out with one of her parents or step-parents. But this time, it was so much more intense - and in the enclosed space of the train, she could hear the whispers as well.

“Is that…?”

“No way, I think it’s really her.”

“She looks just like the guy, red cheeks and everything.”

“I heard she’s starting her own journey.”

“sh*t, really? She probably has, like, five badges under her already if she’s really as strong as her dad…”

Charlie’s cheeks flushed crimson as porcelain fingers gripped tighter onto the can of lemonade, creating tiny dents. Every murmur, every whispered word only served to amplify her discomfort, causing a tiny slip of anxiety to coil deep in her chest. What was she, one of her mom’s specimens under a microscope? Oh, Arceus, she could feel the heat rising up her neck all the way to her ears now.

“Put that thing away! What if her dad or Alastor find out you’re sticking her up on VoxTube without her permission?”

“Eh, it’ll be fine. The League’s way too busy with other sh*t to care about random videos on VoxTube.”

“Uh, yeah, when they don’t involve the Champion’s f*cking daughter.”

Should she say something? Should she smile and glare at them like how Alastor would when people randomly challenged him outside the League? Or maybe she should be sweet instead, like Rosie? Wait, what would her mom do in this situation? Charlie bit her lip as her mind raced, trying to focus on the rhythmic clatter of the train tracks instead. Mom would have something logical to say, right? So, why wasn’t her brain working? Why couldn’t she-

A cool, comforting hand reached out and covered hers, causing the Pokémon Trainer to flinch. She looked over and met Vaggie’s hazel eye. Her neighbor smiled gently as she began rubbing tiny circles into Charlie’s hand with the pad of her thumb.



“You okay, Charlie?” Vaggie asked, her low, soothing voice gently massaging the tension from Charlie’s shoulders. “If you squish your lemonade anymore, you’ll spill it.”

Charlie blinked, exhaling again as she relaxed her hand, saving both herself and the table from a rather sticky fate. “Y-yeah, I’m… I’m fine…” She swallowed and gave Vaggie a small, shaking smile. “J-just… a little bit nervous, that’s all. But who wouldn’t be, right? We’re about to have our first battle soon.”

One corner of Vaggie’s mouth quirked upwards as she studied Charlie’s face, then gave her hand a gentle squeeze. “Is that really it, Morningstar?”

She hesitated. “I… well, no, not really.”

Vaggie tilted her head, a silent invitation to continue. Charlie sighed and twisted one hand into her jacket, periwinkles darting over to where other passengers sat. Some had their V-phones out and were texting what looked like blurry pictures of her to other people. Others almost immediately diverted their gaze away. Still, others simply sat there and continued staring shamelessly.

Did Dad and the rest of them face stuff like this too?

“...There’s a lotta people staring,” Charlie whispered, bunching up her jacket even more. “A-a lot of people. I… I don’t know why, but I… Shouldn’t I be used to this by now?”

Vaggie gave her another squeeze. “You shouldn’t have to be. Things were different back then. You were with your parents and of course they get a lot of stares. But this? This is the first time you’ve been out and about alone. This is the first time they’re staring at you.” She shook her head. “But just because you’re out on your journey now doesn’t mean they can just stare at you like that. It’s rude. So just do your best to ignore them, alright?”

Charlie bit her bottom lip and squeezed her eyes shut. She took a few deep breaths, concentrating on the warmth of Vaggie’s hand, on the timbre of her voice. A few seconds passed before she exhaled and opened her eyes again. She flashed Vaggie a shaky smile.

“I-I’ll… I’ll try. I’m Lucifer Morningstar’s daughter, right? Battling’s in my blood.”

Vaggie smiled and moved both her hands to Charlie’s shoulders, giving her a tight squeeze. “You’re gonna be amazing, Charlie, Lucifer’s kid or not. Just focus on your goal and nothing else.” The corners of her mouth quirked upwards slightly, a spark lighting up in her eye. “And because I said it, you know it’s true.”

Charlie giggled, the tension gently melting off her shoulders under Vaggie’s watchful eye. “Right! You have Elite Four parents, too. You probably get stared at all the time!”

For a moment, Vaggie went quiet. One hand left Charlie’s shoulder to toy a bit with her necklace. Then, she spoke again. “Adoptive parents, Morningstar. Just… adoptive.”

“Oh! Vaggie, I’m-”

“Nothing to apologize for,” Vaggie said quickly, now turning towards the window. Her necklace flopped back onto her chest. “Let’s just… take a break and relax until we get to Bountia Town. We’ll need our energy to face Pentious.”

Charlie spent the rest of the train ride looking out the window, watching as the landscape rushed past them in a blur of vibrant colors. Lush green fields, dense forests, and sparkling rivers made up the world outside. Every now and then, a group of Hoppip would fly past or a herd of Wooloo would roll into view. Up above, the sky was a brilliant blue, dotted with fluffy white clouds that drifted lazily across the horizon.

Between the rhythmic motion of the train and the lush, peaceful scenery, it didn’t take long for Charlie to relax completely, a sudden sleepiness overtaking her. Without saying another word, she leaned her head on Vaggie’s shoulder, her friend letting out a low laugh as one hand came up and gently stroked Charlie’s golden locks. Soon enough, Charlie felt herself slipping away, slowly falling into a peaceful, dreamless slumber as their train journeyed closer to their next destination and the adventure that awaited them there.

“Looks like she’s made it through Thundercrest in one piece.”

From his position hovering over the stove, Alastor hummed in response, pausing for a moment to glance over his shoulder, brown eyes glinting playfully. “Did she, now? I must say, as pleased as punch as I am to hear that, I must ask: did I marry Vox by accident?”

Lucifer scowled as he put down his phone. “f*ck you. I’m just trying to make sure our daughter’s safe.”

“It’s one thing to make sure she stays safe… it’s another thing entirely to encourage Vox’ stalking habits,” Alastor said lightly. He gave the pot in front of him a few stirs, releasing the spiced, aromatic scent of jambalaya into the air around them. The hearty aroma of stewed meat, vegetables, and herbs filled the kitchen, wrapping them both in a warm, comfortable embrace.

Lucifer sighed, the tension slowly rolling out of his shoulders as he inhaled the familiar scent of kindness, joy, and home. f*ck, how long had it been since he thought of that? Thought of her? He knew Alastor thought of her every day, but Lucifer? Lucifer’s thoughts were usually everywhere and nowhere at once. Guilt coiled in his stomach as one hand balled into a fist. He needed to think about her more often.

Alastor’s mother had moved to Dawnveil Town from the Kalos region, bringing only four things with her: two tattered recipe books, one tattered children’s story, and her trusty Banette. When he was younger, Lucifer used to go to her house all the time to eat Kalosian food, wrestle with her son, and listen to her stories of a region so far away. In many ways, her home became Lucifer’s as well. Now that she and Banette were gone from the world, her storybook and recipes were all they had left of her. And, well, it had taken them a while, but Lucifer and her son eventually made their own home together.

That same son was now, as per usual, standing at the stove pouring over the recipe book he had long ago learned by heart, but continued to keep nearby nonetheless, if only to keep a bit of her close to him at all times. Almost unconsciously, Lucifer stood and closed the distance between them, wrapping his arms around Alastor’s thin waist before the Ghost-type Trainer could protest.

“...She’s out there, on her own,” Lucifer muttered into his husband’s back, the tiniest hint of worry lacing his words. “I… I know I need to let her go, but… Arceus, Al, she’s ten. What if something happens to her and we’re not there to help her? What if more of those… those Houndoom exist out there and she gets hurt? What if-”

What if they were still around?

Alastor turned off the stove and placed the lid on the pot, then faced Lucifer and returned his embrace. “Starly, I’d be hard-pressed to argue against you. We really should find a way to change the minimum age for Trainer registration… that is, if we can somehow do so without getting ourselves skinned alive.” He chuckled lightly. “But do remember that she’s strong. That gal’s the most delightfully courageous thing in all of Dawnveil Town! I’m sure that I’ve managed to teach her well.”

Lucifer huffed. “You? Please. All you do is stand around toying with your food before you eat it.”

“Well, what can I say?” Alastor asked, a mischievous glint in his eye. “I like to chews my battles carefully.”

They both burst out laughing, the sound filling the kitchen and further massaging the tension from Lucifer’s shoulders. Alastor’s laughter was rich and warm, one that floated around them like music and seemed to crescendo with every passing second. Unable to help himself, Lucifer pressed himself against his husband even more, until his pulse mingled with Alastor’s and he could no longer tell where his ended and Alastor’s began. One slim hand gently landed on Lucifer’s head, gently combing the tangles from his platinum blonde locks. Lucifer grumbled slightly and batted the hand away, earning him yet another laugh.

“I f*cking hate you and everything you can do,” Lucifer said. Despite his words, there was not a single drop of venom in his voice. “I hate that you’re always right, I hate that you’re nothing but a beanpole wrapped in cheesy puns, and I hate that no matter how worried I am, you always find some way to make me less worried.”

Alastor’s smile softened at that. “And yet, you can’t seem to get enough of me. Whatever will you do?”

Lucifer stuck out his tongue, then released the hug. “Well, first things first. I’m gonna try to stop worrying about our kid and trust in her strength and courage and sh*t. Then I’ll focus on setting up tomorrow’s meeting. Then I’m gonna find the nearest blanket and couch, and cuddle Mimi until I fall asleep and you carry me to bed, as usual.” He paused on his way to the door and raised an eyebrow, watching as Alastor picked up a nearby spoon, his expression wistful. “...What the f*ck are you doing?”

His husband looked up, smile pulled tight, the hand holding the spoon trembling slightly as he held it. “...Do you remember what Ma cooked for us on the day we left?”

Lucifer blinked, his mind immediately flashing back to Alastor’s tenth birthday party. Back then, they didn’t have the money or influence of the League to throw the bash that they were able to give to Charlie. It had just been Alastor’s mother, Lucifer’s father, and Lilith’s parents throwing them a humble but still very sweet celebration.

“...Jambalaya,” Lucifer said quietly, turning away from the door. He breathed in again, nostalgia swimming through him as the faint memories of Amélie Boudreaux’ bright smile, warm laughter, and home flooded his mind. “You dumped so many Corphish-taters into your bowl that it turned chunky.” He let out a low, breathy chuckle. “Your ma was so pissed at you for being a heathen.”

Alastor chuckled. “She was, wasn’t she? She used it as her last chance to remind me that she wouldn’t be around to cook while we were on the road, so we best enjoy her food while we still could.” Something dark flashed behind his eyes, a strange emotion almost akin to longing. “I… didn’t think I’d ever be in her same shoes.”

Lucifer’s heart clenched at Alastor’s words. “Well… I mean, I didn’t either. But here we are.”

The Ghost-type specialist’s gaze flicked up to meet Lucifer’s. “...She had cooked so much jambalaya that even after we took some of the leftovers with us, there was still more than half the pot left for her. She said that she’d share it with Banette and the neighbors, but…” He shrugged. “We both know her better than that. She would’ve… she would’ve frozen most of it and eaten it whenever she missed us… which I’m sure was often.”

Lucifer swallowed around the lump forming in his throat. “Yeah… she probably did.”

Alastor’s hand trembled as he stared at the spoon. “I-I… I miss her, Starly. And I miss Charlie. Without her around, I… I feel odd.” He clenched his teeth. “I… wonder if Ma felt this way too.”

Lucifer paused at that, a strange sense of foreboding twisting in his gut. Alastor was looking at the spoon with a strange mixture of wistfulness and melancholy, two things that really, really shouldn't be on his face right now. Without missing a beat, he took a step forward, reaching his hand out.

“Al, don’t-”

But it was too late. Alastor dipped the spoon into the pot, lifting it to his lips. From the moment the rich, fragrant broth touched his tongue, Alastor’s expression changed in an instant. His eyes widened, face contorting into a grimace as he choked and gasped, both hands flying to his neck. The spoon clattered to the floor and skidded away as Alastor stumbled, clawing at his throat, his breath coming in shallow, ragged gasps. Brown eyes widened as he fought to breathe. Lucifer knew how he felt, had seen this happen so many times before: he was drowning.

Lucifer was at his side in an instant, forcing his hand into his husband’s pocket and pulling out a bag of extremely unpleasant-smelling dried meat. Skitty jerky. Without missing a beat, he ripped a piece out of the bag and shoved it into Alastor’s mouth, lightly nicking his hand on the other man’s sharper-than-average canines as he did so.

For a few long, horrible, tense minutes, Lucifer simply gripped Alastor’s forearms hard, watching with bated breath as the panic in those brown eyes subsided, as his breathing evened out. After a few more panicked heartbeats, Alastor slumped, leaning heavily against Lucifer as he chewed and swallowed the jerky. As soon as he was sure that Alastor wasn’t about to f*cking keel over and die on him, Lucifer’s hands cupped Alastor’s face, the Champion shuddering as cold, clammy skin met his touch.

“Are you okay?”

Alastor nodded weakly, his voice hoarse. “I-I’m… I’m fine. Just…” He coughed, one hand flying up to his throat. “I-I… wanted to feel how Ma felt. I haven’t had her cooking in so long that I just… hoped that maybe this time it would be different.” He wheezed. “I’m being pathetic, aren’t I?”

This was his fault. His fault Alastor couldn’t eat this food. His fault Lilith no longer laughed. His fault the nightmares wouldn’t cease. His fault the shadows descended upon them every night. His fault silence screamed in the moments between each breath. His-

Lucifer took a deep, shuddering breath. “No. You… You aren’t-” his words caught in his throat. Unable to say anything else, he pressed a kiss to burnt auburn hair, the sweet aroma of magnolias and cinnamon filling his nose.

Alastor leaned into the embrace and closed his eyes, taking slow, deliberate breaths. “I’m sorry. I should’ve… known better. Why would my dear old curse just lift itself just like that?” He let out a low, bitter laugh, one devoid of any music. “I suppose this is a fair price to pay in exchange for the region. It’s much more fun tormenting Vox with those Pikachu steaks anyway.”

Lucifer snorted, the corners of his lips quivering slightly as he buried his face in Alastor’s hair. “Let’s… let’s get you cleaned up. I think we should probably avoid the jambalaya for today in case you… er… anyways, Mimi and the rest are probably starving and I’m sure they wouldn’t say no to a McMiltank’s Happy Meal.”

Alastor shot Lucifer a venomous glare. “You can’t be serious. Do you truly believe I’m going to let you feed that garbage to our Pokémon?”

“Are you really gonna deny Mimi a new toy?”

“...Very well, Starly. But if he gets sick, you’re the one taking care of him.”

“AHA! My guests of honor have arrived!”

Charlie and Vaggie let out very cool and tough sounding simultaneous squeaks as the tall, long-haired Gym Leader ran over and enveloped them in a tight hug. They had just barely stepped off the train as this happened. KeeKee let out a low, annoyed meow as she was squished in between Charlie’s arms and Pentious’ chest. Then, just as quickly as he had appeared, Pentious released them, reaching up to adjust his charcoal gray top hat. Like her father, Pentious also kept a Cherish Ball on his hat; it sat at the center of a large eye-like design, acting as the eye’s brilliant red pupil. Overall, it made for a rather eccentric picture, one that could only be pulled off by the part-time Gym Leader, part-time farming machine inventor standing before them.

“Welcome, welcome to Bountia Town, the Cornucopia of Delights!” Pentious said, sweeping his arm dramatically behind him at the golden fields, grazing Tauros, rolling Wooloo, and wandering Miltank. “I’ve been waiting for you for hours! Vox told me you were on your way, so I hastened myself to this station to make sure I was the first to greet you both!”

Charlie blinked, periwinkles widening in surprise. “Vox told you? How? We didn’t see him at all back in Thundercrest!”

Pentious deflated a bit, a hint of confusion crossing his face. Then, his eyes widened and he reached to scratch the back of his neck, chuckling sheepishly. “Oh, did I say Vox? I mean, well, he… erm… mentioned something about seeing some new Trainers headed this way on his security cameras and I simply assumed it was you two. Anywho, never mind that!” He gestured around them, a wide grin on his face. “We can head to my place for rest and food! Surely you must be starving after your little choo-choo train ride. Cherri’s out for the evening, so my garden’s produce is all ours for the tasting, and-”

“Actually,” Charlie interrupted, a wide grin spreading over her face. “I’d like to battle right now! I’m ready to earn my first Badge!”

Silence fell between the three. Vaggie bit her lip and cast a sidelong glance at Charlie, her brow furrowed with concern. “Charlie, are you sure? We’ve been traveling all day. You’ll wanna be at your best to challenge a Gym Leader.”

Charlie shook her head and gave Vaggie a little wave. “It’s fine! I’ll be fine. You can take a rest if you want, but the day’s still young and I got plenty of rest on the train.” Her grin widened as Pentious raised an eyebrow. “Please, Pentious? I promise, I won’t get upset. I’m ready for this!”

Something dark and curious flashed behind Pentious’ eyes as he regarded the young girl, his brow furrowing. Then, he sighed, his shoulders slumping just a touch. “Very well. If you truly wish to face me now, then I won’t back down. Come! To the Gym!”

The walk through Bountia Town was a rather quick one. Just like Dawnveil Town, it was a tiny, quaint little town with very few buildings, most of its lands dedicated to producing food for the region. Golden fields of wheat and patches of colorful vegetables spread out as far as the eye could see, the green grass fields occasionally broken up by grazing Pokémon. All around them, farmhands and Pokémon alike worked the fields, using machines that Pentious had invented to ease the work. Under the hot summer sun, Charlie couldn’t help but feel grateful that she and Vaggie had taken the train here instead; the walk to Bountia Town would’ve been Hell otherwise.

Pentious’ Gym was a large, imposing building at the center of town, the weather-worn red brick covered in thin strings of ivy. It was surrounded by a lush, verdant garden, teeming with an array of colorful flowers. Every now and then, a Combee or Beautifly would flutter over to the flowers and drink from them before squealing in glee and flying away. As they approached the entrance, Charlie couldn’t help but notice the golden sign adorning its door.

Bountia Town Gym
Leader: Pentious
The Verdant Warden

Inside, the Gym was a breathtaking blend of nature and structure. Foliage adorned the walls, creating a beautiful tapestry of lush green. Once again, flowers lined every wall, with some going as far as to hang from the ceiling, vines stretching down towards the Challengers below. Pentious’ Gym Leader’s platform was beautifully decorated with shrubs and small patches of flowers. Natural light poured in from the large skylights above, giving the entire place a warm, inviting grow.

Pentious stepped on the dais and turned to face them, sweeping into a dramatic bow. “Because it is your very first Gym and because I already sent Frank home for the night, you shall face me! I will add one additional Pokémon to my team since you don’t need to face Frank.” He paused for a moment and pressed a few buttons on a nearby control panel, causing two Pokéballs to appear from a small machine hidden in one of the bushes. “Who shall be the first to face my wrath!?”

Charlie stepped forward, KeeKee crouching low on her shoulder. “Me!”

Pentious grinned, then reached for his hat. “Very well, Pokémon League Princess! Let’s see what you’ve got!”

Charlie stepped up, her heart racing as she turned to face the Gym Leader. Pentious. Her first Gym Leader. She glanced back at Vaggie, who gave her a reassuring nod as she sat down and leaned back against one of the trees growing out of the ground. Taking a deep breath, Charlie turned back to face the Grass-type Gym Leader and grinned, one hand coming up to scratch behind KeeKee’s ears.

“Let’s do this, KeeKee!” Charlie called out, pointing at Pentious. KeeKee meowed and landed gracefully on the ground, black fur bristling with anticipation. Flames flickered in her eyes and at the corners of her mouth as she crouched low, tail swishing against the grass.

Pentious nodded approvingly. “A Fire-type to start with, I see. You have truly learned well from my arch-nemesis, your step-father!” He lifted his hat and grabbed the Pokéball underneath it before throwing it out to the battlefield. “Go, Egg Boiz!”

…How many nemeses did Alastor have?

The Pokéball snapped open, releasing a cluster of six egg-shaped seeds onto the battlefield. The Exeggcute let out six different cries before hopping on their bottoms and turning to face KeeKee, twelve eyes narrowing warily at her. Charlie allowed a smirk to crawl up her features at the sight; Pentious must’ve been nervous if he was leading with his Ace.

“KeeKee, use Ember!”

KeeKee opened her mouth, releasing a small stream of flames that engulfed the Egg Boiz. The attack landed easily, fire burning a ring all around the Pokémon before it disappeared. Despite its massive power, the Exeggcute remained standing, albeit a bit singed.

Pentious laughed and placed his hands on his hips, his tongue flicking out as he snapped his fingers, calling his attack. The Egg Pokémon’s eyes lit up with a ghostly glowing light, aimed right for KeeKee. Charlie watched as Keekee stumbled, her heart rising in her throat. She almost wanted to reach out and catch her little Litten but that would mean forfeiting the match. Her hands clenched into fists as the Fire Cat Pokémon swayed, and yawned before falling onto her side.

"Keekee!" Charlie shouted.

"HAHA! Look upon my Egg Boiz and despair!” Pentious declared. “For when one Pokémon is hypnotized, everyone is hypnotized!"

“KeeKee, wake up!” Charlie yelled, her voice rising an octave. But KeeKee remained motionless, her tail twitching lightly as she continued to snore.

“Now, Egg Boiz!” Exeggcute bowed low and released small, seed-like projectiles from the top of their shells that lodged themselves in KeeKee’s fur. Immediately upon contact, vines quickly sprang from them and wrapped around her, digging beneath the black and red fur to the vulnerable flesh beneath. Charlie’s breath caught in her throat as the tiny seeds began to glow in tandem with the Egg Boiz’ eyes, quickly draining the little Fire-type’s energy.

“Come on, KeeKee, wake up!” Charlie pleaded, but KeeKee continued to sleep. Pentious took advantage of this and twisted his wrist in a dramatic flourish. Green tendrils of energy poured out of the Exeggcute, the Mega Drain attack easily siphoning health from KeeKee and restoring the Egg Boiz’ health.

Finally, KeeKee stirred, shaking off the Hypnosis as she staggered to her feet. Despite the determination blazing in her eyes, the little Fire-type Pokémon staggered, the Leech Seed and Mega Drain having clearly taken its toll. Charlie bit her lip and pointed once more at the Egg Boiz, bile rising in her throat.

“Ember, one more time!”

KeeKee opened her mouth and unleashed another burst of flames, the orange and red fireballs sailing through the air and once again striking true. But it wasn’t enough. The Egg Boiz remained standing, albeit barely, and with another flourish of Pentious’ wrist and another wave of green energy, KeeKee fainted, falling to the ground in a pile of dust.

A lump formed in Charlie’s throat at the sight, pressure building up behind her eyes. She swallowed around it and held up her Pokéball, letting out a low exhale. “KeeKee, return!” The Litten disappeared in a flash of red light, Charlie’s stomach twisting as she reached for Applin’s ball. How could this happen? KeeKee was supposed to be strong against Grass-types! “Applin, you can do this!”

The Grass/Dragon type popped out and landed on the field, blinking up at the Egg Boiz. Without wasting any time, Pentious ordered another Leech Seed. Once again, seeds flew out and attached themselves to Charlie’s Pokémon, ready to sap his energy.

“Astonish!” Charlie commanded. Applin narrowed his eyes and rolled forward, striking the Egg Boiz with a ghostly force. The Grass/Psychic-type finally went down, the six egg-like seeds collapsing onto the ground. Surprisingly, Pentious let out a loud, despairing wail, tears springing to his eyes as he fell onto his knees.

“No! Eggies!” he cried, one hand coming up to clutch his chest. “I can’t go on without them!” He let out a loud sob. “I must avenge them!” He threw another Pokéball towards the battlefield. “Go, Foongus!”

The tiny mushroom-like Pokémon leaped out of her ball with a loud cry, landing on its stalk as she turned to face Applin with cold fury flashing in her eyes. Charlie ordered yet another Astonish, Applin’s entire body glowing as he charged at the Mushroom Pokémon. Strangely enough, Pentious gave no orders, only smirking as Applin made contact. From the moment their bodies slammed into each other, a shower of golden spores erupted from beneath Foongus’ cap, causing Applin to freeze completely, green eyes wide in shock.


“Ahahaha! Silly girl, you have unleashed Effect Spore!” Pentious declared, eyes wild with delight. “Any form of contact with my Foongus carries a chance of inflicting Poison, Sleep, or Paralysis. Once the spores are in the air, everyone can suffer its effects!”

Charlie watched in horror as Foongus used Mega Drain to regain its health by siphoning off of Applin’s, a move that was only bolstered by the Leech Seeds attached to it. Applin struggled to move in response, only to freeze up and let out a high-pitched cry as he fought desperately against the paralyzing effects of the spores. But then, with another snap of his fingers, Pentious commanded Foongus to drain the little Grass/Dragon-type one last time, causing Applin to collapse on the back of his apple, unable to continue.

Charlie’s heart sank at the sight, a pit opening in her stomach as she reached for Applin’s Premier Ball. The Apple Core Pokémon vanished in a beam of red light, leaving the battlefield empty, save for the tiny spores still floating in the air. Pentious laughed as he struck a pose, pointing his finger to the sky.

“And thus, another battle ends in my victory!” Then, seemingly coming to his senses, he blinked and deflated slightly, one hand coming up to scratch the back of his neck. “Er… I mean… you have learned another lesson in the importance of Pokémon-ing responsibly! Huzzah!”

Charlie gave him a small, tight smile but she knew it didn’t reach her eyes. A cold, invisible hand clamped down tightly around her heart as she turned around and stiffly made her way over to where Vaggie was now standing, her brow furrowed with concern. As Charlie passed, Vaggie reached over and squeezed her shoulder, mouth set in a determined line.

“Take a break. I got this.”

Charlie blinked, biting her bottom lip. “D-don’t you need a break? I… I got my butt kicked ‘cause I didn’t take one.”

Vaggie looked over her shoulder and smiled, hazel eye twinkling. “I got a pretty good break watching you. Besides, the faster I get my first match over with, the faster I’ll be able to train my Pokémon so I can beat him next time.”

Charlie could only give her a shaky smile in response. Pentious’ grin widened when Vaggie stepped forward. The Grass-type Gym Leader had tossed his Pokéballs into a nearby healing machine and was waiting for the little jingle to signal that his Pokémon were done healing. As Vaggie sent out Rowlet, Charlie leaned back against the tree, tucking in her knees so she could rest her chin on them. Her mind raced. She should have won that fight. The type match-up had been in her favor, for Arceus’ sake! How had she managed to bungle things so miserably?

She replayed the battle in her head over and over again, zeroing in on every move, every mistake, every tiny thing that went wrong. KeeKee had the type advantage initially, but Charlie hadn’t anticipated the Egg Boiz’ Hypnosis. It wasn’t a damaging move, but it opened up KeeKee for attack once the little Litten had fallen asleep at the worst possible moment. And Applin… Applin had done his best, but who knew that just attacking that Foongus right away would activate Effect Spore, sealing his fate? Everything had gone so wrong because of her.

Charlie frowned as Vaggie’s Rowlet fell asleep due to Exeggcute’s Hypnosis, but managed to shake off the subsequent Leech Seed. Why was that? Charlie frowned as Rowlet later woke up and leaped into the air, using Shadow Sneak to take out the Egg Boiz. Dimly, she vaguely remembered Alastor saying something during one of their training sessions about how certain Pokémon types could be immune to certain Pokémon moves. Like how all of Carmilla’ Steel-types were immune to Rosie’s Fairy-type moves. Was that it? Did Rowlet’s typing have something to do with him being immune to Leech Seed?

As Foongus was sent out next, Charlie went back to her thoughts, a horrible realization hitting her like a punch to the gut. She had lost her first Gym Battle. Her first real test as a Trainer. She had failed it. She was the daughter of the Pokémon League Champion and the Pokémon Professor. She should be a natural, right? Her bloodline alone meant she was destined for great things. But here she was, sitting on the sidelines, watching as Vaggie traded her Rowlet for Venonat, who immediately used Confusion to Confuse the Mushroom Pokémon. Foongus stumbled and hurt himself in his confusion, allowing Venonat to effectively bring him down with a powerful Psybeam.

The shame gnawed at Charlie’s heart, making her stomach churn. She clenched her fists, nails digging into her palms as she fought back tears. Her fathers had always been so proud, so confident in her abilities. Her mothers had said over and over again how brilliant her mind was, how deeply she cared for Pokémon. How could she face any of them now? How could she tell them that she had lost so spectacularly?

A loud cry of despair tore Charlie from her spiraling thoughts, large periwinkle eyes widening as she looked up at the battlefield. Foongus was… down? And neither Vaggie nor Venonat looked any worse for wear. In fact, they looked more energized, if anything, with Vaggie’s face breaking out into a wide grin as she wiped the corner of her mouth with the back of her hand, hazel eye flashing as Pentious sent out his final Pokémon.

A Sunkern leaped out of the ball as soon as it opened, blinking large black eyes up at the young Trainer. Vaggie shouted an order and Venonat moved with precision and purpose, Confusion and Psybeam landing with deadly accuracy. Sunkern barely had a chance to react before she went down under the two swift hits. Silence fell as the final warble from Venonat’s attack echoed across the walls of the Gym.

As the dust cleared from that final hit, the world seemed to hold its breath. Unable to stop herself, Charlie leaned forward and squinted at the cloud of dust, every heartbeat echoing in her chest like a drum. Her breath hitched as she stared at Sunkern’s still form, quietly hoping against hope that somehow, the Seed Pokémon would get back up.

But as the dust settled, Sunkern remained motionless on the ground. Charlie stared at it open-mouthed, then turned to her friend, who wore the same expression on her face. Vaggie had won. She won. She had somehow defied the odds and brought Pentious’ team to its knees. The silence broke with an eruption of cheers and clapping from the Gym Leader, his applause filling every corner of the Gym. As he descended from his dais, Charlie’s stomach twisted, a mixture of pride and envy filling her mind.

“Well done, child, well done!” Pentious crowed, reaching into his hat and pulling out a tiny badge. It was a round one, featuring the design of a snake eating its own tail with a beautiful rainbow-colored flower at its center. “You have earned the Garden Badge! Rejoice, for it is the best badge you could possibly earn!”

Vaggie accepted the badge with a wide grin, her eyes shining with triumph. Charlie watched, her eyes glued to the badge as Vaggie pinned it to the inside of her jacket, making a mental note to go shopping for badge cases with her later. Without missing a beat, Pentious took Vaggie’s shoulder and began walking with her, a wide grin on his face. Neither of them bothered to look back to see if Charlie was following them. She trailed behind them, twisting her hands in her jacket as she once again thought of every single way things went wrong in her own battle.

“You are a natural, young Vagatha,” Pentious continued, his grin widening even more as Vaggie flushed a rather pretty pink. “A true natural! Your instincts and strategies were flawless. You and your Pokémon were in utterly perfect sync! Why, I haven’t seen anyone battle that smoothly since that time when His Mightiness, the Champion, and the Phantasmal Host battled over the last beignet at Valentino’s birthday celebration. If it weren’t for all the explosions, that battle was practically silent with how in-tune they were with their Pokémon!”

Pentious continued to ramble, nonstop praises for Vaggie’s strategy and abilities tumbling from his lips. Vaggie practically glowed as she allowed him to steer her towards the exit. Charlie, meanwhile, continued to walk behind them, her thoughts a whirlwind of emotions. There was no denying it: Vaggie was indeed a highly skilled Trainer, just like her parents. But what was it that she had said before? Oh right, she was adopted. Battling was a skill that came naturally to her, but not part of her blood the way Charlie’s skills should be. It was… it was unfair. She should’ve been the one to win. She should’ve been the one to prove herself. But instead, she had lost and Vaggie had won. It stung more than she could have ever imagined.

The moment they stepped out of the Gym, a swarm of reporters immediately surrounded them. Charlie let out a small squeak as cameras flashed all around her and microphones were thrust in her face. And then, of course, the flood of questions came.

“What happened inside?”

“Who did you use to battle?”

“Did you win?”

“Can you show us your badge?”

“How does it feel to be the daughter of the Pokémon League Champion starting your journey?”

“Do you think you can match up to your father’s strength?”

“Can you tell us more about how your fathers met?”

“What is your mother’s relationship with Elite Four Rosie?”

With every question thrown at her, Charlie’s chest tightened, bile rising in her throat as she did her best to scan the crowd. She had experienced this plenty of times before, but she was usually accompanied by one of her parents during that time. Lucifer and Rosie were experts at intimidating reporters away from her, and Alastor was a master at dodging them. Lilith often glared coldly at them until they backed off. But none of her parents were with her today; it was just her. Her, her fainted Pokémon, and the utter sense of failure coursing through her veins.

But then, a tall figure stepped in front of her. Charlie blinked, periwinkles meeting gentle green as Pentious held up his hands and silenced the reporters. “That’s enough, all of you! These young ladies have had a long day and need rest. Now, away with you! We have much to celebrate and nothing to tell you!” With that, he once again placed his hands proudly on Vaggie’s shoulders and steered her towards his home, shielding her from the press.

Before the reporters could recover, Charlie dashed after them as well, the deep pit in her stomach continuing to gnaw at her. She was happy for Vaggie, truly. There was no one else more deserving of the Garden Badge. But despite her pride for her friend, the weight of her own failure sat heavily on Charlie’s shoulders. She had a long, long, long way to go before she could even come close to touching her parents’ legacies.

Maybe she wasn’t cut out for this after all.

The warm night air met her as she stepped onto the back patio, the soft hum of distant Bug-Pokémon filling the silence. Charlie pulled her nightgown closer around her as she sat on the padded swinging bench. Pentious had personally constructed and installed it long ago after she and Vaggie had begged him to let them take a nap outside during one of the League gatherings. It was a well-made, sturdy thing, one that had provided both her and Vaggie much comfort as they grew up.

After a delicious dinner of freshly roasted vegetables and eggs cooked in six different ways, she, Vaggie, and Pentious had retired for the night. While Vaggie happily snoozed away, Charlie ended up lying awake, still thinking about her match. What had gone wrong? Why hadn’t she won? What could she do to make sure this never happened again?

The thought occurred to her while she was scrolling through her V-phone: she could talk to someone. No, she needed to talk to someone. She needed to hear comfort from an adult, someone who knew her very well. But who could she possibly call? Her mother was out of the question. And while Rosie’s advice was always good, the moon was full tonight; she was probably out studying Clefairy right now. That left her two dads.

Before opening her contacts, Charlie briefly scrolled through a few notifications before her eyes landed on a news article about a missing Pokémon. Evidently, a Plusle had gone missing in the neighboring town, and its Trainer was searching frantically for it. Charlie’s heart ached as she scanned the article, seeing just how high the reward money was; she hoped they would be reunited soon. Then, she opened her contacts.

Pursing her lips, Charlie hesitated as one pale thumb hovered over Alastor’s name. Between him and Lucifer, Alastor was the one less likely to storm Pentious’ Gym and demand a rematch on her behalf. Plus, he was the one who had taught her how to battle. Surely, he would be able to give her good advice, right?

The phone rang twice before a familiar face filled the screen. Alastor had his glasses off, auburn hair a messy nest. From the looks of things, he had climbed out of bed just to answer her call. A tiny pang of guilt shot through Charlie’s stomach as she looked at him, but then she quietly shook it off. He had told her over and over again that it was fine if she called him, regardless of the time. This… this was just one of the few times when she actually held him to that promise.

“Oh, Charlie, you look a mess!” Her step-father said. Despite his words, his eyes narrowed slightly as he scanned her face, the corners of his grin pulled tight. “Is that Pentious’ little swing bench you’re sitting on? I do hope he isn’t giving you too much trouble. Or should I start plotting to end his Foongus-ing life?”

Charlie let out a weak chuckle but shook her head, her shoulders slumping. “No, Papa. That’s not it… I just…” She took a deep breath, a lump appearing in her throat. “I… I lost. After everything you taught me, I should’ve been able to beat him super easy, you know? Fire against Grass… it should’ve been easy. But I messed up, Papa. I failed.”

Alastor’s expression softened at that. He rested his cheek on one hand. “My dear, every great Trainer has their missteps. You can’t allow one little loss to break you.”

“But… you and Dad-”

“Have made plenty of mistakes along the way!” Alastor interrupted cheerfully. “Especially your father. Would you like to know a secret?”

Charlie sniffled, wiping her nose on her sleeve. “Sure.”

“When Lucifer first faced me in battle, the first thing he did was send out his Applin against my Ghastly. I thought I was doomed - that thing knew Astonish and Sucker Punch back then - and it certainly hits much harder than my silly little Ghost-type. But do you know what he did instead?”


“That day, he wanted to defeat me without using Type advantage for whatever reason,” Alastor sneered. “So he kept trying to use Rollout instead… only I managed to have Ghastly paralyze him with Lick. Dear little Pippin ended up never being able to take Ghastly down. There’s no point in using Rollout if you can’t use it several times in a row, after all!”

Charlie’s eyes widened at that. “Really? But…” She bit her lip. “That was just one time, right? What about all the other times where he didn’t fail? And then there’s Mom, who’s super smart, a-and both you and Rosie are in the Elite Four, and it’s just…” She swallowed. “It’s just… so much to live up to. Trying to be like any of you is-”

“Well now, who said that you had to be like me?” Alastor interrupted playfully, tilting his head. “Whoever said that ought to lose their tongue. You certainly don’t want to be anything like me. As your father loves to remind me, I’m one of the more… unique members of the League.”

Charlie managed a small smile. “You sure are, Papa. I don’t think there’s anyone like you there.”

“Just like how there’s no one quite like you out there, Pumpkaboo,” Alastor said, his expression softening once again. “And I do believe that is what you should be setting your sights on. Not becoming like one of us but… well.” He shrugged. “Cultivating what makes you Charlie instead of trying to be ‘Lucifer’s daughter,’ ‘Lilith’s daughter,’ or any variation that makes you a part of someone else and not your own little being.”

Charlie paused for a moment, allowing her step-father’s words to slowly sink in. For some reason, despite the shame she still felt gnawing away, there was something else in her chest now as well; a warm, comforting feeling. It was one that she always felt whenever Lucifer made her hot chocolate with cinnamon when she was sad or whenever Alastor pulled her into his lap and sang to her while brushing her hair. It was safety. Love. Home. It was something that she hadn’t realized she had missed.

“...Thanks, Papa. I mean it.”

Alastor leaned closer to the screen, one hand coming up and stroking it, as though he were brushing a lock of her hair away. “You can call me anytime, but don’t forget you can call Lucifer and Lilith as well. They’ll support you even more than I can.”

Charlie bit her lip, one hand twisting into her nightgown. “I dunno, Al-”

“I understand that it may be daunting, but they both love you very much, even if Lilith is unable to show it and Lucifer seems busy. They will drop everything to help you.”

“B-but… what if they’re disappointed that I failed? I mean, I’m supposed to be their daughter-”

Alastor shook his head. “What did we just talk about, my dear? You didn’t fail. They won’t be disappointed at all. They’ll be proud of you for trying, for learning, and for growing up.” His smile widened even more as he leaned back in his chair. “I think the only thing your father could ever be disappointed by is if you sprout up and end up taller than he is… which is quite likely. I do hope your mother’s genes kick in soon for you.”

Charlie giggled, finally feeling the weight upon her shoulders lifting. Something gentle fluttered deep in her chest, sending a lovely, light feeling all throughout her body. She hugged her phone tight to her chest, then grinned and gave her step-father a wave. “I hope so, too… thanks again, Papa. I’ll do my best when I face off with Pentious again.”

Alastor hummed. “And again, anytime.” He paused. ‘...Are you quite sure you don’t want me to go over there and decimate Pentious anyways? I could steal your father’s bike and be there before the sun rises.”

Charlie laughed for real this time, shaking her head. “No! I can handle it. Don’t break another bike, Papa!”

Hm. Well. That's a lot less fun… but I suppose I could let it go just this once,” Alastor said breezily. Then, he smiled. “Good night, Pumpkaboo. I love you. Sweet dreams.” And with that, he logged off, leaving Charlie with the gentle sway of the swing, the quiet hum of the stars, and the melodic chirping of Kricketune to lull her to sleep.


See you guys next week!!

Chapter 3: The Top of the Hill


Charlie meets a couple new friends. Meanwhile, Lucifer and Alastor sit in on a League meeting and hear about strange events happening around the region.


As always, thank you so much to my dearest ParanoidInPink for beta-reading this work! Also, I want to give credit to Ven for mapping out the Pentious vs Charlie Pokemon Battle!!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Everybody wants to be a Master

Everybody wants to show their skills

Everybody wants to get there faster

Make their way to the top of the hill

- Pokémon Johto - PJ Lequerica

The next day brought with it the warm, refreshing scent of a summer breeze. After a cool meal of fruits and homemade whipped cream tucked inside perfectly made crepes, Charlie and Vaggie decided to pay a visit to Bountia Town’s top attraction: the Safari Zone.

Nestled at the very edge of Bountia Town, the Safari Zone was a recreational area that tended to attract Trainers from all over the region. It was also a major wildlife preserve, meaning that the Pokémon League at some point had decided it was a place worth protecting - and indeed it was. It had the highest concentration of rare wild Pokémon in the Alighieri region; any Trainer skilled enough to catch one of the rarer Safari Zone Pokémon was almost guaranteed to have a strong new member for their team.

Like the Safari Zones in most other regions, paying the 500 Poké entry fee gave Trainers 30 Safari Balls and a time limit of four hours to try to catch as many of these rare Pokémon as they could. There was no Pokémon battling allowed in this place, save for self-defense in the rare instance a wild Pokémon became especially unruly. This was done to preserve both the many Pokémon species that called the Safari Zone home and the environment of the Zone itself.

After Pentious had dropped them off at the Safari Zone, the first thing the two did was start hunting. Because of its status as a wild Pokémon conservation area, Pentious and the rest of the Pokémon League had done very little to change its natural landscape. This meant that unlike Thundercrest City or even Bountia Town itself, the area was still a lush, untamed wilderness, teeming with thick foliage and rough hills crisscrossed with bubbling streams. Indeed, as the girls quietly stalked Pokémon throughout the Safari Zone, they often found their progress impeded by tangled vines or large piles of rocks. Still, they grit their teeth and persevered through all of the obstacles, determined to make the most of their time.

By the time midday rolled around, the two decided it was best to stop and take a short break at one of the Rest Houses dotted all around the Safari Zone. As she sank into the Bidoof-shaped bench and wiped the sweat from her brow, Charlie found herself growing more frustrated with the Safari Zone the more she thought about her day thus far. She was nearing the end of her time limit and had yet to catch anything. Every single attempt she made had ended in failure - whether it was the Pokémon running away or the Safari Ball simply not working. If it weren’t for the fact that her parents - all four of them - would be so disappointed in her for losing her temper, she would’ve started throwing rocks at the Pokémon by now.

With a small sigh, she shifted her periwinkle gaze over to where Vaggie was examining the two newest additions to her team: a Burmy and a Surskit. From the looks of things, the two Pokémon were already getting rather attached to her. Burmy was nestled in Vaggie’s hair, the leaves of his Plant Cloak clinging to her silvery strands as he made himself at home. Meanwhile, Surskit was sitting on Vaggie’s lap, its little yellow antennae twitching lightly as it trilled and looked around the room curiously. Every so often, the antennae would release a rather sickly sweet scent, as though the Pond Skater Pokémon were trying to attract even more wild Pokémon towards the girls. Then again, perhaps that would be a good thing - it’d certainly be easier on Charlie’s aching legs if the rare wild Pokémon came to her instead.

While Vaggie continued to welcome the newest additions to her team, Charlie’s gaze drifted to the open window, her mind wandering back to the events of the day before. Her battle against Pentious still weighed heavily on her mind. After her conversation with Alastor, she had spent at least another hour replaying it in her mind before she finally succumbed to sleep. She knew where she had gone wrong: she wasn’t watching carefully enough. If she had realized Foongus’ Effect Spore ability earlier or had some way to counteract it, then maybe she could’ve won. Maybe both she and Vaggie would be pouring over their Garden Badges by now, instead of her moping while Vaggie happily continued playing with her Pokémon. Maybe she could’ve had something worth calling Alastor about.

Maybe she wouldn’t have disappointed her parents so much.

Suddenly, the ice-cold chill of a Fresh Water from the nearby refrigerator touched her neck, causing the young girl to flinch. She looked up immediately, periwinkles meeting gentle hazel as a strange tingling sensation settled in her chest. It was… not a good one. The sort that only occurred when she was looking at just how close Dad and Mimi were. Hesitantly, Charlie reached up and took the water from her, the liquid tasting strangely bitter and metallic as she poured it into her mouth.

“So… you’ve been pretty quiet today,” Vaggie said once Charlie emptied the water bottle and threw it over her shoulder. It landed in the trash can with a loud plop. “Got something on your mind, Morningstar?”

Charlie let out a small groan and laid back, putting her Running Shoes up on the other half of the Bidoof-shaped bench. She reached up and pulled out the bandana she had been using to keep her hair back, allowing the golden locks to fall loose. “Kinda… sorta…. yeah.”

One corner of Vaggie’s mouth curled up just a bit higher as she scanned Charlie’s face. Then, she reached over and pulled up a light purple chair with a faded Ditto face painted on it. Once she took a seat, she leaned forward, pendant swinging precariously above Charlie’s head. Then, she began running her olive-brown hands through Charlie’s long hair, gently pulling at the knots and tangles that had developed over the hours of stalking wild Pokémon through the underbrush. Almost immediately, Charlie flinched at her cold touch. “What’s ‘kinda sorta yeah’ on your brain?”

Charlie exhaled sharply through her nose, then winced as Vaggie’s fingers dug into an especially stubborn knot. Arceus, why? She usually liked it when Vaggie combed the tangles out of her hair. Her touch was usually just as gentle as Papa’s, if not moreso. “Just… yesterday’s battle against Pentious…”

Vaggie paused for a moment and frowned. “Oh Surskit… We didn’t talk about that yesterday, did we? Shoot, Charlie, I’m so sorry. I should’ve-”

“What are you talking about, Vaggie?” Charlie interrupted, her gaze shifting up to the Burmy that Vaggie had - so unfairly easily, so unjustly effortlessly, so undeservedly flawlessly - managed to snag without using any bait or Safari Balls. “I’m the one that lost. Y-you did great! You… you totally deserved that win.” She forced a smile, watching as Burmy began nuzzling the Beautifly-patterned bow that kept Vaggie’s hair in a high ponytail. “I just… well, you know. After all those reporters came up to us and started asking us all those questions, I kept thinking about what my dad and mom would say if I lost.”

Vaggie shook her head, silver locks flying. It would’ve been a nice look on her, were it not for the strange, dark twist of something settling in Charlie’s gut. “Don’t beat yourself up about that. Those reporters were being jerks and putting so much pressure on you. They should’ve just left you alone, regardless of if you won or lost.”

Charlie sighed, hands twisting into her shirt as she continued to stare at the Burmy in Vaggie’s hair, fingers itching to snatch the thing from her head. “Vaggie, it’s fine. I’m used to the reporters by now. I’m… I’m a Morningstar. And I’m the daughter of the Pokémon League Champion and Professor Lily, plus Al and Rosie are my step-parents. There’s always gonna be reporters around me.”

“That doesn’t mean they can just get in your face like that and try to make you say stuff,” Vaggie grumbled. A thin sliver of her tongue stuck out from between her lips as she deftly began working at an especially stubborn piece of tangled hair. “And that also doesn’t mean you should keep beating yourself up over it. Just because your parents are who they are doesn't mean you have to be like them.”

Well, that was certainly easy for her to say. Resentment gnawed at Charlie’s gut as she watched Vaggie’s brand new Surskit crawl over to join them, blinking her large eyes curiously. After all, wasn’t it Vaggie who had said just a day ago that she was the adoptive daughter of Carmilla and Zestial? How could she possibly understand? She didn’t have any expectations on her because she didn’t inherit any. No, all she had to do was be herself and - because she was of course an absolutely flawless and wonderful Trainer - just about anyone would congratulate her for it.

But Charlie? No, Charlie had expectations. Pressure. The whole world was watching with bated breath for what kind of Trainer the so-called Princess of the Pokémon League would become.

It made things so much harder.

“I’m gonna go,” Charlie said suddenly, just barely missing Vaggie’s chin as she sat up abruptly. Vaggie’s necklace hit her forehead as she came up, leaving behind a tiny sting where it struck her.

“Wait, what?” Vaggie asked, clearly startled. She began rising from her chair. “Go? Go where? We haven’t finished our break yet, and-”

Charlie looked over her shoulder and shot Vaggie a bright smile. Too bright. One so wide it hurt. “Don’t worry, Vaggie! It’s just me. You need a break. You already caught some great Pokémon.” She quickly moved for the door, ignoring the way Surskit trilled curiously as she scuttled after her. “I just need some time to look for Pokémon alone. I’ll be back soon.”

Vaggie bit her bottom lip, eye narrowing in concern. “Charlie, you don’t have to do this alone. I can come with-”

“No!” Charlie snapped, flinching slightly as hurt flashed across Vaggie’s face. Then, she took a deep breath to steady herself, closing her eyes briefly. “I-I… I just need some time by myself, okay?”

Vaggie shrank back slightly, one hand plucking at her necklace as she scanned Charlie’s face. Then, she exhaled, her shoulders slumping as she leaned against a table. “O-okay… just… be careful, okay? And come back before the time gets called so we can walk back together.”

Who gave Vaggie the right to make that kind of face when Charlie was the one who felt like she was about to boil over? Well, either way, getting away from Vaggie would do her some good. After all, she needed some time to think and breathe without the reminder of just how not good she was constantly hovering over her shoulder. With only a silent nod, Charlie turned and opened the door of the Rest House, stepping out into the lush green landscape of the Safari Zone.

It was a beautiful morning, despite the turmoil roiling around her chest. So beautiful that it seemed almost every Pokémon denizen of the Safari Zone was out and about. She passed by a family of Nidoran nestled under a tree, their sharp eyes following her with mild curiosity. A Tropius lumbered through the underbrush, its leaves rustling softly in the summer wind. She even spotted a group of Wooper and Quagsire slicing through the stream, their blue skin shimmering in the dappled sunlight.

It took her a few minutes, but Charlie finally managed to find a quiet spot by the water’s edge, where a tiny group of Slowpoke lazed around on a nearby flat rock. She sat down on the bank of the river, hesitating for a moment before pulling out her V-phone. Once again, she scrolled through a few articles of missing Pokémon, then checked Voxtagram. The official account for the Bountia Town Gym had posted a picture of Vaggie and Pentious just after her win. The two were grinning at the camera, with Vaggie holding up the beautiful Garden Badge. Charlie’s stomach churned some more as her thumb moved to the three dots at the corner of the post and she muted the account. She really, really didn’t need to see this right now.

Deciding that Voxtagram wasn’t going to help her mood in any way, she decided instead to pull up her contacts, her mind flitting back to the conversation with Al the night before. He… had told her to call her parents, right? That they wouldn’t be disappointed in her, even though she completely and utterly messed up the Gym Battle? Nausea flooded through her as trembling fingers scrolled down to the Psyduck with a top hat she had set as her father’s profile picture, thumb hovering over the call button with uncertainty.

What if… what if her step-father was wrong? What if the moment she told her father that she had lost to Pentious of all people, he got mad at her? Or worse, he laughed at her? Rib her and make fun of her for being so pathetic? So pitiful? So very weak?

What if he said that she wasn’t his daughter?

Charlie closed her eyes and shook her head, her free hand curling into a fist as she willed her pulse to slow. Dad wasn’t like that. He was never like that. He was one of the kindest, sweetest people she had ever known. Sure, sometimes he said weird things and did even weirder stuff, but he was her dad. He loved her. He would support her no matter what.

Taking a deep breath, she pressed the video call button, swallowing as she waited for one ring, then two, then the screen flickered. She leaned forward, anticipation rising in her chest as a smile spread over her face. Of course her dad would answer right away! Of course he would drop everything for her! How did she ever doubt him in the-

A pair of beady black eyes filled the screen, set on a canvas of pale yellow. The little Mimikyu blinked up at her curiously, tilting his head to the side. The Pikachu head of his costume teetered precariously with the movement. Charlie’s heart sank immediately at the sight, disappointment crashing over her like a wave.

“Hi, Mimi,” she said, trying her best to keep the bitterness out of her voice.

Mimi blinked, then chirped a greeting before shuffling away, leaving the screen blank for a moment. In the background, Charlie could hear faint rustling and muffled voices. Frowning, she leaned closer to the speaker, straining her ears to try to pick up the conversation. Eavesdropping was important, after all - Rosie had said that sometimes the best gossip came from doing just that.

“...your Cherish Ball?” The voice that floated over the speaker first was a gentle tenor, tinged with just the slightest hint of strained anxiety. Her father’s voice. He sounded… stressed. Charlie’s brow furrowed as she pressed her ear to the speaker. A Cherish Ball? Whose Cherish Ball?

“I hardly think that giving it to her would solve any sort of problem.” That was Alastor’s voice - slightly higher-pitched, tinged with a touch of wicked mischief, yet still somehow warm. “She’s been able to handle herself well enough so far.”

“That’s the thing, isn’t it? With that weird f*cking Houndoom and all this stuff about Pokémon going missing… I don’t know if I can just… send her out there without any protection.”

“Well, that’s just the thing, isn’t it, Starly? Handing her a Cherish Ball - my Cherish Ball specifically - would just invite trouble. Her life is already hard enough with all that pressure placed upon her. We don’t need to add the burden of a special Pokéball and Legendary Pokémon on top of that.”

“But… Arceus, what if she’s put in danger? What then?” She could almost see her father running one hand through his hair, feel the way his teeth dug into his bottom lip. “At least… at least with your Legendary, she’d have some sort of backup… a-and maybe it can even help her in battle.”

The young Trainer swallowed as she pulled her knees to her chest. Why was her dad asking Alastor to give Charlie his Cherish Ball? Did he think she was weak? That she couldn’t protect herself? Yes, there were Pokémon going missing and he had mentioned a weird Houndoom, but there didn’t seem anything out of the ordinary happening. So, why? Was he truly so disappointed in her loss to Pentious that he’d rather give her a crutch to lean on than allow her to thrive on her own?

“Starly…” Alastor’s voice took on the gentle, soothing tone Rosie often referred to as his “soothe the duck” voice; a tone he reserved for calming her father. He had been using it more frequently lately. “I understand where you’re coming from, but… do keep in mind that this is our daughter we’re speaking of. She’s hardly helpless. Besides, she’s inherited both yours and LIlith’s pride. Do you truly think she’d simply accept a silly little crutch like this?”

He laughed softly. “She’ll make the exact same mistakes we made in our youth, but in a much more peaceful world. Isn’t that what we fought so much for?”

A brief pause. A faint shuffle of movement. Then, a low, heavy sigh. “I f*cking hate you and how right you are.”

“Well, if I were always as wrong as you seem to be, that would be considerably less fun,” Alastor said cheerfully. Then, he hummed thoughtfully. “You may wish to follow Mimi. I think he’s trying to bring you somewhere.”

Soon enough, the voices faded into a faint buzz at the back of Charlie’s mind. Unable to help herself, she stretched out her legs again, her thoughts flitting to the Cherish Balls. These special Pokéballs were known to be marks of extremely strong Trainers. Yet, for those who truly knew the legends, they were so much more than that.

Every single member of the League, with the exception of Mimzy, had a Cherish Ball. To possess a Cherish Ball meant that the Trainer had made a pact with an extraordinarily powerful Pokémon - a Legendary Pokémon. It meant that at some point in the Trainer’s career, the Legendary Pokémon had deemed them worthy enough to wield its power. From there, the Trainer and Legendary would forge an everlasting bond, one that could be called upon for help. Charlie wasn’t sure why her father seemed to want her to carry Alastor’s Cherish Ball around with her, but she did know one thing: she was going to refuse it no matter what.

Suddenly, the sound of footsteps filled the speakers, snapping Charlie from her thoughts. Not long after, her father’s pale, haggard face appeared. His hair stuck up all around him, as though he had been raking his fingers through it all morning. The dark circles under his eyes seemed even more prominent than usual. Charlie bit her lip as he deposited a stack of papers somewhere off to the side, then looked at her, shooting her a somewhat sheepish smile.

“Hey, CharChar,” he greeted, his voice tinged with fatigue and warmth. “Sorry for the delay. Things have been… hectic.”

“Hey, Dad,” Charlie said, forcing a smile on her face. “It’s okay, I get it. How are things on your end?”

“Ah, the usual. League meeting’s today and I’ve been Florges-ing swamped. Like, did you know that it’s actually illegal to smuggle Raticate across the border? Well, apparently they’re an ‘invasive species’ or something so Mimzy almost got her butt arrested. Anyways, how are things going? Having fun? Caught anything cool yet?”

“Um…” Charlie hesitated, swallowing hard as she watched Mimi climb onto Lucifer’s shoulder. He began nuzzling against her father’s cheek, letting out a happy little noise that almost sounded like a purr. “U-um… Things are… going okay, I guess.”

Lucifer paused, his eyes softening as his focus shifted entirely to her. “Just okay? What’s wrong?” He paused, his gaze briefly drifting off to the side before snapping back to her. “Alastor told me what happened… and well, I know he probably already told you this, but it’s okay. Setbacks are just part of the journey. You’ll learn from them, and-”

“It’s not just that, Dad,” Charlie interrupted, shame immediately flooding her at her outburst. She swallowed again, trying her best to ignore the way Mimi also shot her a pitying look as her free hand began playing with the ends of her hair. “I-I’ve been having a hard time in the Safari Zone, too.”

Her father frowned, his brows furrowing as he leaned forward. “The Safari Zone? Hey, that’s a great idea! You know, I actually caught SnapDragon over there when he was just a little Dratini. That place can really help your team get strong members.”

Charlie chewed her bottom lip, her gaze once again drifting to Mimi who was now playfully tugging at the loose strands of Lucifer’s hair. “I… I’m really hoping to get something strong here to help with my rematch, but-” she gestured around helplessly. “Every time I try, the Pokémon runs away. I haven’t caught anything and Vaggie’s already caught two things. Plus, I’m running out of Safari Balls and my time’s almost up and-”

“Charlie.” Lucifer sighed and reached up to pat Mimi on the head, gently shooing him away from his hair as he once again focused back on Charlie. When he spoke next, he pitched his voice low, dropping it half an octave into a soothing tone. “Breathe, kiddo. It’s okay. Just breathe.”

Her breath stuttered as she swallowed, feeling the familiar warmth of his voice wash over her. Periwinkle eyes closed as she focused on the rise and fall of her chest, the slowing of her heart rate, the gentle rhythm of his words. Slowly, she felt the tension melting from her shoulders, the panic that had threatened to overtake her disappearing.

Yes. She had to focus. She had to remember that her father was here for her. That he had always been here for her, even when he was dealing with the divorce, the League, his relationship with Alastor, Mimi, and everything else that came with the trappings of being Champion. He had been there through every triumph, every failure, and had never wavered in his support for her.

She shouldn’t just let one Mimikyu ruin her day like this.

“I-I’m sorry, Dad,” she said softly as she opened her eyes again, her voice steadier now. “I just… I don’t wanna disappoint you.”

Lucifer smiled at her, deep-seated affection and love flashing behind his eyes. “I know. But you know what? You could never disappoint me. I’m proud of you, no matter what. You’re doing your best. Who could ever ask for more?”

Charlie managed a small smile, her heart lifting slightly. “Thanks, Dad. I… I really, really needed to hear that.”

Lucifer nodded, then leaned back, Mimi hopping off of his shoulder onto the desk. The Disguise Pokémon wriggled around a bit before flopping on his side and closing his eyes, clearly settling down for a nap. Lucifer shot him a small, affectionate smile before turning his attention back to Charlie. “No problem at all. So… how ‘bout I give you some tips for the Safari Zone. Catching SnapDragon wasn’t easy! I was down to my last Safari Ball by the time I finally caught him.”

Charlie’s eyes brightened immediately. “Really?”

Lucifer laughed. “Really. I think I spent, like, all of my Gym winnings trying to catch a Dratini. And you know what really helped me?”

“Papa putting you on his shoulders so that you could actually see over the grass?”

Her father coughed suddenly, sky-blue eyes widening in horror. One trembling hand came up to his chest as he let out a wheeze. “Y-you… a…” he swallowed. “You… you said a short joke. Oh my Arceus. Oh my Arceus, I’m gonna kill him. His stupid jokes are rubbing off on my little girl-”

Charlie bounced on her bottom as she giggled, her grin only widening when both of her father’s hands flew to his hair, unabashed horror written all over his face. “So? What’d you do to catch SnapDragon?”

Lucifer let out a low whine before taking a deep breath, his features settling. “I-I… ahem. I applied what I was taught how to do in battle. I was patient. The Safari Zone’s all about timing and observation. Watch how the Pokémon moves and learn its patterns. The big thing is studying how they react to the bait versus a rock getting thrown at them. A lot of the time, a rock will make them so angry that they can’t figure out how to get out of the Safari Ball, but it’ll also make them more likely to run away if they’re shy. On the other side of it, bait will usually make it eager to break out of the ball so it can keep eating, but will also make it less likely to run away. But that’s the thing, kiddo. That’s just most of the time.”

Charlie tilted her head. “So, what happens when it’s not most of the time?”

A grin flashed across Lucifer’s face. “Some Safari Zone Pokémon respond better when you’re nice to them. Feeding them a couple pieces of bait - especially bait that’s covered in something special like berry juice - might not necessarily make them harder to catch. In SnapDragon’s case, it only made him less likely to run away. And for some other Pokémon, especially the kind that are really nice to humans, bait can actually make them more likely to stay in the Safari Ball.” He hummed and rested his chin in his hands, blue eyes twinkling cheerfully at her. “So keep a close eye on the Pokémon while you’re stalking it and remember all the lessons the League members taught you about what Pokémon are like… especially Rosie’s lessons. You might just run into a Pokémon that’s a lot more like you out there.”

Charlie blinked, her brow furrowing as she thought back to Rosie’s lessons. The Fairy-type Elite Four Member had sat her down at least once a week and gone over Pokémon behavioral patterns; a passion of hers. She was often found studying Clefairy or Ralts to learn more about them, but also enjoyed studying the non-Fairy-type Pokémon found in the Fairy Egg Group, like Snorunt and Audino. What was her dad getting at? What had Rosie taught her so long ago?

“...I guess I need to think some more,” Charlie said, her shoulders slumping slightly as her mind continued to race.

Lucifer laughed again, then shook his head. “You’ll be fine. Don’t overthink it too much… Al says that we Morningstars have a bad habit of doing that. Just be patient and keep a close eye out for Pokémon that might prefer getting wined and dined first before you try to shove them into a ball.” He winked. “And because I know Al will kill me if I don’t give you this tip, remember that it’s always better to hit the Pokémon on the back with a ball to catch it than to hit it from the front. If you catch them by surprise, they’re less likely to break out.”

Charlie nodded, feeling a renewed sense of determination as she reached into her pocket and counted the Safari Balls still left inside it. Five. She had five chances to make her catch. “Okay! Thanks, Dad. I’ll keep that all in mind.”

Lucifer gave her one last grin, his chest swelling slightly as he reached for the screen. “That’s my girl. Love you more than anything.” Then, he sighed, his smile turning reluctant. “Good luck, kiddo.”

Once her father disappeared from the screen, Charlie leaned back and let out a low exhale. Okay. She didn’t have much time left and only five Safari Balls. Plus, she needed to find a Pokémon that would be a good counter to Pentious’ status moves, especially that damned Hypnosis. Plus, she also needed one that could attack at a distance to prevent Foongus’ Effect Spore from kicking her down again. Chewing her bottom lip, she looked up at the Safari Zone, periwinkle eyes scanning for a possible lead.

Determined, Charlie set off deeper into the Safari Zone, her heart pounding as pressure settled onto her shoulders. She had to make every second she had left in here count. And she had to really make sure that whatever she caught was worth all of this stress, all of this time.

The vibrant landscape around her teemed with life as she passed. A group of Hoppip took flight, startled by her approach, their bright pink bodies catching the sunlight in a dazzling display. Nearby, a group of Bunneary peeked out from the tall grass, yellow-tufted ears twitching lightly. When she saw the tall trees of the forested area of the Safari Zone before her, she dove in without a single hesitation.

Her Running Shoes crunched softly on the forest floor as she moved through the underbrush, eyes sharp for any sign of a suitable Pokémon. As she passed by a tree, she paused, periwinkle eyes lighting up when she saw a patch of honey glistening on the bark.

Oh! Honey always went well with tea and snacks. Maybe she could grab some honeycomb and give it to Pentious later as a thank-you snack for housing her and Vaggie for the night. After checking carefully to make sure no Combee, Vespiqueen, or - Arceus forbid - Beedrill were nearby, Charlie stepped up to the tree and carefully reached into its hollow, grimacing slightly as a sticky substance coated her fingers. Carefully, she removed some honeycomb from the tree and used a leaf to wrap it up. Once it was covered well enough, she stuffed it in her bag.

Minutes turned into what felt like hours as she wandered around, every wasted second echoing in her mind. The pressure mounted with every step, her remaining Safari Balls feeling heavier with every passing second. She spotted a Bidoof grazing in a clearing, but it darted away before she could get close enough. A Stunfisk slipped through the water of a nearby stream, its flat body disappearing beneath the sand before she had a chance to react.

Frustration gnawed at her chest, but she pushed forward, steadying her breath to focus on the task at hand. She could do this. She had to do this. No matter what, she was going to walk out of here with a friend for life. And then, she was going to go apologize to Vaggie for all of the negative things she had felt before and-

A flash of pink. Charlie froze, her heart leaping out her throat. That wasn’t the pink of a Nidoran or of a Hoppip. What else was pink around here? Charlie frowned, one hand reaching for her Pokédex, barely digging it out in time to catch a blurry picture of the pink flash. For a few moments, she watched it with bated breath as it quickly searched its database for a match.

Her throat went dry.

“Chansey, the Egg Pokémon. It is known to lay extremely nutritious eggs every day. To protect their eggs from other Pokémon, they are known to flee very quickly.”

Then, Charlie’s eyes flew down the page to its Egg Group: Fairy. Fairy. The exact Egg Group that Rosie loved to study.

Suddenly, Charlie blinked, a memory surfacing to the front of her mind: she and Rosie were seated at the kitchen table in her Dawnveil Town home, sharing a pot of Polteageist matcha tea and strawberry cream sundae shaped to look like an Alcremie. Her mother was out quelling some especially irate Chatot that day, leaving Charlie and her step-mother alone together. Rosie had just finished up explaining how to evolve Happiny into Chansey.

“Let me tell ya something about Chansey, Princess. They’re probably the most compassionate things in the region! Their eggs all have excellent healing properties and they’ll share their eggs with injured Pokémon and humans so long as their hearts ain’t evil. And if they meet a Trainer as compassionate as they are? Well, let’s just say that nothing will make ‘em happier than making that Trainer happy for the rest of their lives together!”

A Chansey! They were incredibly rare Pokémon - probably the rarest Pokémon one could find in the Alighieri region Safari Zone. Charlie’s heart pounded with excitement as she slowly began following the flash of pink, her every step stilted. She picked her way through numerous bushes and over countless twigs, careful not to make any sudden noise to scare the poor Pokémon away.

She found Chansey in a small clearing, its egg-like body almost glowing in the dappled sunlight. She moved slowly, nibbling on some berries, her entire demeanor serene. Every so often, she would pause and look down at the egg in her pouch, giving it a light pat on the top before moving on.

Charlie bit her lip as she crouched low, her pulse thundering in her ears. Dad had told her to be careful. To be patient. To watch Chansey’s movements and wait for the best time to strike. And so she did, swallowing as she forced her breathing to even out, watching with wide periwinkle eyes as Chansey continued to nibble at the berries around the clearing. Then, once she was sure that Chansey didn’t intend on moving on anytime soon, Charlie reached for some bait and tossed it gently towards the pink Pokémon.

The bait landed on the grass with a soft thud, catching Chansey’s attention. The Egg Pokémon’s eyes widened as she noticed the bait, hesitating a moment before waddling over. Charlie held her breath, watching as Chansey picked up the bait and began to nibble on it.

Slowly, Charlie reached for a Safari Ball, her hand steady despite the adrenaline surging through her veins. She inched closer, her steps slow and deliberate, until she was within range. With a quick, practiced motion, she tossed the Safari Ball. It struck the Chansey, causing it to disappear in a flash of light. The ball dropped to the ground and wobbled once, twice, three times...

But it clicked open, and Chansey reappeared, blinking in confusion.

Charlie bit her lip, her eyes narrowing as frustration mounted within her. But then, she took a deep breath to steady herself again and reached for a second Safari Ball. She couldn’t, wouldn’t give up now. She tossed the Safari Ball, her heart pounding with each wobble. But again, the ball clicked open, and Chansey was free.

The Egg Pokémon turned around, continuing to blink in confusion. After a few moments, she met Charlie’s eyes, the pink Pokémon’s gaze widening at the sight. Charlie reached into her bag and tossed another bait towards Chansey, watching as it landed in front of her. Chansey knelt and began sniffing at it before she carefully picked it up and placed it in her mouth. Charlie took that chance to throw another Safari Ball, which wobbled only once before clicking open once more.

“No, no, no,” Charlie whispered, her hands trembling. She threw her fourth Safari Ball, only for it to go way off course and sail well past Chansey’s position. Her stomach twisted horribly as she watched the ball roll away uselessly, pale hands twitching as she once again locked eyes with Chansey, who tilted her head, curiosity written all over her face.

What could she do? She only had one Safari Ball left and nothing else to throw. On top of that, her limited time was certainly almost run out by now. At this rate, Chansey was going to get bored or scared of her and flee. Or worse, some Pokémon Ranger was going to come onto the intercom and announce that her game was over. Either way, she was going to leave empty-handed and be forced to tell her father that, despite his advice, she once again failed.

Swallowing hard around the lump in her throat, Charlie reached into her bag, searching for something, anything that could help her. Maybe she had a leftover berry? Or maybe Al had managed to sneak a Poffin in here? Or maybe there was some snack somewhere that she hadn’t already eaten?

Suddenly, her hand brushed up against something sickeningly sticky. The honeycomb. The honeycomb from earlier that she had wrapped in a leaf, intent on giving it to Pentious as a gift. Charlie’s eyes widened as the realization hit her. Wait a minute. Didn’t Dad say something about putting something special on bait?

Well, it wasn’t berry juice, but it would do.

Taking a deep breath, Charlie carefully unwrapped the honeycomb, the sticky substance clinging to her fingers as she coated a piece of bait with it. The rich, sweet scent wafted through the air, and Charlie watched as Chansey’s nose twitched in response. Okay. At least she was going to get some reaction out of her one last shot.

Once the bait was suitably coated with honey, Charlie tossed it towards Chansey, her heart ringing in her ears. The bait landed a little distance away from the Chansey. If the Egg Pokémon wanted it, she would have to turn her back on Charlie to investigate. For a few moments, Chansey didn’t move, only giving Charlie one last curious look. Then, something gentle flashed behind Chansey’s eyes, something that was so very close to understanding. Then, Chansey turned her back on Charlie and waddled over to the honey-coated bait and bent down to pick it up and pop it in her mouth.

Charlie reached for her final Safari Ball. This was it. All cards on the table. Either she was going home with a Chansey or she was going to fail again. Her fingers trembled as she took aim at Chansey’s back and threw, her eyes never leaving the Pokémon.

The ball arched through the air and struck Chansey on the back, once again causing her to disappear in a flash of light. It hit the ground with a soft thud and began to wobble, the seconds stretching into an eternity.





“Ding-dong! Time’s up! Your Safari Game is over!”

Lucifer, as per usual, was late to the weekly Pokémon League meeting. Between dealing with Gala’s latest meltdown - someone had apparently filled the Primarina’s pool with water that was two degrees too cold - and keeping close tabs on his daughter, the Pokémon League Champion barely had any time to keep track of his own schedule. Not for the first time, he silently thanked Rosie and her willingness to keep things on track in exchange for unlimited and unfettered access to the Dragon-types in the mountain caves; without her, he and Alastor would definitely miss pretty much every single one of these meetings.

The first thing he did after hanging up with Charlie was send Mimi on ahead to secure the room and make sure that no one was drooling all over Lucifer’s nice mahogany conference table. Then, he went to collect his stupid, handsome, unfairly tall husband, who, for some Arceus-forsaken reason, had decided that transferring all the different flavors of pancake mix Lucifer had carefully and lovingly made to the top shelf of the pantry was the best way to entertain himself until the meeting. By the time the Champion was done trying to wrestle the absolutely precious Pecha Berry Pancake Mix from Alastor’s surprisingly solid grip, they were even more late to the meeting. And that was how Lucifer walked into the conference room with a very giggly, very smug Alastor in tow, covered in a light pink dust and probably smelling way sweeter than normal.

Naturally, from the moment the Champion and his husband entered the conference room, they (well, okay, Alastor) had to duck a flying Thunderbolt. It struck the wall behind him and incinerated the (very tasteful and not creepy, thank you very much) portrait of Jonathan - Lucifer’s Mr. Rime - and left a pile of ashes in its wake. Lucifer rubbed his temples as he put yet another f*cking thing on his Champion Cleanup List before turning to the chaos in front of him.

Vox and Val were on time, which was a great thing… if it weren’t for the fact that they both had a Pokémon out and seemed to be intent on ripping the room apart. Vox’ Magnezone and Val’s Mothim were out and locked onto a yellow blur that darted and weaved skillfully between the furniture. The two Pokémon launched attacks in rapid succession, electric sparks flying and gusts of wind tearing through the air. As the door shut behind them, the blur tripped and tumbled into a wall, revealing Mimi’s tiny form. The little Mimikyu’s eyes were wide with fear as the Thunderstone he had been clutching skidded off to the side.

Oh f*ck.

Cold fury rose in Lucifer’s chest, his blood rushing in his ears. How f*cking dare they? Didn’t they know that Mimi was just having fun? That he wasn’t allowed to be attacked? That if he was to ever get hurt, Lucifer was going to rip the entire f*cking Pokémon World apart in revenge?

Next to him, Alastor’s smile froze on his face, one eye twitching as he reached to press a button on his cane. His neck muscles were wound so tight they stood out against the sharp cut of his jaw. Just as he was about to pull the Pokéball out, Lucifer stepped forward, placing a gentle but firm hand on his husband’s arm.

“I got this,” Lucifer snarled, his voice low and cold. He reached for his belt and pulled out a Premier Ball, the stark white and red sphere glinting dangerously in his hand. “Ambrosia, go!”

In a flash of light, the Zoroark materialized, his mane billowing like a storm cloud, eyes gleaming with mischief. As soon as his feet touched the ground, Ambrosia crouched low, baring his teeth. The very shadows seemed to shrink away, as though the room itself sensed the Champion’s fury. Then, Lucifer snapped his fingers.

Ambrosia moved with blinding speed, leaping in front of Mimi with almost effortless grace. A single Flamethrower erupted from his maw and engulfed both the Mothim and Magnezone simultaneously in a torrent of flames. The stench of singed metal and scorched earth filled the room, the intense heat making everyone flinch and step back.

Once the flames subsided and the room began to cool, Magnezone and Mothim lay defeated. The Thunderstone had been reduced to a pile of ash. Mimi hopped to his feet and scurried to hide behind Lucifer’s legs, his little body trembling slightly as he moved. The tension in the room was palpable, a heavy silence falling over the assembled members of the League.

Lucifer took a moment to look around, his eyes sweeping across the room. Val was hiding underneath the table, peeking nervously out from underneath it. His beady eyes darted between his Mothim and Lucifer, clearly unsure if he should move to call him back into his ball. Vox, on the other hand, clutched his chest as he muttered for Magnezone to return to its ball, clearly frazzled by the attack. Alastor leaned almost casually against a nearby wall, something dark, eager, and possessive flashing behind his eyes.

Oh, right. It had been a while since Lucifer last flexed his own power.

Once he recalled Ambrosia back into his ball and Alastor had picked up Mimi, Lucifer turned to glare at Vox. “So… wanna explain why you f*cking attacked Mimi?”

Vox shuffled nervously, then cleared his throat. “He stole my last Thunderstone because that f*cker,” he jerked one thumb at Alastor, “keeps making him do it! So now every time that thing sees me with one, he jumps up and grabs it.”

“Does he, now?” Alastor asked, scratching Mimi on the back. Despite the lightness in his voice, the red-hot fury from earlier still flashed in his eyes, his smile drawn so tight Lucifer was pretty sure it was about to fall off him. “I’m not quite sure I follow, old pal. Can’t you just buy or mine more Thunderstones? Why attack a child when he just wants to have some fun with you?”

Vox’ scowl deepened. “Don’t give me that crap, Alastor. Dunno if you heard, but there’s been way more wild Pokémon attacks lately. None of the Miners can get down to grab Thunderstones and on top of that, someone bought out all the Evolution Stones from the Slyth Department Store. So no, I can’t buy anymore of ‘em.” He shot Mimi a glare. “So when I say he stole my last one… I f*cking meant it.”

Before either of them could answer, the door behind them creaked open and Husk entered, looking more exhausted than usual. The Dark-type Gym Leader had clearly not slept in a while if the dark circles under his eyes were any indication. Then again, did anyone in the League except maybe Pentious ever get a full night’s sleep? They were constantly dealing with troublemakers and averting random disasters behind the scenes.

As Husk took his seat, the door opened again and Rosie glided in, sending Alastor and Lucifer a cheerful wave as she walked to her own chair. Unlike Husk, she seemed more chipper than usual, walking with a grace that was almost ethereal. When she sat down, she almost immediately pulled out her latest sewing project - a white top hat for Mimi to wear - and began fussing over it.

Lucifer checked the clock as he and Alastor walked to the head of the table. Now that he was here, he could finally catch up on what he had missed… which didn’t seem to be much. He sat down while Alastor took a seat next to him, quietly recalling Mimi back into his Pokéball before leaning back in his chair, accepting his “Oh Deerling” mug from Gengar as she slipped in with it. Once her master had his coffee in hand, the Shadow Pokémon snickered, then vanished into the shadows of the room. As soon as Val and Vox took their seats, Lucifer cleared his throat and cast his gaze around the room.

“Okay, is anyone else coming?” he asked, digging his notes out of his hat as he spoke. The other League members exchanged looks, but no one spoke up.

Rosie looked up from her project. “Carmilla’s battling a Challenger right now and you know Zestial would never turn down a chance to see that gal fight.” She grinned, a spark lighting up in her dark blue eyes. “But that’s fine! All you need are me and Alastor.”

“Niff, Mimzy, and Cherri are all stuck in their Gyms today, and Pentious is about to face your kid again,” Husk said. He dug out a bottle of MooMoo Milk and took a long drink. “So, it’s just me here.”

“Velvette got pulled into some sorta weird party that the museum’s putting on,” Vox said. He gestured to Val, who leaned back in his chair, folding his long legs underneath the table. “So, it’s just him and me on my end.”

Well, at least everyone was accounted for. Why didn’t he just move these meetings online again? Oh, right. Alastor didn’t want Vox’ software anywhere near his computer and frankly, Lucifer didn’t either.

“Let’s start the meeting then,” Lucifer said, glancing down at his papers. sh*t… he knew he should’ve actually written this stuff on a desk instead of while on the back of a Dragonite. He couldn’t read any of this stuff! “First off, Elite Four stuff. As some of you probably heard, some random kid’s Houndoom f*cked Al’s Chandelure pretty hard recently-”

Val let out a loud snort. “Really? Are they even part of the same Egg- ow!” He glared at Vox, rubbing the spot where the Thunderous Overlord had jabbed him with a sharp elbow. “What the f*ck was that for!?”

Lucifer groaned, rubbing his temples. Barely two minutes into the meeting and he was already starting to feel the beginnings of a headache. Was this how the old Champion, Michael, felt? Actually, scratch that, this was definitely how he felt. From what Lucifer remembered, the previous generation’s League had also been f*cking insane.

Anyways, Lilith’s still not done analyzing that Houndoom yet, but it sounds like whatever happened to him might be happening at other places too. Has anyone else here battled weird-ass Pokémon lately?”

Vox raised his hand. “I got challenged by a kid with a pretty pissed off-looking Golem last week. Handled it fine, but then that f*ckin’ thing tried to take a bite out of Lanturn even after the battle was over.” He shook his head. “I don’t know what was with it, but no matter how many times I had Lanturn use Scald, it kept getting back up. Either there’s some sort of new Vitamin on the block or someone’s handing out stupidly powerful Pokémon to kids who shouldn’t have them.”

Lucifer frowned, furrowing his brow. “So… that makes at least two weird f*cking Pokémon. Did you manage to get the kid to hand it over?”

Vox sighed. “Yeah… after it tried a second time to take an Arceus-damned bite out of Lanturn.”

“Well now, who wouldn’t?” Alastor asked cheerfully. “There's hardly anything tastier than fresh Lanturn sashimi with a side of Hoppip collard greens!”

“f*ck you, Alastor! Keep your nasty f*ckin’ snacks out of our meeting!”

“Now, Vox, remember what the doctor said?” Val asked. Lucifer narrowed his eyes at the Flying-type Gym Leader, zeroing in on the cigarette dangling from his lips. Didn’t he ban those from League meetings months ago? “Can’t get yourself too pissy or your blood pressure’s going to skyrocket again!”

“Um, f*ck you!”

“Just saying!”

As usual, things were going nowhere. Lucifer actually considered for a moment if he needed to actually instate some sort of rule or something about the amount of times people were allowed to yell at Alastor or Vox during a meeting. Then again, those two kept things interesting. And if there was one thing about Lucifer and his League, it was that if anyone ever got bored, things tended to break. Violently.

“Alright, we’ll just move ‘freaky feral Pokémon’ to the ‘needs further investigation’ category,” Lucifer said, quickly checking off the list. “Next… uh…” He squinted hard at the paper, then turned it upside down, trying to interpret the rather aggressive squiggles of his handwriting. “Something about… Virgil Tunnel?”

Virgil Tunnel, also known as Lovers’ Cave, was the cavern that connected Slyth and Allora City. It was rumored that any couple who went inside it would have their love blessed by whatever Pokémon ruled over love and end up together forever. That was, naturally, a load of Tauros crap, because the last time Lucifer went in there to investigate said rumors, all he got was a sore back, bruises from all the rocks digging into said back, and a Mega Stone for a Pokémon that he didn’t even own.

Oh, wait, this was probably something serious. He should pay attention.

“Eh, not sure if it’s relevant, but yeah, there has been a lot of vibrations coming from there lately,” Val said. He leaned back in his seat, chewing on the end of the unlit cigarette as he cast his beady-eyed gaze over to Lucifer. “I tried to investigate, but walked straight into a swarm of Zubat. I was lucky I had a spare Escape Rope with me. Otherwise… well, it would’ve been ugly.”

“You probably would’ve been fine if you actually f*cking checked whether or not it was Zubat mating season,” Vox said, rolling his eyes. “Seriously, aren’t you supposed to be the bird guy around here? Those vibrations are probably just the Zubat population going out of control again.”

Val narrowed his eyes. “Zubat mating season doesn’t just cause caves to vibrate.”

“No, but Supersonic sure as f*ck can.”

“Well, regardless, it’s pretty f*cking annoying, especially since I prefer feeling vibrations only when something is up my-”

“Keep that to yourself, Val,” Husk groaned. Then, he crossed his arms and turned to Lucifer. “Weird sh*t’s happening at my place too, if you wanna hear it.”

“Doesn’t weird sh*t happen at your place all the time?”

Husk’s scowl deepened. “Yeah, but this is weirder than usual. Someone’s bought up the Game Corner over where I’m at. All of a sudden, Pokémon prizes aren’t being handed out anymore.”

Rosie raised an eyebrow. “Isn’t that a good thing? You’ve been fighting to get rid of the Pokémon trafficking rumors for years!”

Husk shook his head. “You’d think… except that’s not how that worked. Some weirdo came in and spent like a billion coins cashing out all of them. Every Porygon, Abra, Clefairy… even the grand prizes.” Husk let out a low huff. “Three Eevees… and they just so happened to do all of this on the same day the Evolution Stone guy that hangs around the Underground Market sold out of all his stones.”

”Wait, is that why I can’t even buy new Thunderstones on the black market?” Vox asked. “That f*cker! Who is he!? I’ll fry his ass!”

”Vox, your blood pressure-“

”f*ck you!”

Yup, that settled it. After this meeting, Lucifer was going to grab his husband and drag him to the nearest Casteliacone shop because holy f*ck did he need an extra sweet pick-me-up after this. Cursing under his breath, he turned to the rest of the group.

“Any other updates?”

Husk drained the rest of his MooMoo Milk and sat back, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. “Just one left. Niff wanted me to let you know that she’s been seeing more… er… ‘bad boys’ hanging around that abandoned warehouse out in the woods near her lately.”

Lucifer frowned. His gaze flew to Alastor, who had stiffened at the mention of the place, his shoulders tense. “Abandoned warehouse? You don’t mean-”

“The one that you, Lilith, and Al raided when you were kids? Yeah, that one.”

Lucifer froze. Why an abandoned warehouse? Why the one in Battlerock City specifically? Why now? There were a million abandoned warehouses all over the region and most of them were probably way less conspicuous than the one in the woods right outside of the city most famous for its Battle Tower.

But there was something else, something that made his stomach churn and his breath stutter in his chest. That particular warehouse was the base of operations of a horrible criminal organization; one that he, Alastor, and Lilith had defeated a decade ago. Back then, it had been armed with special containment units meant to hold Pokémon and sedate them so the organization could experiment on them. It was a cruel, horrible place that Lucifer had wanted to burn to the ground the moment he set foot inside it.

“What are they doing with it?”

Husk shrugged. “Hard to say. Niff’s been trying to send her Bugs in after ‘em, but they end up stopped each time. The guys in charge have some sort of weird barrier that f*cks with her Bugs’ brains and confuses them when they get too close.”

The Champion’s chest tightened anxiously, his mind flashing back to those dark days. The memory of rows upon rows of cages, filled with neglected Pokémon with empty, glassy eyes flashed through his mind. How was it that even after so long, the scars from those days - physical, emotional, and worst of all, mental - still felt so fresh?

Next to him, Alastor's normally relaxed and confident posture had stiffened, his hand curling into a fist on the table. The subtle tension in his shoulders, the way his jaw clenched - signs that only Lucifer would notice - revealed that he was just as uneasy. Alastor’s dark eyes scanned the room, missing nothing, the grip on his mug tightening. He lifted it up to his lips and took a sip, but from the way his eye twitched, he couldn’t even taste the liquid inside.

“Uh… Champ? You okay?” Husk asked, brow furrowing in concern. Nearby, Rosie put down her sewing and chewed on her bottom lip, something dark and unreadable flashing behind her eyes.

Lucifer forced himself to take a deep breath, trying to steady the erratic beat of his heart. That group… No. Of course not. They couldn’t be back. Their leader had died long ago - Lucifer had ensured that with his own two hands. He swallowed, desperately clamping down on the fear gnawing at his insides, the nagging doubt that had lingered there for the past ten years. He exchanged a glance with Alastor, who looked up at him with his usual wide smile, but with the tiniest flicker of fear behind his eyes.

They needed to investigate this personally.

Lucifer cleared his throat and turned to address the room. “Sounds like we have a lot of sh*t to investigate and are too damned short-staffed to do that.”

Alastor tilted his head. “Too short-staffed? Starly, I understand that it’s a sensitive topic for you, but there’s no need to insult the rest of us.”

Oh, this asshole.

Lucifer exhaled sharply through his nostrils and sent a tight smile his husband’s way. “Alastor. Thanks for volunteering to be bait for the warehouse raid. Take Husk, Rosie, and Niffty with you.”

”Wait, what the f*ck?” Husk asked. “Why am I getting saddled with him? I have the whole Game Corner thing to worry about!”

Lucifer rolled his eyes. “I’ll have the Carmines take care of the Game Corner thing. You and Niffty are the only ones who can back-up his type weakness and you’re the only one who can prevent her from getting more f*cked up in the head because of him.”

Alastor arched an eyebrow, a smirk playing on his lips. “Are we quite sure that I’m the one corrupting that little darling?” He snickered, then leaned back and put his feet up on the table. “Cheer up, Husker! It’ll be just like old times. Niffty and I’ll send in our Pokémon to dismember everyone in our way and you’ll find us a good bar to go celebrate our victory at until none of us can walk anymore and you have to drive us home!”

Husk grumbled, slumping back in his seat with a scowl. “Great, just f*cking great. Babysitting duty.” He dug yet another bottle of MooMoo Milk out of his bag and drank it, flipping off Alastor as he did so.

”I get to be part of the raiding party too?” Rosie asked. Her smile was calm at the moment, though her eyes sparkled with wild anticipation. “Well, ain’t that exciting? I haven’t been on one of those since Alastor and I took down that Slowpoke Tail smuggling ring a couple years ago!” She reached over and ribbed his husband, grinning wildly. “Remember that, darling? Such good times!”

”Ha! Maybe for you, Rosie, dear. I distinctly remember not being allowed to pick from the leftovers once we were done… which is a shame! I’ve heard that Slowpoke Tail is quite the delicacy in other regions.”

“Uh, yeah, no, that’s f*cking gross,” Vox said. He rose from his seat and gave Lucifer a curt nod. “Val and I’ll tell the rest of the Gym Leaders to keep an eye out for any more weird, f*cked-up Pokémon.”

Lucifer returned the nod as he stood as well. Yup, a Casteliacone sounded great right now. Maybe with some extra hot fudge. And sprinkles. Rainbow sprinkles. He’d sit there and make sure Alastor couldn’t get to it, because the last time he let his guard down, his Castelliacone ended up smothered in Togepi meringue and he was still upset about that.

“If everyone’s good with their assignments, get the f*ck out of my conference room. Meeting adjourned.”

It took Charlie about three days of near-constant training with Vaggie until she finally felt like she got the hang of using Chansey. Unlike KeeKee, who was a speedy attacker, Chansey was more of a nearly impenetrable wall; her attacking ability wasn’t very good at all, but she was able to take many, many hits. As much as she appreciated the change in pace, the shift from aggressive attacks to defensive maneuvers was challenging, and the learning curve was steep. Still, she was glad to have Vaggie here supporting her, and soon enough, Charlie found herself walking up once again to the doors of Pentious’ Gym, ready for her rematch.

Charlie’s heart raced as she faced the doors of the Gym, palms sweaty and tingling. The last time she had walked through these doors, she had faced nothing but crushing defeat. The sting of that memory, the shame of her loss, still made her chest and stomach curdle, sending ice to her very core. But… she would have to face Pentious again regardless. If she was going to eventually take on the Pokémon League, it was either face him to fade back into obscurity once again.

“You got this, Charlie,” Vaggie said, giving her a reassuring squeeze on the shoulder. “Just remember everything we’ve practiced. You know what to expect now.”

Of course she did. She knew what to expect, how to conquer Pentious’ back strategies, and ensure that this time, she would walk out with her head held high. This time, she would give Alastor and her father something to be proud of. This time, she would put all of the smarts she had inherited from her mom and the teachings she had received from Rosie to good use.

This time, she will not lose.

They walked to the main battle arena and up to the bleachers, seating themselves among the crowd just in time to see that there was another battle going on. Pentious’ Sunkern was out, the little Seed Pokémon flaring out her leaves as she faced off against a Baltoy. Despite being probably the weakest link on Pentious’ team, Sunkern fought fiercely, launching a barrage of Razor Leaves at the Baltoy. The Clay Doll Pokémon, in turn, spun rapidly to the side, evading the attacks with a seemingly impossible level of agility and precision.

Charlie watched, captivated by the battle, periwinkle eyes flying across the field as she noted the strategic tactics, the timing behind each move, even the way both Pokémon seemed to anticipate their opponent’s actions. It was a mesmerizing dance, a perfect blend of skill and instinct. Finally, the Baltoy landed a decisive Psybeam and Sunkern crumpled to the ground, fainted.

“I did it!” the Baltoy’s Trainer cheered, silver curls bouncing as she jumped up and down and clapped her hands. “I really did it! I won!”

“Yes, you have!” Pentious said, stepping off the dais. He pulled a Garden Badge out of his hat with a flourish and happily pressed it to the girl’s hands. “Rejoice! For you have been deemed worthy of the Garden Badge!” He whirled towards the bleachers and stretched both arms to the ceiling. “Applaud, my audience! Applaud for her! Congratulate her on a job well done!”

Charlie and Vaggie joined in the applause, the sound echoing throughout the Gym. The girl turned towards them, her grin turning sheepish as she tucked a silvery strand of hair behind her ear. She was a rather pretty thing, with pale blue eyes and olive-colored skin, her cheeks sprinkled lightly with freckles. As she approached the bleachers, she bounced on the balls of her feet. To say that the girl was ecstatic would’ve been an understatement; she was practically glowing with joy, her smile stretched so wide across her face that it nearly rivaled Alastor’s.

“Hi!” Charlie said cheerfully, extending a hand. “I’m Charlie, and this is Vaggie.” She grinned at the other Trainer, her earlier nervousness forgotten. “That was an amazing battle!”

The girl’s smile widened as she shook hands with them. “Thanks! I’m Emily… Or Em… Or Emmy… or E… whatever you want!” She giggled a bit nervously. Then, as though realizing that she had been shaking Charlie’s hand for too long, she flinched and dropped it. “It’s nice to meet you both!”

Vaggie nodded in agreement. “You’ve got some serious skills out there. How did you train your Baltoy up to be so fast? Seriously, I don’t think I’ve seen anything dodge so many Razor Leaves that easily!”

Emily beamed at them. “My big brother and I train a ton! He makes sure that I train a bunch in power and speed so that we can take on pretty much anyone!”

“How long did that take you?” Charlie asked, her eyes widening. “Baltoy can be fast, but that’s crazy fast!”

“Oh… just a few months,” Emily said with a grin. “But Adam said I shouldn't need that much time to prep for the next Gym, since Baltoy’s a Ground-type and all that. It’ll be strong against Cherri’s Fire-types!” Then, she tilted her head, silver curls falling over her face. “What about you guys? Are you about to battle Pentious?”

“Yeah, that’s the plan,” Charlie replied, periwinkle eyes darting over to where Pentious stood, cackling as his Vileplume took down another Trainer’s Rhydon with a powerful Solar Beam. She swallowed, willing her quivering heart to slow down as the Rhydon disappeared into his Pokéball in a flash of light. “I’ve been training really hard, but… it’s my second time challenging him. Last time didn’t really… go so well…”

Emily’s eyes widened with understanding, the corners of her mouth quirking up. “I get it. He’s a pretty tough one even if he’s… kinda weird sometimes.”

Right on cue, Pentious threw back his head and laughed, both hands rising into the air. “AHAHAHA! Foolish fool! You have activated my trap car- er… move! TOXIC!”

Charlie let out a low sigh, warmth rising in her cheeks. She had almost forgotten how embarrassing Pentious could be at times. “Yeah… he’s been like that since I was little. He… well, I mean, Cherri finds him super charming!”

Vaggie snorted. “I still think she just keeps him around ‘cause he’s the only one who lets her blow up whatever she wants without yelling at her. But yeah, sure, we’ll go with that.”

Emily giggled. “Just remember to keep an eye on his status moves. He loves using them and once he catches you with one, he won’t have any mercy.”

Vaggie nodded thoughtfully. “Good advice. He likes to sit back and wait for you to fall into those traps, then hammer you until your Pokémon keel over.” She grinned. “But I’ll bet that training with your brother really paid off, too.”

“It sure did!” Emily’s enthusiasm was infectious. “Adam’s been a huge help! He’s always pushing me to do my very best. But it’s not just about winning the battles; he’s always trying to make sure my Pokémon don’t get too hurt during them so we can have fun all the way until the end!”

Charlie smiled warmly. “That’s awesome! I’m glad I’ve got Vaggie here helping me out, ‘cause like my mom says, a good support system is the best thing a Trainer could have.”

Vaggie flushed a pretty pink and tucked one lock of brown hair behind her ear. “Y-you’re really laying it on thick, Charlie…”

Emily nodded vigorously. “Having someone to train with makes such a huge difference! And, hey, if you need any more tips or just wanna talk strategy, we should totally meet up for lunch. We Trainers have to stick together!”

Before either Charlie or Vaggie could answer her, the door to the Gym creaked open once again. A tall, broad-shouldered man entered, carelessly closing the door behind him and almost hitting a Trainer coming up behind him with it. One hand came up to scratch at his cedar-brown locks as his hazel eyes scanned the room. Radiating an air of casual confidence.

Emily’s face lit up even more at the sight of him. “Adam!” She jumped in the air and began waving. “I’m over here!”

At the sound of the girl’s voice, Adam’s gaze snapped over to them and he immediately lumbered towards the small group, stepping on plants as he went. Charlie blinked owlishly as Pentious’ carefully manicured flowers and a few fallen berries were crushed under the man’s feet, her brow furrowing in concern. Pentious and Cherri spent entire weekends taking care of the flowers in and around the Gym. To have someone stomp on them so casually… it was enough to make annoyance flare up in the back of Charlie’s mind.

“Yo, ‘sup, Em?” Adam asked, flashing the young Trainer a wide grin. “Ready to ditch this f*ckin’ popsicle stand?”

This was Emily’s big brother?

Emily’s enthusiasm didn’t waver. “Yup! But first, meet Vaggie and Charlie!” She gestured towards them, once again going back to bouncing up and down. “They’re super cool Trainers I just met!”

“Uh-huh, yeah, cool, whatever,” Adam said, his gaze shifting first to Charlie. “Look, E, we’re on a tight schedule, and-” He paused, his brow furrowing as he turned to face Vaggie. His eyes narrowed slightly, scanning her features with an intensity that caused the young Trainer’s jaw to tense.

For a moment, something in Adam’s demeanor faltered, his gaze lingering on Vaggie as he shuffled almost uncomfortably. Then, he shook his head, his voice regaining some of his bravado. “...And… uh… we should get going. Your mom will, like, totally spank me and not in the good way if we keep her waiting for too long.”

“Okay, Adam!” Emily said cheerfully. She turned to wave at Charlie and Vaggie as they left. “Good luck, Charlie! You’ve got this!”

As they walked away, Adam glanced over his shoulder one last time, his eyes locking with Vaggie’s. A shadow crossed over his expression. But then, just as quickly, he turned away and pushed the door open, ushering Emily outside. The Gym’s door closed with a satisfying click that seemed to echo around the room.

Charlie arched an eyebrow and turned to Vaggie, tilting her head curiously. “What was that about?”

Vaggie, still tense, let out a low exhale and ran a hand through her hair. “I… I don’t know. That guy was super weird…” She shook her head and let out another sigh. “But nevermind that. Let’s focus on your battle with Pentious.”

“Right, indeed, Charlotte!” Pentious crowed from the dais. Charlie turned around, one hand flying to the Safari Ball at her belt as her periwinkles met Pentious’ deep green. He grinned as he entered a few commands into a nearby panel, removing three Pokéballs from storage. “Are you ready to once again face the wrath of my Pokémon?”

Charlie did her best to imitate her father’s wild grin as she tied her hair up into a ponytail, then pulled Chansey’s Safari Ball from her belt. “Let’s do this, Pentious!”

Pentious smirked, then adjusted his hat with a flourish. “Very well, my dear! Let the battle commence!” He threw his first Pokéball towards the center of the battlefield. “To battle, my Egg Boiz!”

The cluster of egg-like Pokémon appeared on the field, their eyes narrowing as they practically vibrated in anticipation. Charlie took a deep breath and closed her eyes to steady her heartbeat. Then, she exhaled and threw her Safari Ball.

“Go, Chansey!”

The Egg Pokémon landed in the field, letting out a loud war cry as she turned to face her foe. Charlie’s mind flashed back immediately to her last battle with Pentious, where his Egg Boiz had taken down KeeKee by forcing her to fall asleep. Well, then it was high time she gave Pentious a taste of his own medicine! Without missing a beat, Charlie took a step forward, smiling Ledian boots digging into the damp earth beneath her sole as she pointed at the Exeggcute.

“Chansey, use Sing!”

Chansey opened her mouth, her soothing lullaby filling the air. Within moments, the Egg Boiz’ eyes drooped. The entire cluster soon fell into a deep sleep, their grumpy expressions softening in their slumber.

Pentious let out a loud gasp. “My Egg Boiz! How are you asleep!? I haven’t even read you your bedtime story yet!”

“Great job, Chansey!” Charlie called out, confidence surging in her chest. “Now, use Echoed Voice!”

Chansey’s voice now resonated throughout the Gym, the sound waves crashing into the sleeping Exeggcute with increasing intensity. The first attack barely made them stir, but the second and third grew progressively stronger, shaking the very ground beneath them. Each note seemed to carry more power than the last, and it wasn’t long before the Egg Boiz lay defeated, unable to withstand the onslaught.

“My Eggies!” Pentious cried, dropping to his knees. He pulled out a handkerchief and used it to blow his nose before tossing it on top of a rather large pile spilling out of the trashcan behind him. Then, he pulled out another Pokéball. “Foongus, go!”

Charlie’s eyes narrowed as the mushroom-like Pokémon appeared on the field, causing her mind to begin racing instantly. Last time she had faced off with Pentious, it was this stupid thing that caused her to lose. Well, no more. She knew better now - as long as her Pokémon didn’t make contact with the thing, then that was one less weapon Pentious could use against her. She was going to win today, no matter what!

“Chansey, use Sing again!”

Once again, Chansey’s soothing voice echoed around the battlefield, her soothing lullaby rushing at Foongus without mercy. The Mushroom Pokémon stumbled slightly in response to the attack, but then Pentious snapped his fingers. Foongus let out a tiny trill before releasing a cloud of glowing purple spores all over Chansey. The Egg Pokémon winced as the Poison Powder took effect, her movements growing sluggish as she too began to stumble.

“Echoed Voice!” Charlie commanded, cursing inwardly as her voice shook. Chansey’s voice once again echoed throughout the room as it struck the sleeping Foongus. For a brief moment, hope rose deep in Charlie’s chest. She crossed her fingers, silently willing the Mushroom Pokémon to faint. But then, after the second Echoed Voice, Foongus woke up, her eyes narrowed in anger.

“Mega Drain!”

Verdant tendrils poured out of the top of Foongus’ Pokéball-colored cap as she siphoned Chansey’s health, causing the pink Pokémon to whimper in pain. Chansey cried out weakly as she attempted to stand, only for the combination of Mega Drain and Poison to cause her to drop to her bottom, pulling another whimper from her.

“Life Dew, Chansey!” Charlie said desperately. Chansey barely got any time to enjoy some of her restored health before Foongus was upon her again, using Mega Drain to counteract any health regained.

Chansey’s movements grew even more sluggish as the poison took its toll. She placed one hand protectively over her egg, her eyes blazing in defiance. Foongus, equally determined, narrowed her eyes and continued to sap Chansey’s health.

Charlie swallowed hard, her hands curling into tight fists. A weight appeared in her chest, crushing her lungs like a vice. She couldn’t lose again. Not after all the training, not after her fathers’ encouragement, not after finally beginning to feel like she could do this. The thought of disappointing her parents, Vaggie, and herself gnawed at her insides like a relentless parasite. Her breath quickened, panic clawing at the edges of her mind.

She won’t lose.

Not now.

Not ever again.

“C’mon, Chansey, hang in there!” Charlie’s voice cracked as she pointed at Foongus. “Sweet Kiss, now!”

Chansey leaped to her feet and blew a kiss, a tiny pink heart flying from her lips. The kiss landed on Foongus, who immediately wobbled, her eyes crossing in confusion. She smashed her head into the ground, causing some damage. But the poison’s relentless assault proved too much; Chansey let out a final pained cry before crumpling to the ground, defeated.

Charlie’s heart sank. Her vision swam with unshed tears. But she grit her teeth and recalled Chansey, then took a deep breath to steady herself. Foongus might be confused, but she couldn’t rely on that alone. Plus, Effect Spore was still very much in play. She needed to ensure that whoever she sent out next could take Foongus down quickly.

“Go, KeeKee!”

The little Litten leaped off of her shoulders and onto the field, eyes blazing with determination. Charlie pointed at Foongus and ordered an Ember, the Fire Cat Pokémon unleashing a burst of flames in response. Foongus went down immediately, forcing Pentious to recall her before she hit the ground. With one final, silent grin, Pentious threw out his final Pokéball. Sunkern leaped onto the field in a flash of light.

Charlie almost laughed in relief. She had been through the worst. This Sunkern was nothing for her. “KeeKee, Ember again!”

KeeKee’s flames easily overwhelmed the small Sunkern, bringing her down in a single hit. The Gym fell silent, the sudden stillness almost deafening after the intensity of the battle. For a few moments, Charlie simply stood there, panting, heart hammering in her chest like a drum. She stared wide-eyed at the fallen form of the Sunkern in front of her. Her ears continued to ring, wind continuing to rush through her veins.

Suddenly, off to the side, a single pair of hands began to clap. Charlie turned, her vision blurring slightly as she did so. Vaggie stood there, a big, bright, beautiful smile on her face as her hands moved in a slow, deliberate applause. The sound echoed through the Gym, resonating off every tree and every wall. Then, slowly, the rest of the audience joined in, the sound of their applause crescendoing until it became deafening.

Disbelief washed over her first, followed by pure elation. She… she had done it. She had won. The applause swelled, filling the Gym with a thunderous roar that matched the one in her ears. Her vision cleared, and she saw Vaggie charging towards her, hazel eye shining with unshed tears.

Pentious approached as well, his own smile so wide it nearly split his face in two. He pressed the Garden Badge into her trembling hand and bent low, whispering something into her ear. But Charlie didn’t hear anything he said over the roar of her blood in her ears. All she could do was stare at the badge, the proof of her victory, resting in her palm.

She let out a loud squeak, nearly stumbling as Vaggie’s strong arms wrapped around her. Vaggie was screaming in her ear. She was hopping up and down. She was celebrating. She was celebrating Charlie.

Charlie’s own emotions soon bubbled over, a flood of relief, pride, and joy cresting over her like a wave, tears springing to her eyes. She lifted the Garden Badge up to the sky, watching as the Gym’s high windows caught the badge, setting it aglow with a radiant shimmer. Everything she had gone through: the nerve-wracking training sessions, the crushing doubt, the soul-ripping defeat during her first battle, the heart-warming love that her fathers and Vaggie had given her despite all of that… all of that led up to today. All of that led up to now. And in that moment, surrounded by the cheers and love of her dearest friend, she knew this was just the beginning.

She did it.

She won.


The plot begins to thicken...... See you next week!!

Chapter 4: Show the World


Alastor launches a raid on a mysterious warehouse outside of Niffty's city. Meanwhile, Charlie and Vaggie meet a mysterious new Pokémon on their way to battle Mimzy.


Special, special thanks to Ven for writing the battle of this chapter! In addition, HUGE thanks to Mochi and Gaeriel for helping write this chapter. And last but not least, my dearest ParanoidInPink, the best beta reader ever!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

My whole life has led to this

Time to test my skills

I know I just can’t miss

Gonna show the world

Born to be a winner


Born to be a champion

Born to be a winner

Born to be the very best

(Pokémon Johto)

Born to be a winner


- Born to be a Winner (David Rolfe)

Lilith’s hands trembled as she put on the finishing touches of the Grunt costume. She pursed her lips, then took a step back and gave him a once-over. Judging from the tension in her jaw and the slight downward curve of her mouth, she didn’t like what she saw. But then again, after a full decade and a half of knowing her, Alastor had long grown accustomed to her perfectionist tendencies.

The teenager tilted his head slightly. “Well? Am I dressed to your satisfaction, or will you spend another six hours fussing over my mask, Your Majesty?”

Periwinkle eyes narrowed at him. One hand came up to toss the honey-colored ponytail over her other shoulder. “Don’t give me that, Al. If anyone sees random people sneaking into this warehouse, there will be Hell to pay for all of us.” She looked over her shoulder, chewing her bottom lip. “And with how… twitchy Ambrosia and SnapDragon can get in a fight, that’s the last thing we want, especially if we’re going to get enough evidence to make the League believe us.”

Alastor smirked and gave her a light wave of his hand. “Lilith, dear, you worry yourself too much. Yours is the best strategic mind in the region and Lucifer… well…” He snickered. “He certainly works very hard.”

“Yeah, I sure do. And you know what? At least my growth plates are actually putting in work right now. Do yours even exist, Deerling?”

Alastor turned, cutting remark already prepared. But the moment he caught sight of the taller teen stumbling out of the forest, all thoughts, all words, died in his throat.

In the years since they left Dawnveil Town, Lucifer had sprouted up until he stood a head taller than Alastor. He remained as pale as ever, of course, but the years of being on the road and sleeping under the stars had tinted his cheeks a delicate rose, which contrasted beautifully against his naturally dazzling sky-blue eyes. His figure had changed most of all; as a child, he had been a scrawny little thing that Alastor could easily wrestle to the ground.

Now that he was coming into his own, he remained slender as ever, but with a wiry sort of musculature that had developed after scaling many mountains and trekking through many caves.

That was the thing with his build, however; it was normally hidden under loose t-shirts, oversized jackets, and travel-worn jeans. But for this infiltration, he had to trade his Trainer’s clothes for a stolen Grunt’s uniform.

The uniform itself shouldn’t have been anything special, but on Lucifer, it only seemed to enhance his already angelic features. The uniform, a long-sleeved gray, high-collared shirt cinched with a white belt, tight black pants, and white arm-length gloves, clung in the exact places that it needed to cling. The long white boots seemed to lengthen his legs even more, highlighting his well-formed calves and thighs. His platinum blonde locks were already hidden under the hood which served as a headpiece. The final piece of the uniform - a half-mask that would cover the wearer’s mouth and nose - hung lazily around his neck.

Alastor found himself staring, utterly transfixed. He had known Lucifer since he was a baby. He had seen firsthand the many silly, pathetic little faces that Lucifer had made over the years: loudly crying whenever he ran headfirst into an apple tree, puffing out his cheeks when he wasn’t getting what he wanted, even flushed red with utter humiliation whenever his father loudly admonished him for wetting the bed again. And yet… there was something different about him now. Something… magnetic. Captivating.


Lucifer raised an eyebrow, a smirk playing at the corner of his rose-petal lips. “What? Do I have something on my face?”

Alastor let out the breath he didn’t know he had been holding, warmth rising to his cheeks. “Just wondering how it was possible that you could look even thinner. You look like you’re one missed candied apple away from disappearing entirely!”

Lucifer scowled. “f*ck you, Boudreaux. The only one who needs to eat here is you. Unless…” He sneered. “Don’t tell me you already missed your growth spurt!”

Lilith rolled her eyes. “In case you two forgot, we have dinner plans scheduled with Rosie.” The corners of her lips twitched upwards. “And you know how hangry she can get.”

The three of them shared a brief laugh, forgetting for just a moment the mission they had in front of them. But soon enough, the laughter faded, leaving them with cold, bitter silence. Alastor flicked his hood over his head, smile never fading from his face even as he covered his mouth and nose with the mask. After all, Ma always said that he was never properly dressed without one, and he would need every single one of her blessings for today. Once Lilith had covered her face as well, she scanned the area one last time before they moved towards the warehouse.

The night was silent, save for the soft murmur of Kricketot and the gentle rustle of leaves in the breeze. The warehouse loomed ahead, its dark silhouette standing against the star-studded sky. They approached cautiously, every footstep barely making a whisper on the ground. Alastor’s chest clenched as they neared the entrance, his heartbeat echoing in his ears.

Lilith crouched beside the door, slim fingers working deftly to unlock it. After a few minutes, the door unlocked with a satisfying click, the sound almost deafening in the quiet night. She glanced back at the boys and gave them a slight nod before pushing the door open.

Inside, the warehouse was dimly lit, shadows stretching across the vast space. Rows upon rows of glass cages lined the walls, each one holding a pair of Pokémon. A brief glance in one of them told Alastor that, strangely enough, all of these pairs were one male and one female. The air was thick with the coppery stench of blood and fear. A tangible tension settled over them like a heavy blanket. As their footsteps echoed through the area, Alastor couldn’t help but shiver. This place chilled him to the bone, more than any other haunted place he had been to in his short lifetime.

“Spread out,” Lucifer whispered, his voice barely audible. “Find anything that might tell us what these sick f*cks are doing here.”

They moved silently, gliding like ghosts over the cold concrete floor. As Alastor passed one of the cages, his eyes met the stares of a pair of Eevees. Dark eyes narrowed as he approached, searching for any sign of life in them. But there was nothing in those big brown eyes - only a dull, vacant void. The Eevees stood motionless, their bodies trembling slightly, as if they were barely holding on to whatever shred of consciousness they had left. When Alastor continued to squint at them, his sharp gaze landed on the tiny row of stitches on top of the two little heads.

He tore his gaze away, too nauseous to continue staring.

As he continued through the warehouse, he saw more of the same - two of each Pokémon, one male and one female, with their minds stripped away and left with only blank stares and trembling bodies. All of them had tiny rows of stitches somewhere on their heads. They had to stop this, whatever it was. They had to prevent any more Pokémon from ending up like this.

As he passed yet another set of Pokémon - this one a pair of Nidoran with cold, empty eyes - a familiar chill washed over him. Alastor paused for a moment and looked down, catching sight of his shadow on the floor. Ever since he had been a child, it always seemed to have a mind of its own. Ma told him that it’s what made him special, but never went into detail about why. Whenever he asked, she would always smile and tell him he would understand when the time was right. Until then, he should consider it a friend… and he never questioned Ma.

Alastor’s shadow rippled and swayed gently, almost as if it was trying to call for his attention. Then, it seemed to stretch off to the side, despite the overhead lights casting the shadows around him in the opposite direction. This shift was so subtle, almost imperceptible, yet it caused his stomach to twist and turn regardless. Letting out a low sigh, he followed the shadow’s direction, until he came upon Lucifer standing in the middle of a row of glass cages.

The teen’s expression was twisted in cold fury as he stood over one particular glass cage. Inside were a pair of Mimikyu - or at least, what was left of them. The once-adorable cloth disguises they were so famous for now lay empty and dilapidated, frayed at the edges and stained with old blood. Another wave of nausea crested over Alastor as his eyes darted around the cage, searching for something, anything that told him that there was still something, anything living in there.

“...They… had a baby…” Lucifer whispered, his voice barely audible over the thudding of Alastor’s heart.

Alastor followed the other teen’s gaze, eyes widening when he caught sight of what Lucifer saw. There, nestled amongst the tattered remains, was a single egg. It was a tiny, fragile-looking little thing, covered in sickly green spots.

It likely would not survive much longer.

Footsteps echoed through the warehouse. Alastor looked over his shoulder just in time to see Lilith round the corner, face grim, honeyed tresses streaming behind her. In her hands, she was clutching a stack of papers. When she looked up and met Alastor’s eyes, they were wide with shock and anger. Lucifer straightened and walked over to her, his perfect brow knitted in concern. Alastor went back to staring at the egg.

“I-I… I found these,” Lilith said, her voice stiff and cold. “It’s worse than we thought. They’re… They’re planning on using these Pokémon to create something called the Crimson Chain…”

“What the f*ck is that?”

“I… Arceus, I don’t know. But whatever it is, they need it to-”

Their voices soon faded away in the roar of the static in the back of Alastor’s mind. He stared down at the egg, his hands clenched into fists, nails digging into his palms. This… was horrifying. That baby Mimikyu would never know life outside its cage, never experience the joy and freedom that all Pokémon were meant to have. It was destined for a life trapped here, subject to horrors beyond its comprehension, never being allowed to taste the sun or know the love of a Trainer.

His hands moved before he could think. The cage’s metal latch clicked loudly in the tense silence of the warehouse. Gently, he reached inside, fingers brushing against the fragile shell. It felt so… strange. Why was that? His fingers closed around it.

“Al, no!”

Lucifer’s voice cut through the air just as an alarm blared. Red lights flashed above them, casting eerie, shifting shadows on the walls. Alastor whirled as the clang of doors opening and the heavy thud of footsteps upon the cold floor echoed through the warehouse. For a moment, he froze, panic surging through him as he stood there, paralyzed.

Then, a strong hand gripped his wrist. “Move, Al!” Lucifer shouted. Without waiting for a response, he yanked Alastor towards the exit. The young Trainer stumbled, nearly dropping the egg, his heart pounding in his chest. Sharp, relentless guilt gnawed at him. This was his fault, wasn’t it? He had reached in to take the egg. He had set off the alarm. Now they were all in danger because of him.

How could he have been so sloppy?

Lilith raced ahead of them, clutching the stolen papers to her chest. They weaved through the rows of glass cages, their breaths coming in ragged gasps. The exit was in sight, but a group of Grunts blocked their path. Alastor’s heart rose to his throat. They were outnumbered, outmatched. But they couldn’t stop now. They had to fight. They had to escape.

“Gengar, go!” he shouted, throwing his Pokéball. The Shadow Pokémon appeared in a flash of light, her grin wild as she turned to face their foes. “Hypnosis!”

Gengar’s eyes glowed a brilliant red as her Hypnosis took hold. Several of the Grunts and Pokémon in front of them stumbled and fell to the ground, their eyes closing. Without missing a beat, Lucifer and Lilith pulled out their own Pokéballs and threw them.

“Go, Gala! Use Surf!”

“Wigglytuff! Hyper Voice!”

The Primarina summoned a massive wave that crashed over the remaining Grunts, while Wigglytuf’s piercing screech reverberated throughout the warehouse, stunning anyone still standing. The three teenagers broke through the disoriented Grunts.

“Get to the woods! We can outrun them from there!” Lucifer shouted. He looked over his shoulder, then bit his lip. “Gala, return!”

More shouts filled the air as three pairs of Running Shoes squished through the mud. Alastor’s heart pounded in his ears as he held the egg even tighter to his chest. Why did it still feel so strange? Was it something about its shell? As soon as they got to safety, he was going to sit down and try to figure out what was wrong.

“Don’t just stand there, you idiots! Activate the Pokéball Destabilizer!”

The what now?

Alastor barely had time to process the words before a powerful tug at the back of his neck forced him to look over his shoulder. His steps faltered slightly as he turned, brown eyes widening at the sight before him. There was a strange machine getting dragged out of the warehouse, one with a strange dish-like structure on top of it that crackled with arcs of blue energy.

The next thing he knew, a brilliant flash of light emanated from the dish, crashing over the area in a powerful wave. Alastor felt a sharp jolt run through his body, breath catching in his throat as his Pokéballs vibrated violently at his belt. Without thinking, he grabbed at one of them only to pull back with a hiss as the devices sparked and short-circuited one by one. Next to him, he heard rapid clicking as Lucifer pulled one of the Premier Balls off his belt and began pressing the button rapidly. When it didn’t snap open, the teenager let out a low, strangled noise.

Their Pokéballs had been rendered useless.

Thankfully, they still had two Pokémon on their side. Wigglytuff let out a loud cry and charged, smashing a path through the thicket for the three teens. Meanwhile, Gengar guarded their rear, unleashing a barrage of Shadow Balls at any Grunts or Pokémon attempting to stop their path.

As he ran, Alastor’s chest heaved and he clutched the egg closer to himself, guilt coiling in his gut when he realized just why it felt so strange: it was cold. Devoid of any sign of life. A Bad Egg, destined to never hatch.

All of this danger for nothing.

“Ninetales, after them!”

A woman’s voice, high and cold, split through the air like a knife. Once again, Alastor dared to look over his shoulder. Silhouetted against the silver moonlight was a tall, menacing woman. Her cedar hair flowed gently in the breeze, the light from above highlighting high cheekbones and flashing hazel eyes. At the sight of her, Alastor’s shadow contorted in fury.

It knew she was in charge.


Gengar let out a loud screech as the psychic energy ripped through her. Her form wavered, eyes bulging out, ghostly body spasming violently as the attack took its toll. The energy around her condensed into a single point, then exploded outward, sending the Shadow Pokémon hurtling towards a nearby tree. She slammed against it with a sickening crunch then fell limp, her body half-phased through the ground.

“Gengar!” Alastor skidded to a stop, heart leaping to his throat as he turned to his fallen partner. Without missing a beat, he changed direction and ran towards her. “Hang o-”


A stream of fire roared through the trees, narrowly missing him. The heat singed the top of Alastor’s head and he stumbled, falling to the ground. He turned just in time to see the luxurious golden-white form of the Fox Pokémon bearing down upon him, claws outstretched and coated in crackling fire. For a moment, everything froze, the world narrowing down to the impending attack. Alastor swallowed and moved in front of Gengar, his grip tightening around the Bad Egg. Then, he took a deep breath and braced himself against the inevitable pain of searing flames and flesh-rending claws.

But then, Lucifer was there. The blonde teen snarled as he threw himself between Alastor and the Ninetales, taking the full brunt of the attack. The force of the blow sent him crashing to the ground, smoke rising from the seared fabric of his stolen uniform. A scream - one that Alastor only dimly realized was his own - shattered the air as he scrambled to his feet, still clutching the egg. One hand shook as he reached for his friend.

“Lucifer! Lucifer, no! Please, no!”

Lucifer lay on the ground, his body twitching from the intense pain. His normally pale skin was now red and blistering where the flames had licked at him. Dark red blood pooled from deep gouges across his chest. Sky-blue eyes fluttered open, dimmed with pain, a weak groan escaping his lips.

“Wigglytuff, Dazzling Gleam!” Lilith’s voice cut through the chaos. The clearing filled with a brilliant blinding light, slowing the Ninetales just a touch. When the Fox Pokémon reared her snarling head again, Lilith followed up with another Hyper Voice, the soundwave rippled through the air and crashed into the Ninetales, causing her to stagger back momentarily.

Alastor knelt beside Lucifer, bile rising in his throat as he took in his oldest friend’s condition. “Lucifer, stay with me,” he pleaded. White-hot liquid ran down his cheeks as he clutched Lucifer’s hand in a trembling grip.

Lucifer’s touch was cold. Too cold. His breath came in shallow gasps. When he tried to move, he cried out in pain, his own tears beginning to spill. But when he looked up at Alastor, he smiled. Those blue eyes sparkled happily.

“You’re… okay…”

“Al!” Lilith shouted, her voice tinged with desperation. She screamed as the Fox Pokémon’s fiery breath scorched the earth in front of her, forcing Wigglytuff to retreat. “Ninetales is too strong! We need to get out of here, now!”

Alastor looked down at Lucifer, his heart shattering as he watched the spark slowly fading from Lucifer’s eyes. Between Gengar and Lucifer, they wouldn’t be able to move fast enough. And if they didn’t act soon, Ninetales would overwhelm them. Alastor’s chest tightened as his dark eyes darted back and forth between Lucifer’s weakening form and the Fox Pokémon, who was now advancing with menacing grace. Flames licked at the corners of her mouth, her eyes blazed in pure, animalistic fury.

Then, it happened. Alastor’s shadow stirred, thrashing violently as if responding to his desperation. The dark power that had always been there, just beneath the surface, was awakening. He felt it rising within him; a cold, relentless force that flooded his chest like a storm. The forest seemed to dim, the shadows growing thicker and more oppressive. It was as if the darkness itself was alive, responding to his call.

It was time.

“Lilith, take him to safety,” Alastor said, his voice calmer than it had ever been before. He handed the Bad Egg over to her as he stood up, feeling the wind thrumming through his veins. “I… have this.”

Lilith’s eyes widened but she nodded. Then, she slipped the Bad Egg into her pack as she moved to support Lucifer, her gaze cold and calculating.

Alastor turned to face Ninetales, feeling something wild and dark surging within him. Without thinking, Alastor’s hand moved to his bag and removed an empty Pokéball. The red and white sphere sat heavily in his hand as he held it aloft, tilting his head up towards the sky.

The power that had always been a part of him was speaking now, whispering to him in a language only he could understand. It was beckoning to him, pressing against the edges of his mind, curling at the corners of his soul. It was telling him to swear everything to it: his strength, his spirit, his nightmares, his dreams. In exchange? He would gain a bond. A bond to shoulder. A bond to cherish.

Why would he ever refuse?

The Pokéball thrummed in his hand, pulsing with every beat of his heart. An ice-cold chill settled over the area. Alastor exhaled a gentle white fog. The shadows around him lengthened and crept towards him like dark tendrils. Then, he bowed his head, listening to the words curling around his mind, echoing in the deepest reaches of his soul.

He must swear everything to this creature: his loyalty, his strength, his spirit. In exchange, he would gain power. The power to fight. The power to win.

The power to inflict a glorious nightmare his enemies would never forget.

With a wild grin, Alastor looked back up at the Pokéball and swore, the unyielding power of dreams given flesh flooding his veins. The Pokéball glowed, red and white hues shimmering and blending together until it became a deep, rich crimson. Alastor stared up at it, eyes wide, fingers trembling. Up above him, the stars themselves flickered and dimmed before stuttering out completely. The moon disappeared, swallowed by an all-consuming darkness. Alastor sneered, bloodlust surging through him as he stood tall, the wind whipping around him.

“Rise, D-”


Alastor blinked, flinching slightly as he shook himself from his nap. Stretching languidly, he yawned and put on his glasses, allowing his blurred gaze to focus slightly on the vague red shape in front of him. When the wide eyes of the Battlerock City Gym Leader met his, he grinned, reaching out to ruffle her hair.

“Good morning, Niffty, dear. And how are you doing this fine raiding day?”

Niffty pouted and crossed her arms. “I’m bored, Alastor. Fred is too.” She pointed to the one-eyed Cutiefly buzzing above hr head, squeaking and fluttering in a strange little pattern. “And you know what happens if you get Fred mad…”

Alastor chuckled, waiting for the one-eyed Cutiefly to stop her erratic motions long enough to fly close so he could pet her. “My deepest, most sincere apologies, Fred. I promise, it’ll never happen again! …Unless you want it to, of course.”

Fred let out a rather cute little squeak before flying off, likely to continue gathering information on the warehouse. Sensing that things were soon about to start moving rather quickly, Alastor allowed himself one last stretch before standing up. Niffty, for her part, almost immediately darted up a tree, her tiny body clinging on the branches as she stared at the building in front of them with wild eyes and an even more maniacal grin.

Niffty was a rather interesting little Gym Leader, having always had a strange affinity for little critters. WIth her cheerful personality, one would think that Fairy-types would flock to her. But, just like everything in the Pokémon world, one should always expect the unexpected. Rather than being a magnet for Fairy-types, Niffty ended up being a major attractant for Bug-types. She had what was quite possibly the largest collection of Bug-types in the region, if not the Pokémon World; it contained at least one of every species.

Alastor had first met her after he caught her spying on his Shedinja with Fred when he was wandering around the area in search of a Pumpkaboo or Litwick to potentially add to his team. As soon as their eyes met, they had battled and, well, he hadn’t been expecting a Bug-type with Sucker Punch of all things. He won in the end, but not without poor Drifblim almost fainting. After that, she happily showed him her insectarium and there were a lot - and he meant a lot - of Bug-type Pokémon. He had recommended her to the League after that, knowing that Battlerock’s Gym Leader was ready to retire. She had, as he expected, passed the exam with flying colors and since then had worked as a part-time Gym Leader, part-time Entomologist, and full-time spy for the League, using her often-underestimated Bug-type Pokémon to gather information that not even Vox’ cameras could catch.

Eventually, he found the clearing where everyone else had gathered. From the looks of things, the dull process of gathering information and waiting for their little distraction to be ready had caused the rest of the group to also come to a standstill. Husk was sitting on the grass and leaning against a tree, sipping from a bottle of MooMoo Milk. Rosie had her Hatterene out, the Silent Pokémon using Psychic to make her hover in midair while her Trainer read a book. Alastor’s dark eyes darted over to the strange little pile of brown bits sitting on the grass where no doubt Niffty had been laying before she ran off to get him. The closer he looked, the stranger the sight became; the pile was made of hundreds of shed Wimpod shells.

Niffty must’ve been gathering more materials to make more badges for her Gym.

“Why, hello, chums!” Alastor said as he entered the clearing.

Husk immediately choked on his MooMoo Milk, spilling it everywhere. Rosie arched an eyebrow and shifted slightly in midair, moving her skirt away from the mess. “sh*t! Did you have to f*cking sneak up on us like that?”

“Oh, Husker, that just means you weren’t being vigilant enough,” Alastor said. “Haven’t you heard? We’re about to enter unknown territory! You’re either ready or eviscerated. And I do believe that most people would rather not be eviscerated.”

“Or both!” Niffty chirped as she skipped into the clearing. Her eyes darted around as she let out a low, menacingly little giggle. “I wanna try being eviscerated… just to see what it feels like!”

“There’s being ready and there’s being creepy,” Husk mumbled, putting away his now sadly empty bottle of milk. “And you’re f*cking creepy.”

At that moment, the little Cutiefly returned, chirping out a small report. Niffty stilled for a moment and allowed the Bee Fly Pokémon to settle on her hair, smiling widely. She chirped back a few little squeaks before nodding, the Cutiefly now fluttering over to settle in Rosie’s lap.

“I take it that little Fred has some news?”

“Yup! Lots of news! Or… well, lots of people. People who’ll make the news once I’m done with them,” Niffty giggled. “Fred made sure she counted each and every one! There are enough people and Pokémon in there for me to build a giant graveyard tower just like in Lavender Town!”

Alastor ended up laughing along with her, their dark, slightly unhinged guffaws echoing around the clearing. After a few moments, Rosie put her book away and allowed her Hatterene to float her feet back to the ground. Fred the Cutiefly flew up and landed on her hat.

“You know, before this little sweetheart,” she reached up and gave Fred a little rub on her head, “and you arrived, Niffty was telling us about how Charlie and Vaggie have been doing.”

“Oh?” Alastor raised an eyebrow curiously. “They’ve gone this far already? That’s delightful!” He turned to grin down at Niffty. “How did they fare against you?”

“Charlie was completely and utterly demolished!” Niffty said cheerfully.

Alastor blinked owlishly, his smile becoming strained. “...Was she now?” He certainly hoped that he wouldn’t need to wreak righteous vengeance on Niffty. After all, those Bug-types were quite adept at reaching even his Pokémon’s weak points, and the last thing he needed was for Lucifer to use SnapDragon to tear the Battlerock Gym apart again.

“She lost again and again, so many times,” Niffty continued, her voice taking on an unsettling sing-song quality, eyes sparkling with deranged delight. “It took her days to become strong enough to even scrape by. Her Pokémon were crying and begging for mercy. But I don’t do mercy… I do pain. Both ways. Vaggie won using only her Dartrix and gave me and my Pokémon so much pain! I loved it.”

Well… as per usual, Niffty’s answers were never disappointing. Alastor shook his head as he took a step back. “Oh, how I wish I could understand your dark, twisted little mind.”

“And from what I heard,” Rosie said, leaning on her parasol as she regarded Alastor with a somewhat subdued glint in her eye. “Vaggie breezed through Cherri, too. It was a lot less easy for Charlie, but she won in the end.” She tilted her head, lips curled into a small, mischievous smile. “They’re headed to Mimzy next.”

At the sound of her name, Alastor shuddered. Mimzy was a Normal-type specialist, and if there was one thing Alastor had learned when facing Normal-types as a Ghost-type Trainer, it was a resounding don’t. It had been the longest, most drawn-out battle he ever faced, with both of them using their full teams. It had been exhausting. By the end of it, he had simply fallen asleep on the couch. The only good thing that came out of it was waking up to Lucifer and Mimi sleeping on top of him.

Alastor let out a low sigh as his thoughts turned towards his husband, as they often did when they were apart. What was Lucifer doing right now? Was he in his workshop, making yet another incredible creation that was sure to wow the ages? Or perhaps he was buried somewhere deep in paperwork, popping Leppa berries into his mouth like they were candy? Lucifer loved to eat those things, though they were incredibly rare with how long they took to grow… that was why the moment Alastor ascended to the Elite Four, he immediately hand-planted hundreds of Leppa Berry trees all around Stargazer Peak’s gardens. After all, no one else’s hands were worthy enough to feed his star. They were lucky to be allowed to breathe in Lucifer’s direction.

“So… when can we start?” Niffty asked, snapping Alastor from his thoughts. “He’s already there, so we can start, right? I wanna storm in and stab all the bad guys!”

Husk let out a low sigh. “Not until we get a signal from him.”

“Him”, of course, referred to Angel, Pokémon Coordinator extraordinaire. Like a few others throughout the region, the Pokémon League often kept him on standby, ready to be called at a moment’s notice to lend help with the League’s latest plan. Despite how seemingly shallow Pokémon Contests were, even Alastor had to admit that they had their uses: for all the droll entertainment they provided, there was no one better at drawing attention away from something than a Pokémon Coordinator.

And Angel was the best of them all.

“Where is our dear chum anyway?” Alastor asked. He turned towards Husk and tilted his head. “Don’t tell me that Angel’s losing his touch.”

Husk’s dark eyes shifted towards the warehouse as he let out a low grunt. “Exactly where we last saw him. Trying to distract the idiots away from the main entrance so we can make a clean in, clean out sort of deal.”

Right on cue, a loud, piercing whistle rang out from the warehouse, followed by the unmistakable sound of Araquanid’s cry. At the sound, Husk’s face lit up with a rare smile as he tossed a Pokéball into the air, summoning his Scrafty in a flash of light. Then, he got up and dusted the dirt off his clothes.

“That’s our signal. Let’s get this sh*t over with.”

Alastor’s feet moved on their own as he dashed for the warehouse, throwing Gengar’s Pokéball onto the ground as he ran. Ahead of him, Niffty and her Scizor, Phillip, darted past him, effortlessly demolishing the warehouse’s metal door with a powerful Bullet Punch. The door crumpled like paper under the assault, granting them entrance into the heart of the facility.

Inside, the scene was disturbingly familiar yet not at the same time. The old glass containment units were still here, now dilapidated and coated in a thick layer of dust. Thankfully, they all seemed to be out of commission, but the sight alone was enough to make his stomach churn. He remembered the horror he had felt, the fear and confusion of seeing those pairs of Pokémon trapped behind the glass, with their blank eyes and trembling bodies. The memories were still just as vivid as if they had happened yesterday.

He… was glad that Lucifer wasn’t here for this mission, to see the twisted world inside the warehouse once again. At least for now, the Champion would only see this wretched place in his nightmares. The deep gouges of that beastly Ninetails’ claws and the burns left by its destructive flames had left deep, mottled scars all across the Champion’s chest. He pretended not to be bothered by them, but Alastor knew better. He had lost count of the nights when he held Lucifer close, soothing him through the nightmares, kissing along the twisted, scarred skin until the sobs wracking his star’s body subsided.

The thought of Lucifer’s pain only fueled the anger burning away in his chest. If it weren’t for the fact that they needed to preserve this place for evidence, Alastor would’ve happily burnt it down himself way back when… and he would’ve happily burnt it down now.

He needed to end this. He needed to ensure that his star suffered no longer. The moment they gutted this place of everything it had, he was going to burn it. He was going to bathe the world in fire if it meant keeping Lucifer safe.

Chaos erupted around them. The black-clad men and women inside scattered like startled Rattatas, their Pokémon scrambling to defend them. As a tidal wave of Chimecho, Galarian Ponyta, Swablu, and Xatu descended upon them, Gengar moved with terrifying grace, launching a barrage of Shadow Balls, Sludge Waves, and Hypnosis in all directions.

Fury and wind rushed through Alastor’s veins as he ordered Gengar to attack, to unleash her fury upon their enemies. Every action, every command, was driven by a strange, all-consuming need. A need to destroy this place and everything it stood for. A need to rush back to Lucifer as soon as possible. A need to show the world how Lucifer’s smile, his laughter, his warmth, his strength could make Alastor burn with the intensity of a thousand Sunny Days.

A sudden crash and shatter of glass split through the air, causing Alastor to whip around. His eyes narrowed as he tried to squint through the haze of dust and debris. It was… difficult to see. Very difficult. And yet, he could’ve sworn that somewhere in the midst of the dust cloud, he saw a strange creature move with startling agility, slipping through the chaos like a ghost. But then, he blinked and it was gone, as though it had never been there in the first place.

Was he hallucinating again?

Eventually, the raid came to a close. Eventually, Alastor found himself glaring at the sickeningly familiar black uniforms of the men and women in front of him. Where had they gotten those things? Was there some sort of storage room in here that they raided? It was a horrible, disgusting look on them; that group had been buried a decade ago. Alastor, Lucifer, and Lilith had personally made sure they would never rise again. To see these fools not just using their old facilities, but wearing the old uniforms was enough to make Alastor’s vision turn red. And the thought of them using the legacy of that group to terrorize the region - to terrorize Lucifer?

Oh, he was going to end their f*cking lives.

The Phantasmal Host took a deep breath, struggling to compose himself. These fools seemed more like misguided opportunists than true threats, using old facilities and uniforms to feebly mimic a much, much more dangerous group. Angel’s Araquanid and Rosie’s Hatterene had been instrumental in capturing them through a combination of Sticky Web and Psychic. Meanwhile, Scrafty, Gengar, and Scizor had set to work defeating any stray Pokémon that had got in their way. While Niffty and Alastor stood guard over the defeated Trainers, Husk, Rosie, and Angel had spread out to look for any hints or clues as to why these fools were here.

“That was a productive raid!” Alastor said, false cheer lacing his voice. Despite his tone, his fury still smoldered within him. His smile soon slid off his face as Rosie approached, her mouth set in a thin line. “What has you so glum, Rosie, dear?”

“A few things,” Rosie said, her frown deepening as she gestured to Angel and Husk, who were packing a large pile of Pokéballs into bags. “We found more feral Pokémon… like that Houndoom you faced a while ago.”

A cold hand wrapped itself around Alastor’s chest, squeezing the air from his lungs. His throat went dry. He swallowed, bringing up one trembling hand to card through his burnt auburn hair. “Did we, now? Well then, seems like we’ve found the source of those strange Pokémon, then! I’m sure our dearest professor will have plenty of fun studying them. In fact, I suggest that we weaponize them to-”

“There’s more, Alastor,” Rosie interrupted, her voice tight. “While Hatterene and I were looking through the files, we found this.” She gestured for Hatterene to float forward, bringing with her the rather large stack of papers she held in the air with Psychic. “It… well. Just take a look at the top of the first page.”

Alastor’s hands trembled slightly as he picked up the papers, dark eyes scanning the first page. Bile rose to his throat, his chest tightening even further as one hand came up to cover his mouth. There was a name there, one that he hadn’t seen in a decade, one that he had hoped to never see again:

Team Paradiso.

“This… is impossible,” Alastor said, trying his best to keep his voice light despite the heavy weight in his chest. His gaze flicked up to meet Rosie’s, his stomach lurching when he saw the tightness of her jaw. “You were there, Rosie, dear. You… you saw us crawling out of that place. You…” He swallowed hard. “You know our dear Champion eviscerated her.”

“...I know, Alastor,” Rosie said, her voice hard. She turned her head to the side, surveying the Grunts behind her. “And for all we know, this could just be some hooligans adopting a name that they have no idea has such a… terrible legacy.” She turned back to face him, chewing the inside of her bottom lip. “But I’ll be damned if we just let this go. We need to get everyone together.” Pale blue eyes narrowed. “Including Lucifer.”


“Rosie… darling…” his smile pulled tight, so tight it hurt. Dark eyes glinted dangerously as he narrowed them at his fellow Elite Four. “You seem to be under the impression that there’s a cause for alarm! But… just look at these fools.” He gestured to the Grunts, smirking as Gengar popped out of the shadows to terrify them yet again. “They’re hardly worth our breath. The Team Paradiso all of us knew was much better organized, and not to mention had far better taste in-”

“Alastor,” Rosie interrupted, the furrows of her brow deepening. “Turn to page 257. Look at the photo.”

The photo? Alastor blinked owlishly, then did as he was told, carefully flipping to the page in question. It was a copy of a photo of a young man. Aside from the absolutely obnoxious looking smirk on his face, high cheekbones, and a sharp-angled jaw, there didn’t seem to be anything remarkable about him. Alastor tilted his head as he squinted down at the photo, taking in his cedar hair, hazel eyes, and a strange little something on the bit of skin peeking out over the high collar of his shirt-


Cedar hair.

Hazel eyes.

High cheekbones.

A sharp-angled jaw.


Alastor’s head snapped up immediately, meeting Rosie’s hardened gaze. His heart roared in his chest as his hands trembled, the papers threatening to tumble from his fingers. This… this couldn’t be. It was impossible. They had scoured the entire region after they defeated Team Paradiso, making sure that the horrible woman didn’t leave anyone else behind. His throat went dry, his stomach lurched, one hand coming up to clutch at his chest.

He… he had to tell Lucifer. He had to confront the nightmares. He had to open the floodgates of their horrible past and face the agony. It… it was going to hurt. It was going to destroy Lucifer. His Starly was going to suffer for this. The weight of his fear, his anguish, pressed down on him like a vice, squeezing his chest so hard he could barely breathe.

Perhaps Arceus truly hated him after all.

A warm, gentle hand pressed into his shoulder, dragging him back down to the warehouse. Alastor exhaled and closed his eyes, then opened them again and turned to Rosie. There was a strange expression etched all over her face, one that he had seen on her far too many times: melancholy.

Rosie was upset too. She may not have been in the Distortion World with them, but her wife had been. Alastor knew Rosie well enough by now to know that she had a million scenarios flying through her head, each of them a meticulously planned way to break the horrible news to Lilith. But each time he saw her eyes light up with an idea, she only shook her head again. It would seem that he wasn’t the only one struggling with the need to tell his partner.

But he had to do this. He had to tell Lucifer every horrible thing they had discovered in this place. The mere thought of seeing what his star’s face would do upon learning the truth tore at his very soul. But there was no other way; they would need to face this together, just as they had faced everything else before.

This time around, they knew what Team Paradiso wanted. This time around, they had time to prepare. This time around, they couldn’t afford to underestimate their old enemies.

This time around, they had so much more to lose.

The road between Battlerock City and Slyth City was a well-paved path surrounded by a forest. By the time the two set out from the Gatehouse, the sun was already high in the sky. Despite this, Charlie and Vaggie grinned as they walked together, enjoying the warmth on their faces and the crisp summer air.

They had been spending the last week preparing for Mimzy’s Gym. Well, more accurately, Charlie had spent the last week preparing to face the Harmonious Muse. It had, after all, taken Charlie several days each to defeat Cherri and Niffty; the last thing she wanted to do was lose yet again and waste precious time in battle that she could’ve spent training instead.

After Charlie had finally defeated Niffty in battle, the first thing they did was go out to a restaurant to celebrate at one of Battlerock City’s famous ramen stands. After slurping down some all-you-can-eat ramen, they then went to one of the many delicate sweet shops, picking up as many of the Pokémon-shaped treats as possible. Even now, Charlie kept a tiny bag of Staryu-shaped candies in her backpack while Vaggie held on to a bag of tiny Jigglypuff-shaped butter cookies. Overall, despite the many, many challenges Charlie had to face leading up to this, she had to admit that the treat afterwards was absolutely worth it.

The roads outside Slyth City were, of course, filled with plenty of battles. Since Slyth City was essentially the center of the region, there was no shortage of Trainers itching to, well, train. Some of them had just lost to Mimzy, Slyth City’s infamous Normal-type Gym Leader, while others were preparing to face her.

Mimzy and her Miltank were infamous around the region. It was said that she always used it regardless of how many badges the challenger had. Her strategy of Rollout, Milk Drink, Body Slam, and Attract was borderline sad*stic and probably a gross violation of at least one League regulation. That said, she rarely ever listened to what Lucifer said and Alastor had a strange soft-spot for her that no one close to him could understand.

Charlie and Vaggie had found themselves facing many, many battles on their way to Slyth City. By the time they finally checked into the Gatehouse and visited the Pokémon Center, they and their Pokémon were quite exhausted. But then, after a good amount of rest, the two once again ventured out into the wilds with gusto. After all, it would never do for them to go to Mimzy unprepared.

They were resting by the side of the road, having just defeated a pair of Hikers and their rather fierce Trapinch and Geodude combo, when they heard a strange sound coming from the forest. It was a low, rustling noise, accompanied by the occasional heavy thud, as though something large was lumbering through the forest. But just as quickly as it came, it faded, hiding itself behind the loud cries of Fearow, Aipom, and Spinarak.

Charlie and Vaggie froze, their eyes darting towards the source of the noise. Charlie frowned as she squinted at the forest in front of her, trying to focus on tuning out the usual nosies of the forest. Vaggie closed her eye, clearly listening hard. For a few moments, the two stood there in silence, their breathing shallow, hearts pounding, and senses heightened by the eerie stillness that followed.

Then, the noise came again, this time followed by a creaky, metallic grunt, almost like a pained whimper. It was a soft, pitiful sound that made Charlie’s heart ache. She glanced at Vaggie, who had already tensed up, her hand hovering at one of the Safari Balls at her belt. Between Bountia Town and now, both Surskit and Burmy had evolved. Vaggie’s team was now armed with a powerful Masquerain and Mothim.

“Something’s hurt,” Charlie whispered. Periwinkle eyes scanned the trees in front of her. “We should check it out.”

Vaggie’s eye snapped open. “Are you crazy, Morningstar? Whatever’s out there could be dangerous! We should go get the police… we don’t know what’s out there.”

Charlie bit her lip. Her mind raced. What would her mom say? Or Rosie? Or Dad or Papa?

What would Grand-mère do?

“You’re right. We don’t know what’s out there,” Charlie said hollowly. Her gaze flicked back to meet Vaggie’s. “But that’s exactly why we need to go help! If it’s hurt, it can get hurt even more or worse!”

For a few moments, Vaggie just blinked owlishly at her, her face twisted with a mixture of alarm and concern. Her hazel eye darted between Charlie and the source of the noise. Then, she sighed and dropped her hand. With a reluctant nod, she straightened, following Charlie into the woods.

The deeper into the forest they walked, the louder the rustling grew. With every rustle, the whimpering seemed to grow more strained. Soon enough, they pushed through the dense thicket in front of them and stumbled upon a small clearing. The moment Charlie’s eyes landed on the creature making the noise, her breath left her completely.

At the center of the clearing lay a strange Pokémon, one that she had never seen before. The creature seemed to be made up of a patchwork of different parts, as though it had been sewn together rather meticulously as a sort of science experiment. Its head was covered completely in a brown helmet, leaving only its eyes and a pair of pointed ears exposed. This helmet was even stranger looking, with a collar of sharp spikes protruding from its bottom while the top of the helmet sported a gray ax-like structure.

Under Charlie’s stare, the strange creature shrank back slightly, narrowing its gray eyes. As it moved, it let out another whimper. Charlie quickly scanned it, noting that its leg seemed to be set at an odd angle and there was a slick, sticky red substance dripping from a gash in its side. The fear in its eyes was palpable as it weakly tried to move away from them, only to collapse with a sharp cry.

“What… is that thing?” Vaggie asked. She reached into her backpack and flipped open her Pokédex.

In response, the Pokédex made a strange, loud buzzing sound. “Error 404: Pokémon not found.”

Pokémon not found? Did this mean that this… thing was some sort of new species? Charlie’s eyes widened as she regarded the Pokémon, who had by now begun to tremble. She took a step towards it, only for it to flinch and shrink away, a low growl ripping from its throat. Furrowing her brow, she lifted her foot again and tried to take another step, only for a strong, yet gentle hand to grab her wrist.

“Hold on, Charlie, we don’t know what this thing is,” Vaggie said, narrowing her eye at the creature. “It could be dangerous. We should tell the police. Doesn’t look like it’ll be moving anytime soon.”

Before Charlie could answer, the creature shuddered violently, letting out a metallic screech. Its eyes widened in fear. It tried to back away even further, but it collapsed, spilling more blood on the grass. Frowning, Charlie turned to Vaggie and shook her head.

“No! Look at it, Vaggie. It’s terrified! We can’t just turn it in; we need to get it help first.” She hesitated, then dug into her pocket until she found Chansey’s Safari Ball. The Egg Pokémon appeared next to her in a flash of light. “Chansey and I’ll try to heal it. If you could figure out how we can get it to the Pokémon Center, then-”

Vaggie shook her head. “Are you kidding me, Morningstar? We don’t know what this is, and-”

Charlie growled. “I know it’s scared and hurt! I know it needs our help!” She gestured to Chansey, who ran forward and offered the strange Pokémon her egg. It stared at it for a few moments and sniffed at it, as though trying to discern whether it was poisoned. Seeming to decide that it was safe to eat, the Pokémon took a small, hesitant bite of the egg. Instantly, its pained whimpering stopped.

Charlie walked forward now and carefully dropped her pack to the side, digging into it for the old First Aid kit Grand-mère had put together for her before she died. Once she found the worn, familiar box, she pulled it out, warmth rushing through her chest. Then, she exhaled and pulled out some antiseptic, plus some bandages and gauze.

The Pokémon flinched back as she knelt down beside it, but seemed to calm down once it realized that she wasn’t going to harm it any more than necessary. Taking a deep breath, it stilled and allowed her to do her work. With steady, practiced hands, she carefully cleaned the wound, then covered it in gauze and gently wrapped it. Once the wound was covered, she sat back and admired her work.

She hoped Grand-mère was watching and was proud of her.

The creature seemed pleased, as it gave the now-bandaged wound a sniff before turning its attention back to Charlie, gently bumping her with the top of its helmet. Now that she was close enough to examine it more closely, Charlie frowned as she read the inscription at the base of the ax: Type: Null. Was that the name of the Pokémon? What sort of name was that? That just sounded so… artificial.

“I’m sorry I can’t do more for you right now,” Charlie said gently as she gestured to the still-injured leg. “We’ll need to get you to a Pokémon Center to heal you properly.” She tilted her head. “Do you mind if I catch you? Vaggie and I are too small to carry you and our Pokémon can’t do much either.”

For a few moments, Type: Null hesitated. Then, carefully, reluctantly, it nodded. Smiling, Charlie reached for the ball pocket of her backpack, only to frown when her fingers touched nothing but empty space. Shoot. Did she forget to stock up on Pokéballs? She’d have to go to the Slyth City Department Store later.

Vaggie took a step forward, pulling out a Pokéball of her own. “I can-”

Type: Null let out a loud, ear-splitting screech at that, its eyes widening in terror. It crouched low, gray eyes narrowing as it growled at Vaggie, a clear warning to stay away. Vaggie flinched slightly and held up her hands in surrender, taking a step back. The strange Pokémon seemed to calm down upon seeing that, once again turning its piercing gaze on Charlie.

Okay… so either Type: Null didn’t like Vaggie or didn’t like the idea of being captured by her. Either way, Charlie would have to be the one to do this. But there had to be something to carry Type: Null in, right? Maybe she had just misplaced something.

Frowning, Charlie checked all of her bag’s pockets, moving aside Super Potions, Vitamins, and snacks in an attempt to find something, anything to carry Type: Null in. Right when she was considering somehow rigging up a sled of some sort, her hand touched a cold, familiar sphere at the very bottom of her bag. She gasped as she wrapped her hand around it and pulled out the Friend Ball that Vaggie had painted for her on her birthday.

It was perfect.

“Vaggie, I’m sorry, I-”

Her friend stopped with one hand. “Don’t. Just…” She said, a tiny, reluctant smile gracing over her features. It was a rather nice look on her. “Just don’t get us in too much trouble, okay?”

Charlie’s grin widened as she nodded, then turned back to Type: Null. The Pokémon made another wary noise, its eyes flicking nervously between her and Vaggie.

“Hey… it’s okay,” Charlie murmured soothingly. She carefully placed the Friend Ball on the grass in front of her and took a step back. “This is just to keep you safe until we can get you to a Pokémon Center. I promise, no one is going to hurt you and as soon as you’re all healed up, I’ll release you!”

Type: Null hesitated again, its eyes searching hers as if trying to decide if it should trust her. Then, it turned to face Chansey, who smiled at it and nodded. After a long, tense moment, Type: Null slowly lowered its head in reluctant acceptance. Then, it walked forward and gently tapped the Friend Ball with the top of its helmet, vanishing in a flash of light.

Charlie let out a breath she didn’t realize she was holding. “Okay… that’s step one! Step two means we gotta get it to a Pokémon Center.”

Vaggie sighed, then looked back towards the road. “Let’s just hope all of this doesn’t come back to bite us.” Then, the corners of her lips twitched upwards. “You… did a great thing for that thing, Morningstar.”

Charlie straightened and tucked Type: Null’s Friend Ball away in her pocket. “Don’t say that yet! We still gotta get it to a Pokémon Center. Let’s go!”

The walk back to the Slyth City Pokémon Center was thankfully rather short, especially since Charlie and Vaggie (well, okay, Vaggie) had defeated a majority of the Trainers along the way. Those that they hadn’t defeated seemed more inclined to battling each other than the two girls. Judging from their whispers and wary looks they threw Vaggie’s way, these Trainers had seen the news; the daughter of Carmilla and Zestial of the Elite Four wasn’t to be trifled with.

Arceus, why did she miss the fact that they used to whisper about her?

As usual for this city, it was extremely crowded. For many Trainers, Mimzy’s Gym became a hard stopping point on their journey, mostly because her Miltank was both an indomitable wall and a formidable weapon. Charlie couldn’t count the number of times Mimzy bragged about how many bones her Miltank’s Rollout shattered, but judging the amount of people seated around the waiting room, the answer was a resounding way too many. It was a wonder the woman was still allowed to run a Gym at all.

Thankfully, the line to the front counter was pretty short today, despite the crowd. It seemed that many of these Trainers were just hanging out, allowing their Pokémon some respite while they also recovered psychologically from whatever terror Miltank inflicted on them. While Charlie waited for her turn, she couldn’t help but glance around the waiting room.

The place was rather beautiful and upscale for a Pokémon center, its walls adorned with vibrant, abstract artwork showcasing various Pokémon from all across the region. A large TV mounted in one corner played a live broadcast of a Pokémon Beauty Contest. Angel Dust, the top Coordinator of the region, seemed to be absent from this one, so the feed was showcasing his arch-rival, Stolas instead. The tall Coordinator was dressed rather regally today and bowing with a dramatic flourish while his Noctowl rained golden feathers down on him from above.

Near the entrance, a large, ornate fish tank bubbled away cheerfully, filled with a variety of Water-type Pokémon enjoying the calm waters while their Trainers rested nearby. Currently, there was a sleek Vaporeon gliding gracefully through the water, as well as Magikarp and Mantyke. In another corner, a group of Trainers were huddled together, voices low as they discussed battle strategies for going up against Mimzy. Apparently, she had received a scolding of some sort from one of the Elite Four today so she was especially cranky and having her Miltank work extra hard to crush Trainer dreams. Charlie shuddered at the thought, grateful she wasn’t one of those Trainers today.

A large bulletin board near the counter was pinned with a mixture of flyers, from advertisem*nts to upcoming tournaments and contests to missing Pokémon posters. There seemed to be a lot more of those posters covering the board than usual; one particularly eye-catching one displayed a picture of a Minun and a Plusle, offering an extremely high reward. Charlie frowned as the image stirred a memory in the back of her mind, one she couldn’t quite place.

“I’ve been waiting for three f*cking weeks!”

Charlie flinched, snapping out of her thoughts as she turned to the counter. There seemed to be some sort of commotion. The customer in front of her, a rather short, skinny man with a gruff and grating voice, was arguing heatedly with Nurse Joy.

“Do you really expect me to just sit around while you do Arceus-f*cking-knows-what to my Impidimp!?” the man shouted, practically climbing onto the counter as he spoke, flexible limbs contorting violently. “She’s suffering and all you f*cks ain’t telling me sh*t!”

Nurse Joy’s voice was strained as she spoke, the prominent bags under her eyes seeming to be thrown into greater relief as she rubbed her temples. “Mr. Fizzarolli, I understand that you’re worried and that you’ve been waiting a long time… but the sort of injury your Pokémon has turned out to be much more severe than we thought. We’ll need more time to-”

“Of course it’s f*cking severe!” Mr. Fizzarolli shouted, a snarl ripping from his throat. “She got an Explosion to the face! It sent her flying and broke all her poor little bones! I was promised that it’d only take a few days to heal her!” His pale face was turning red, hands curling into fists. “If I don’t see her in the next five minutes, I swear to f*ck, I’ll-”

“Sir,” Nurse Joy interrupted, her voice taking on a steely edge. “We will not tolerate this behavior. I understand that you’re distressed and you want to see her, but if you continue to act this way, I will have to ask you to leave.”

The man glared at her, his jaw clenched. For a moment, it looked like he might argue further, but then he seemed to think better of it. With a final, venomous look, he turned and stormed out of the Pokémon Center, muttering under his breath. “This place is a f*cking joke. I’ll make sure you’ll learn a lesson you’ll never forget.”

The tension in the waiting room eased slightly as the doors closed behind him. Nurse Joy took a deep breath, her professional demeanor slipping just a bit as she shook her head and sighed. Then, she turned back to the counter, her smile returning as she addressed Charlie. “I’m so sorry for the wait. How can I help you today?”

After registering their Trainer IDs and filling out the paperwork requesting an urgent care visit from a Pokémon Doctor, the girls were rather quickly ushered to an examination room in the back. Here, they were soon greeted by a rather short man in a white coat who introduced himself as Dr. Somna. After the usual introductions and hand-shaking, Vaggie settled herself in a nearby chair while Charlie set her backpack down and carefully retrieved the Friend Ball.

“Alright, let’s see what the damage is,” Dr. Somna said cheerfully as he hopped on top of a step-stool and hooked his stethoscope in his ears. “Let it all out!”

At his words, Charlie immediately released Type: Null onto the examination table, wincing slightly as it flopped rather painfully onto the surface. The Pokémon whimpered softly, its dark eyes darting around the room. When they landed on Vaggie, Type: Null narrowed its gaze and let out a low growl, but did nothing else, clearly in too much pain to do much more than that.

“Well, well, look at this!” Dr. Somna remarked as he pressed the bell of his stethoscope against Type: Null’s chest. “This is certainly a unique one. Don’t think I’ve seen anything like it, and I’ve seen a lot!” He chuckled as he leaned over to examine Type: Null’s leg, his tiny body straining in the same way Dad’s always did when he tried to reach for a high shelf. “And it looks like this is quite a severe sprain… which is better than a broken leg. We’ll need to treat that right away so it can heal properly!”

“How long will that take?” Charlie asked anxiously. Behind her, the door to the examination room opened and a Chansey entered, carrying a tray of medical supplies. Dr. Somna hummed as he sifted through the tray before picking up a very large, very wicked-looking pair of scissors. The sight alone was enough to make everyone else in the room shrink away in fear. But then, he quickly used it to cut up some bandages and make a splint for Type: Null’s leg.

Type: Null trilled curiously as it examined its new splint. Then, it stood up. Much to Charlie’s happiness, it seemed to now be able to at least place some weight on the leg. The Pokémon’s previously cautious demeanor softened somewhat as it tested the leg gingerly, taking a few hesitant steps before looking up at Charlie with what seemed like gratitude in its eyes.

“It should be right as a Rain Dance very soon! I’ll need to stick it in the old healing machine and triple the medication doses. A few dozen zaps should do it! After that, it should be good to fight again after 24 hours, so-”

Before Dr. Somna could finish his sentence, the relatively calm atmosphere of the room was suddenly shattered by a commotion outside. The glass doors of the Pokémon Center shattered with a loud bang, sending shards flying. Charlie whipped around, exchanging an alarmed look with Vaggie, whose hand had already flown to the Pokéballs at her belt. Before the doctor could stop them, they ran out of the room.

A thick cloud of dust obscured the entrance. Charlie’s eyes and throat stung as she strained to see through the haze. The sound of boots stomping on tile and muffled shouting filled the air as dozens of figures clad in black flooded into the Pokémon Center, grabbing at injured Pokémon and ripping them from Trainers’ hands. When a few Trainers tried to stand and fight back, the figures threw Pokéballs down, sending out Swablu, Chimecho, and Xatu to hold those Trainers off.

Charlie grit her teeth as her own hand flew to Applin’s Pokéball, her mind racing. Okay, so Chimecho and Xatu were both Psychic-types while Swablu was a Normal/Flying-type. Applin knew the Ghost-type move Astonish, so that should take care of Chimecho and Xatu. She didn’t have any Electric or Rock-types on her team which meant that she’d have to use brute force to bring the Swablu down. Vaggie had mainly Bug and Grass-type too, so if any of those Swablu knew Flying-type moves, then she would also have some trouble-

Before Charlie could throw out her Pokémon, a tall, lanky, yet imposing figure stepped to the front of the group. Like the rest of them, he was dressed in all black with a hood pulled over his head. But what set him apart was the pair of golden goggles over his eyes, obscuring them from view.

“Yo, what up, nerds?” he asked, his voice deep, grating, and strangely familiar. “Okay, so in case you couldn’t tell from all the sh*t happening right now, we’re here to take your Pokémon away from you unworthy bitches.” He stretched languidly as he walked in, using his heavy boots to kick away any furniture, plants, or backpacks in his way. “Just hand ‘em over and no one has to get their ass kicked.”

That voice… there was something strangely familiar about it, something that tugged at the edges of Charlie’s memory. Her brow furrowed as she searched her mind, her grip tightening on Applin’s Pokéball. She had definitely heard that deep, grating voice somewhere. But where? Briefly, her mind flickered to the irate man from earlier, the guy called Mr. Fizzarolli. He… he sounded just like this guy. And was about as tall as he was too. Was that him under the mask? Was this what he meant by teaching the Pokémon Center a lesson?

“Charlie, watch out!”

Charlie snapped out of her thoughts and quickly turned, but it was too late. A Swablu darted down at her from above, sharp beak glinting and aimed straight for Charlie’s face. Periwinkle eyes widened in shock as her hand closed around Chansey’s Safari Ball. She wouldn’t have time to have Chansey intercept the attack before she got hurt, but maybe if she took this hit, she could at least prevent anyone else from getting hurt-

Suddenly, a dark, sleek figure leaped from the shadows with surprising speed, letting out an earth-shattering roar. Charlie gasped in surprise as Type: Null’s massive form collided with the attacking Swablu. The force of the impact sent them both skidding across the floor, Type: Null’s mask glinting ominously in the fluorescent light of the Pokémon Center. It let out a low, guttural growl, crouching protectively in front of Charlie, its body bristling with tension.

Charlie’s heart pounded as she took in the scene. Type: Null had saved her. It had saved her. It had risked itself to protect her despite its injury. She could see the determination and fear in its eyes, its body wound tight as a cord as it lowered itself and growled again, sharp gray eyes darting around. She quickly glanced at Vaggie, whose Venonat was already out, antennae twitching wildly.

The leader of the group, the one with the golden goggles, stepped forward now, the goggles flashing as he seemed to focus on Type: Null. One gloved hand flew to the Pokéballs at his belt.

“Where… where the f*ck did you get that thing!?” he demanded sharply, yanking a Pokéball free.

Charlie’s grip on Chansey’s Safari Ball tightened as she exchanged a glance with Type: Null. There was anger flashing behind its gaze now, mixed in with even more fear. Did it have some sort of history with this group? Did it have something to do with this attack? One look at the chaotic scene around her, the way Grunts were ripping Pokémon from Trainers and non-Trainers alike, told her that no, there was no way. She may have only met this strange Pokémon, but anyone could tell that it was just as afraid of this group as she was - perhaps even moreso.

She had to protect it. It still needed to heal.

“It doesn’t matter where we got it. What matters is you’re not getting it!”

The sneer deepened, and the leader stepped closer, his large form looming over the girls as a shadow passed over his face. “Oh, I think it does f*cking matter. That piece of sh*t was at our compound. So either you two were part of the raid, or you’re working with those f*cks who were. Either way, I’m going to f*cking exterminate you.”

A raid? What raid? Charlie frowned as she pulled Chansey’s Pokémon from her belt. Most of the time, either the police or the League did raids. Were her fathers or Rosie working nearby? Did they have something to do with Type: Null getting hurt?

She took a deep breath, her mind flashing back briefly to her parents. Vox had told her that, a decade ago, the League had saved the region from some sort of evil team. Was this a new evil team or had the old one returned? If her parents were nearby, were they going to come save them? Was Mimzy? Where was the police? Where was anyone?

It didn’t matter. None of that mattered. If they waited for the police or the League to arrive, it might be too late; this horrible team might run off with even more Pokémon, more people might be hurt. No, they needed to make their stand here and now. Charlie took a deep breath, her chest constricting like a vice as she turned to face the intruders and threw Chansey’s Safari Ball to the floor.

“We’re not gonna let you take anymore Pokémon!”

The leader snarled, then gestured to the Grunts behind him. “f*ck ‘em up. I want that Type: Null back before our Leader gets even more pissy!”

Vaggie’s eye blazed with determination as she stepped forward, Venonat buzzing angrily. “Let’s go, Venonat!”

The Grunts surged forward, and Type: Null met them head-on, snarling and growling as it fought despite its injured leg. Meanwhile, Vaggie charged forward as well, her Venonat leaping into action with a flurry of Psychic and Bug-type attacks. Soon enough, Masquerain, Mothim, and Dartrix joined the fight as well, adding in Flying and Grass-type attacks to the fray. With her friend distracting the Grunts, Charlie turned to face the tall man, her heart pounding in her chest. She had to protect Type: Null, no matter what. Chansey let out a loud cry as she placed herself between the man and Charlie, the Egg Pokémon’s eyes narrowed in fierce determination.

“What, you really f*cking think you can take me on?” he asked as he threw his Pokéball to the ground. A Scraggy leaped out in a flash of light, cracking her knuckles as she leered at Chansey. Charlie swallowed, then took a deep breath, willing her quivering heart to settle down.

She couldn’t mess this up.

“Chansey, use Sing!”

“Fake Out!”

Chansey quickly opened her mouth to unleash the attack, but Scraggy was much quicker. She darted forward and smacked her hands together right in front of Chansey’s face, forcing her eyes closed and causing her to flinch. The Egg Pokémon stumbled, unable to complete her attack, leaving her wide open for her opponent’s next move.


Taunt? What kind of move was that? Charlie watched as Scraggy pulled down her eyelids and stuck out her tongue before turning around and shaking her butt. At the display, the pink Pokémon nearly turned crimson as fury blazed in her gaze.

“Use Sing!” Charlie shouted desperately. But for some reason, Chansey didn’t listen. Instead, she released an Echoed Voice, the soundwaves quickly traveling the space between her and Scraggy and slamming into the Shedding Pokémon with a vengeance. Scraggy stumbled, clearly hit hard, but didn’t fall, her eyes flashing wildly as she prepared for her next attack.

“What are you, stupid?” the man laughed. “You can’t f*cking use a status move if a Pokémon’s Taunted. C’mon, sh*t for brains, even I knew that!” Then, he pointed at Chansey. “Payback, Scraggs!”

Scraggy leaped into the air, dark power coalescing around her fist as he smashed it into Chansey’s face. The Egg Pokémon cried out in pain as she stumbled and tried to release yet another Echoed Voice, only for Scraggy to quickly dodge the attack. Taking advantage of the opening, Scraggy finished off Chansey with a powerful Headbutt, slamming her skull directly into Chansey’s stomach and sending her to the floor.

Charlie gritted her teeth and recalled Chansey, sending out Applin next. At the sight of the tiny, diminutive Apple Core Pokémon, the leader threw back his head and laughed, clutching at his belly.

“Are you f*cking serious? You’re using that weak f*cking sh*t next? f*ck, you deserve to get your Pokémon ripped from you!” He pulled Scraggy back and threw another Pokémon to the ground. “Loudred, Fire Punch that bitch straight into the stratosphere!”

The large purple Pokémon let out a wild cry as she charged, coating her fist in crackling flames. Before Charlie could so much as order Applin to dodge, the Fire Punch landed, sending Applin to the floor in a hail of burning fire. Charlie’s hand trembled, palms sweating profusely as she recalled Applin and reached for her final Pokémon.

“KeeKee, Ember!”

The Fire Cat Pokémon spat small flames at Loudred, but the Normal-type Pokémon seemed completely unfazed. The man yawned, golden goggles glinting lazily in the fluorescent light as KeeKee unleashed Ember again. And again. And again. The flames licked Loudred’s fur, leaving tiny pieces of singed hairs in their wake, but the Big Voice Pokémon merely shook them off, a look of utter boredom crossing her face.

Charlie’s hands balled into fists as she watched, her frustration mounting. KeeKee was giving it everything she had, but it just wasn’t enough. Why? Why was it that no matter what Charlie did, no matter how hard she trained, it still wasn’t enough?

Was she not her parents’ daughter?

The man seemed to be growing bored of watching KeeKee’s attempts to take down his Loudred. He yawned again and lazily flicked his wrist. “Mega Punch.”

The Normal-type’s fist glowed with a menacing energy as she lunged forward. The Mega Punch landed with devastating force, sending KeeKee flying. The little Fire Cat Pokémon slammed into Charlie’s stomach, knocking her to the ground, her breath whooshing out of her as KeeKee lay unconscious beside her.

Charlie struggled to catch her breath as she propped herself up on one elbow, her vision swimming. One arm came up to cradle KeeKee’s limp form, her heart aching as KeeKee whimpered weakly. The man’s mocking laughter filled her ears.

“Why are you doing this?” Charlie asked, her voice pitched an octave higher than usual as she wrapped KeeKee protectively in her arms. Loudred stalked closer and she scooted back, until the cold front counter of the Pokémon Center pressed against her back. “Why are you stealing these Pokémon?”

The man stopped, tilting his head and raising one cedar-colored eyebrow. “Uh, isn’t it f*cking obvious?” He gestured at the Grunts around him, smirking as more Trainers were defeated and their Pokémon and Pokéballs ripped from their hands. “We’re taking them from you idiots so none of you unworthy f*cks can stop them from getting to Paradise.”


The man rolled his eyes behind his goggles. “Paradise, Heaven, Eden… whatever you call it, you and every other piece of sh*t out there are unworthy of getting in… unless you join the team, of course. But like f*ck I’m letting a weakling like you in.” He cracked his neck lightly, then gestured to his Loudred. “Anyways, this whole thing’s been cute and all, but it’s also been a f*cking waste of my time. Loudred, Fire Punch this bitch and let’s grab Type: Null.”

Bile rose in Charlie’s throat, fear surged through her veins as Loudred coated her fist in even more flames. The purple Pokémon rushed towards her, fiery punch aimed straight at her face. She wrapped her body around KeeKee, bracing herself for searing pain, for the stench of burning flesh to fill her nose-

“Venonat, Poison Powder!”

A small purple blur leaped in front of the searing flames, releasing a cloud of toxic spores that enveloped the Loudred, causing the large Pokémon to cough and stagger. But soon enough, she recovered and quickly retaliated with another Fire Punch. Venonat barely managed to withstand the fiery blow, her antenna shaking wildly as she fought to regain her footing. Vaggie appeared in front of Charlie now, hazel eye narrowed, silver locks flying wildly around her.

“Are you alright, Charlie?” Vaggie asked, snarling as Loudred glared at her, clearly slowly weakening from the poison. The man seemed to hesitate as he and Vaggie locked gazes, those golden goggles glinting uncertainly.

“Y-yeah, I’m fine!” Charlie stammered, her lungs burning as she got to her feet. She pulled KeeKee back in her ball and glanced to the side, watching as Grunts and Trainers continued to fight, as Type: Null fiercely fought to prevent itself from getting captured again. “Thanks for the save!”

Vaggie gave her a small smile, then turned to glare at the leader. “Venonat, Psybeam!”

The Insect Pokémon summoned all of her remaining strength and fired a beam of psychic energy directly at Loudred. The attack hit its mark, causing her to convulse and writhe in pain. The power behind it, coupled with the lingering effects of the poison seemed too much. Loudred’s legs finally gave out and she collapsed to the ground, defeated.

The leader snarled as he recalled Loudred, then pulled out another Pokémon. “Scraggy, get the f*ck back out here!”

The weakened Pokémon popped out of the ball, groaning as she landed on the floor. She took a moment to recover, then straightened and balled up her fists, ready for the next order. Just as the other Trainer opened his mouth to shout an order, Vaggie cut in, fiercely pointing at the Shed Pokémon.

“Finish it off with Bug Buzz, Venonat!”

Venonat emitted a powerful, high-pitched sound wave that struck Scraggy as she struggled to stay standing. The Dark-type Pokémon crumpled like paper under the attack, fainting instantly. The team leader let out a loud scream as he recalled Scraggy, goggles flashing in unchecked fury.

“That’s f*cking bullsh*t! Your friend already weakened her!”

Vaggie sneered. “That’s what makes us a great team, jerk!” She grinned over her shoulder at Charlie before turning back to face her opponent. “Got any more weaklings to send out?”

At Vaggie’s words, a tiny shot of irritation flickered in the back of Charlie’s mind. Weaklings? Charlie had so much trouble against just the two Pokémon they had already seen! Sure, she still really, really, really needed to improve, but… but did Vaggie really have to call them weak?

The leader’s face contorted in anger. “You f*cking bitch. I don’t care who your mom is, I’m going to make you eat my sh*t!” He pulled another Pokéball from his belt. “Morpeko, take them out!”

Vaggie’s eye widened at his words, but if she was confused in any way, she didn't show it. Instead, she merely snarled as the Morpeko darted onto the field, dark eyes gleaming with malice. She moved with blinding speed, striking Venonat with a powerful Quick Attack and bringing her down in a single blow. Venonat collapsed, unable to continue the fight.

“Venonat, return!” Vaggie ordered, the Insect Pokémon vanishing back into her Pokéball in a flash of red light. “Mothim, let’s show them what we got! Bug Buzz!”

The Moth Pokémon flew out of his Safari Ball, wings spread wide as he twirled in the air and let out a loud cry. Then, those wings began to vibrate, releasing another powerful sound wave that hit Morpeko square in the chest, causing her to stagger. But then, Morpeko snarled and leaped into the air, sinking her teeth into Mothim with a vicious Bite. The Bug-type Pokémon cried out in pain, just barely managing to stay airborne as he flapped his wings desperately, trying to shake the Two-Sided Pokémon off.

“Another Bug Buzz, Mothim!”

Mothim unleashed yet another devastating soundwave, the vibrations creating a visible ripple through the air. Morpeko was hit full force, her snarl turning into a pained yelp as she was thrown off of Mothim’s wing. The impact sent her skidding across the floor, leaving her too dazed to continue fighting.

The man’s frustration was palpable, a snarl ripping from his throat as he sent out his last Pokémon. “Toxel, rip this bitch to shreds!”

The Baby Pokémon stood defiant, sparks crackling around her tiny body as she glared up at Mothim. In response, Mothim narrowed his large eyes and flapped his wings even harder, the movement a bit sluggish from the injury left by the Bite. Charlie tensed as her eyes darted between Toxel and Mothim, her heart pounding, mind racing. Toxel was an Electric/Poison-type. Mothim was a Bug/Flying-type. Toxel had a type-advantage, but type wasn’t everything. Oh, but Mothim didn’t have any status effect-inflicting moves, so-

“Nuzzle!” the man ordered, his voice tight with anger. Toxel darted forward in response, her body emitting a faint glow as she grabbed Mothim and smashed her buzzing cheek against the Moth Pokémon’s wings, delivering a paralyzing shock. Mothim’s wings faltered, his movements becoming sluggish as paralysis ripped through his body. Vaggie bit her lip, her eye narrowing in determination as she pointed at Toxel.

“Air Slash!”

Mothim struggled against the paralysis, his wings straining to lift him higher. With a tremendous effort, he generated a razor-sharp gust of wind that cut through the air, heading straight for Toxel. The attack struck true, hitting Toxel squarely and sending her tumbling across the floor. Right as the man ordered another Nuzzle, Toxel flinched, unable to complete the attack. This allowed Mothim to Lunge, covering his body in green energy as he slammed his body into his opponent, causing her to skid even further across the floor until she smashed into a nearby wall.


The man broke into a sprint. His hands shook as he ran by, breath coming in ragged gasps. He threw himself to his knees behind the fallen Pokémon, reaching out to pick her up. A raw, strangled noise escaped his throat as he cradled her small, limp body, desperately whispering nonsensical words to the fainted Pokémon.

But Toxel lay still.

Charlie watched the scene before her, bewildered. What was happening? Why was the leader of these horrible people trying to rouse his hurt Pokémon? Why did he sound like he was about to cry? Wasn’t he supposed to be evil? She exchanged a glance with Vaggie, who shook her head; she didn’t know either.

After a long while, the man stood, his face contorted with rage and disbelief. He clenched his fists, the shiny material of his gloves straining as he turned to glare at the girls. He opened his mouth, clearly trying to hurl more insults at them, but only a strained little creak came out. Then, he snarled and shook his head, recalling Toxel back into her Pokéball.

“Let’s get the f*ck outta here!” he shouted at the surrounding Grunts.

A few of them paused, confusion flickering over their faces. One of them lowered his mask to speak. “Uh, but, sir, what about Type-”

“We’ve saved enough Pokémon and have better sh*t to do than deal with these f*cking c*nts,” “Sir” snarled. “Besides, Type: Null’s a useless f*cking piece of sh*t anyways. Her Highness wouldn’t want anything to do with it. Now get the f*ck out before I make Loudred break all your f*cking eardrums!”

That seemed to motivate the Grunts. Boots pounded on the hard tile of the Pokémon Center as they exited the building, taking as many Pokéballs with them as they could. As the horde of Grunts left the building, he turned to glare at the girls again. “This isn’t f*cking over,” he hissed at Vaggie, his voice low and menacing. “I’m gonna make sure you f*cking regret this for the rest of your miserable life.”

Vaggie met his gaze, her glare unwavering. “Bring it, asshole.”

Sir lifted one hand and flipped them off. Then, he ran outside, kicking pieces of splintered glass as he left. For a few moments, the two Trainers simply stood there, watching as the Pokémon Center emptied of black uniforms and white boots. Tension continued to hang in the air, refusing to unwind even as the last of the Grunts disappeared.

Charlie’s shoulder became taut as she looked around, casting a periwinkle-eyed gaze over the remaining people in the Pokémon Center. Many were crying. Others were nursing injuries. More lay chillingly, disturbingly still. Charlie swallowed, then carefully recalled KeeKee back into her ball. All of this chaos and bloodshed for what? Some sort of strange, misguided attempt to access some kind of Pokémon paradise?

Did the League know anything about that?

A tiny, metallic noise snapped her from her thoughts. Charlie blinked and looked over, watching as Type: Null limped over to her despite its injured leg. Its eyes, sharp and full of determination, softened when it reached her. Then, it gently bent its knees and bowed to her, closing its eyes in a grand gesture of… gratitude? Relief? She couldn’t tell. Either way, Charlie smiled as she placed a gentle hand on its head, the cold metal of the helmet tingling pleasantly against her heated fingers.

“Thanks for saving me,” she whispered, her chest tightening as Type: Null trilled softly in response. “I… I don’t think I’d have my eyeballs still in my face without you.”

In the corner of her eye, she saw Vaggie purse her lips, clearly wanting to say something. Probably something about how those strange people had attacked the Pokémon Center, then attacked her upon seeing Type: Null. Yes, true, they had been put in danger because of it, but clearly whatever was happening wasn’t Type: Null’s fault. No, she wasn’t going to blame it for the danger, no matter how much Vaggie wanted to. It was the right thing to do for Charlie’s savior, after all.

“You were amazing,” Charlie said, turning back to Type: Null. It blinked slowly, then nuzzled against her hand. “Really amazing. Any Trainer would be lucky to have you. But don’t worry. As soon as you’re done getting healed, I’ll break your ball and release you so-”

A low, firm sound tore its way from Type: Null’s throat - a strange gross between a growl and a purr. Then, it shook its head, gray gaze meeting gentle periwinkle. Charlie blinked, her brow furrowing as she searched its face.

“You… you wanna travel with me?”

Type: Null nodded, its eyes shining as it now butted its helmet gently against Charlie’s chin. Charlie giggled, her heart swelling with a mix of pride and happiness as she wrapped her arms around its neck. It was… surprisingly warm. And soft. Like a Wooloo’s freshly groomed coat.

“Alright, if you’re sure,” Charlie said. “I’ll make sure to be the best partner you’ll ever have!”

At that, Vaggie cleared her throat, her hands twisting nervously as her eye darted between Type: Null and the devastated Trainers around them. “Charlie, are you sure? I don’t know if-”

“Vaggie, what happened wasn’t its fault,” Charlie interrupted, sending her friend a frown. “It didn’t ask for any of this and I wanna leave the choice of traveling with us up to it.” She hesitated, then bit her bottom lip. “Please, Vaggie. We still need to heal it. And we don’t know who else is out there, trying to hurt him.”

Vaggie hesitated, her expression conflicted. She very clearly didn't like this, but after a moment, her shoulders slumped in resignation. “Alright, Charlie. If that’s what you want. But I’ll be keeping an eye on it.” She shot a wary glance at Type: Null, her brow furrowing. “And the moment it does anything to hurt you… I’m not hesitating.” Then, she straightened her back and walked away, leaving Charlie and her new partner to their moment.

Charlie watched her friend go, a tiny lump of guilt coiling in her chest. Between the two of them, Vaggie usually had the most logical head on her shoulders, seeing through all of Charlie’s wild ideas and helping her ground them better. But this… this was different. This had to be different. How could any Pokémon so sweet possibly be responsible for so much damage? There had to be something else happening.

Taking a deep breath, she turned back to Type: Null, a warm smile on her face. “Well, since we’re gonna be traveling a lot together… I’m gonna name you… Dazzle!” She giggled when the Pokémon narrowed its eyes in confusion and tilted its head. “It’s because you dazzled me so much today!”

Seeming to like this answer, Dazzle let out a soft trill, its eyes shining with trust, anticipation, and something else. Something lovely and warm. As they made their way to the healing machine, Charlie’s heart swelled with hope. With Dazzle by her side, she felt ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. Together, they would overcome anything.


See y'all next week~

Chapter 5: Do it Right


Vox has to handle some issues at his Gym. Charlie and Vaggie finally face off against the dreaded Miltank. Meanwhile, Lucifer is forced to grapple with a nightmare he never thought he'd see again.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text


No time to question my moves

I stick to the path that I choose

Me and my friends are gonna do it right

You'll never see us run away from a fight

To be a Master is my dream,

All I've got to do is believe

(And I believe!)

- Believe in Me (David Rolfe)

Vox… had a problem. Well, okay, he had lots of problems. But for once, this had nothing to do with his personality nor did it have anything to do with Alastor’s entire existence… as far as he knew. No, this problem was more because Arceus hated him and had thought it was funny to give him the worst damn luck in the universe.

He had been in the middle of yet another Gym Battle when his security feeds alerted him to an attack happening on the Slyth City Pokémon Center. Before he could do anything about it, some idiot decided to send out one of those scary-as-f*ck feral Pokémon out against one of his employees. After ordering an intern to alert Mimzy and the rest of the League about what was happening, Vox went to investigate said feral Pokémon. By the time he managed to warp his way to where he needed to be, the growling Minun had nearly ripped the tail off his employee’s poor Raichu and disappeared into the back rooms, where all the servers and power cables keeping his Gym up and running were kept.

The next thing he knew, his Gym was plunged into darkness. The hum of the generators, the loud buzz of the television screens dotted around the area, and even the lights in his wall-to-wall aquarium filled with Sharpedo all cut out completely, leaving Vox in eerie silence. A chill settled over the Gym as the temperature plummeted without the electric heating, the shadows seeming to stretch and warp around him.

f*ck his life.

Vox sighed, his breath visible in the frigid air and rubbed his temples. He was going to need to fix this before word got around that a f*cking Minun of all things was able to bring down the Electric-type Gym Leader’s electricity. Once the media got a hold of this story, it would absolutely kill his reputation if he didn’t get things up and running quick enough. Not to mention, Alastor would be an obnoxious prick about it, too. That old-timey prick would probably rub the fact that the Gym worked fine under his thumb in Vox’ face, just to piss him off.

Grumbling under his breath, Vox pulled a Pokéball off his belt and tossed it into the air, summoning his Galvantula. If he was going to go fix all of this, he was going to need some extra help. The EleSpider Pokémon chittered softly as he led the way, his yellow and blue fur crackling with static electricity. Vox pulled out his V-phone and turned on the flashlight function as well, the bright light illuminating their path towards the power room.

The Gym was oddly quiet, save for the nervous murmurs of Trainers and employees and Vox’ own footsteps. For a Gym that was normally so brilliantly illuminated, the darkness was downright oppressive, the eerie tension hanging in the air forcing a shiver down Vox’ spine. The cold air bit at his skin, goosebumps danced across his arms, but he pressed on, determined to bring light back to his Gym before one of Alastor’s f*cking ghosts found their way in.

As they approached the main power room, a faint, high-pitched growl reached Vox’ ears. Immediately, his muscles tensed, heart leaping to his throat as sharp blue eyes darted around the area. The damn thing was nearby. With a quick motion to Galvantula to be ready, he cautiously rounded the corner.


The Minun was gnawing on a thick power cable, sparks flying around it. His eyes were large and wild, seeing everything and nothing at once. At Vox’ approach, it turned towards him, revealing blown pupils and a tiny mouth pulled back into a menacing snarl.

Vox froze, alarms ringing in his mind as he took in the sight before him. Those eyes… they weren’t filled with anger, fear, or anything of that sort. No, they were empty. Like the creature before him was a puppet on a string, made to dance a little jig upon a crumbling and rotting stage. The longer he stared at them, the more the odd coil of fear that curled in his stomach grew.

He needed to put a stop to this before this thing put anyone else in danger.

“Alright there, little guy,” he said, false cheer lacing his words. One hand raised in surrender while the other tightened its grip on his phone. “Let’s just do this nice and easy. Stop chewing on the cables and I’ll make sure that you get to a safe place where you can take a nice, long nap to sleep off the bad mood. Deal?”

For a moment, the Minun did nothing. He stared at Vox, empty eyes staring straight through his soul. The Thunderous Overlord swallowed, cobalt eyes darting to Galvantula. The EleSpider Pokémon chittered lightly as he lowered his body even closer to the ground. When Vox glanced down at his arm, he noted the way the hairs on the back of his wrist began to stick straight up on end.


Minun lunged at them, covering his body in crackling electricity as he charged with a Spark. Vox let out the manliest shriek ever as he and Galvantula jumped out of the way. While the Thunderous Overlord tumbled to the floor, Galvantula released his Sticky Web. Several globs of sticky, white material flew from his mouth, aimed straight for the Minus Pokémon.

One of the globs caught Minun mid-lunge, transforming into a web and tangling his limbs. The Minun crashed to the ground where it struggled and writhed, but the sticky threads held firm. Vox pushed himself up, wiping the dust from his suit, just in time to see the damn thing chew and swallow the goddamned spiderweb. Once freed, Minun charged again, his eyes glowing with unnatural fury.

“sh*t! Bug Buzz!” Vox ordered. Galvantula responded instantly, releasing a powerful soundwave that slammed into his opponent, sending Minun flying. The little Pokémon hit the ground hard but, just like that damned Golem from before, the stupid thing popped back up almost immediately. Vox ground his teeth, frustration mounting as the Minus Pokémon charged at Galvantula again. How the absolute f*ck was this thing so strong?

Vox snapped his fingers, commanding Galvantula to use Sticky Web again. Galvantula spewed even more sticky globs out of his mouth, but Minun dodged every single one. Vox’s heart leaped to his throat as Minun closed the distance between them with alarming speed, barely having time to process what was going on before he reflexively punched Minun out of the air.

Oh, f*ck - he shouldn’t have done that. He really shouldn’t have done that. Vox growled as white-hot pain shot up his hand, causing the muscles of his arms to convulse and cramp. He clutched it to his chest, glaring as the little Pokémon hit the ground and got back up yet again. sh*t, he really hoped that none of those Pokémon rights groups came after him for that. He’d never hear the end of it.

“Volt Switch, now!”

Galvantula’s body crackled with electrical energy as he chittered in response. Then, he charged straight for the Minun, sparks flying all around his body. Vox’ gaze zeroed in on the Minun, who was staggering to his feet. But then, the feral Pokémon suddenly leaped directly in front of Vox, causing Galvantula to swerve. Right as Galvantula was about to connect, Minun leaped aside again, and-


Vox once again let out the manliest shriek possible as Galvantula tackled him straight to the floor. His hair stood on end, his body twitched uncontrollably. His body screamed in protest as wave upon wave of electrical power surged through him, sending painful tingles to every nerve in his body. By the time Galvantula realized his mistake and leaped off with an apologetic chitter, Vox was little more than a stunned, smoking lump on the floor, his clothes singed from the power of the electricity. Groaning, he sat up, his limbs feeling like jelly; thank f*cking Arceus he had his clothes specially insulated in case sh*t like this happened.

“What the f*ck was that?” he rasped, wheezing as he forced himself to stand. “Last I checked, I trained you to actually hit your damn targets!”

Naturally, Galvantula didn’t answer; he was too busy trying to fight off the crazy Minun, who charged with yet another Spark attack. Vox rubbed his temples, already feeling a migraine coming on as the EleSpider Pokémon barely managed to dodge his opponent. Galvantula’s own movements were sluggish after the botched Volt Switch.

“Bug Buzz! And f*cking do it right this time!”

Galvantula let out a high-pitched screech, unleashing the powerful soundwave. This time, the attack hit Minun directly, sending the small Pokémon tumbling across the floor. Minun skidded to a halt, still snarling, his movements finally slowing.

But Minun wasn’t done yet. With a defiant cry, he tried to push itself up, electricity crackling around his small form. Vox, still recovering from his unintended shock therapy, watched in disbelief as the stubborn Pokémon refused to stay down. With a snarl, he pointed directly at Minun, wincing slightly as his still-shellshocked muscles creaked in protest.

“Thunder! Finish it!”

Galvantula’s body once again crackled with electrical energy, building up for the final decisive strike. The very air around them buzzed with unchecked power as Galvantula unleashed a massive bolt of lightning. The thunderous attack struck Minun head-on, the room filling with a blinding light and the deafening roar of electricity.

When the light faded, Minun lay motionless on the floor. Vox let out the breath he didn’t know he had been holding. Groaning, he massaged his neck muscles, body still tingling from the earlier shock. He shot a glare at Galvantula, who looked equally exhausted but victorious.

“Nice job, buddy,” he muttered, earning him a shaky chitter in return. “Even if you did almost fry me… again.”

Once he was sure that the stupid feral little sh*t wasn’t going to get up anytime soon, he had Galvantula start tying Minun up with some Sticky Web while he sent out his Magnezone. The Magnet Area Pokémon immediately floated over to the control panel, its magnets spinning as it began to work on restoring the electricity to the Gym.

As the gentle hum of restored power filled the room, Vox took a moment to slump against the wall. With a small groan, the Thunderous Overlord rolled his shoulders, trying his best to massage the tension from them. When that didn’t work, he settled instead for rubbing circles into his arms, making a mental note to visit Val later and see if the Flying-type Gym Leader had time to drop everything and give Vox a massage. Arceus knows, the guy probably needed something to take his mind off the Pokémon Contest Hall for once.

As the lights flickered back on, Vox turned his attention to the unconscious and now bound Minun. He reached out and picked him up by the scruff of his neck, careful to stay away from the web. His brow furrowed as he turned Minun around, sharp eyes searching for something, anything that would help explain why the Pokémon had acted so strangely. But just like with that Golem, there didn’t seem to be any sort of disturbance in his fur and from the looks of things, he was an otherwise perfectly healthy Pokémon before… whatever the f*ck happened.

In fact, if anything, this thing was somehow different than that Golem and that Houndoom that the Elite Four faced off with. For one, unlike the other two Pokémon, the Minun never foamed or drooled or dirtied up Vox’ nice, clean floor. For another, the look in his eyes had been empty rather than angry or crazy like Golem's eyes had been. Vox wasn’t much of a biology sort of guy, but if there was one thing he had actually retained from his years at Alighieri University, it was the simple fact that if whatever weird sickness was going around presented differently, it usually meant either there was something new happening or worse still, whatever had afflicted Golem and Houndoom had f*cking evolved.

He had to get to the bottom of this, before the bits of media he didn’t control got a hold of the story.

“Any ideas what this thing might be on?” he asked Galvantula, who only chittered lightly in response.

“Nah, that can’t be it. Bet you anything this has something to do with Alastor. It’s always his damn fault when sh*t like this happens.”

More chittering.

“What? No! I’m not f*cking obsessed! I’m just making a logical observation, and-”

Magnezone now chimed in with a few little whirls of its own.

“Oh, f*ck you both. Next time I write an autobiography, you two are just getting one line each!” With that, he tossed Minun’s bound form to Magnezone. “Get that thing delivered to Lilith. Galvantula, head upstairs and practice your Arceus-damn aim. Make it quick, I probably still have a billion Gym battles to get through.”

The first thing he did when he stalked out of the room was make sure that his Gym Challengers were okay. After all, if any one of them talked badly about him to the media, it was almost a guarantee that he would get an earful from either the Champion, one of the Elite Four, or worst of all, that smiling piece of sh*t who Lucifer Morningstar somehow managed to snag as a husband. Seriously, what was with Alastor? For all his smugness and self-righteousness, Vox never suspected the guy would ever settle down. But no, Alastor had gone and tied the knot with Lucifer, proving once again that Vox’s luck was utterly abysmal.

Once he was done checking on his Gym Challengers, he turned to see his intern standing nearby, trembling slightly with a V-pad in hand. There was something about the look in his eye that made Vox pause. He had seen nervousness before, but this kid looked like he was about to pass out from sheer anxiety.

“So… did you manage to get the message to Mimzy?” Vox asked casually as he turned back to the warp panels around him. sh*t, which one went to his dais again? His brain was still buzzing too much from that extremely unwelcome dose of shock therapy he had received earlier.

“Yes, sir,” the intern replied, his voice shaking.

Maybe it was this one? Vox stepped onto the warp panel, feeling the familiar jolt as he was transported to… well, alright then. He had no f*cking idea where he was. But that was fine. He just had to figure out what the path was. Huh… maybe he should consider reworking his Gym puzzle after all. Then again, there was a good reason why people usually challenged his Gym last. It was a lot tougher like this, and it did make Vox feel like he was at the top of the steaming heap of dung that was the Alighieri Pokémon Gym Leaders. Wait, did that mean he was calling himself dung? sh*t, his head hurt way too much for this.

“And did she answer you?” Vox asked, throwing a glance over his shoulder. Like any half-decent intern, the kid had followed him through the warp panel, still looking like a Meowth caught in a Rain Dance.

“Uh, no, sir. She didn’t respond at all.”

Vox sighed and rubbed his temples. If there was one thing he had learned in his… let’s just say somewhere between twenty and a hundred years of life, it was the fact that everyone in this damn League was f*cking incompetent at their jobs and needed a strong, guiding hand to keep them in line… a hand like his. So when an opening for Gym Leader Representative came up, Vox was the first to throw his hat into the ring. Nevermind that it was an elected position and that he was the only one who was actually running - the important part was, he got it in the end. And now he was a leader among the League and Alastor was just a member of the top four Trainers in the region, so suck it.

Unfortunately, being the Gym Leader Rep came with responsibilities that included but were not limited to making sure that Gym Leaders actually did their f*cking jobs. Even more unfortunately, most of the Gym Leaders were a bunch of f*cking idiots. Between Husk’s laziness, Cherri’s destructive tendencies, Val’s weird obsession with that one Coordinator guy, and Niffty’s… Niffty-ness, Vox had his hands full. Not to mention, when things actually got bad in any of the cities - like, say, a Pokémon Center being attacked by a potentially evil organization - it was Vox’ job to call the Gym Leader and yell at them about doing their stupid job properly.

“Well, I’m sure the rest of the League handled that Pokémon Center,” Vox said breezily. He frowned again as he looked between the three warp pads in front of him. Was it the middle? Or the left? sh*t, his brains really were fried. “We don’t need any more disasters today, right?”

The intern went silent. Vox blinked, then turned around, narrowing his gaze at the kid. His intern’s eyes widened, as though struck by a Thunderbolt. Without missing a beat, Vox stalked closer to him, irritation prickling at the back of his mind. He had been around the block long enough to know what “f*cked up” looked like on a person, and this intern reeked of it.

“No more disasters, right?”

The intern gulped. “U-um… sir? I… I think I… might have… sorta… kinda… maybe… made a mistake…”

“What do you mean by ‘mistake’?” Vox asked, false sweetness coloring his tone. Oh, he could practically smell the anxiety coming off the guy in waves. Normally, he’d enjoy this kind of thing… except he got the sense that today’s little f*ck up was going to give him an even bigger headache than he already had.

The intern was definitely shaking now, his entire body vibrating so hard Vox half-wondered if he was the one causing all those tremors in Virgil Cave. “I-I… I only contacted Mimzy. I didn’t alert the rest of the League.”

Now it was Vox’ turn to go silent. For a few moments, he simply stood there, glaring at the intern, watching as the skinny little sh*t slowly unwound under the Electric-type Gym Leader’s gaze. He watched as that pasty face turned white as a sheet, then the kid began sweating. Vox could almost see the kid’s resolve crumble, like a Pallosand in the face of a tidal wave.

“You WHAT!? You only contacted Mimzy!?” One eye twitched as his vision went red, his nostrils flaring sharply. “Do you have any f*cking idea what you’ve done!? How many protocols you violated!? How much of a headache you just f*cking caused me!?”

The intern flinched, looking like he wanted to crawl into a hole and disappear… or get carried off by a Drifloon. “I-I’m so sorry, sir! I thought I could alert the rest after Mimzy responded-”

“You thought!? You don’t get paid to think! You get paid to follow orders!” Vox roared. The lights around him flickered dangerously, as though the very Gym itself was recoiling in the face of his anger. For a brief moment, Vox wondered if it was just a coincidence or if the old-fashioned television sitting in his bedroom had somehow picked up on his wrath. Either way, he was furious.

Unfortunately, murder was illegal.

The intern looked like he was about to cry, his hands trembling as he tried to gather himself. He wiped his nose on his sleeve, smearing clear mucus all over the likely semi-expensive material of his suit. Idiot.

“Well? Don’t just f*cking stand there! Where’s my security feed!?”

The intern scrambled to comply, fumbling with the V-pad. While he did this, Vox pulled out his phone and thumbed through the contacts. After finding Mimzy’s name, he pressed on it and waited, tapping his foot impatiently. As expected, it went straight to voicemail. He gritted his teeth and called again. Voicemail. A third time, and she actually declined the call.

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Vox muttered, seething. He glanced at the intern, who was still struggling with the V-pad. “Hurry the f*ck up with that!”

Vox dialed Mimzy’s number again, and this time, he activated a video drone, programming it to hover in front of her face until she answered. It took a few minutes but eventually Mimzy’s pudgy face appeared on Vox’ phone. From the blotchiness of her eyeshadow and lipstick, she had been caught mid-makeup application.

“Vox! Well, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes?” She swept one lock of platinum blond hair behind her ear and batted her eyelashes. Despite her bright smile, her eyes remained cold. “You should’ve let me get all dolled up first before inviting yourself in. Unless… you just couldn’t wait?”

“Mimzy!” Vox said, false cheer rising in his voice as he forced a smile on his face. “Hey there. Listen, I was just calling to check in and see if you happened to get any messages earlier-”

Mimzy giggled, her scarlet lips pulling back even more, revealing lipstick-stained teeth. “Oh! You mean those ones from your intern? I was in the middle of a performance, darling. You know I don’t check my messages during a show.”

One eye twitched. “Really, now? Mimzy, I don’t know what the f*ck is wrong with your head, but in case you didn’t realize, there were f*cking lives at stake.” His smile pulled back to match hers, growing so wide it rivaled Alastor's. “Your negligence could’ve cost us everything!”

Mimzy snorted, then waved a dismissive hand. “Oh, calm down. I’m sure it wasn’t that bad.”

At that moment, as though Arceus itself was trying to prove just how pathetic Vox’ luck was in the face of the ever-expanding universe, the intern managed to pull up the security feed. Vox whirled, his heart stuttering as he saw an all-too-familiar pair of golden and silver-haired girls.

f*ck. Charlie and Vaggie were there!? He had known that they had managed to make it to Slyth City, but hadn’t yet logged on today to keep track of where they were. He watched in open dismay as they battled the leader of the group, panic rising in his chest. If Alastor, Carmilla, Zestial, or worse of all, Lucifer found out about this, Vox was going to get dragged by the balls all the way to Stargazer Peak and hung outside the building. He glared at Mimzy, his anger flaring anew.

“There were kids involved, Mimzy!” Vox yelled, all pretense flying from him as rage boiled in his gut. “Charlie and Vaggie were there! Do you understand what that means? Do you have any f*cking idea what could’ve happened!?”

Mimzy’s eyes widened just a touch, but her expression remained largely indifferent as she flicked her hand to examine her nails. “Oh… well, sounds like they handled it. They should be able to fight for themselves by now anyways.”

“Handled it? That’s not the point!” Vox was practically shaking now, his grip tightening so much on his phone his knuckles went white. “If anything had happened to them, we’d be facing a scandal like no other! ‘Pokémon League can’t protect some f*cking kids’! It’d be all over the headlines. And let’s not f*cking forget their parents… Arceus, their parents are gonna kill me for this.”

“That sounds like a you problem,” Mimzy said, smirking. “Ain’t it your job to tell both me and the rest of the League when stuff comes up, Mr. Gym Leader Rep?” She hummed and leaned back, tossing her feathered boa over her shoulders. “Can’t blame a gal for not lookin’ at her messages when you don’t even call for backup when you need to!”

“That’s… that’s not the f*cking point!” Vox seethed. “You know full f*cking well that I’m busy! So how is it my fault if my intern-”

Mimzy tutted. “Blaming your intern now? No wonder your Gym’s got so much turnover. You hardly take any responsibility for your mistakes!”

This. f*cking. Bitch.

“You wanna talk about responsibility!? How about the part where you let a pair of f*cking kids save your goddamned Pokémon Center from a terrorist attack because you were too busy dancing around and not doing your f*cking actual job!?”

Mimzy sighed dramatically, rolling her large, doe-like eyes. “Fine, fine. I’ll check my messages more often. Happy?”

Vox clenched his fists, barely containing his temper. “This isn’t about making me happy. This is about you doing your damn job and making sure our people don’t think that we’re a bunch of negligent nutcases.”

Mimzy laughed. “If you wanted to avoid that, then we all should’ve changed the minimum age to be a Trainer years ago.” She hummed. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a performance to finish and a fanbase to please. Tata, darling!”

The call ended abruptly, leaving Vox fuming. For a few minutes, he stared at the blank screen of his phone, half-wondering if it would be illegal for him to send a horde of Electrode after her. Then, he took a deep breath and shook his head. Of course it was f*cking illegal. And if it wasn’t, Alastor would find some way to make it illegal so he could continue punishing Vox for… existing? Honestly, it was hard to tell. Gritting his teeth, Vox turned to his intern, who looked about ready to bolt.

“Get the Slyth City Police Force on the phone, now!” Vox ordered. “I want full reports from everyone involved. We need to figure out what the f*ck that group is and what they were doing in the Pokémon Center. We need to contain this sh*t before it spirals out of control!”

The intern nodded frantically and hurried off to complete his task. Vox took a deep breath, trying to steady himself. This day was far from over, and he needed to stay sharp if he wanted to avoid a complete disaster. As he watched the security feed replay the events at the Pokémon Center, he couldn’t shake the sinking feeling that this was only the beginning of his troubles.

Then, his phone rang again. Vox glanced down at the screen and swallowed hard, his breath stilling immediately. There were two names emblazoned across the Caller ID: Lucifer Morningstar and Zestial Carmine.

Seriously, f*ck his life.

Slyth City was a big, beautiful city, full of glittering lights and burning opulence. Every single building reached skyward with shimmering facades of glass and steel, towering over the landscape like gods of luxury and grandeur. Truly, the city embodied its motto: The Mysterious Beauty of Alighieri.

Mimzy’s Gym was a large, imposing building located at the very center of Slyth City, mere steps away from the Pokémon Center. Much like Mimzy herself, it was a bombastic, sparkling edifice, covered in spotlights and decked out in brilliant gold and vivid scarlet. The exterior gleamed under the city lights, with art deco motifs and bold geometric patterns that evoked the roaring opulence of a time long past. The marquee above the entrance, lit up with dazzling bulbs, proudly proclaimed the Gym’s name in sharp, flamboyant font.

Slyth City Gym

Leader: Mimzy

The Harmonious Muse

The heavy oak doors, adorned with intricate brass detailing, swung open to reveal a shining interior of polished wood and well-worn brick. Rich, velvet drapes in deep crimson and gold framed the walls and a polished mahogany bar - serving everything from Fresh Water to Berry Juice - gleamed under the soft, amber glow of antique chandeliers. Instead of bleachers, Mimzy opted for plush velvet chairs and small round tables, each adorned with a flickering candle encased in a crystal holder. Although seemingly opulent and luxurious at first glance, one closer look showed that many of the tables were barely held together by a hefty amount of duct tape, super glue, and globs of Sticky Web; all clear signs of Mimzy’s wild, destructive battle-style.

The real centerpiece of the Gym was, of course, the grand stage that dominated the far end of the room, its backdrop a thick velvet curtain. The Gym Leader’s dais was positioned at the very center of this stage, elevated and draped in luxurious fabrics, with an extravagant gilded throne that looked like it had been plucked straight from a lavish stage production. Whenever Mimzy was performing one of her shows, this throne and dais disappeared into a trap-door, allowing the stage to convert into full performance space where the Harmonious Muse could sing and dance to her heart’s content. It was said that this place was the site of many first dates - including that of the Pokémon League Champion and his ghostly Trainer of a husband.

The first thing Charlie and Vaggie saw when they entered the Gym was, not surprisingly, a crying Trainer. Specifically, a crying Youngster cradling an obviously recently-defeated Rattata, who ran past them wailing something about Arceus punishing him because he had chosen not to wear his comfy and easy-to-wear shorts to this battle. After exchanging a somewhat confused glance, the two girls approached the stage. There was already an audience seated at the tables near the edges of the room, chatting, drinking, and clearly ready to either cheer on Mimzy’s sad*stic battle style or watch her performance - it was hard to tell. Meanwhile, Mimzy was busy placing her Pokéballs into a healing machine just behind the throne.

When she heard their approaching footsteps, she peeked around the throne and blinked owlishly before slipping around it and striking a pose with both hands resting on the curves of her hips. Her platinum blonde hair, styled into a luxurious bob cut, shimmered under the stage lights. Her sequined dress glittered in a dazzling array of color with every movement. Today, as per usual, her makeup was flawless: pink rosy cheeks, dramatic black eyeliner, and, of course, bold red lips accentuated her plump features.

“Charlie! Vaggie! Oh, sweeties, so good to see you!” Mimzy exclaimed, her voice dripping with honeyed arrogance. She sauntered off the stage, grinning from ear to ear. “How ya been, girlies? Good? Good.” Then, she pulled them both into a tight hug, her bejeweled bracelets digging into their backs. Charlie’s head spun, the air getting squeezed right out of her lungs as nothing but a wheeze came out of her throat. Hearing this, Mimzy dropped the hug immediately, one elegant hand coming up to cover her mouth sheepishly.

“Heh, oops!”

“It’s good to see you, Mimzy,” Vaggie wheezed, seemingly managing to recover her breath quicker. “You… uh…” She looked around, taking in the somewhat lopsided tables and the stuffing peeking out between the seams of the velvet chairs. “You and the Gym are looking… super glamorous.”

“Oh, stop it, you!” Mimzy giggled, waving a dismissive hand but clearly reveling in the compliment. “If you keep going, I might just go easy on you two!”

Charlie grinned. “I don’t think we need you to go easy on us! We-”

“Keep going,” Mimzy interrupted.

Charlie blinked owlishly, taken aback. “What-”

“Oh, sorry, did I mumble?” Mimzy asked innocently, her tone dripping with faux sweetness as she jutted out her hip and placed both hands on either side of her waist. “I was just saying it’s totally okay for you guys to keep complimenting me. Might even earn you some extra points!”

For a moment, neither girl said anything. The silence hung in the air, awkward tension stretching in the space between them. Mimzy looked between the two of them, her smile faltering slightly as she realized that the two Trainers were not here to boost her ego.

“So… about that battle,” Vaggie said, tilting her head. “Should we get started?”

Mimzy let out a loud, dramatic sigh and shook her head, platinum locks flying. “Ugh, fine.” With a small huff, she twirled gracefully on her heel, her bracelets catching the light as she sauntered over to her throne. “Let’s just get this over with. How many badges you got again?”

Vaggie grinned proudly as she opened up her vest, showing off the badges pinned on the inside flap. “Three!”

Mimzy took a moment to squint at them. “So… you haven’t had a real battle yet.”

Vaggie’s jaw dropped. “What!? No, I earned-“

Mimzy waved a pudgy hand. “No, no, I getcha. No point being an Elite Four’s adopted kid if you can’t wave that power around, hm?” She leaned back on her throne with a sardonic grin. “Sorry, girly, but I ain’t about to hand the win to you just ‘cause you’re you. Uh-uh, I’m gonna face you with a full three-badge team. Gotta keep up my rep, you know. You understand that, right?”

Vaggie’s eye narrowed as she reached for the Pokéballs at her belt, her fingers lingering over the one containing Dartrix. Charlie gave her a gentle, encouraging squeeze on her shoulder before dashing over to one of the sturdier-looking velvet chairs nearby. The chair squeaked and trembled precariously as she perched herself on the seat, her eyes fixed on the battlefield.

It didn’t take long for Vaggie to find her place at one end of the battlefield, her chin lifted defiantly to glare up at Mimzy. Dartrix’ ball seemed to dance in her hand as she tossed it into the air, the sleek Pokéball gleaming under the stage lights. “Dartrix, let’s go!”

The Blade Quill Pokémon popped out of his Pokéball with a loud cry, smoothing one of the green leaves curved around his face with a haughty flick of his wings. He turned to face Mimzy, his eyes filled with fierce determination. In response, the Harmonious Muse yawned lazily and snapped her fingers. An elegant purple and white blur darted out from stage right, tail swishing gracefully. The Delcatty narrowed her eyes at Dartrix, pawing the ground as though ready to charge.

“Razor Leaf!” Vaggie ordered. Dartrix flapped his wings, hooting loudly as he sent a flurry of razor-sharp leaves towards Delcatty. The attack hit hard, causing the Prim Pokémon to stagger. But it wasn’t enough to send her to the ground.

“Alright-y, then, Delcatty,” Mimzy said. “Payback!” She struck a pose, one hand on her hip and the other raised dramatically, her fingers snapping in time with an unseen beat.

Delcatty’s eyes glinted with malicious intent as she launched herself forward. Using the energy absorbed from the Razor Leaf, her form shimmered with dark energy. With a swift, precise movement, she struck back at Dartrix with incredible force, sending the Grass/Flying-type reeling.

“Razor Leaf, again!”

Dartrix regained his balance and flapped his wings once more, sending another wave of razor-sharp leaves towards his foe. Delcatty tried to dodge, but it was too late - the attack hit its mark, slicing into the Prim Pokémon with all the precision of a master swordsman.

In her seat, Charlie held her breath, her hands gripping the edge of the chair. Her heart pounded in her chest as she watched the battle unfold, unable to tear her gaze away. As the audience gasped and murmured, she pressed sweat-slicked palms into the velvet. Suddenly, she felt a tiny wiggle at her belt. Periwinkle eyes immediately flew down to the source, brow furrowing. Dazzle’s Friend Ball was wiggling. Why? Did something in the battle offend the strange Pokémon somehow?

Delcatty let out one last cry before she collapsed, fainted. Despite this, Mimzy’s grin never wavered. She struck another pose, draping herself across the throne and kicking one leg in the air as she snapped her fingers and pointed to stage left.

“Cinccinno, you're up!”

The adorable little gray Pokémon leaped out from her position, chirping happily as she turned to face Dartrix. Before Mimzy could so much as command her to dodge, Dartrix was upon Cinccino in a matter of seconds. He unleashed yet another powerful Razor Leaf, hitting Cinccino head-on and without any mercy, taking her out in one fell swoop.

For a moment, Mimzy froze, her eyes going wide as they darted between Cinccino’s fainted form and Dartrix’ haughty stance. She frowned, crimson-painted lips pulling into a snarl. Charlie shifted uncomfortably as the air seemed to thicken with tension, her chest constricting like a vice. Once again, Dazzle’s Friend Ball twitched against her belt.

Did Dazzle want to watch?

“Heh, well. Guess it’s time for the real show to begin, huh?”

Mimzy stood up from her throne, a shadow passing over her face as she struck another pose, raising one arm while the other rested on the top of her head. One heel kicked out and pressed a button hidden at the foot of her throne. From the moment the button was pressed, Mimzy’s throne slid away into the floor, leaving nothing but a thick golden rope hanging from the ceiling. Then, with a theatrical flourish, Mimzy grabbed the rope and pulled on it with all her might.

Slowly, the curtain at the back of the stage opened, revealing the black mouth of a tunnel. Mimzy’s eyes flashed with cruel excitement as she spun away to the side of the stage. The room itself began to rumble and quake, the vibrations resonating all the way up to the ceiling, making the chandeliers sway precariously. The audience began murmuring amongst themselves, anticipation clearly building as footsteps began to echo from the tunnel, each one louder and more menacing than the last.

“Ladies and gentlemen, it’s her!” Mimzy said dramatically, striking yet another pose as a sultry smile crested over her face. “I know you were all waiting for her! Let’s put our hands together for the one, the only…”

Dazzle’s Friend Ball gave one final twitch before snapping open, releasing the Type: Null into the room. The strange Pokémon narrowed its eyes as it settled at Charlie’s feet, the tension in its shoulders evident. Charlie gave it a small, encouraging smile before reaching out and gently petting its helmet. If it wanted to watch, so be it. Perhaps it could learn something useful for when Charlie finally went up.


The Milk Cow Pokémon charged out of the tunnel with a deafening roar, bursting onto the stage with a speed and power that seemed impossible for her size. A sparkling bejeweled canteen bounced cheerfully at her side as she attacked. In response to Miltank’s appearance, almost every member of the audience leaped to their feet, whooping and screaming Miltank’s name. But Miltank paid the audience no mind; her gaze was fierce and determined as she charged, her muscles rippled with each powerful stride. The ground shook beneath her hooves, sending tremors through the floor and causing the lights above to flicker.

“Dartrix, dod-”

But it was too late. Miltank’s momentum was unstoppable. She launched herself into the air, her head lowered for a devastating Headbutt. The impact was brutal, sending Dartrix flying backward with a loud cry of pain. He slammed into the back wall with a sickening crunch and slid down to the floor, trembling.

“C’mon, Razor Leaf!”

“Miltank, it’s time for… ROLLOUT!”

Dartrix flapped his wings, preparing another attack, but Miltank was already on the move. With a sad*stic gleam in her eye, she pulled herself into a ball and rolled towards the Blade Quill Pokémon with incredible speed. Dartrix had no time to react; the Rollout slammed into him, smashing his face and body against the wall and grinding him straight into it. Vaggie let out a devastated scream as she scrambled for Dartrix’ Pokéball, recalling him before Miltank could do much more damage.

“What the f*ck was that!?” Vaggie demanded, one hand curling into a fist as she reached for her next Pokémon. “You could’ve killed him!”

Mimzy smirked, eyes alight with sad*stic joy. “Language, sweet cheeks! And c’mon, don’t be so dramatic. Milky would’ve stopped before that could happen!”

Vaggie glared. Then, she threw her next Pokéball out to the battlefield. “Venonat, Poison Powder!”

The Insect Pokémon materialized on the stage in an instant, her compound eyes flashing with determination. But Miltank was relentless. The Milk Cow Pokémon immediately veered her course from the wall to Venonat’s small body, smashing into her with a brutality that could only be called sad*stic. In response Venonat shook herself and released a cloud of toxic spores.

Miltank seemed to roll right through it but to her better-trained eye, Charlie could see the way the purple spores clung to the pink fur, with Miltank inhaling the rest. It would take a little bit to bring her down, but that was fine; hopefully, Vaggie would be able to hold out until then. Unfortunately, the next Rollout struck Venonat again, sending her sprawling and ending her battle.

“This f*cking cow, I swear to Arceus,” Vaggie muttered, frustration twisting her expression as she recalled Venonat. Then, she grabbed one of the Safari Balls. “Mothim, let’s do this!”

Mothim emerged in a burst of energy, his wings fluttering as he faced the formidable Miltank. Once again, Miltank charged forward, her Rollout even more powerful than before. Charlie swallowed as she braced herself for the impact, fully expecting Mothim to not survive. Next to her, Dazzle leaned forward, letting out a small metallic growl. But this time, luck was on Vaggie’s side; Miltank’s Rollout missed, the massive Pokémon nearly colliding with Vaggie before she skidded to a halt. She left a long trail of splintered tables and lopsided velvet chairs in her wake.

Vaggie wasted no time. “Mothim! Gust!”

Mothim flapped his wings, sending a powerful gust of wind toward Miltank. The attack hit hard, but Mimzy seemed unphased. “Miltank, Milk Drink!”

Miltank mooed and grabbed the bejeweled canteen hanging at her side, drinking her own milk to recover from the damage. Snarling, Vaggie ordered yet another Gust, only for the damage to be undone by another Milk Drink. The back-and-forth continued, with Mothim using Gust and Miltank desperately trying to outlast him with Milk Drink. The entire crowd watched in tense silence, every eye glued to the battlefield.

After what felt like an endless cycle of Milk Drinks, Mothim’s relentless Gust attacks, and the insidious spread of Venonat’s poison, Miltank began to falter. Mimzy’s confident expression began to waver as her prized Pokémon’s movements grew sluggish. The once-mighty cow staggered, her breathing labored, and the poison coursing through her veins took its final toll. Miltank attempted one last Milk Drink, but it was too late—her canteen was empty.

Vaggie’s eyes flashed with triumph. She swept her hand through her gleaming silver hair and shouted, “Now, Mothim! Finish her off with Gust!”

Mothim buzzed loudly, his wings beating with renewed vigor. He summoned a powerful gust of wind, channeling all his remaining strength into the attack. The force of the wind sent Miltank crashing to the ground, her massive body hitting the stage with a resounding thud. She lay there, unmoving, utterly defeated.

Just like all the other times Vaggie won, the crowd erupted into thunderous applause. Cheers and whistles filled the air, celebrating Vaggie’s hard-earned victory. Mimzy’s pale, doughy face twisted into a scowl as she grumbled to herself, storming over to her fallen Pokémon. She retrieved Miltank’s Pokéball and recalled her, practically slamming the MooMoo badge - cruelly designed to look like a Miltank using Rollout - onto a nearby table with an irritated huff before running to heal her Pokémon at the machine behind her throne.

Charlie watched the entire scene with wide eyes, her heart pounding in her chest. The battle had been an absolute disaster, a chaotic mix of relentless attacks and stubborn endurance. She tried to steady her breathing, feeling her legs tremble beneath her. She… she was next, wasn’t she? She had to be. After all, there were so many people here and from the looks of expectation on their faces alone, they knew who she was. They probably knew that she had been struggling. They were probably expecting her to lose.

Mimzy finished healing her Pokémon and resetting the battlefield, then turned her piercing gaze towards Charlie, the smile on her face tinged with annoyance. Clearly, she was still irritated from her loss. “Well? Ready for your turn, girlie?”

Charlie swallowed hard, trying to suppress the quake in her Ledian boots. She glanced at Dazzle and shot it the brightest smile she could manage. “You don’t have to fight. You’re probably still recovering from being injured and all.”

Dazzle chirped softly, eyes gleaming with determination. It nuzzled against her cheek, gently reassuring her as best as it could through its helmet. Despite these actions, the Pokémon’s sharp eyes remained trained on the battlefield, its every muscle tensed in anticipation.

Taking a deep breath, Charlie stood and stepped away from the table before facing Mimzy, one hand immediately flying down to the Pokéballs at her belt. “Keekee, you’re up!”

The Litten leaped onto the battlefield, flames flickering from the corners of her mouth. Mimzy frowned, her brow furrowing slightly in confusion. Then, she shook her head and snapped her fingers, once again calling Delcatty out. The Prim Pokémon sauntered onto the field, her eyes narrowing as she prepared to attack.

“Double-Edge, Delcatty!”

Delcatty launched herself at KeeKee with blinding speed, slamming into the Litten with relentless force. The Fire Cat Pokémon staggered with a loud cry but regained her footing just enough to launch a powerful Ember attack. The barrage of flames licked at Delcatty’s fur, singing it before almost engulfing the Pokémon entirely. Delcatty yowled in pain as she desperately rolled to put out the flames, smoke curdling out of her fur. A critical hit.

“Double-Edge again!”

The second charge was too much for KeeKee. The Litten fell to the ground with a weak, resounding cry. Charlie’s heart clenched at the sight of her first Pokémon’s fallen body, but she had no time to mourn. No, all she could do was recall KeeKee and send out her next Pokémon.

“Applin, Pounce!”

The green Apple Core Pokémon leaped into action, darting forward to tackle the already weakened Delcatty. Despite how tiny Applin was, he hit Delcatty with all the power he could muster from within his apple shell. The Prim Pokémon collapsed with a weak cry, unable to continue the battle.

Cinccino came out next, the Scarf Pokémon chirping happily as she whirled to face Applin. Charlie ordered yet another Pounce and Applin obeyed, only to run straight into Cinccino’s Swift attack. The barrage of stars struck Applin hard, sending him to the ground. But soon enough, the Apple Core Pokémon leaped onto the bottom of his apple again and charged, aiming another Pounce at Cinccino. Unfortunately, the swift retaliation proved too much. Applin fainted, teetering off the bottom of his apple as he fell.

Charlie lifted her Pokéball and recalled Applin, her palm slick with sweat. She might’ve taken down Delcatty, but this damned Cinccino and that absolute monster still stood between her and victory. Cold air rushed into her lungs as she took a deep breath to steady herself before she threw out her Safari Ball.

“Chansey, Take Down!”

The Egg Pokémon charged, slamming into Cinccino with surprising strength. The Scarf Pokémon fainted with a loud cry while Chansey hissed, taking damage from the recoil. Mimzy smirked as she called back her Cinccino, once again reaching for the rope hanging above her hand.

It was time.

“Why the face, sweetie? Can’t get over how adorable I am?” Mimzy smirked as she struck yet another dramatic pose. “Well, you should stop worrying about my adorableness and start worrying about… ROLLOUT!”

And there it was again. The quaking ground. The oppressive rumble. The foreboding menace. Charlie’s stomach lurched as her eyes snapped to the black maw of the tunnel, watching as the pink-furred body of the Miltank rapidly rolled out. The bejeweled canteen gleamed menacingly in the harsh lights of the stage. Swallowing hard, Charlie turned to Chansey, who gave her a fierce, determined nod. This was it. It was now or never. She was going to either take Miltank down with everything she had or fail once again.


Chansey opened her mouth, her melody rising desperately to cast a sleeping spell. But the Egg Pokémon’s voice was drowned in the roar of the Rollout. Miltank slammed into Chansey, causing her to stagger, but thankfully, Chansey’s defenses were strong. Charlie had no time to celebrate; she could already see Miltank veering back around to attack with Rollout once again.

“Echoed Voice!” Charlie called out, her mind racing. Miltank’s Rollout would grow stronger with each hit - she had no time to waste on trying to force it to sleep. Chansey once again opened her mouth, her voice ringing out and growing stronger with each attack. Miltank’s second Rollout hit even harder, but Chansey held firm, the pink Pokémon’s grip tightening on her egg as she glared at her opponent.

Bile rose in Charlie’s throat. She ordered another Echoed Voice, which did a bit more damage, but Miltank responded yet again with another powerful Rollout. When this third attack connected, Chansey skidded across the battlefield, her chest heaving as she gripped onto a table to keep herself steady. Miltank once again veered into another Rollout, hurtling towards Chansey with the speed of a Rapidash. At Charlie’s command, Chansey released a quick Heal Pulse to restore some of her health, but Miltank’s fourth Rollout hit hard, putting Chansey’s health right back to where it started.

“Heal Pulse again!” Charlie shouted, desperation creeping into her voice. Rollout became stronger but so much harder to control with every hit. Surely, there was no way Miltank would hit her fifth Rollout. Chansey’s healing energy washed over her, but before either of them could even feel the relief, Miltank crashed into her with a fifth, devastating Rollout.

What would Dad say in this situation? Oh, right. f*ck it, just hit that stupid cow and hit it hard! Charlie snarled as she pointed at Miltank, who sneered at her as she prepared to attack again.

“f*ck her up, Chansey!”

Chansey charged forward with all her might, slamming into Miltank with a powerful Take Down. The attack did an enormous amount of damage, but the recoil smashed into Chansey like a tidal wave, weakening her even further and leaving her teetering on the brink.

Time seemed to slow. Miltank roared in triumph as she reared back. Charlie’s heart pounded, her mouth opening while a scream ripped from her throat. Without hesitation, Miltank charged, ready to finally take Chansey down with one last attack. Mimzy grinned as she lifted her finger and pointed directly at Chansey.

“Take her down!”

Chansey went down with a loud, pained cry, her large body collapsing onto the floor in a heap. Charlie recalled the Egg Pokémon, her fingers trembling. She… she was out of Pokémon, wasn’t she? She had lost again. Even after everything, after all of her hard work, she still couldn’t win even once against a Gym Leader. With a small sigh, she stowed Chansey’s Pokéball and slumped her shoulders, ready to admit defeat.

Suddenly, a loud metallic roar shattered the air, causing Charlie to whirl around. A gray blur swooped in from behind Charlie, landing in front of Miltank just as Mimzy was about to declare her own victory. Dazzle let out a metallic roar as it crouched low, then launched into the air with blinding speed. Its helmet gleamed in the harsh stage lights as it executed a perfect Aerial Ace, slicing through the air with extreme precision and force. The attack struck Miltank squarely, sending the Milk Cow Pokémon flying into a nearby table with a thunderous crash.

“Dazzle!?” Charlie asked, fear gripping her heart. Dazzle glanced quickly over its shoulder at her. Something bright and sharp flashed behind its eyes - something almost akin to determination. It nodded at her, then turned back to face Miltank. Charlie swallowed, one hand dropping to the Friend Ball that hung from her belt. Dazzle’s Ball. If Dazzle wanted to fight, then so be it; Charlie would support it with everything she had left.

“Aerial Ace, one more time!”

Dazzle shrieked as it leaped into the air again, its form a blur of motion. Miltank struggled to rise, her legs wobbling beneath her, but Dazzle showed no mercy. WIth a fierce cry, Dazzle dove, cutting through the air with lethal grace. The impact was immediate and powerful. Dazzle slammed into Miltank with all the force of a hurricane, causing more splintering wood and velvet chair stuffing to fly into the air. Miltank’s eyes widened in shock. Then, she collapsed, all strength leaving her body at last.

For a moment, there was silence, as if the entire room was holding its breath. Then, the crowd erupted into a deafening applause, Vaggie’s screaming chief among them. Charlie’s heart soared, but she didn’t run to Vaggie or look at the crowd. No, her victory today was thanks to Dazzle. She ran over to it and pulled the Pokémon into her arms, hot tears of relief streaming down her face.

“Dazzle! Oh my Arceus, you were incredible! You did it! You were so brave, so strong, so-” she choked on her words, then buried her face into Dazzle’s rough fur, her shoulders trembling. This was it! She had made it past the stopping point in so many journeys. She now had four badges to her name and there were only four more to go. She could now finally feel-

“Well, ain’t this a nice surprise?” a voice from behind her asked. Charlie turned around and caught Mimzy’s eye. The Harmonious Muse’s smile was wide and bright but it didn’t quite reach her eyes. Alastor had mentioned before that Mimzy hated to lose. Perhaps this was what was happening now. “You won despite how weak your team is. I guess that’s something to be proud of.”


Charlie’s elation dimmed slightly as confusion clouded her mind. “What… what do you mean?”

Mimzy stepped closer, her expression unwaveringly cheerful but with an underlying edge that Charlie couldn’t ignore. Behind the Harmonious Muse, she saw Vaggie walking up, expression filled with concern. “I mean, your Pokémon did well, but they’re not reaching their full potential. By now, at least that Litten of yours-”


“Whatever. That should be evolved by now. Are you stopping your team from evolving? Why? They’d be a lot stronger if you let them evolve.”

Charlie blinked, taken aback. “E-evolve them?”

“Yes, evolve them,” Mimzy replied, tone condescending, smirk plastered across her face. She sauntered over to a side table and dropped her Gym Badge onto its surface, along with two small pouches of Poké. “Isn’t it a bit cruel to keep them how they are? Pokémon are like children, you know. They need to grow and change. Keeping them unevolved like that… Well, it’s almost like you’re holding them back, don’t you think?”

Charlie’s stomach twisted into a knot. She had never thought of it that way. She had always believed her Pokémon were happy as they were. After all, all Pokémon had some sort of say in whether or not they evolved, right? But now, doubt seeped into her mind like poison. Was she really being cruel? Had she been selfish all this time?

“I-I… I never meant to-” Charlie stammered, her voice barely above a whisper. She looked at Dazzle, who was gazing up at her with trusting eyes. The thought that she might be hurting her Pokémon, that she might be holding them back by not pushing them to evolve, was like a punch to the gut. She was… she was so sure that if she asked, KeeKee would happily evolve. Chansey too. Applin she’d need to find a special item for, but she’d happily do it if that’s what he wanted. Oh no, she was being selfish, wasn’t she? She was being horrible and short-sighted and… oh Arceus. Oh Arceus, no wonder she had so much trouble with battling.

“What do you know about having kids, Mimzy?” Vaggie spat, her eye flashing as she stepped between Mimzy and Charlie, her stance protective.

Mimzy’s smirk was unwavering. “About as much as you know about having a mother, I’m sure.”

Vaggie’s fists clenched at her sides, her body trembling with barely contained fury. The air around her seemed to crackle with her rage, her glare burning straight into Mimzy’s soul. For a moment, Charlie braced herself, half expecting Vaggie to start yelling at Mimzy for daring to bring that up. But instead, she breathed heavily, one trembling hand coming up to clasp at her locket, her jaw tensing tightly.

Mimzy simply huffed in response, her eyes gleaming with a sharpness that lanced through Charlie like a Night Slash. “Just think about it,” she said, turning away. “Your Pokémon deserve to be the best they can be. You really ought to stop holding them back.”

Charlie stood there, guilt and confusion clawing at her insides. One hand fell to her shirt and began twisting it around, her heart heavy. She… she had always believed that she was doing her absolute best for her team. She trained hard, let them take breaks whenever they needed them, and always gave them the best encouragement she could. But now? Now she wasn’t so sure. The victory that had felt so sweet moments ago now tasted bitter on her tongue.

Seemingly satisfied with her petty vengeance on two children, Mimzy turned and walked away, her hips swaying with self-assured confidence. Charlie’s vision blurred as she turned in the opposite direction and walked away, her mind spinning. She hated this feeling, hated the doubt gnawing at her. And above all? She hated herself. She had wanted to be the very best for her Pokémon, but now… she felt like the worst Trainer in the world. Without another word, she left the Gym, Mimzy’s words echoing endlessly in her mind.

When Lucifer woke up, the first thing he saw was a waterfall streaking across the sky above. He sucked in a sharp inhale and sat up abruptly, sky-blue eyes darting back and forth to take in the sights around him. A waterfall in the sky, stretching across until it veered sharply in an L-shape and poured into a black lake down below. Jagged, floating land masses jutting out at impossible angles. Grotesque, twisted trees reaching for the strange tapestry of sickly velvet and whirling lights that passed for the sky.

His stomach lurched as nausea overtook him. One pale, trembling hand rose to his chest. His lungs burned as he tried to take a breath. Three words, three horrible, awful words emerged from the back of his mind, chilling him to the core.

The Distortion World.

What the f*ck was he doing back here? Panic clawed at Lucifer’s soul as his chest heaved in rapid, shallow breaths. His vision blurred, dark spots dancing at the edges. His heart pounded furiously against his ribs. His hands shook, sweat slicking his palms as he struggled to draw in air that seemed to only suffocate him more.

Unable to pull a single rational thought from his mind, the Pokémon League Champion curled in on himself, knees drawing up to his chest as his breath came to him in short, ragged gasps. His chest tightened, his vision narrowed, and sharp chills ran down the back of his spine. He felt the cold gaze of that horrible, dark creature bearing down upon him once again. He couldn’t speak, couldn’t see, couldn’tbreathecouldn’tbreathecouldn’tbreathecouldn’t-

“Gengar, Shadow Ball!”


The sickly sweet stench of decay filled his nose as he forced cold, stale air into his lungs. Swallowing hard, Lucifer forced himself to stand, grimacing as the soft earth squelched beneath his feet. He braced himself as he whirled around, willing his body to calm his racing heart. If Alastor was here, he couldn’t afford to panic. He had already lost his own soul to this horrible, twisted world; he wouldn’t - couldn’t - lose Alastor too.

Lucifer turned to where he heard his husband’s voice, inhaling sharply when he saw the Ghost-type specialist. Alastor… looked so young. Years younger, in fact. Gone were the laugh-lines, the dark circles under his eyes, even the strain of his brow. The Trainer was clearly exhausted and absolutely drenched in sweat. A faint smear of dried blood covered one of his lenses. And yet he was still glorious. Beautiful, yet deadly. An angel of death dancing across the battlefield.

Alastor was locked in a fierce battle against a tall, imposing man. Lucifer didn’t need to look at the man’s face to know who he was: Metatron, one of the Admins, or “Exorcists” of Team Paradiso. The Champion’s stomach lurched at the sight of the man. He had died long ago, a victim of the creature that haunted this very realm. The fact that he was here meant one of two things: either someone had finally figured out how to bring back the dead… or for some horrible, twisted reason, Lucifer’s mind was forcing him to rewatch every regret, every mistake that had led to the future they now faced.

“Gengar, keep your distance!” Alastor ordered, his voice shaking slightly as Metatron’s Absol advanced on him. “Shadow Ball again!”

Metatron sneered, silver hair gleaming in the eerie light of the Distortion World. Then, he lifted one hand and pointed at Alastor. “Night Slash.”

Gengar launched her Shadow Ball, the dark energy crackling as it hurtled toward Absol. With a swift, fluid motion, Absol dodged the attack and closed the distance, claws glowing with dark energy. Alastor ordered Gengar to dodge but Absol was too fast. The powerful claws sliced into Gengar, sending the Ghost-type Pokémon tumbling backwards. Growling, Gengar floated back up and prepared for another attack, her ever-present smile slipping from her face.

Then, another voice cut through the chaos. “Espeon, Psybeam!”

Lucifer whirled around, his heart rising through his throat. Lilith’s honey-colored tresses whipped around her as she, too, faced off against another Exorcist, the expression on her face fiercer than it had been in years. The Exorcist, Sandalphon, stood opposite of her, his Togekiss soaring above the battlefield. The moment Espeon’s Psybeam hit Togekiss, she immediately retaliated with an Air Slash. Sharp blades of wind sliced through the air, slamming into Espeon and sending her reeling back. Once she recovered, Lilith ordered a Psyshock, causing Espeon to crouch low as her eyes glowed red with Psychic power.

As the two battles raged on, Lucifer’s mind raced, a storm of emotions tearing through him. His gaze darted between the woman he once loved and the man he loved now, zeroing in on the Cherish Balls hanging from their belts. His heart quivered at the sight of them, his stomach twisting into knots. Memories flooded back, reminding him of the days when they had been so assured, so confident in their abilities. They had believed that relying on their Legendary Pokémon would make them seem weak, a crutch for lesser Trainers. How arrogant they had been, how blind in their youthful hubris. And now, ten years later, they were paying the price for their conceit: a decade of regrets weighing heavily on their souls.

Lucifer’s eyes were drawn first to Lilith, her sunset hair floating around her in a wild halo as she commanded Espeon with unwavering determination. Then to Alastor, his every movement brimming with primal ferocity, smile pulled so tightly over his face that it was manic. All around them, the Distortion World continued to twist and warp; a barbaric, hostile place that seemed to feed off their fear and desperation. Lucifer shivered as he felt numerous eyes upon him. One look over his shoulder told him everything: just like before, the trio of Lake Guardians were watching from afar, silent spectators to their suffering, only moving when the time was right.

His thoughts snapped back to the battle as he realized the grim truth: If Alastor was battling Metatron and Lilith was battling Sandalphon, then he was almost certainly confronting her. His breath caught in his throat as he turned, chest tightening like a vice as he faced the third battleground.

There she stood. There Eve stood, radiating malevolence and beauty in equal, terrible amounts. Tall and curvy, with cedar hair cascading down her back in fiery waves, her hazel eyes burned with an otherworldly intensity. Power and cruelty came off of her in waves. As she walked closer to him, the twisted reality of the Distortion World seemed to bend around her, making the twisted landscape even more nightmarish than before.

Eve’s Altaria hovered beside her, the Dragon/Flying-type Pokémon’s golden feathers shimmering in the eerie light. Lucifer’s younger self stood opposite her, the determination in his eyes a stark contrast to the fear that Lucifer still felt gnawing at his heart. One pale hand grasped the edge of his jacket pocket. Lucifer’s vision blurred at the sight; Charlie had just been born a few months ago. He and Lilith had each taken a clipping of her hair to keep with them in case they never made it back… and in a way, neither of them did.

“Fuji, Flash Canon!”

The Aegislash let out a loud metallic cry as it launched a brilliant beam of light at Eve's Altaria. The Humming Pokémon screeched in pain as the attack landed, cloud-like feathers flaring around her as she struggled to regain composure. Despite the clear pain her Pokémon was feeling, Eve’s lips curled into a predatory smile, her eyes gleaming with malice.

“Don’t worry, Altaria,” Eve purred. “Just hang on a bit longer. Once we have it in our hands, I promise, we’ll leave these unworthy fools behind and enter Eden together.”

“Like f*ck I’m letting you do that!” Young Lucifer snarled, blue eyes narrowing dangerously as he pointed at Altaria. “Once I’m done here, I’m sending you straight to jail!”

Eve’s laughter echoed through the distorted landscape. “Oh, come on, Morningstar. Do you really believe that putting me in jail will stop us?” She swept one flowing lock of hair behind her ear, crimson-painted lips pulled back into a sneer. “Please. Our time on this mortal coil may be fleeting, but the quest for Paradise is forever. Lock one of us down and the rest will just rise again even stronger than before.”

Lucifer wanted to scream, to warn his past self to look around, to pay attention to his surroundings. But when he opened his mouth, not a single sound came out. His voice had been silenced, his warnings catching in his throat, unable to speak above the waterfall roaring above. Every move, every order, brought them even closer to disaster.

The twisted, alien landscape seemed to close in on him the longer he watched. The roar of the waterfall above grew deafening, the cacophony of rushing water filling his ears. Lucifer shivered, his chest tightening like a vice as he felt the oppressive presence of it watching him from the shadows. Even in his darkest dreams, the Pokémon’s dark influence permeated the air, clawing at his soul, twisting and writhing in his very core.

Altaria, Earthquake!” she commanded, her voice cutting through the chaos like a knife. The foundations of the island rocked and shook around them, the powerful attack rattling him to the bone. He could see his younger self battling, the fierce determination and focus in his eyes mirrored in Fuji’s unyielding stance.

Lucifer’s heart pounded in his chest, his mind screaming warnings that his past self couldn’t hear. He had been so focused on battling Eve that he hadn’t paid attention to his surroundings. And if there was one thing he had learned in his long career as a Trainer, it was just that: when in battle, every inch of the field mattered.

A low, pained sob escaped him as he fell to his knees, his eyes flickering up to the shadow of a movement from a floating island up above. He knew what was coming next, but he was powerless to change it. This was a nightmare, a cruel replay of his worst failures, of the day he and the two people closest to him lost a piece of themselves forever.

It was all his fault.

“Gardevoir, Shadow Ball.”

Lucifer’s heart stopped. Blue eyes went wide with horror just in time to see Gardevoir floating down from a nearby island. Black power crackled at her core as she charged the attack. Alastor, still fighting Metatron with all the wild abandon and desperation of his youth, seemed not to notice. Another mistake. They should have remembered the strange little “rule” that Eve had instituted with her founding of Team Paradiso: all that was holy came in threes.

“Alastor, look up!” Lucifer wanted to scream, but his voice was still trapped, his warnings unheard. He watched helplessly as Gardevoir’s Shadow Ball collided with Gengar, delivering a crushing blow. The Shadow Pokémon was sent flying, colliding hard with Espeon. The two Pokémon collapsed in a cloud of dust and lay there, unmoving. Another Shadow Ball slammed into Fuji at the same time, smashing the Aegislash into the mud until he, too, fainted. Before any of the three Trainers could react, the woman swept her hand to the side, silver hair flashing menacingly as her cold, imperial voice echoed around the battlefield.

“Now, cleanse the unworthy.”

A pair of identical screams ripped from the Trainers’ throats as Gardevoir’s eyes glowed with an eerie, malevolent light. Her psychic power enveloped Lilith and Alastor, lifting them high into the air. Lucifer’s younger self watched, paralyzed with fear, as Gardevoir’s grip tightened around his friends.

No. He couldn’t let this happen again. He had to do something, anything. He-

Desperation surged through him like wildfire, burning away the paralysis. His heart screamed in his chest as he sprinted towards the Embrace Pokemon, his breath coming in ragged gasps. With a quick hop, skip, and jump, he was upon them, alabaster fingers stretching towards Gardevoir’s face. But just as his hand closed the distance, just as he was about to grab that slender neck and wring it until her head exploded, his fingers passed through her form like smoke.


Shock and confusion flared wildly in his chest as he tried again, more frantic this time. But each time he swiped at her shimmering figure, he phased through her like mist. Gardevoir ignored him completely, only narrowing her eyes at the two Trainers in her hold. Then, with a cruel, almost casual flick of her wrist, Gardevoir sent Lilith careening over the edge of the cliff.


Young Lucifer’s cry ripped from his throat as he ran towards her, skidding through the mud. But it was too late; Lilith’s scream echoed through the void, a haunting, heart-wrenching cry that faded into the abyss. Then, a pink and silver blur followed after her. One of the three Lake Guardians had finally moved; it was going after Lilith, fully intent on saving her. And Lucifer knew it would succeed… at the cost of almost everything that made Lilith who she was.

Lucifer’s breath caught in his throat, tears streaming down his face as he watched the woman he had once loved disappear into the darkness below. This… had been his fault. If he had just paid more attention, if he had urged Lilith and Alastor to use their Legendaries from the very beginning… maybe something could’ve changed. Maybe they could’ve won the day before entering this malformed, misshapen place. Maybe he would be the only one returning home broken beyond repair and the other two would lead happy, fulfilling lives. Maybe Lilith would be able to laugh again, maybe Alastor would be able to eat his mother’s cooking again-

He knew what would happen next. Every single nerve in his body screamed at him to look away. To allow himself the mercy of closing his eyes and ears to the horrors that awaited his husband. But he didn’t. He had no idea why. Perhaps he hated himself. Perhaps he wanted to punish himself. Perhaps he thought that pain was the only thing he deserved after making so many mistakes. But one look over at Alastor, watching as his young face contorted in fury, then anguish, then fear said it all.

He didn’t want Alastor to be alone.

With a cold, deliberate movement, Gardevoir turned her attention to Alastor. The psychic force holding him aloft intensified. For a brief moment, time slowed to a standstill. Alastor’s gaze turned and he looked at Lucifer, as though somehow sensing he was there. Then, she hurled Alastor into the waterfall where he fell towards the black lake down below. The splash echoed across the battlefield. Lucifer watched, powerless, while Alastor disappeared beneath the dark waves, the waters closing over him with a final, merciless silence.

The horror of the moment tore through him, every nerve screaming in agony. He had lost them both. Again. His vision blurred with tears as he watched his younger self collapse to his knees, letting out a scream that shattered the cosmos. The sound was raw, primal; a cry of utter desolation that resonated through the very fabric of this perverted, distorted realm.

Then, a shadow passed over the battlefield, honing in on Young Lucifer while sobs wracked his broken body. The air grew heavy, oppressive, as the dark presence loomed above him. Then, the dark ruler of the Distortion World rose behind him, its wings spread wide, eyes gleaming like twin jewels in the darkest of nights. Young Lucifer rose now, his face twisted into a mask of rage, tears mingling with the dirt on his cheeks. The shadow enveloped him now, the dark power seeping into his core, filling every crevice, pouring into the deepest reaches of his soul-


Lucifer awoke with a jolt, his body drenched in sweat, his breath coming in ragged gasps. He was shaking uncontrollably, the remnants of the nightmare clinging to him like a suffocating shroud. Tears streamed down his face as he dry-heaved painfully, hands scrambling for purchase on the blankets clinging to his form.

Where was he? Was he still in the Distortion World? Or somewhere worse? He couldn’t see anything, couldn’t feel, couldn’t think, couldn’t breathe, couldn’t-

A pair of warm, strong arms wrapped around him. Soft, unyielding lips traced the shell of his ear, then traveled down his neck and over both cheeks, kissing the tears away. When they reached his lips, it was as though the breath of life itself was being pushed into his lungs. Lucifer clung to those arms, lips moving desperately against his husband’s. He practically inhaled the taste of clove, coffee, and Alastor, desperately clawing for it, needing it like he needed air. When they pulled apart, he arched his back, his body still trembling with dry, barely held back sobs.

“Shh… It’s alright, Lucifer,” Alastor whispered. His voice was pitched lower than usual, but no less melodic, a soothing balm to Lucifer’s desperate, frayed nerves. A gentle thumb began rubbing circles into Lucifer’s back. “We’re at Stargazer Peak. This is our bedroom. You’re here. I’m here. We’re safe.”

Pale, trembling hands clung to his husband’s shoulders as Lucifer buried his face in Alastor’s chest. His warm, soft, living, breathing chest. The feel of Alastor’s heartbeat, steady and strong, anchored him to the present. Alastor’s scent filled his nose. Earthy magnolia. Sharp cinnamon. A touch of poison. Home.

For a few moments, they simply sat there, embracing each other, listening to the gentle chirp of Kricketot outside. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Mimi turn over in his bed, letting out a tiny, squeaky snore as he slept through his own dream. It was peaceful. Serene. A million lightyears away from the horrors of the war they had fought. Outside, the lights of Illumise and Volbeat traced nonsensical patterns through the air as they danced the night away. Lucifer let out a tiny sigh, reaching up with one hand to wipe the tears from his eyes. This… was what they had fought for. This was peace. This was home.

Then, Alastor stirred, one hand reaching for the cane he always kept by the nightstand - the same cane Lucifer had made for him with his own two hands the night he realized that Alastor was the only person in the world who could help heal the hole his shattered psyche and marriage had left in his soul.

“Shall I call for help? It’s been a long while, but surely if I ask-”

“No,” Lucifer said quickly, his stomach twisting as his eyes flickered over to where his hat stood on the nightstand, the Cherish Ball on its brim gleaming in the dim moonlight. “I-I… No Legendaries tonight. Please.” He swallowed hard, then forced a smile on his face. “I-I’m… I’ll be fine. Totally fine.”

It was a lie. Lucifer had learned to lie so well over the years. And yet, no matter how good he was at lying, Alastor was even better at knowing the truth. His husband frowned, a shadow passing over his face as his gaze bored into Lucifer. But then, seeming to decide that it wasn’t worth the argument, he heaved a heavy sigh and pulled Lucifer closer, allowing the Champion to bury his face into the crook between Alastor’s neck and shoulder. Once again, his Deerling began tracing circles into Lucifer’s back, his shoulders tensing just a touch when more tears splashed from Lucifer’s eyes onto the bare skin of his shoulder.

“...You were dreaming about that place again, weren’t you?” Alastor asked, his voice breaking the silence in that smooth, gentle way only Lucifer and Charlie were allowed to hear. “Dreaming about her?”

Lucifer swallowed, tremors wracking his body as Alastor’s warm breath gently ghosted across his skin. “She… she’s dead, right, Al?”

Alastor stilled, his breath stuttering out as his long pianist’s fingers gently curled against Lucifer’s spine. “Yes. We saw her body.”

Lucifer closed his eyes as a memory flashed through his mind. A tall, curvaceous body, ripped in two. Blood slowly leaking from both halves and seeping into the ground. Once-manic eyes staring at a twisted brown sky, now empty and devoid of any spark of life. When he opened his eyes again, the ghost of the image remained. It soon dissolved and disappeared amongst the burnt auburn whorls of Alastor’s hair.

“...I made the body,” Lucifer whispered, his words heavy on his tongue. “I-I… I only made three bodies…”

Alastor started tracing his circles again. “You did. Those are… three bodies too many. You shouldn’t have been the one making them.” The words “it should have been me” hung heavily in the tiny space between them, as it had for 10 years. Lucifer swallowed and shook his head, pressing a tiny kiss in the spot where Alastor’s jawline met his neck, savoring the gentle, thready pulse he felt there.

“One got away,” Lucifer murmured, guilt twisting in his chest.

Alastor sighed. “One did.”

“She… she’s probably the one running things now.”

“If she were smart, she wouldn’t be,” Alastor replied, his voice devoid of its usual cheer. Despite his words, Lucifer could still hear the slightest trace of a smile in his husband’s tone. “And if not… Well, I’m sure that making her into a Ghost-type wouldn’t be too frowned upon.”

Any other time, Lucifer would have laughed. But now, the weight of their past mistakes and the looming shadows of their future hung too heavy in the air. He pressed his hand into Alastor’s chest, feeling the Ghost-type specialist’s heartbeat against his fingertips. Each thump was a living memory, a harsh reminder of just how close they had come to losing each other, losing everything.

Alastor’s fingers stilled their tracing, his hand moving to cup Lucifer’s cheek. “Do you want me to go with you to check Virgil Tunnel?”

Lucifer hesitated, the memories of the Distortion World still fresh in his mind. He saw Alastor’s face - younger, streaked with sweat, the fear in his eyes as he fought against Metatron - and shivered. He remembered the terror of seeing Alastor thrown into the lake, the helplessness of watching the man who had come to mean everything to him struggle against the dark waters. What if something like that happened again? What if Lucifer and his Pokémon weren’t able to stop it? What if this new Team Paradiso had access to something so much worse than what they had witnessed in the Distortion World?

What if he lost Alastor for real?

Despite these thoughts, a part of him well and truly couldn’t imagine rushing into danger without Alastor by his side. After all, he had spent years training with the man, watching his battles, and witnessing all the ways the Phantasmal Host would happily rip the Pokémon World in two if it meant protecting those he loved. He had been with him for so long that the idea of being without him was like trying to imagine life without air. If he didn’t take that risk, then what was this all for?

“Yes,” Lucifer whispered, his voice trembling. One hand came up to cup Alastor’s cheek, feeling the teasing warmth of mocha skin beneath his fingertips. “I need you with me.”

Alastor’s arms tightened around him, his embrace a fortress against the encroaching darkness. “Then I’m with you, always.” A tiny flash of white in the darkness - Alastor’s smile - briefly illuminated the room. “Sleep now… I’ve got you. We don’t need your growth stunted any more than it already is.”

Lucifer nodded weakly. Then, his eyes fluttered shut. His head swam as he allowed himself to slowly drift away, the tension slowly ebbing from his body under Alastor’s warm touch. The last thing he felt before sleep claimed him at last was a pair of lips pressed into his own. In spite of himself, he smiled. They had faced Hell together, and they would face whatever came next together too.


See you guys next week!

Chapter 6: A Hero Buried Deep Inside


Alastor and Lucifer head to Slyth City and Virgil Tunnel to investigate the happenings there. While this is happening, an ancient beast awakens.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

I wanna be a hero! (Hero!)

Pokémon: Advanced!

(I’m on my way!)

I wanna be a hero! (Hero!)

Give me just one chance…

And the future will decide…

If there’s a hero buried deep inside…

I wanna be a hero!


- I Wanna Be a Hero (David Rolfe)

In Alastor’s professional opinion, the Alighieri Region was a treasure trove of wondrous sights. From the bold tones of a sunset gleaming against the Glass Tower to the sprawling fields of Gracidea just outside of Bountia Town, beauty abounded in every corner of the region. There were also, of course, plenty of other things that were beautiful beyond mere aesthetic beauty: the gentle melody of Kricketot on a warm summer’s night, the laughter of new Trainers as they selected their first Pokémon, and the wind and adrenaline rushing through his veins when locked in a thrilling battle were just a few examples.

However, in Alastor’s not-so-humble opinion, there was nothing more beautiful in this world than the sight of his husband - of the Pokémon League Champion, of Lucifer Morningstar - showing off exactly why he had earned that title all those years ago.

It all started innocuously enough. New reports came in from seven of the eight Gym Leaders on the origins of the strange feral Pokémon. They had each carefully interrogated these Trainers and examined the Badges they earned to retrace their steps. From there, it was almost trivial for Alastor and Lucifer to figure out where they all had come from.

Every single one of these Trainers suddenly gained these new Pokémon after visiting Slyth City.

It made too much sense - Slyth City’s centralized location would prove a boon for any nefarious group hoping to spread their illegal Pokémon all around the region. On top of that, the city’s sheer size ensured that even if the League launched an investigation, it would take forever to see that no stone remained unturned. Worst of all, Slyth City’s Gym Leader was known to be an especially aggressive one. For a Trainer desperate for strength and glory, it would be all too easy to give them a Pokémon that would almost guarantee their victory.

Mimzy should have been the one to stop them. Mimzy should have been the first to raise the alarm. Mimzy should have done anything, literally anything to ensure the safety of the Trainers walking past her borders. But Mimzy had done nothing.

Alastor had always known about Mimzy’s tendency to be… less than good at her job. Yes, she was a fierce battler, but it took so much more than that to become a competent member of the League. He had thought - hoped, really - that she would perhaps shed the egotism of her youth and step into the leadership role that she had every potential of growing into. After all, it took quite a bit of strength and charisma for a farm girl from Bountia Town to grow into a feared Gym Leader. But that was it; Mimzy was merely feared. She was not respected, not trusted, and not a role model for Trainers. The only thing she did was prove Alastor wrong.

And Alastor hated being wrong.

SnapDragon made quick work of the doors to the Slyth City Gym, splintering the gilded wood to pieces with a single Duel Wingbeat. The sound of shattering wood echoed through the ostentatious foyer, drawing a loud shriek from the stage. Then, Ambrosia charged in, flames licking at the corners of his mouth as he released a powerful Flamethrower, transforming the gaudy chairs and golden trimmings into ash in mere moments.

Then, a great rumbling filled the Gym as Mimzy’s Miltank sprang into a Rollout to defend her master. Undeterred, Lucifer snapped his fingers and Fuji leaped into the fray with a powerful Close Combat. The attack connected with devastating force, sending the Miltank reeling. She collapsed to the ground with nary a whimper as Lucifer recalled the Aegislash back into his ball. Mimzy tried to send out the rest of her Pokémon, but a single Earthquake from SnapDragon completely rattled them off their feet.

From his position by the door, Alastor leaned on his cane and grinned, running his tongue over too-sharp canines as he watched his husband work. Lucifer was so beautiful in this moment - standing tall despite his diminutive size, hair whipping around him like a storm, his sky-blue eyes blazing with so much fury they radiated bloodlust. There was a heat that seemed to radiate off of him in waves, a red-hot sadism that Alastor yearned to reach out and grasp. This man was his. His to have, his to hold, his to worship every day for the rest of his life.

It didn’t take long at all for SnapDragon and Ambrosia to take out every single Pokémon Mimzy had stored in the Gym. Why wouldn’t they? The Dragonite and Zoroark were quite well-known for their sheer destructive power, after all. When the dust cleared, the two Pokémon stood surrounded by collapsed foes and furniture alike - a silent reminder of just how foolish it would be to challenge Lucifer’s power.

His Champion’s footsteps echoed dangerously around the cavernous halls of the Gym as he walked inside and recalled his two Pokémon. He paused in front of the now-ruined stage, surveying the results of his wrath with a calm that was almost as deliciously terrifying as his rage. His shadow stretched out before him, rippling and twisting with a force that was clearly not of this world.

“Lucifer!” Mimzy’s voice was higher-pitched than normal, filled with sugar and empty sweetness, the voice of a spider. She peeked out from behind her throne, the only survivor of Lucifer’s vengeful fury. “How ya doin’? Thanks so much for helping me with the remodel! You won’t believe how much people in this city wanna charge me just to throw out the old furniture. Now that you’ve taken care of that, all I’ll need is a vacuum cleaner and a big, strong man to-”

“Shut. The f*ck. Up,” Lucifer snarled. Mimzy flinched at his words, the temperature of the room plummeting in the face of Lucifer’s stormy calm. He tilted his head just a touch, sky-blues wide and sharp.

“Do you have any idea how badly you f*cked up?” Lucifer asked, his voice low and dangerous, every word spat out with venom. “How many lives were put in danger because of you?”

Mimzy swallowed audibly as she shot Lucifer a wide, overly bright smile, puffing up her chest with all the confidence she could muster. “What, lil’ ol’ me? Aw, Luci, you know I never mean to hurt anyone. And I mean, I wouldn’t say it was that many lives. I was just-”

“Worthless? Negligent? Sloppy?” Lucifer interrupted, his voice rising in pitch with each word. “So f*cking self-absorbed that you couldn’t even bring yourself to walk a couple of feet to your own Pokémon Center and stop an Arceus-damned war crime? To help me protect my daughter!?”

“I- uh…” Mimzy swallowed, lacing her fingers together as she shrank further behind her throne. “Okay, so I may have let things get a bit out of hand with the whole… distribution of feral Pokémon thing. And I may have ignored all the texts about the attack, but I mean, from what I heard, your kid handled it fine! So she got some extra practice out of it and wouldn’t you know it, she beat me in the end! So everything turned out all fine and dandy-”

“Fine and dandy?” Lucifer repeated. His voice rose even more. The air around him crackled with his raw, unrestrained fury. “Fine and f*cking dandy?”

Alastor’s gaze flew to the Cherish Ball on Lucifer’s hat. His throat went dry as he watched it quake and tremble with his star’s rage. Its normally gentle glow had now become a fierce, menacing light. Over at the throne, Lucifer's shadow stretched and distorted, writhing in grotesque defiance of its natural form. The shape it took now was Lucifer - but not. It was impossibly large, renegade, pulsing with malevolent energy. Six shadowy wings unfurled as it loomed over Mimzy’s throne, an ancient beast just waiting to be unleashed.

“Do you have any f*cking idea what could have happened to my daughter? She was in danger because of you. She could’ve been killed because of you. She suffered because of you!” Lucifer seethed, his voice a deep, guttural growl that reverberated through the shattered remains of the Gym. “I f*cking failed to protect her because of you!”

Alastor’s grin slid off his face, his brow furrowing despite the deep, primal heat curling at the base of his spine. Lucifer was a force of nature, a storm incarnate, and, in this moment, the most breathtakingly beautiful creature in the universe. The sheer intensity of his anger was glorious, magnetic, drawing Alastor in with a dark, possessive desire. Lucifer was sin made flesh; tempting and tantalizing… so very delicious. But also all-consuming. If he allowed this to continue, his dearest star’s inferno could cosume everything - the Gym, the city, perhaps even the world.

With a heavy heart, Alastor stepped forward. Loathe as he was to stop this glorious sight, he knew he had to. Lucifer needed him now, needed him always.

He would not allow the Distortion World to take his everything again.

With long, quick strides, Alastor closed the distance between him and his husband in seconds. He grabbed Lucifer by the shoulders and gave him a hard shake, forcing those sky-blue eyes to meet his own gaze. For a moment, terror seized him when he saw the unholy fire burning in those eyes. But then, Lucifer’s gaze turned to him and he saw the tiniest flicker of confusion - of humanity - dancing behind that fiery gaze.

His star was still shining somewhere in there, lost in a world of floating land masses and waterfalls dancing across the sky. Taking a deep breath, Alastor wet his lips and squeezed even tighter.

“What the f*ck are you doing?” Lucifer snarled, fire flaring behind his every word. “Can’t you see I’m trying to rip her limb-from-limb here?”

“I know,” Alastor said firmly, his grip tightening even more. “But I can’t let you do that.”

“And why the f*ck not?”

“Because… what would our daughter say to you if she knew you were about to kill someone for her?”

And there it was again: a flicker of hesitation, a brief glimpse of the man he loved beneath the rage.

“Lucifer…” For a moment, he allowed his mind to flit back to the very moment when he spoke these words for the first time. “Starlight, listen to me.” He felt Lucifer tense in his hold, sky-blues going wide. “I need you to name five things you see.”

A beat of silence. A sharp inhale. A full-body tremor.

Then, a shaky exhale.

“Th-the floor. The ceiling. Ashes. A chandelier.” He paused. “...You.”

“Excellent. Now… how about four things you can touch?”

“M-my… My hair,” Lucifer breathed. One hand came up and carded through his hair, fingers trembling. “My hat. My shirt.” Another exhale. “You.”

“Three things you can hear?”

A low sob escaped him. “My… heart. My stomach. You.”

The Cherish Ball was beginning to dim now. Out of the corner of his eye, Alastor caught sight of Lucifer's shadow changing again. It was shrinking. The wings were folding back. He could barely make out the shape of a human again.


“Two things you can smell.”

“Burnt wood… you…”



“One thing you can taste.”

Lucifer’s shoulders slumped. His eyes closed. He let out one last, shaking exhale. When he opened his eyes again, he looked up at Alastor, the fury now a tiny whisper in those endless pools of blue.

“Your nasty f*cking Torchic nuggets.”

Unable to help himself, Alastor let out a barking laugh. Then, he reached over and gently brushed a lock of hair from Lucifer’s face. Lucifer - Starlight - was back. He was grounded again. All the fear, the pain, the soul-crushing anxiety that had led him to this rage was held at bay… for now. Until the next time he would descend again.

A tiny cough shattered the gentle, intimate moment. Alastor jerked his head up sharply, brown eyes flashing in annoyance. Without a word, he turned to level his glare at Mimzy.

He had almost forgotten about their stupid, disgusting, sloppy little problem.

“So… that was cute, real cute,” Mimzy said, walking out from behind her throne with her hands behind her back. “And, well, all’s well that ends well, right? You two crazy cats are in love, your kids kicked ass, took names, then walked over here and kicked my ass. You know what, why don’t we celebrate? I can get ya front row seats to my next-”

“That won’t be necessary,” Alastor interrupted. Mimzy turned to him with wide, doe-like eyes. The corners of her full lips pulled together into a pleading pout. This was the look she wore when she was begging for leniency: all feigned innocence and shamelessness. In his younger and brighter days, Alastor would’ve paused. Perhaps he would have hesitated. Perhaps he would have even considered leniency.

But Alastor was no longer that bright young man. And Lucifer had already been so graciously turning a blind eye to Mimzy and her actions - or lack thereof - all these years. Their patience had run out; they would tolerate her no more.

He lifted one arm from Lucifer’s body and snapped his fingers. Gengar leaped out from his shadow with an envelope in hand. Without missing a beat, she tossed it at Mimzy’s feet with a giggle before vanishing. The contents of the envelope spilled out: a map, a check for a rather ridiculous amount of Poké, and a ticket for transportation to the Alola Region.

Alastor’s final mercy.

“It’s time for you to go, Mimzy. Now.”

Mimzy blinked down at the papers in front of her, disbelief coloring her features. Then, her grin widened even more and she jutted out her hip, waving a manicured hand in Alastor’s direction. “Oh, Alastor! You’re such a kidder, you!” She pressed her hands to her face, squishing her cheeks together. “Haha, you are so funny!”

“We mean it,” Alastor said coldly, smiling down at her though it didn’t reach his eyes. “You deliberately brought danger to this region and our daughter. Now we have to clean up your mess.” He tilted his head and narrowed his eyes. “We can’t have that here.”

For some strange, strange reason, Mimzy remained undeterred. Dimly, Alastor wondered if this was some elaborate scheme to meet her death in the most painful manner possible. Either way, she continued to huff and puff, crossing her arms and shooting a saucy grin their way. “But you love takin’ care of me! I mean, c’mon, you don't really think that these silly feral Pokémon are a threat, do you? They’re just a little bit mad and foamy-”

“Alright, that’s f*cking it,” Lucifer snarled. He stepped out of Alastor’s embrace. One hand dropped to one of the Premier Balls hanging on his belt - Pippin’s ball. “Take your Pokémon and get out!” He shifted his gaze to Alastor, who raised an eyebrow. After a beat of silence, Lucifer turned back to Mimzy, a tight smile on his face. “…Please.”

Mimzy tossed her head. “Fine! Who needs ya? Have fun with your stupid region and stupid Pokémon. See if I care!”

With that, she recalled her Pokémon, picked up her travel documents, and left, her high heels clicking sharply against the ruined floor. As she reached the doorway, she turned and flipped them off before turning around and stomping off with a huff.

Lucifer and Alastor watched her leave in silence. Once she was gone, the tension in the room ebbed just a touch, though Lucifer’s face remained tight with silent rage.

“Well… this was a productive morning.”

For a moment, Lucifer said nothing. Then, he turned to Alastor, a wry smile tugging at his lips. “And we’re not even done yet. f*ck, why’d we sign up for this again?”

“Because you needed a lofty title that you could lord above the heads of everyone else in the region,” Alastor answered. “Since your height would hardly allow you to do that.”

Lucifer rolled his eyes. “And what about you? Last I checked, you were doing just fine sitting in that rickety-ass radio tower of yours.”

Alastor hummed. “What can I say? I came to the League because I love seeing silly Trainers struggle to accomplish something meaningful to their journey, and fail spectacularly! Besides, someone needed to be around to prevent you from turning the place into even more of a tacky circus than it already is.”

His husband scowled. “My interior design is great. Better a circus than a swamp or whatever the f*ck you’re trying to pull with your half of the room.”

“I’ll have you know that it is a bayou, Starly, and its aesthetic is perfectly lovely.”

“We had a f*cking Totodile in our toilet that one time, Al!”

“And what an excellent meal it made for me,” he laughed. “But enough talk. We ought to head to the dressing room and make sure dear Ambrosia didn’t burn that down as well. I certainly don’t want to wear any sort of Grunt uniform from that warehouse without it going through the wash at least fifty times first… with plenty of bleach.”

Lucifer let out a low laugh and shook his head. Then, he reached over and took Alastor’s hand, lacing their fingers together. Alastor would have been lying if he said that he didn’t feel his heart skip a beat at that - even so many years later.

“Fine. We’ll fight over your tacky taste in decor later. Let’s just get this over with.”

If there was one thing that Charlie swore never to do again, it was camping in a cave. Sure, the idea sounded nice - setting up base in Virgil Tunnel meant that she and Vaggie would have easy access to all the cave Pokémon they needed to train, plus all the Trainers who would stumble by. On top of that, with a Pokémon Center and Poké Mart located right outside the mouth of the cave, they would never run out of ways to heal their Pokémon or feed themselves. But in exchange for all of that, they got more than their fair share of sharp rocks, dampness, dust, and worst of all?


Zubats were the bane of her existence. They were everywhere, fluttering around the cave like the tiny blue demons they were. No matter where she turned, they seemed to always be there, ready to swoop in and Supersonic Charlie’s Pokémon again. With every step she made, every breath she took, she would run into one, either trying to divebomb her and getting tangled in her hair or trying to siphon her blood with their fangs. For every Zubat her Pokémon defeated, ten more seemed to take its place.

After all of this, Charlie had decided that as soon as she became Champion, she was going to order a ban on any and all Zubats in the region, ecosystem be damned.

“I think I’m gonna puke if I have to deal with another one,” Charlie muttered darkly, scowling as another one swooped past their head. She dug around for a Repel, only to find that, of course, she was out of them. Yet another thing to add to the shopping list. “They’re worse than Rattata!”

From her position by their sleeping bags, Vaggie laughed and shook her head, silver locks flying. “They’re just trying to survive, Charlie, just like us. Besides, they’re pretty useful for training… and we got some pretty good Pokémon from being in here!”

That was true. A couple days into their Zubat training session, Charlie had managed to catch a Riolu, an incredibly rare Fighting-type Pokémon that would come very handy for when they would eventually face Husk. The Emanation Pokémon had nearly run away, but a well-timed Aerial Ace from Dazzle allowed her to catch him quickly. Not only that, but the cave yielded an additional treasure: among the mass of Zubats, KeeKee had managed to spy a Woobat flying around. With her help, Charlie easily caught the adorable Psychic/Flying-type puffball, bringing her team up to six. Meanwhile, Vaggie had caught a Machop, then traded with a Youngster for the Ice/Bug-type Pokémon Snom. Overall, yes, it had been a rather productive cave trip.

Perhaps instead of banning all Zubats in the region, Charlie would simply ban three-quarters of them.

“Useful for training my patience, maybe,” Charlie grumbled, swatting another Zubat out of the air as she rolled up her sleeping bag. “They’re definitely out to get me, Vaggie. Last night, one of them tried to nest in my sleeping bag!”

“That’s ‘cause your hair looks like a comfy nest.”

Charlie stuck out her tongue. “Rude! And don’t get me started on the guano. They poop everywhere! My shoes are super gross from stepping in it!”

Vaggie laughed again as she swung her sleeping bag over her shoulder and tied it to her backpack. One hand came up to adjust her eyepatch before settling on one of the Pokéballs hanging from her belt. “Okay, that part I’ll give you. That’s pretty gross.”

Charlie huffed and crossed her arms. “I’m serious, Vaggie! If I never see another Zubat again, it’ll be too soon.”

As if to punctuate her last sentence, a Zubat fluttered down from the ceiling, dive-bombing her with a defiant flap of its wings. Without missing a beat, KeeKee lazily looked up from Charlie’s neck and half-burped out a tiny ball of flames. It hit the Zubat square in his face, sending him fluttering off to the darkness. Charlie rewarded the Fire Cat Pokémon with a few scratches to her head as she quickly resumed napping.

Virgil Tunnel was the only route that Trainers without Flying-type Pokémon could take between Slyth and Amora City. Supposedly, Vox had planned for a train track to pass through the area, but Zestial had stopped him before the plans could come into fruition. The Psychic-type specialist had warned that the vibrations from the train would cause something catastrophic, but he never elaborated, as that part of the ancient inscriptions he had been reading from was rubbed out. Thus, Vox’ train track expansion project was canceled, forcing hundreds of Trainers to walk through the damp, musty atmosphere of the cave instead of sitting comfortably on a luxurious train.

As her Running Shoes crunched on the rough path through the cave, Charlie’s thoughts once again turned towards Mimzy’s words. Guilt gnawed at her insides. Should she push her Pokémon to evolve? Was she being cruel by allowing them to dictate when they would evolve, thus preventing them from reaching their full potential? KeeKee, Applin, and Chansey had all been defeated so many times before already. And as powerful as Dazzle was, Charlie was sure that one of these days, she would fail it too. Maybe if she made them all evolve, they would be beaten less often?

A gentle rumble from around her throat caught her attention. With a small sigh, one pale hand reached up and scratched KeeKee’s head again. The Fire Cat Pokémon was purring as she snoozed, oblivious to her Trainer’s turmoil.

Ahead of them, Vaggie walked cheerfully, silver ponytail bouncing while her Pokéballs rattled at her side. Charlie’s gaze zeroed in on Venonat’s - now Venomoth’s - Pokéball. A day or two ago, Venonat had evolved while they were training, giving Vaggie yet another powerful new member of her team. The Poison Moth Pokémon’s wings had shimmered beautifully in the dim light of the cave as she let out a happy little cry. Vaggie’s team really was shaping up to be formidable, and yet here Charlie was with a team of unevolved Pokémon.

She turned her attention back to KeeKee, smiling slightly as the Fire Cat Pokémon nuzzled her neck affectionately. This earned her another scratch. KeeKee… seemed happy enough as she was. All of her Pokémon did. And sure, she did have a lot more trouble battling than Vaggie did, but it wasn’t always just about having the most powerful Pokémon. Anyone could become an amazing Trainer with enough skill, right?

“Isn’t it a bit cruel to keep them how they are? Pokémon are like children, you know. They need to grow and change. Keeping them unevolved like that… Well, it’s almost like you’re holding them back, don’t you think?”

The guilt tightened its grip on her heart. She had always believed that if her Pokémon wanted to evolve, they would let her know. But what if they were too shy or too afraid to tell her? What if they were holding back for her sake? What if Mimzy was right?

Once again, periwinkle eyes slid over to Vaggie, watching as her fellow Trainer stopped to examine a forking path in the cave. Vaggie… had evolved her Pokémon without hesitation, and they were stronger for it. Maybe she should consider pushing for-

“Charlie? Vaggie? Is that you?”

The high-pitched, musical voice snapped Charlie from her thoughts. Periwinkle eyes widened as she turned towards the source, noticing an all-too-familiar Trainer waving at them from the right fork.

“Hey, Emily!” Charlie exclaimed, her grin widening as she recognized the energetic Trainer bounding towards them. Emily’s silvery hair was dusted with grime, and a large patch of mud smudged her cheek. Her Baltoy floated alongside her, looking exhausted but satisfied.

Emily’s entire face lit up when she reached them. “Hey, Charlie!” she chirped, throwing her arms around Charlie in a tight, enthusiastic hug. KeeKee meowed in protest, but didn’t move, likely too lazy to hop off. Charlie let out a loud squeak as she felt the wind getting crushed out of her, but she laughed and returned the embrace.

“Emily, it’s so good to see you!”

Emily then turned to Vaggie and gave her an equally fierce greeting and hug. Vaggie chuckled, patting Emily on the back before they broke apart. “Good to see you too, Emily.”

“I can’t believe I ran into you guys again! This is so cool,” Emily said cheerfully, hazel eyes sparkling in delight. “I’ve been training like crazy in here! There are so many Pokémon. And it’s the perfect place for getting Baltoy ready for Mimzy!”

At the sound of the Gym Leader’s name, Charlie’s gut twisted. Once again, she glanced down at KeeKee, who had already resumed napping like she didn’t have a care in the world. One hand came up to scratch the top of KeeKee’s head, the Fire Cat Pokémon rewarding her with a slight ear twitch before resuming her light snoring.

She would need to talk to KeeKee later.

“Baltoy looks like it’s getting strong,” Vaggie remarked, glancing at the Clay Doll Pokémon. Baltoy let out a rather gravely sound and spun around, its eyes narrowing.

“Oh, thanks!” Emily said, patting Baltoy on the top of its head. “I really wanna get it strong ‘cause I know Mimzy’s no joke.”

Charlie nodded, forcing a smile on her face. “Yeah, she’s super hard. Just make sure that you take out all her Pokémon quickly before she gets Miltank out. You’ll need your whole team to bring her down.”

“And remember that Rollout only gets more powerful with each use if it hits,” Vaggie said. “So keep your Pokémon on their toes, dodge those rolls, and hammer that cow with everything you got while she’s recovering.”

Emily’s grin widened as she held up her hands, bouncing on the balls of her feet. “Thanks, you guys! That really helps. I’m so stoked to face her now!”

Warmth flooded Charlie’s chest despite herself. The corners of her smile softened just a touch as she gave Emily a thumbs up - a double thumbs up. Because Emily was a friend. “You’ll do great, Emmy! I know it!”

We know it,” Vaggie corrected with a small laugh. Once again, Charlie turned to her and stuck out her tongue. “And make sure you take some pictures after you win. Mimzy hates it when people post about beating her!”

Emily giggled, then dug around her pockets before pulling out her V-phone. “So, does that mean I can get your numbers, then? I gotta make sure everyone knows when I beat her!”

Soon enough, Charlie found herself happily saving Emily’s number into her V-phone, her grin widening when Emily took a picture of KeeKee and set it as Charlie’s profile picture. As hard as this journey had been for her, at least she could say she met people and made friends. That was what the journey was all about - at least according to Rosie. And if there was one thing that Alastor, Lucifer, and Lilith always agreed on, it was that Rosie was never wrong.

“So… which way?” Vaggie asked, after Emily left the way they came, gesturing to the fork in the road. There was a sign stuck in the ground, but the lettering had long faded away into little smudges.

Charlie frowned as she stepped forward to squint at the letters, but then shook her head. Trying to read any of that in a deep, dark cavern was just a recipe for bad eyesight in the future. Sure, they could use the flashlights on their V-phones to look, but the writing was too faded and it probably wasn’t a good idea to drain their batteries while in here. Besides, Dad had made Charlie promise that she would take care of her eyes, so that he could continue making fun of Papa for his bad eyesight.

“How about we-”

Suddenly, a chorus of high-pitched screeches echoed through the cavern. From the darkness came a great flutter, the symphony of a thousand flapping wings. Charlie and Vaggie froze, wide-eyed, before they turned to look over their shoulders.

A swarm of Zubats was approaching them, fangs gleaming white in the dim light of the cave. Every single little body was pointed straight towards them. Charlie’s heart pounded in her ears as her gaze darted between each of the Bat Pokémon before zeroing in on a rather tiny one at the front of the pack.

The one with the burn mark on his face.



Charlie grabbed Vaggie’s hand and jerked her to the left side of the fork, pulling a surprised yelp from between her friend’s lips. The next thing they knew, they were sprinting down the path, Zubats fluttering around them in a chaotic storm. KeeKee leaped atop Charlie’s head and released a few fireballs into the swirling mass, but it did little to quell the storm. It didn’t take long before Charlie was forced to recall the Fire Cat Pokémon into her Pokéball, not wanting to lose her in the unending tempest surrounding them.

“This way!” Vaggie yelled over the cacophony, veering towards a path that Charlie prayed to Arceus would lead them to safety. But it seemed like Arceus was taking a potty break now - they soon found themselves face-to-face with a tunnel covered by large planks of wood. There was a barely readable “DO NOT CROSS” sign nailed to it, covered in dirt and grime.

They were trapped.

¡Mierda!” Vaggie cursed, whirling on the approaching hoard. “We’ll need to fight our way out!”

Charlie bit her lip, then turned around, her eyes desperately scanning the barricade. Adrenaline and wind roared through her veins. There were too many enemies. Their Pokémon were exhausted. They didn’t have enough healing items to battle through the swarm. At some point, their Pokémon were going to faint. And then, it would only be a matter of time before-


Periwinkle eyes widened as she honed in on a small section of the barricade, where a tiny crack in the wood had formed. The area around it was mottled and discolored, as though the wood itself were rotting away. This was it. A weak point they could exploit. Hope flickered in her chest despite the bile rising in her throat.

They could do this.

“Help me with this!”

Before Vaggie could answer, Charlie charged for the barricade, small hands reaching out for the rotting piece of plywood. Vaggie cursed under her breath before she whirled around, her own mocha hands reaching for the plank. The wood creaked and groaned as they pried at it, the horrible sound of Supersonic ringing in the air. For what felt like an eternity they pried and pulled, their breath coming in quick, desperate pants as the Zubats screeched their fury. Tears sprang to Charlie’s eyes as rotting splinters dug into her palm, as the rusty nails squeaked and whined but refused to give way.

“C’mon, c’mon-”

With one final, desperate yank, the wood splintered and gave way. The opening left behind was just big enough for them to crawl through. Once again, hope rose in Charlie’s chest as she spun around and shoved Vaggie through first.

“Go, go!”

Without another word, the Trainer scrambled through the gap and Charlie followed behind quickly, the flapping of wings behind them growing louder and more desperate. Zubats smashed into the barrier as they passed through it, their screeches muffled by the thick, dusty wood. Before any of them could crawl through the opening as well, Charlie threw out KeeKee.

“KeeKee, Roar!”

The Fire Cat Pokémon opened her mouth and released a series of powerful Roars, the sound echoing through the cave. The Zubat swarm screeched in protest, their high-pitched cries mingling with the thunderous Roar. In a panic, they smashed even harder into the wooden barricade, the sound of desperately flapping wings filling the air. Seizing the moment, Charlie grabbed Vaggie’s hand and bolted forward. Their feet pounding against the rough cave floor as they desperately searched for-

Light! There was a light in front of them, emanating from an exit straight ahead. Relief flooded Charlie’s veins as she sprinted towards it, already imagining the breeze from the outside world dancing on her skin. But as they drew closer, the ground beneath them suddenly gave way. The floor disappeared beneath their feet, replaced by soft, squishy mud, a sheer drop, and rotting planks of wood where a proud bridge once stood.

Charlie’s guano-covered Running Shoes dirtied even further as she slid down the slope, limbs flailing, drops of mud smacking her face. The rough ground scraped against them, ripping holes in their clothes and sending jolts of pain through their bodies. Charlie closed her mouth and eyes as a spray of mud rose to threaten her. Then, after what felt like hours, she landed hard on the ground below, breathless and bruised. A soft thump and sudden weight on top of her head told her that KeeKee had made it down too.

For a moment, they lay there, catching their breath and struggling to regain their bearings. The air was thick with the scent of damp earth and moss, the faint sound of water trickling nearby. Slowly, Charlie sat up, periwinkle eyes adjusting to the dim light.

They were on the bank of a small creek. Periwinkle eyes blinked in surprise as she followed the path of the little brook, noting the light from a far-off exit glinting invitingly off the reflection of the water. Off in the distance, she could hear the faint calls of Pidgey and Sparrow. The exit was there. They could finally escape this horrible place. Grinning, Charlie stood up and offered her hand to Vaggie, ready to run towards the exit.

For a moment, Vaggie simply blinked at the offered hand, pursing her lips as her brow furrowed. Worry wormed its way into Charlie’s chest as she hesitated, her outstretched arm wavering slightly. Was… was Vaggie mad at her? After all, it had been Charlie’s fault that they had been chased all the way here. The burn on the Zubat at the front of the pack told her as much. If she had just controlled KeeKee before she hurt that Zubat, then maybe-

“You know, Morningstar, I know that I said I’d follow you anywhere, but I didn’t think ‘anywhere’ also meant over a cliff,” Vaggie said. Despite her words, a playful twinkle lit up her eye. “Next time you’re gonna throw us off one, mind warning me so I can stop my clothes from getting all messed up?”

Charlie let out the breath that she didn’t know she had been holding. With a small giggle, she placed her hands on her hips and stuck out her tongue. “Well, you know what? Maybe you should tell KeeKee that next time she sees a Zubat, she should think before burning its face!”

For a moment, Vaggie was silent. Then, she tilted his head, the corners of her mouth uplifting in a tiny, playful smile. “So… you’re saying this was all KeeKee’s fault?”


While KeeKee meowed in protest, both girls burst into another fit of giggles, the exhilaration of their escape still rushing through their veins. Without thinking, Charlie reached forward and pulled Vaggie into a tight hug. Gentle notes of jasmine and clove filled her nose, plus an underlying current of morning dew and applewood trees.


Suddenly, a voice pierced the darkness. “Yo, has anyone seen the kid?”

Vaggie and Charlie froze, their pulses racing as they turned towards the source of the noise. It echoed around the cavern, bouncing off the walls, but it was all too obvious where it was coming from: the path leading deeper into the cave. What was more, that loud, grating voice was familiar. So familiar, in fact, that Charlie’s throat went dry the moment her thoughts flitted to a certain recent Pokémon battle.

It was the guy from the Pokémon Center. She was sure of it.

Charlie’s breath stilled.

“Last I saw, she was heading down the path,” another voice, low and clipped, answered. Charlie frowned as she strained her ears. Was that… a woman’s voice? “We should be fine to start the machine soon.”

The machine…?

Charlie’s brows knitted together as she turned away from the path towards the exit, her mouth thinning into a line. That horrible group was somewhere deep in the cave, probably coming up with more horrible plans to take people’s Pokémon. Well, she wasn’t about to just let them do that! Her feet moved on their own, bringing her deeper into the tunnel.

“Charlie, wait!” Vaggie whispered, getting to her feet. One hand reached out and grabbed Charlie’s wrist. “What are you doing? We don’t know what’s going on!”

Charlie hesitated, her pulse pounding in her ears. Her breathing grew shallow, her mind flooded with questions. What if Vaggie was right? What if they were walking into a trap? What if they got caught?

What if they were hurt?

But then, the voices echoed around the cavern again.

“I don’t want to start sh*t until we know where the f*ck she went,” the man snarled. “The vibrations on this thing alone can cave in this place! And what if that thing wakes up and she’s trapped somewhere? I’m not about to f*cking let her get her ass crushed just because you’re too damn impatient to wait!”

“She’ll be fine,” the woman answered. “She’s probably out there taking down Caterpie or whatever. Even if she was in here, that Pokémon of hers should be able to protect her by now if it was worth anything.” A loud snort. “Who knows? Maybe it’ll finally f*cking evolve if enough rocks come tumbling down.”

What was going on?

Charlie’s jaw tightened, resolve flooding her as she turned back to Vaggie. That voice belonged to the same man who had caused them so much trouble. Who had ripped Pokémon away from their Trainers. Who had destroyed a place of healing all to fulfill some sick plan. They couldn’t just leave this be. Maybe they could find out more information. Maybe they could report it to their dads.

Maybe they could make a difference.

Vaggie’s grip on Charlie’s wrist tightened as she searched her face, fear flashing behind that pretty hazel eye. Silently, Charlie pursed her lips into a thin line and gestured with her head towards the tunnel stretching out before them. Vaggie couldn’t read minds, but she knew her friend well enough to know by now that Vaggie could read eyes. And thanks to that talent, they were often able to communicate their thoughts without saying a single word.

For a moment, Vaggie did nothing. Then, she bit her bottom lip and gave Charlie a reluctant nod. Charlie grinned back at her and took her hand. Together, they ventured deeper into the cave.

Lucifer had a problem.

Well, okay, he had several problems. And for once, only one of them had to do with Alastor. Really, it was unfair how good the uniforms they had stolen all those years ago looked on him. It clung in all the right places, highlighted all the important spots, and if Lucifer were to be honest, black, white, and gray looked almost as good on him as red did.

Yes, Lucifer had several problems.

And Team Paradiso - or at least, the group that called themselves that - had to do with all of them.

Slipping into the ranks of the Team Paradiso Grunts was simple enough. The group that had launched the attack on the Pokémon Center hadn’t been exactly subtle about their escape route. After ensuring that the Slyth City Police Department would be able to handle the aftermath of the attack, Alastor and Lucifer followed the trail of crying Trainers and panicked townspeople until they reached the woods just outside of Virgil Tunnel. From there, they slipped on their disguises, then Lucifer sent out Ambrosia to guard their stuff while they carried out the mission. The Zoroark was, as usual, all too happy to take a nap while his fellow Pokémon did the actual hard part of the mission.

They had found the Grunts milling around one of the side entrances of Virgil Tunnel, specifically the one that was nestled deep within a valley full of the Geodude, Roggenrola, and the Pokémon they evolved into. When Cherri was younger, this used to be her favorite place to train; all of the Pokémon in this place could learn Explosion and Rock-type Pokémon were strong against Fire-types, so she could work on her type weaknesses. Now that she was a Gym Leader and in a domestic partnership with Pentious, she never came here.

It was the perfect place for a group with nefarious intent to set up shop.

The first thing Lucifer noticed when he and Alastor followed the Grunts into the tunnel was the fact that this entrance was much bigger than it used to be. From the roughly-hewn walls and the deep gouges everywhere, it was pretty clear that this place was forcefully widened very recently. It was as though a pack of especially angry Diglett and Dugtrio had been put to work… or several even angrier Onixes. But why? What were these new people up to?

Unable to help himself, Lucifer shivered as the darkness of the cavern settled over him, the chill seeping into his bones. In its last incarnation, Team Paradiso had sought to control the Pokémon they had captured by performing surgery to rip away their free will, leaving them nothing but trembling, empty shells of their former selves. They had obeyed every command without question - even to the point of sacrificing their very lives for Team Paradiso’s original cause.

Lucifer’s thoughts flitted over to the photo Alastor and Rosie had shown him, the one depicting the man with hair and eyes the exact color of Eve’s. What was his name again? Abraham? Aaron? Abel? Well, either way, from what he had gathered, this guy was the new leader of the team… and the son they had so foolishly, carelessly, stupidly allowed to slip past their fingers all those years ago.

Once again, Lucifer cursed quietly to himself, a feeling of heaviness settling over his shoulders. How could he have been so sloppy? By allowing just one Exorcist to slip through his fingers, he had allowed Team Paradiso to rise again. And they were worse now. Now they were somehow making Pokémon feral, putting other people, putting children, putting his daughter in danger.

He should have made four bodies that night.

He should have killed them all.

He should have ripped their limbs from their sockets and thrown them into the abyss.

He should have-

f*ck, he didn’t want to kill them. He didn’t intend on killing anyone. That made him just as bad as Team Paradiso. No, that made him worse. Because at least Team Paradiso didn’t try to hide who they truly were. They just embraced every kill they made, every ounce of free will they robbed. After all, they truly believed that everything they did was for the greater good. They were there to find Eden. To open the gates of Paradise and allow all Pokémon and those they deemed “worthy” to live in utopia forever.

But he had to kill them. If he didn’t, then he would’ve lost Lilith. Would’ve lost Alastor. Would’ve lost everything.

But… he could have just arrested them.

He didn’t have to kill them.

He didn’t have to raid that warehouse.

He didn’t have to get involved.

He didn’t have to do anything.

He should have listened to his father.

He should have never made that pact.

He should have sealed himself in the Distortion World alongside that horrible creature.

He should have-

A warm hand landed on his shoulder, stealing his breath away. He looked up, bottom lip trembling as he met Alastor’s dark brown eyes. Their corners crinkled just a touch before Alastor leaned in close and gently brushed the cloth of his mask against the shell of Lucifer’s ear. A tiny spark of electricity danced down the Champion’s spine.


Five things he could see. Four things he could touch. Three things he could hear. Two things he could smell. One thing he could taste.


Soon enough, they walked into a large, yawning cavern. Lucifer’s gaze was immediately drawn to the massive machine dominating the back wall. It was a towering construct of gleaming metal and blinking lights, with what seemed like thousands of cables snaking across the floor and connecting to various consoles and generators pressed up against the walls.

The main body of the machine was a massive, cylindrical structure, surrounded by glowing, concentric rings. The rings were humming lightly, sending smooth, almost gentle vibrations into the floor of the cave, causing tiny bits of debris to be shaken loose from the ceiling. Lucifer swallowed as he nervously eyed the stalactites above his head. Were these idiots crazy? This thing could cause a cave-in if they weren’t watching close enough.

There were lots of Grunts running around, mostly carrying supplies or standing guard over piles of them. There were Pokémon milling about as well, mostly Xatu, Swablu, and Galarian Ponyta punctuated by the occasional Audino. Lucifer’s gaze darted back and forth as he counted the Grunts up. There were at least 50 of them he could see… and probably another 20 or so more hiding in the shadows or exploring the tunnels or some sh*t. f*ck, where did they keep getting these maniacs? And how was it that no one in the Pokémon League had noticed their movements?

Was the League getting complacent?

“Alright, places, everyone,” a high, cold voice echoed throughout the cavern. Lucifer nearly bumped into Alastor as the two stopped abruptly, turning towards the source of the noise. A woman wearing an Exorcist’s uniform stood close to the machine, silver goggles glinting in the dim light of the cave. “We’ve got about five minutes before the real show begins and I’m not about to waste any time trying to pull you idiots out from under a rock if you end up getting crushed.”

“Whoa, wait, what the f*ck did I just say?” a man with golden goggles stepped up next to the woman now, reaching out to grab her arm. “I’m not about to start any f*cking show without grabbing her and making sure we’re not about to f*cking kill her ass!”

Lucifer’s eyes narrowed slightly as he ran through the file in his head. f*ck, what was his name again? He turned to Alastor, who tilted his head and raised an eyebrow. Oh, right. His husband had a photographic memory and a grudge-holding streak about as wide as the universe. He remembered everything in those damn files.

“We’ve calibrated the frequencies perfectly,” the woman said coldly. “It shouldn’t take too long to wake that thing up. After that, I can send a squad to find her.” She looked over her shoulder towards a Grunt standing near the entrance to yet another tunnel. “We’re starting now.”

“Slow the f*ck down! Arceus, Palkia, and Dialga, we still don’t know where she-”

“If you’re so concerned, Adam, then I suggest you go look for her then,” the woman snapped.

Adam! That was his name. Adam, son of Eve and an unknown father, who was a mere teenager at the time his mother died. By the time the Pokémon League had recovered enough to try to find him, he had already disappeared. Lucifer wasn’t quite sure how he had managed to hide for so long, especially given how closely the League watched the region, but that didn’t matter. What mattered now was arresting this wayward young man and making sure that he didn’t hurt anyone else.

For a moment, Adam paused, his hesitation reflected in the glint of his goggles. Then, after a beat of silence, he turned and ran down another tunnel, grumbling something unintelligible under his breath. Lucifer frowned and looked up to Alastor, sharing a silent nod. They needed to follow Adam and capture him. If they did, they could always come back here and shut down the rest of the operation. Taking a deep breath, Lucifer turned towards the tunnel-

Only to see the tiniest flash of platinum blonde.

Lucifer froze. His heart hammered. His palms became slick with sweat. Next to him, Alastor tensed considerably, muscles wound so tight they stood out against the dark fabric of the uniform.


This couldn’t be happening. He had to be imagining it. It had to be the dust in the cave or the fumes of the machine or some sort of Arceus-damned prank that Alastor was playing. But one look at his husband told him everything: this wasn’t imaginary, wasn’t a hallucination, and wasn’t some sick prank Alastor’s Gengar was trying to pull.

What the f*ck were Charlie and Vaggie doing in this place?

“Ma’am, we’ve received Her Highness’ blessings,” one of the Grunts said.

Her Highness…?

The woman nodded. “Good. Start the machine!”

The Grunt nodded in response and ran to one of the nearby consoles, pressing a few buttons and flipping some switches. Almost immediately, the machine came to life, its soft hum crescendoing into an ear-splitting roar. The concentric rings began spinning around it, driving even more vibrations into the cave floor. It was as though a thousand Machamp were punching the ground at once while a thousand more Diglett tunneled their way underground. Bile rose in Lucifer’s throat as his gaze darted up to the stalactites, watching as they trembled and swayed, even more debris falling down.

Suddenly, Zestial’s voice spoke in his mind, a warning against using machines in this cave. What was it he had said again? Something catastrophic was going to happen if they did that? Before Lucifer could dwell too much on it, even more platinum blonde and now some silver flashed in the corner of his eye as the girls made their way along the edge of the cave, using the shadows to guide their path down to-


No no no no no.

Panic surged in him. The walls of the cavern closed in around him, stifling the breath in his lungs. One hand flew to his chest as his breathing came in short, shallow gasps. Beside him, Alastor’s normally composed demeanor was shattered, those brown eyes widening in alarm.

They were heading for the machine.

They were trying to shut it down.

They were putting themselves in danger.

What were they thinking? How did they even get here? Weren’t they supposed to be in Amora City by now, kicking Val’s ass? Or maybe over in Illusoria Town, trying to get Husk to leave his Gym’s built-in bar long enough to battle? Why were they here? Now?

Why was he failing to protect everyone he loved again?

His vision blurred at the edges. A cold sweat broke out across his brow. His entire body shook with the effort of not shouting their names, of not running to them and dragging them to safety. No, no, he had to stay calm, stay focused. If he revealed them now, then that would just invite more danger. But how could he stay calm and focused when his little girl was right the f*ck there? When every instinct was screaming at him to protect, to shield them from the horrors lurking in every corner of this cavern?

As if Arceus itself was telling him to calm his ass down, he felt a touch on his shoulder. Unfortunately, Lucifer was rarely blessed enough to have the Alpha Pokémon speak with him, so he had to make do with his husband instead. The corners of Alastor’s eyes crinkled slightly as he indicated Charlie with his head. Blinking in confusion, Lucifer turned his attention first to their daughter’s face, then to the shadow at her feet. Sky-blue eyes widened as he watched it morph and twist, transforming from the shadow of a little girl to one that was distinctly… Gengar-shaped.

Well, at least one of them could do something halfway useful.

They watched the two girls as they edged closer to the machine. Despite Gengar’s presence in Charlie’s shadow, Lucifer’s heart still pounded in his ribcage. Alastor’s gaze remained sharp, dark brown eyes narrowing slightly as he carefully tracked the girl’s movements through the cave. Lucifer swallowed, every second stretching into an eternity as he suppressed the urge to call out to them. f*ck, why was this happening? He shouldn’t feel this… helpless. What kind of Champion was he if he couldn’t even f*cking move when he saw the two little Trainers he loved most sneaking straight into danger?

Suddenly, the tension snapped like a taut wire. As they reached the machine, something seemed to be activated, causing a loud alarm to blare throughout the cavern. Red lights began to flash as all eyes turned on the girls, the woman’s silver goggles flashing with a menacing gleam.

“Who the f*ck let in kids!? Get them!” At her words, the various Grunts and Pokémon around the cave surged forward.

All around them, the cave shuddered violently, the ground heaving beneath their feet. Rocks and dust fell from the ceiling, the noise of them hitting the floor drowned out by the roar of the machine and the blare of the alarm.

Lucifer’s stomach lurched as Charlie and Vaggie desperately scrambled for their Pokéballs, throwing out everyone from Dartrix to KeeKee in a desperate bid to fight back. Then, Gengar leaped up from Charlie’s shadow, firing a series of Shadow Balls into the crowd, drawing surprised cries from the two girls. But there were too many Grunts, too many Pokémon, and all the while, the cave continued to shriek as its very foundations were ripped apart by the machine.


The Champion’s pulse roared in his ears. The sight of Charlie’s terrified face shattered something inside him. Without another thought, he stuffed one hand in his left pocket, grabbing one of his Premier Balls. f*ck keeping themselves hidden, f*ck this mission, and above all, f*ck this team. They were putting his little girl and her best friend in danger. He was going to f*cking rip them apart.

Next to him, Alastor did the same, a loud snarl ripping from his throat as he pulled out one of his own Pokéballs. The two men shared a brief, furious glance before they turned back to the scene before them. Two simultaneous snaps echoed through the cavern as the Champion and Elite Four Member threw their Pokéballs into the air.

“Get ‘em, Fuji!”

“Shedinja, Protect!”

The Aegislash appeared in a blinding flash of light, his gleaming blade coming down in a mighty swing as he launched a Shadow Ball towards the nearest Grunt. The orb of dark energy collided with its target, sending the Grunt sprawling and launching a few others away from the girls. Without missing a beat, Shedinja flew into action, its form shimmering with an ethereal glow as it covered the two with a powerful shield.

Charlie’s eyes widened in joy at the sight of the Pokémon. Vaggie’s mouth fell open in shock. Without missing a beat, she turned towards them, her voice catching in her throat.

“Dad! Papa!”

Well, so much for not blowing his cover. Around them, the Grunts froze, panic flashing in their eyes as recognition flitted across their features. But then, the silver-goggled woman stepped up, her voice ringing throughout the cavern as she pointed at them.

“Don’t just f*cking stand there! It’s just one stupid Champion and his ghostly bitch! Rip them apart!”

Chaos erupted once again as the hoard of Grunts surged forward, most of them now turning their sights on Lucifer and Alastor. After sending Charlie a quick, reassuring grin, Lucifer plunged his hand back into his pocket and threw out the rest of his team. Pippin, Gala, Jonathan, and SnapDragon roared as they launched themselves into the fray. For a brief moment, he felt the Cherish Ball in his other pocket grow warm, but then, a cold, clammy hand clenched Lucifer’s heart, stealing the breath from his lungs.


He was going to do this without resorting to his lowest point again.

He had to.

He had to be better than them.

Five more snaps echoed around the cave as the rest of Alastor’s team leaped into action. Mimi let out the loudest squeak he could manage as he bounced on his little bottom before diving into the shadows and slamming into a Xatu that hovered too close to Charlie. Taking advantage of the distraction, Charlie immediately ordered an Ember from KeeKee and the little Litten opened her mouth, sending a barrage of fireballs directly into the Mystic Pokémon’s eyes.

In the next second, Drifblim swooped down, her massive form shadowing the battlefield as she spun around, launching a barrage of Shadow Ball to clear a path through the Grunts and Pokémon. Chandelure floated alongside her, flames burning brightly as she unleashed a Flamethrower that sent a flock of Swablu scattering.

With their path clear, Charlie and Vaggie ran towards them, Fuji and Shedinja continuing to provide an impenetrable wall as the little girl launched herself into her father’s arms. Lucifer buried his face in Charlie’s hair and inhaled, taking in the sweet scent of apple blossoms and morning dew. Dawnveil Town. f*ck, he had missed her so much.

“Dad! Dad!” Charlie cried, tears running down her rosy cheeks as clutched onto Lucifer, as though he would disappear if she didn’t hold hard enough. “Dad, I’m so happy to see you!”

“CharChar,” Lucifer murmured into her hair, pressure building up behind his own eyes as he set her down. “I’m… Arceus, I’m so glad you’re safe.” He had a lot to tell her. A lot to reprimand her about. But all of that could wait. For now, they needed to beat these sacks of sh*t.

For now, they needed to destroy the machine.

“Get to safety!” Lucifer shouted over the crunch of rock shattering against the ground. He raised one hand, signaling to SnapDragon. The Dragonite flew over with a single wingbeat, landing beside his master and crouching low, offering his back to Charlie and Vaggie. “We’ll clean things up here and meet up with you!”

“No, Dad!” Charlie shouted. She clung even tighter to him, digging her fingers into his shirt. “We can help! We’re strong now! We can beat them together!”

“Are you f*cking insane!? You are both ten f*cking years old! If you really think I’m going to just let you stay here and fight, you’re del-”

“Lucifer! Look out!” Alastor shouted.

A Skarmory dove from above, razor-sharp wings slicing through the air with a metallic screech. SnapDragon lunged to intercept, but the Armor Bird Pokémon was too fast. Lucifer and Alastor shoved Charlie behind them, bracing for the inevitable searing pain of those sword-like feathers slicing through their flesh. But before the Steel/Flying-type could strike, a blur of movement shot out from the shadows.

A strange Pokémon Lucifer had never seen before burst forth from one of Charlie’s Pokéballs, helmet gleaming in the dim light as it collided with the Skarmory mid-air. The force of its Aerial Ace sent Skarmory reeling, giving Chandelure the opening she needed. With a hauntingly beautiful blaze, Chadelure’s Flamethrower enveloped Skarmory, causing her to screech in pain as flames licked at her metallic feathers.

What… was this thing? Lucifer’s eyes widened as the strange creature landed, letting out a low growl. It crouched, shielding the four of them with its body as its sharp eyes narrowed at the flaming Skarmory. With a sneer, the woman in silver goggles recalled the Armor Bird Pokémon before tossing out another Pokéball.

“f*ck them up, Weavile!”

Before Lucifer could so much as tell SnapDragon to grab the kids and fly, the cave trembled violently. Rocks and debris rained down from the ceiling. The machine's vibrations intensified, shaking the entire cavern. Escape was not an option.

They had to finish the fight here.

“Fuji, Shedinja, Pippin, cover the girls!” Lucifer ordered.

“Pippin, Chandelure! Destroy the machine!” Alastor shouted. Then, he turned to the rest of the Pokémon. “As for the rest of you… find a way out of here if you value your Pokéballs!”

The Pokémon needed no further instruction. Gourgeist cackled loudly as she used Trick-or-Treat to apply the Ghost-type on the enemy Pokémon, making them easy targets for Fuji’s Shadow Ball, Applin’s Astonish, and Mimi’s Shadow Sneak. Venomoth, Masquerain, and Mothim soared above, launching Bug Buzzes and Air Slashes at the Galarian Ponyta attempting to charge at them.

SnapDragon exchanged a knowing glance with Gengar before unleashing a powerful Dual Wingbeat to throw their foes off their feet. Gengar happily trapped them in place with her Shadow Tag ability. Gala’s Moonblast lit up the cavern, striking down several Audino trying to heal everyone’s Pokémon while Chansey ran around offering eggs to all of Charlie’s and Vaggie’s partners. Meanwhile, Jonathan’s Rapid Spin quickly cleared another path for Drifblim to swoop in and deliver a devastating Shadow Ball to the enemy ranks, causing them to scatter.

Pippin and Chandelure surged towards the machine, their combined powers focused on its destruction. Pippin opened his mouth, a powerful Apple Acid already brewing in his throat. At the same time, Chandelure’s flames crackled dangerously as she prepared a Flamethrower. Simultaneously, the two Pokémon launched their attacks straight at the machine and-

“Altaria, Mega Evolve!”

A loud, piercing cry reverberated through the cave, followed by a wave of energy surging through the air. From up above, a beautiful, blinding flash of light illuminated the area, forcing Lucifer to shield his eyes. Then, an enormous blur descended from the heavens, gold and white feathers shimmering with an iridescent sheen. With a defiant cry, the Humming Pokémon intercepted the attacks with a graceful wave of her wings. The Apple Acid and Flamethrower collided with her plumage, then disintegrated harmlessly against the radiant barrier.




Lucifer’s heart stopped. One hand came up to clutch at his chest. He dropped to his knees.

He knew that voice.

He knew those wings.

He knew that Pokémon.

“Mr. Morningstar!?”



He… he could hear them. But he couldn’t. Everything hurt. Nothing made sense. Deep-seated panic sliced through him like a blade. A great weight slammed into his chest, his breath coming in short, ragged gasps. His vision blurred again. Dark spots danced at the edges of his eyes. He squeezed his chest, fingernails digging into the skin. Oh f*ck, he couldn’t see, couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think, couldn’t-


The ground lurched beneath him. The tremors felt different now. More intense. More volatile. More violent. The next thing he knew, a new sound split the air: a deep rumbling that echoed throughout the cavern, a sound far more menacing than anything they had heard before.

Suddenly, the earth split open with a deafening roar. Then, a massive plume of lava burst forth from the center of the cave, illuminating the cavern in a crimson, hellish glow. Lucifer sat frozen, unable to tear his eyes away from the inferno before him.

The heat was unbearable. It scorched the air and seared their skin. The light from the plume cast eerie, flickering shadows across the walls. Pokémon scattered as they desperately tried to avoid the searing heat. Grunts screamed as they tried to run away. Most managed to escape. But those who weren’t able to run were sucked in instead, their loud cries drowning in the rushing roar of the inferno.

“SnapDragon! Protect the girls!” Alastor shouted, though he was muffled compared to the buzz in Lucifer’s ears. Dimly, he heard his Dragonite roar before a great shadow passed over Vaggie and Charlie, wings spread wide.

He… he needed to get up.

He needed to help.

He needed to wake up.

He needed to-


A monstrous figure was emerging from the heart of the molten chaos. A great four-legged beast with metal plates all over its body was crawling out from the bowels of the earth. Its eyes burned with molten fury. Lava dripped from its jaws. Lucifer’s heart rose to his throat as Zestial’s words echoed in his mind.

The reason why Vox couldn’t put a train in the tunnel.

A catastrophic event happening in response to vibrations.

It was because this Pokémon was sleeping deep underground. It was because this Pokémon had lain dormant for thousands of years. It was because this Pokémon, who embodied the fury of the volcanoes themselves, would come crawling out and wreak destruction upon the entire region.

Heatran, the Lava Dome Pokémon. A Pokémon that his father used to talk about in his many long lessons about Legendary Pokémon. A creature that was rumored to have molten magma-like blood rushing through its veins.

It had been sleeping under Virgil f*cking Tunnel this entire time.

The Cherish Ball in his pocket was red-hot now, vibrating as though it knew what he was facing. Every nerve, every muscle in his body screamed at him to move. To grab that Cherish Ball. To stand and unleash the beast that roared in his soul. But he couldn’t. He couldn’t allow that thing to escape. He remained frozen, rooted to his spot, fear and panic surging through him like poison. He… he couldn’t move. Couldn’t think. Couldn’t taste or smell or hear or touch or see-


Alastor was standing in front of him, shielding him from Heatran’s wrath. He glared at Heatran, then reached into his pocket, pulling out his own Cherish Ball. Without hesitation, he held the gleaming sphere high above his head, his voice raw and laced with desperate, primal fury as he called upon the power that had always lived deep within him.


The temperature plummeted instantly. The world around them plunged into darkness, the oppressive heat from Heatran’s presence vanishing in an instant. Shadows began to twist and morph around Alastor, as though they were dancing to welcome the beast’s approach. The ground itself seemed to blacken, tendrils of shadow curling upward and enveloping the Phantasmal Host in an inky shroud.

The air grew heavy with an eerie, otherworldly energy. The shadows thickened, coalescing into a dense impenetrable mass. Then, with a sudden, explosive burst, the shadows scattered and a fearsome figure emerged from the darkness, flying straight for Heatran. Its jet-black body swirled like mist, bright blue eyes flashing with fierce determination. The very air seemed to tremble in its presence.

With a fierce cry, the Pokémon unleashed a powerful Dark Pulse, the wave of dark energy rippling through the air and slamming into Heatran with earth-shattering force. Heatran roared in fury, its molten eyes glowing as it released a powerful blast from its mouth. But the Pokémon was faster - it effortlessly dodged the attack and retaliated with another devastating Dark Pulse. The force of the impact reverberated through the cavern, shaking the very ground beneath their feet.

Lucifer watched in awe, his heart pounding in his chest. He knew this Pokémon. It was the embodiment of nightmares. The master of the darkest void. The legend that was said to appear on moonless nights, who could bring any Trainer’s deepest fears to life.


Oh f*ck, he was so glad to see it.


Flawless caramel skin. Burnt auburn locks. Deep brown eyes. Silver wire-rimmed glasses.


Alastor’s forearms. The ground beneath Lucifer’s feet as he rose. His husband’s strong shoulders under his grip. Soft auburn curls beneath his gloved fingers.


Alastor’s voice slicing through the chaos. His heartbeat pounding in his ears. Warm breath blowing past his ears.


The citrus and earthiness of magnolias. The florals and warmth of a summer breeze.


Alastor’s lips.

Powdered, paprika, clove.

Battle dust, adrenaline, desperation.

And love.

So, so, so much love.

When they finally broke apart, clarity rushed to Lucifer’s mind, unclouding his vision, opening his lungs. Energy flooded back in his muscles. He inhaled, his throat burning as ashes settled in his lungs, but at least he could breathe. He could see.

He could think.

“Are… are you alright, Starlight?” Alastor asked, slightly dazed, glasses askew. Despite how dire the situation was, his husband was smiling so widely under that mask. Behind him, an explosion rocked the cave as Darkrai began alternating between Focus Blasts and Dark Pulses all while nimbly dodging Heatran’s attacks.

Lucifer shot him a shaky grin. “No. I’m terrible.” Then, he turned back to the chaos before them. “But we’ll talk about that later.”

Heatran’s roar echoed through the cavern, shaking the very foundations with its fury. As it unleashed blasts of energy from its mouth at the Pitch-Black Pokémon dancing around it, Lucifer’s mind raced. Every instinct screamed at him to protect Charlie and Vaggie at all costs, to keep them safe from this unstoppable force of nature. But how? Darkrai could hold Heatran at bay for some time, but that thing was a force of nature. How could they beat it when the earth itself bowed to its command?

The answer came in a flash - literally.

“Altaria, Dragon Dance!”

That familiar, chilling voice once again. Lucifer watched, heart hammering as Mega Altaria swooped in, golden feathers gleaming ethereally in the flashing light of the magma. Darkrai’s eyes widened and it flew out of the way, just in time to avoid her flight path. Swirling purple clouds of energy surrounded her as she spun around, performing an aerial ballet unlike any other. Then, she cried out and spread her wings, dissipating the clouds in a burst of light. With her power and speed increased, her eyes locked with Heatran’s and she dove with a furious cry, turning the Lava Dome Pokémon’s molten fury towards her.

The Legendary Pokémon bellowed, the cavern trembling under its wrath. The ground split open further, lava spewing out in deadly waves. But Mega Altaria was relentless, darting through the air with a speed and grace that even the Legendary Pokémon struggled to keep up with. Every now and then, she tried to strike Darkrai as well, only for the Pitch-Black Pokémon to fly out of the way just in time. While Heatran fired innumerable fiery blasts at the dancing Dragon/Fairy-type, the woman with silver goggles leaped atop a nearby rock formation, her voice ringing out over the din.

“Capture the Legendaries!”

The remaining Team Paradiso Grunts sprang into action. From hidden mechanisms within the cave walls, a series of spindly triangular-shaped objects launched themselves into the air. Darkrai flew out of the way just in time, using Dark Pulse to blast away the few mechanisms that came its way. But Heatran was too slow; it was surrounded by the majority of the strange objects in a matter of seconds. They gathered together to form a dome, then covered the raging Legendary Pokémon in a crackling energy field that it couldn’t escape.

Heatran roared in defiance, thrashing against the forcefields as they tightened around its powerful form. The generators held firm, their energy beams crackling as they absorbed and redirected Heatran’s fiery attacks. With a final, desperate attempt to break free, Heatran unleashed a massive burst of molten fury, but the forcefields only reflected the attack back at it, causing the creature to stagger and roar in pain.

In the light of the magma plume, Lucifer caught sight of a tall, imposing woman standing at the mouth of another cavern, one that stood far above the rest of the battlefield. The fiery light briefly illuminated her, highlighting long silver hair. At the sight of her, Lucifer’s stomach lurched, a visceral terror clawing at his chest. But he fought it down. He had to.

He needed to make sure his family got out in one piece.

Blue eyes darted around frantically, searching for an escape route, any escape route, amidst the chaos. The cavern was a hellscape of falling debris, flickering shadows, and streams of lava. The acrid stench of burning rock hung heavily in the air, making breathing nearly unbearable. But then, just past the falling debris and flickering shadows, he spotted it - the tunnel leading to the outside, the same one he and Alastor came from. A tiny glimmer of hope in the midst of chaos.

He only had one shot at this.

“SnapDragon!” Lucifer shouted over the din. The Dragonite responded immediately with a roar, despite his injuries. “Get Charlie and Vaggie outta here, now!”

SnapDragon nodded, then swooped low, effortlessly sweeping both girls onto his back. Charlie screamed as she was lifted into the air, then scrambled for her Pokéballs, recalling all of her Pokémon in a second. Vaggie followed suit. Once their Pokémon were safe, the Dragon Pokémon took off, dodging falling rocks and molten projectiles as he made his way to the tunnel. Lucifer watched, heart in his throat, until he saw them safely disappear into the darkness.

Now he needed to get out of here too.

“Al, we gotta go!” he shouted over the din, quickly recalling all of his Pokémon. “This place is about to go to Hell and I’m not dressed for that!”

Alastor - dear, sweet, handsome, warm, deadly, stupid Alastor - tilted his head. “My dear, what makes you think Hell has a dress code?” Then, he recalled his Pokémon as well.

The ground beneath them continued to shake violently, chunks of the ceiling falling dangerously close. Once everyone was back in their Pokéballs where they belonged, Lucifer turned to where Darkrai was floating near the ceiling, its eyes gleaming with an almost sinister curiosity. From the looks of things, the force field generators had stopped chasing it, as though Team Paradiso had prioritized capturing a very pissed off Heatran over Darkrai. Without a second thought, he raised one hand, causing Dakrai to tilt its head in a gesture of eerie interest.

“Let’s go, Darkrai!”

The Pitch-Black Pokémon needed no further instruction. Immediately, Darkrai swooped down and spread his arms, sharp blue eyes glowing menacingly. The two men clung to each other in a tight embrace as the Legendary Pokémon engulfed them in a swirling obsidian void. The world around them dissolved in an instant, and soon enough, they found themselves plunging into total darkness.

Lucifer wrapped his arms around Alastor’s waist, holding him close as reality ripped apart around them. Time lost all meaning as they fell through the endless expanse. Every instinct screamed at them to fight, to escape, but there was no escape; only the cold whispers, the swirling darkness, and the stench of sulfur and decay. The longer they stayed here, the further they were pulled in - as though they were being swallowed by the universe itself.

The Champion’s heart pounded in his chest, each beat a frantic drumbeat against the suffocating silence. His fingers dug into Alastor’s back, the only solid thing in the abyss. Alastor tightened his grip in turn, burying his face into Lucifer’s hair, his warm breath blowing gently against Lucifer’s scalp. Sky-blue eyes slid shut as he pressed himself in even closer, until he couldn’t tell where Alastor ended and he began. If this was how he was to die, so be it; at least he wouldn’t die alone.

Just when it seemed like the darkness would consume them completely, there was a sudden, jarring lurch. The void shattered, giving way to a velvet sky and an endless sea of stars. Suddenly, they were thrown back into the world of light and sound, tumbling to the ground. Alastor rolled his shoulder slightly to cover Lucifer as they skidded to a halt, bruised and battered, but alive.

For a few moments, they simply lay there, gasping for breath, clutching onto each other as their pulses raced just beneath their skin. Out of the corner of his eye, Lucifer saw Darkrai disappear back into Alastor’s shadow.

A gentle hand reached down to Lucifer’s face and tugged the mask off of him, exposing his mouth and nose to the cool night air. Every muscle in his body screamed in protest as Lucifer craned his neck to look up at Alastor’s face, watching as his husband removed his own mask. Alastor was drenched in sweat, auburn hair plastered to his forehead. The moonlight caught the droplets of his skin, casting him in a beautiful, ethereal glow. Alastor’s grin was softer than usual, brown eyes filled with a tender, vulnerable warmth that awoke a gentle swarm of Butterfree in Lucifer’s stomach.

“Heh… reminds me of… when we faced off against Azrael,” Alastor panted, letting out a high, breathy laugh.

Unable to help himself, Lucifer laughed as well and shook his head, smacking his palm against Alastor’s chest. “You… you remember him way differently… than I do.”

“Oh?” Alastor raised an eyebrow. “You genuinely don’t… remember?” Another breathy laugh. “I recall you… started crying.” His grin widened. “You finally stopped… being afraid of the dark after that…”

“Oh…” Lucifer let out a wheeze, coughing some more water out of his lungs. “f*ck you… I love you… f*cking asshole.”

“Heh…” Alastor leaned down, his nose brushing against Lucifer’s as a smoldering flame lit up behind those deep brown eyes. “I love you too, Starlight.”

They had kissed a thousand times before. By now, Lucifer had long memorized Alastor’s smell and taste, the dopey grin he always wore leading up to it, and the way those long pianist’s fingers dug into Lucifer’s back. And yet, it was still so wonderful, so intoxicating, so beautifully addicting. There was just something about the way their lips moved against each other, the way Alastor’s hands roamed over Lucifer’s back, and the way those auburn locks twisted beneath Lucifer’s fingers that left him breathless and dizzy and desperate for more. In these moments, Alastor was everything - his light, his breath, his universe.

He never wanted this to end.

“Dad? Alastor?”

They broke apart quickly, their breath mingling in the tiny space between them. Lucifer craned his neck up a bit more, relief flooding his chest as a familiar pair of guano-covered Running Shoes and a slightly cleaner pair of green Dustox-patterned boots hit the grass. Without a word, he and Alastor untangled themselves and scrambled to their feet. Nearby, SnapDragon tilted his head, an exhausted yet knowing smile on his face.

The two men pulled the girls into a tight embrace. Lucifer buried his face into Charlie’s hair, inhaling the familiar scents of apple blossoms, jasmine, and Dawnveil Town. When he pulled away, he felt something wet on his face. f*ck, what was happening? He didn’t remember Gala splashing him in the face.

“Dad… Papa…” Charlie clung to him, pale fingers digging into his shirt, her body trembling with a mixture of fear and relief. “I-I… I was so scared…”

“We know, Pumpkaboo,” Alastor whispered, his voice half strangled. “We were scared, too.”

Vaggie swallowed visibly as she clung onto Alastor with trembling hands, her usually calm expression twisted with a soft, relieved smile. “We made it.”

Lucifer let out a small laugh. “We sure did.”

In the midst of their embrace, Lucifer’s thoughts traveled back to the cavern. For a moment, he allowed himself to wonder about Heatran's desperate fury, the strange traps Team Paradiso used to trap it, and the tall, imposing woman he caught sight of in the light of the lava plume. At some point, he and Alastor would need to report what had happened today back to the League. At some point, he would need to take a team back into Virgil Tunnel to investigate it and try to rescue any poor Trainer who had been caught in the cave’s rumbling. At some point, they would have to find out where the new headquarters were, what Team Paradiso wanted, and why they were once again going after Legendary Pokémon.

That point… was now.

Without another word, he gently pried Charlie’s fingers from his shirt, his own hands trembling as he gave hers one last squeeze. Then, he shot her a small, reluctant smile and stood up, ruffling her hair affectionately. Next to him, Alastor stiffened slightly, then averted his gaze, one hand coming up to rub the back of his neck.

Charlie’s brows furrowed in confusion, her wide eyes searching his face for answers. “Dad…?”

“Sorry, kiddo… I have to get to work.”

Lucifer pulled out his phone. Back when he became Champion, the first thing he had done was order the creation of some sort of signal that could alert the rest of the League. With the rise of VoxTek and the V-phone, it was only natural that the Thunderous Overlord would push for an app. Lucifer and all the League members had downloaded it, hoping that it would never have to be used.

Well, so much for that.

Taking a deep breath, Lucifer entered his passcode and pressed his thumb against the apple on the screen. Instantly, Alastor’s phone released a sharp, urgent tone that pierced the air, causing flocks of Pidgey to take flight from the nearby trees. No doubt, this same sound was playing from other League members’ phones, summoning them from wherever they were. Alastor pulled out his phone and silenced the sound by marking his presence, his mouth pulled into a tight line.

Lucifer turned to catch his daughter’s eye, only to be met with the stark worry etched across her face. Her gaze was a mixture of confusion, concern, and hurt, an expression that sliced through him like a knife. He bit his bottom lip, his chest aching with a visceral pain that he forcibly shoved aside. With a heavy heart, he turned away, forcing himself to focus on what lay ahead.

Lucifer, devoted father and loving husband, had to be left behind. Alighieri needed Lucifer the Champion now.


See y'all next week!!

Chapter 7: Rise to Meet the Challenge


Lucifer and Alastor discuss the events of Virgil Tunnel. Afterwards, the League learns more about what is happening with the feral Pokémon. Meanwhile, Charlie and Vaggie meet up with Angel and Husk to go watch a Pokémon Contest.

Chapter Text

Yeah, this dream will last forever,

And this dream will never die,

We will rise to meet the challenge every time.

(Advanced Challenge)

Yeah, this dream keeps us together,

This shows that you and I

Will be the best that the world's ever seen,

Cause we always will follow this dream!


- This Dream (David Rolfe)

It took the League a full week to finally sort through everything that happened in Virgil Tunnel.

The first thing that Lucifer did the moment the rest of them assembled was have Husk take the girls and Fly them to Amora City. Watching them leave had been enough to make Alastor feel so very cold. He had barely gotten a hug from his little Sunkern before she was off on her journey once again.

Whatever happened to the toddler who used to waddle through the kitchen of their home, begging him for dessert before dinner? Or the tiny infant who grasped at his hair and tugged with all the reckless abandon of one so young, giggling delightedly whenever he blew raspberries on her stomach in response? When Alastor had watched the way Husk helped the two girls onto his Honchkrow and Mandibuzz, he couldn’t help but want to walk over and stop him. Pull them both into his arms. Have Darkrai transport them all straight to their home in Dawnveil Town, where he would stuff them with jambalaya and gumbo until they were so round they couldn’t move again.

But he couldn’t do that. He couldn’t do that because if he did, he would never return here. He would leave Lucifer cold and alone, working himself to the very bone until his light burnt out completely. He couldn’t do that to Lucifer. Not back then, not now, not ever. After all, he had followed Lucifer into the bowels of Hell itself a decade ago and he would happily do it again if only to preserve the world they called home. And so, after forcibly suppressing the horrible feeling gnawing at his heart, he had turned around and faced the rest of the League. He needed to become the Phantasmal Host to resolve this as soon as possible. The faster it ended, the earlier he and Lucifer could return to Charlie’s side.

Vox put out the word immediately: Virgil Tunnel was to be closed to the public, indefinitely. If Trainers wanted to get from Slyth City to Amora, they would need to either take the long way around through Battlerock City or have a strong Flying-type Pokémon to carry them around the mountain. Because of the latter, Val and his Pokémon were kept extremely busy, to the point where Pentious had to start drawing up plans for a cable car to carry people up and down the mountain.

In the aftermath of Heatran’s rampage, the side tunnel had collapsed on itself, preventing any of them from accessing the quickest route to Team Paradiso’s cavern. This meant that they had to take the winding path from one of the two main entrances through the tunnel and try to find their way to the cavern, a task made even more difficult by the fact that the vibrations from the machine and from the Legendary Pokémon had changed the very fabric of the tunnel itself, making it even more maze-like than before.

That was all to say, by the time Carmilla’s Steel-types had managed to chip their way into the cavern, Team Paradiso had already left. From the looks of things, they had managed to gather up their most important items and escaped down yet another side tunnel, one that led into the wild woods that surrounded the area. Most of what they left behind had been crushed underneath falling rocks or melted by Heatran’s lava. Despite Metagross’ best efforts, they were only able to gather a few lone Pokéballs filled with even more feral Pokémon, some broken needles, and a few scraps of paper almost too burnt to read.

Worst of all was the effect on the Trainers inside the tunnel when everything happened. Thankfully, by the time Heatran had awoken, it seemed that a majority of the Trainers wandering through the cave had escaped, being wise enough to know that staying in a cave that was suddenly violently lurching was a poor choice at best. Many who hadn’t escaped initially were soon found by the rescue teams led by Rosie and Zestial, bloodied, bruised, broken, dehydrated, but alive. But of course, there were also a few who didn’t make it out at all and weren’t found until it was too late.

Altogether, they counted 28 injured and 12 dead. An absolute waste of life and limb. A cruel and horrible reminder of just how far Team Paradiso was willing to go if it meant achieving Paradise.

Alastor let out a low groan as he closed the file and put it on top of the ever-growing stack of paper next to his desk at League Headquarters. Then he leaned back in his chair and pulled off his glasses to pinch the bridge of his nose. He had already spent Arceus-knows-how-long sitting in his office and he still had far too many reports to go through. He made a mental note to request once again that the League fire, draw, and quarter whoever was responsible for making so much paperwork. After all, he had joined the League to keep himself entertained and paperwork was hardly entertaining.

Idly, he allowed his thoughts to drift over to Lucifer, as they tended to do whenever the Champion wasn’t in the same room. His star was stuck in his own office, likely pouring over the same reports that Alastor was just reading. Unlike him, Lucifer was actually willing to use that frivolous little picture pad Vox had invented, even if it rotted his brain. Apparently, it was inconvenient to carry a stack of paper around, though in Alastor’s professional opinion, having papers to carry around was far better than stooping to Vox's level. Then again, if Lucifer’s brain had truly rotted as a result of that tablet, would he even be fully aware of his lack of brain?

A sudden weight upon his lap snapped Alastor from his thoughts. Looking down, he smiled as a familiar Pikachu-shaped cloth came into view. Mimi let out a tiny squeak as he gently nuzzled Alastor’s stomach. Before Alastor could so much as pet him back, Mimi hopped off his lap and began bumping against his calf, clearly trying to push him out of the room. Why? Alastor raised an eyebrow, then quickly began flipping through the various files in his head, trying to find the reason for-


It was Tuesday.

In an effort to keep things organized and to give the Pokémon League actual days off, Lucifer - well, Rosie in reality - had instituted a schedule for the League. Gym Leaders ran their Gyms five out of seven days of the week and got to choose two days to take off. Should a Gym Leader take ill or leave on vacation, then a Gym Trainer could temporarily step up to the plate until their return. Meanwhile, the Elite Four only took Challengers from Wednesday to Saturday with Mondays and Tuesdays dedicated to training, League meetings, and errands. Sundays were their designated days off. All in all, it was a rather fair schedule that only a mind as brilliantly darling as Rosie’s could ever come up with.

He found Lucifer in the training yard, already trying to gouge a hole through the grass with all of his pacing. He was muttering to himself, sky-blue eyes unfocused, the center of his forehead crinkled into a frown. When Alastor stepped out into the brilliant sunlight, his husband slowed slightly to just barely acknowledge him with a small wave before he went back to his pacing and muttering.

Well, this wouldn’t do.

“Well now, what do we have here?” Alastor asked, allowing a smirk to crest over his face as he leaned on his cane. “Is our dear Champion trying to pace a deep enough hole so that we’ll have to aim even lower if we want to attack you with our Pokémon?”

As usual, insulting his height seemed to do the trick. Lucifer stopped his pacing long enough to shoot Alastor a scowl. “Oh, f*ck you. You know what? Who needs to be your height anyways? You’re gonna be the first guy to get hit by lightning in a storm and you’re a bigger target for whatever Pokémon attacks are getting thrown at us.”

“I think you’d like that anyway,” Alastor tilted his head, his smirk widening. “You would so love to take care of me, wouldn’t you?”

“Uh, no? Why would I do anything for you if it’s your own damn fault?” Lucifer snorted and rolled his eyes. “Hell, if anything, I’d be the one thrashing you around for being a reckless dumbass as usual.”

When Lucifer finally turned to face Alastor fully, he felt the corners of his mouth twitch downward. The circles that had taken up residence under Lucifer’s eyes ever since the warehouse raid and the discovery that Team Paradiso was back were even darker than usual today. On top of that, there was a distinctive slump to the man’s shoulders - one that Alastor hadn’t seen for quite a few years. It was the slump of a man who was questioning himself, questioning his power, questioning the role he had chosen to play and whether or not his choices had been right.

The last time he had seen this slump was just under a decade ago, on the day when the divorce was finalized. After signing the papers, Lucifer had attempted to hug his now-ex wife goodbye. Her response was a hollow shell of the warm embraces she once gave. That day had marked the beginning of a long, painful chapter in their lives - one where Alastor spent countless nights in his Champion’s bed, holding Lucifer close as he wept, apologized, and begged him for a reprieve from the agony that gnawed at him constantly. Those nights had been raw, filled with the sort of vulnerability that stripped away all pretenses, leaving only two men - two friends, two rivals, two something-so-much-more - clinging to each other in the dark.

Now, as Lucifer tilted his head with a forced smirk that didn’t quite reach his eyes, Alastor felt a similar rawness creeping back into his chest.

“What’s wrong, Deerling? Are you going blind and deaf now?”

Alastor exhaled. “No. I was simply noticing that you’re slouching today. Clearly, you’re either trying to summon Ma from beyond the grave to give you a well-deserved tongue-lashing or you’re giving yourself another mental lashing for allowing yourself to be tricked into digging around under that truck for a Mew… again.”

Lucifer’s left eye twitched. For a moment, one pale hand fell to one of the Premier Balls hanging from his belt - Pippin’s ball - and squeezed it, as though the Champion was considering sending out his ace Pokémon. But then he seemed to think better of it and instead stuffed his hand into his pocket.

“Okay, one: f*ck you. You're the only one getting his ass lashed around here,” he said. “Two: for once, you’re wrong. I’m… I’m thinking about Charlie.”

As their daughter’s name left his lips, Lucifer’s shoulders seemed to slump even further, both hands coming up to pluck at his sleeves. Once again, the distant look was back in those sky-blue eyes, deeper and more troubled than before.

He… he was failing Lucifer, wasn’t he? As a husband, a battle partner, a rival, and a member of his Elite Four. Alastor’s grip tightened on his cane at the thought, a sharp pain rising in the back of his throat. How… how could he have been so blind? So caught up in the rescue efforts, the research, and his own troubled feelings about leaving Charlie behind that he hadn’t noticed the toll it was taking on Lucifer? What kind of partner was he if he couldn’t see the cracks forming in the light he had sworn to follow forever?

He needed to talk to Lucifer. To do nothing but sit him down, hear him out, hold him while his star ranted or cried or seethed or begged. He had been doing that for years at this point, after all. It was one of the many torches he had agreed to bear the moment he and Lucifer realized that what they had was more than a mere rivalry and friendship. Lucifer was feeling guilty. He was feeling guilty for having to set Charlie aside for the sake of the region. For having to force himself into thinking about the greater good, rather than merely what was good for their daughter.

“...Shall we speak about her, then?” Alastor asked, tightening his grip on his cane as he spoke. “I’m sure we’ll be able to reach her if we want to. We can even pester Husker into sending us a few more updates. Knowing him, the most important thing our dear old pal is doing right now is emptying Amora City’s Poké Marts of their MooMoo Milks.”

For a moment, Lucifer faltered, a flicker of temptation flashing behind his eyes. But then, he sighed and shook his head, one hand coming up to card through his hair. The message was clear: he didn’t want to talk. He barely even wanted to think. He just wanted to be allowed to do his work without thinking about anything else. After all, thinking about anything else would hurt. No, it was best that he be left alone.

Unfortunately, if there was one thing that Alastor would happily admit he was very bad at, it was leaving his husband alone.

“Well… then I ought to address your other point,” Alastor said. He placed his cane down on a nearby bench and shrugged off his coat before crossing the field to close the gap between him and his husband. “Do you truly think I would just lay back and accept a lashing from you? Me?” He rolled his sleeves just past his elbows, grin widening when he saw the way those pretty blue eyes followed the lines of his forearms, all the way up the silver trail of scars dotted along it. “Let’s not forget who won a majority of our battles.”

And there it was: that spark, that fire, that beautiful, glorious battle lust that liked to dance in Lucifer’s eyes. It was the spark that had ignited their rivalry, the flame that set Alastor’s heart ablaze, the thrill that Alastor continually sought over and over again. Whether it was their humble beginnings in Dawnveil Town or their glorious rise to Stargazer Peak, one thing had always been clear: Lucifer was a powerful Trainer whose blood thrummed with the song of battle.

And Alastor was the only one worthy enough to hear it.

Lucifer sneered, one hand already reaching down to rest atop one of the Premier Balls hanging from his belt. “Uh, yeah? Me, dumbass. You and all the other weirdos out there only wanting to use one type when everyone knows that it’s way better to use multiple-”

“Now, who said I was talking about Pokémon battles, Starly?”

Before Lucifer could answer, Alastor dove forward, a smirk curling at his lips as he drove his shoulder into Lucifer’s chest. His star let out a breathy, high-pitched wheeze as he fell, both arms coming up to Alastor’s neck to pull him down as well. They landed on the grassy battlefield, grappling and rolling as they tried to gain the upper hand. Alastor’s elbow dug into Lucifer’s ribs, drawing a pained hiss from the Champion. In retaliation, Lucifer drove his knee into Alastor’s stomach, forcing a grunt from the Phantasmal Host as their bodies collided with bruising intensity.

Alastor managed to straddle Lucifer’s hips for a brief moment, triumph thrumming in his chest. But his dearest star was as slippery as an Ekans at the worst of times and Alastor soon found that it was nearly impossible to keep that lithe form still. Lucifer easily wriggled out from beneath Alastor and slammed his head straight into Alastor’s nose, knocking his glasses askew. Instinctively, one of Alastor’s hands flew up to adjust his glasses, weakening his grip just enough for Lucifer to flip them over with a sharp twist of his body.

“Cheap f*cking shot, Deerling,” Lucifer growled, a wild grin on his face as he straddled Alastor’s thighs and pressed his weight down to keep them in place. Those piercing blue eyes were lovely - darkened with wild battle lust and unfettered desire. “Even with that, you couldn’t pin me. What’s wrong? Don’t wanna see your little Starly get hurt?”

Alastor’s laughter bubbled up from his chest as he squirmed beneath Lucifer’s hold. “All’s fair in love and war, Starly… and I’m afraid you’re being too sloppy for love.”

Lucifer never liked to wear gloves - he always said it made his fingers feel weird and prevented him from gripping things properly. Unfortunately, this meant that his palms were already quite slick with sweat. Alastor sneered as he slammed his forehead into Lucifer’s chin, just enough to daze him. Then, he freed his wrists with a sharp jerk of his arm and flipped them over once more. He wasted no time pinning Lucifer’s hands to the ground and driving his knee to the small of his back to keep him in place. His husband glared up at him, panting, cheeks flushed such a lovely shade of pink it left Alastor practically breathless.

“Got you,” Alastor purred, fire licking down his spine as he allowed his gaze to bore straight into Lucifer’s.

When they were children, this was usually the moment when Lucifer would start crying. He would be a truly pitiable sight, all blotchy-skinned, tear-stained, and covered in snot. One of the adults would then come running to pull them apart, and Lucifer would be coddled while Alastor would receive a tongue lashing and be sent to stand in the corner somewhere. Oh, but what the silly adults back then never bothered to realize was just how that defiant little spark never faded from Lucifer’s eyes, how he would sneer and giggle when none of them were watching as his so-called arch nemesis was led away to his time-out.

Those adults were gone now.

But that roguish spark remained burning brighter than any star.

“Heh, you really think that, Deerling?”

With a sudden burst of strength, Lucifer arched his back, dislodging Alastor just enough to slip out from underneath him. He lunged for Alastor’s waist, tackling him to the ground, and they rolled again, their bodies a chaotic tangle of limbs and laughter, their breath mingling in the warm air. Alastor’s glasses were once again knocked askew, sliding down the bridge of his nose. His heart raced as Lucifer’s body pressed into him, as sweat-soaked palms grabbed at his neck, his shoulders, his waist, his legs. There was something so sensual, so wonderful, so very exhilarating about being so close to Lucifer, feeling every movement of his wiry muscle beneath his fingertips, every heartbeat thrumming through his veins. He never wanted this to end.

Eventually, Alastor found himself pinned once again, Lucifer’s weight pressing into his legs as he leaned forward, brushing a hand up Alastor’s side, toying with the seam of his shirt. The movement alone was enough to send a pleased shiver down the Phantasmal Host’s spine, his breath hitching slightly as his gaze met the smoldering fire behind Lucifer’s.

Then, a critical mistake: Lucifer paused to preen in his victory. Taking advantage of this, Alastor sneered and unleashed one last trick he had up his sleeve. In one fluid motion, he hooked his leg around Lucifer’s and flipped them over, finally managing to pin the Champion beneath him with a triumphant sneer.

“I do,” Alastor breathed, his voice pitched low as he managed to pin Lucifer’s wrists to the ground once more. He leaned in, their faces mere inches apart, drinking in every detail of his husband’s features.

His star’s hair was a wild mess, bits of grass clinging to the platinum blonde strands like a haphazard halo. His cheeks had taken on a lovely pink hue. His chest rose and fell with each labored breath, as if he was trying to inhale everything that was Alastor. Alastor leaned in closer, their noses brushing against each other. Lucifer’s pulse quickened under his touch.

Arceus, let this not be a dream.

“You’re beautiful,” Alastor murmured, his voice soft and husky, barely above a whisper.

Rose-petal lips parted, a mixture of surprise and something far warmer flickering across the Champion’s face. One alabaster hand slipped free and reached up to brush away a stray lock of burnt auburn from Alastor’s face. The touch was light, almost reverent; it made the Zubats in Alastor’s chest flutter wildly. A smile lit up those sky-blue eyes. “You’re such a f*cking sap,” he muttered, though there was no real bite to his words. “But I guess I like that about you.”

“Are we both saps, then?” Alastor asked, grin growing playful as he leaned down until their foreheads pressed together. “Shall I have Niffty crown us King Sap until she finishes my King Wimpod crown?” He hummed as Lucifer let out a low, airy laugh. “I simply must make sure mine is bigger, of course. To the winner goes the spoils, after all.”

Lucifer rolled his eyes. “You know, if you wanted to get your hands on me so bad, you could’ve just asked.” He shifted slightly and Alastor let up, removing his grip from Lucifer’s other wrist and choosing instead to rest his hands on either side of his husband’s chest. “And if you had actually challenged me to a real f*cking battle, I would’ve won. Unlike some Trainers in this stupid region, I don’t sh*t my pants when you get all freaky.”

Alastor smirked and shook his head, dipping his head slightly to press his nose at the space between Lucifer’s neck and shoulder, inhaling the scent of crisp apples and autumn winds, mingling with adrenaline and thrill. “Ah, sweet, ignorant little Starly. What makes you think I would ever allow you to battle me out in the open like this? What if you’re rusty from all those Trainers I never let slip by me? If you lose to me, what would the papers say?”

Lucifer scowled and averted his gaze. “I train plenty, asshole. Besides, if you actually let any Trainer through, maybe you can watch me crush them and remember that I can handle myself without you up my ass constantly.”

“I’m sure you can,” Alastor purred, lifting one hand to caress Lucifer’s face. “But why would I ever do that when it’s far more entertaining to rip their Pokémon apart and see their dreams of championship crumble right in front of them?

“And besides, I believe I’ve made it quite clear.” His voice dropped an octave as he reached over and grabbed Lucifer’s chin, forcing him to meet Alastor’s gaze. With a small smirk, he squeezed, hard enough to make the Champion whimper.

I’m the only one allowed to see your true power, Starlight. No one else. I’ll end anyone who dares to think otherwise.”

Lucifer shivered under his touch, pupils blown so wide his sky-blue irises were nearly swallowed by the black. A pretty pink flush was just starting to creep up his neck, reaching for his ears, turning his cheeks from a pale rose to a vibrant rouge. Alastor leaned in and brushed his lips against Lucifer’s, a soft caress that was enough to send electricity coursing through his veins.

His Champion tasted like a battlefield - reckless, primal, and full of wild abandon. He was a glorious whirlwind, a heated explosion, an endless tapestry of stars set against a velvet blanket of night. Their kiss surged through them like electricity, a desperate storm of lips and tongue, a fight for dominance either of them truly wanted to win. Without warning, Lucifer arched his back, wrapping both arms around Alastor’s neck, pulling him even closer to deepen the kiss.

Slim fingers dug into the slots of Lucifer’s waist. Those rose-petal lips parted just a touch and Alastor dove in with the same reckless abandon he showed in battle, tasting syrupy desire and thunderous adrenaline upon his tongue, swallowing down every drop of Lucifer that oozed past their locked lips. Lucifer’s fingernails dug into the back of Alastor’s neck, leaving tiny marks, gripping him with a fiery passion that could only be described as mine.

Their bodies pressed together even more as the kiss grew more passionate, more fervent. Now Alastor’s hands were roaming over every part of his husband, drinking in everything from the sharp curve of his hip to the gentle dip of his collarbones, practically tasting him through his skin. And Lucifer, dear, sweet, reckless, rebellious, beautiful Lucifer responded in kind, slipping sweat-soaked hands up Alastor’s shirt, pressing against his chest, swallowing every moan and whine and-

“Are you two f*cking serious right now?”

The low, gruff voice shattered the moment, forcing the two of them apart. Lucifer’s face was absolutely scarlet now, the Champion’s eyes narrowing as he glared at the doorway in silent fury. Alastor briefly looked over his shoulder, his smile slipping off his face when he saw the tall figure leaning against the doorframe, his gaudy, tacky, disgusting suit crinkling slightly as it pressed against the frame of the door. The Pikachu sitting on his shoulder wrapped his tiny arms on either side of Voxs’ neck and blinked at them curiously over his hair.


“Do you mind?” Alastor asked, his voice rough and gravelly as he tightened his hold on Lucifer’s waist. He shot a heavy glare at Vox, his shadow stirring slightly as he - for the fourth time this week - considered whether or not murdering the Thunderous Overlord would be better for the region in the long run. “I’m having breakfast.”

Vox rolled his eyes. “Some f*cking breakfast. Normally I’d say don’t stop on my account, except, you know, it’s Tuesday. Which means it’s time for a meeting. Which means this-” he gestured to the pair, “is f*cking gross and belongs in a room. Preferably nowhere near me.”

Alastor opened his mouth to answer, only to be cut off as Lucifer gently pried himself out from underneath the Phantasmal Host and rose to his feet. Disappointment crested over him like a wave as he watched his Champion dust himself off and readjust his waistcoat before shooting him an apologetic smile.

“Hate to say this, but Vox is right. We should probably head in there before someone starts another Pokémon battle.”

A part of him - a large part - wanted to protest. To pull Lucifer close and insist on going back to their room. To tell the rest of the League to go kick Geodude and deal with the region’s issues themselves. Lucifer needed rest, after all. He had just been through a horrible experience with Virgil Tunnel and hadn’t been allowed proper rest in Arceus-knows-how-long.

But Lucifer wouldn’t want that.

Lucifer wanted to help. He wanted to keep the region safe. After all, that’s what drove him to wish to become Champion in the first place: a desperate wish to help the region - no, to help the entire Pokémon World - reach their full potential.

Alastor hated the fact he loved this about his star so much.

He would just have to devour Lucifer later.

“Well then… what are we waiting for?”

By the time their Pokémon League Champion and his stupid asshole husband finally got their sh*t together long enough to stumble into the meeting room, Vox already had a headache. Of course, it wasn’t enough for them to just walk into the room like a pair of normal f*cking people. No, they had to hold hands and Alastor had to scoop up and cradle that Mimikyu of theirs like he was their f*cking baby.

Vox wanted to puke. But instead of doing that, he oh-so-graciously sat in between them instead. Was it petty? Maybe. Had he done this sort of thing before and survived? Yeah. Was he going to get his ass kicked for it later? Absolutely. But he needed to focus, dammit, and if focusing meant stopping Lucifer and that stupid smiling prick from making goo-goo eyes at each other all meeting, then so be it.

After shooting Vox the heaviest glare that someone that comically short could manage, Lucifer walked to the front of the room and started the meeting. As per usual, everything started with a roll call. This time around, Vox was the only Gym Leader attending. Between rescue efforts, investigations, and Gym management, all of the others weren’t able to make it. This was why Vox had always insisted it was better to do a video meeting - but of course, stupid f*cking Alastor just had to hate everything having to do with screens.

Pikachu shifted slightly on his shoulder before jumping onto the table, clearly ready to settle down for a nap. Vox gave him a few scratches on the head as he got out his tablet and stylus. Next to him, as per usual, Alastor decided to be as obnoxious as humanly possible. He snapped his fingers and Gengar floated in, holding a very, very very high stack of papers.

Arceus, how many trees did Alastor kill this week alone?

“Okay, first up we have…” Lucifer frowned as he stared at the loopy yet strangely aggressive squiggles that made up his handwriting. “Uh… I think it says cave and Game Corner updates?”

“Have we officially entered your elderly era, my dear Champion?” Alastor asked. He leaned forward and rested his elbows on the table, his cheek in his hand. Vox did not bristle at the sight of the Phantasmal Host’s eyes going half-lidded at his husband, thank you very much. “Shall I fetch you some reading glasses?”

Lucifer scowled. “Sure. I’ll get you some soda pop-thick ones too. That way you can stop squinting so much.”

Carmilla let out a low sigh as she stood up, V-pad in hand. Today, her silver hair was done up in a rather elegant bun, twin jet black chopsticks poking out of it at sharp angles. This combined with her perfectly pressed black pantsuit and silver heels made for a very well put together outfit. Even Velvette would’ve begrudgingly approved.

“Good afternoon, everyone,” she said, her low voice floating gently over the conference table. “I hope that you’ve all come prepared to listen… because I’ve come prepared to talk. Now, if you could all open your copies of my presentation on your V-pads, we’ll begin at Slide One.”

At her words, every residing League member pulled out their V-pad and turned to the first page of Carmilla’s presentation. That is, everyone except Alastor. He just grabbed a piece of paper from that stupid stack in front of him and pulled out his pen.

Carmilla’s expression tightened slightly at the sight of the horrible waste of League resources, but she maintained her calm, turning back to her V-pad. “As I was saying, let’s begin with the updates on the rescue teams going into Virgil Tunnel. As you can see, Niffty’s Gym Trainers and her Bug-type Pokémon have been instrumental in locating anyone lost in the cave…”

Vox tried to pay attention to her, he really did. He even nodded along and began scribbling down notes as Carmilla walked around and outlined the progress and setbacks of all their rescue operations. But for some strange reason, he kept feeling something bump his leg. At first, he tried to ignore it, shifting slightly in his seat to try to avoid it. But then, it kept going.

The Thunderous Overlord scowled. Were the two idiots trying to play footsie under the table again? Didn’t they learn from the last time that Lucifer’s legs were too damn short for this kind of thing? And Alastor… well, Vox was pretty sure the guy just did this for the fun of it, just like everything else he did in his life. That all said, one sidelong glance at the two told him that, no, they weren’t playing footsies this time around. They were… actually paying close attention? Well, that was a f*cking surprise.

The nudge came again, much more forceful this time. Letting out a frustrated hiss, Vox finally looked down, fully expecting one of the creepy bastard’s ghosts trying to eat his pants or something. But then, he looked straight into a familiar pair of large, innocent black eyes. Mimi let out a low trill as he proceeded to hop on top of Vox’s’ foot, his disguise’s head tilting to the side as if challenging Vox to kick him off.

Was this because Vox had interrupted his parents earlier? Or was it because Vox made a charcuterie board for Pikachu’s mid-meeting snack last week and refused to share it? Either way, just f*ck his life. This little sh*t took after his Trainer. Vox scowled down at the Disguise Pokemon and tried to shake his leg just a bit, which only caused Mimi to press his weight down even more.

Almost as though he sensed Vox’s annoyance, Pikachu woke up from his nap and peeked under the table. A deep scowl crossed the Mouse Pokémon’s face as he hopped down from the table and immediately started trying to shoo Mimi away. Vox grinned at the sight, silently cheering Pikachu on as he quietly shoved and prodded Mimi, even going so far as to smack Mimi in the face with his tail. Meanwhile, Mimi, little baby bitch that he was, cowered underneath the assault. Forget Vee+ programming, this was entertainment! Vox watched in glee as Pikachu tackled Mimi off Vox's foot, then-


sh*t. He looked up and caught Carmilla’s eye. She raised an eyebrow, then crossed her arms. “Do you have something to share with the rest of us?”

Oh, Vox had something to share alright. He always had something to share. And about 99% of the time, it had something to do with Alastor and his weird f*cking need to never let Vox's Pikachu evolve. Taking a deep breath, Vox rose from his chair-

“Well, isn’t that lovely?” Alastor asked. He caught Vox's eye and shot him the world’s most sh*t-eating grin. “Seems as though the kids are finally playing nice with each other!”


Blinking in confusion, Vox followed Alastor’s line of sight to the window. Dark eyes widened at the sight of his Pikachu standing out in the middle of the field, looking like he had just been wrung through an especially nasty roller coaster ride. The little thing barely had time to get his bearings before a light yellow blur leaped upon him and began pummeling him to the ground with a powerful Play Rough. Mimi’s eyes gleamed with vicious malice as he attacked, the drawn-on mouth of his disguise seeming to laugh in silent glee. Pikachu covered his head and cowered from the relentless assault, thick tears pouring down his cheeks.

sh*t, Vox really hoped there weren't any paparazzi hanging around the bushes again. If anyone caught on camera that his damn Pikachu couldn’t even handle a little Mimikyu, Vox's image was toast. What was worse, Pikachu’s image would be toast. After all, Vox had tried really, really hard to market the damn thing as the most iconic Pokémon in the world. He didn’t need some stupid fake taking all the attention away.

“Vox?” Carmilla asked, snapping him from his thoughts. “Are you listening?

Oh, right, he had to say something useful before Alastor let out some snarky remark about his age or blood pressure or hearing or whatever. Letting out a low exhale, Vox snapped his gaze from the window back to the room. “Just a couple of updates on the cave sh*t.” He tapped a few different buttons on his screen to bring up his own presentation.

“Okay, first, Velvette and I’ve been running some info campaigns to keep the public calm. A lotta them just kinda accepted the whole ‘freak natural disaster’ explanation. A couple of conspiracy theorists tried to bring stuff up about Heatran or Entei or some other Legendary going crazy in the cave, but thankfully, no one’s taking them seriously enough. Our approval’s at an all-time high right now, too. That one video of Hatterene and Metagross lifting those rocks to open up the rest of the cave went viral.”

Rosie tilted her head with a wide smile. “What can I say? I was just doin’ my job. Can’t help it if Hatterene’s got the most darling little Psychic this side of the region!”

Zestial nodded. “Forsooth. A rescue mission doth suit Metagross well. ‘Tis no surprise. ‘T hath a mistress most comely and strong.”

Carmilla flushed a brilliant red and shot Zestial a small smile. “Zestial, please. In the middle of a meeting?”

Ugh. If it weren’t for the fact that there was no vomit bag nearby, Vox would’ve puked by now. Twice. No, three times. What was with the Elite Four and their gross romance sh*t?

“Anyways, yeah, congrats, give yourselves gold stars or whatever makes you feel better about yourselves,” Vox muttered. He flipped to the next slide. “While you all were hogging the spotlight, Val, Velvette, and I went in further to figure out how the f*ck those idiots managed to get away without anyone seeing. That’s when we found these things in that alcove you guys said that Altaria flew from.”

He flipped to a picture of what looked like giant teleport pads on the floor. They were clearly damaged beyond repair, the once sleek and sophisticated machinery now warped and disfigured. The edges of the metal platforms were curled and blackened, as if they had been subjected to intense heat. Chunks of debris had crushed parts of the pads, and pools of molten lava had solidified over the surface, embedding shards of rock into the once smooth panels. The destruction was almost beautiful in its brutality, to the point where Vox actually considered having this photo framed behind him in his Gym. Maybe it would discourage more idiots trying to use a team of Ground-types against him.

“Those are my warp pad designs… except way more powerful.”

Rosie hummed thoughtfully. “Yours are good enough to teleport a Trainer or two through at a time without hurting anyone. To get ‘em strong enough to teleport a whole Grunt army outta there in a pinch?” She pursed her lips. “Sounds like that costs some serious money.”

“Well, sounds like someone at your Gym needs to be hung from the rooftops by their toes,” Alastor said. Despite the cheerful smile on his face, his gaze remained cold. “Either that or you need better security features.”

Vox scowled. Normally, he’d retort about how at least his Gym had security features - unlike when Alastor ran it. The idiot had relied on his Ghost-types to just patrol the grounds like some creepy haunted house. Vox was pretty sure that there had been way less Trainers challenging Alastor as a result of that.

“That’s not the only thing,” Lucifer pointed out. “Look at these things on the ground around them. They look like… weird charging platforms.”

Vox let out a low sigh. He had been hoping to point them out himself, but of course, rarely anything escaped the Champion’s eye… even when he was playing the part of an idiot to get people to lower their guard. He nodded as he flipped to the next picture.

“Weird is right. Those platforms were used to siphon electricity off of, well, Electric-type Pokémon. Since our tech’s gotten so much better, we’ve needed to use them less often to actually power up anything. You’d really only find these in the back of some dusty closet somewhere.” Vox flipped to the next page to show a rather crude sketch of Voltorb and Electrode lining either side of the warp pads. “So to get enough electricity to power the warp pads, someone would have to somehow get a whole bunch of Electric-types to just line up in front of it and activate Thundershock at just the right moment.

“Sounds easy, but that’s really f*cking hard to do. Electric-types don’t exactly just sit still and even then, you gotta make them all activate the platforms at the exact right time. A single watt out of place and you’ll just short out the pads. And if you got a thrashing Legendary Pokémon you’re trying to drag away? Yeah, good luck getting any Pokémon to sit still long enough to do it.”

“Okay, so let’s say they did somehow manage to invent a way to get Pokémon to sit still and activate Thundershock or whatever all at the same time,” Lucifer said. “That doesn’t explain what happened to the Pokémon sitting on those platforms after the cave collapsed.”

Vox’s grip tightened on his V-pad at the Champion’s words. His stomach churned as he quietly swiped his finger to move to the next slide. There was only one picture there, one that made the room go silent at the mere sight of it.

The image depicted the twisted, crushed, and burnt remains of several different Pokémon lying in neat rows where the Vees had arranged them. There were several Pikachu lying there, their bodies contorted almost beyond recognition, tiny paws curled at their chests, as though they had been killed mid-Thunderbolt. Several Jolteon could be seen as well, their once-vibrant fur now singed and matted, limbs bent at unnatural angles. But strangest of all, there was a single Plusle among the crowd. Her fur was burnt away in patches, revealing scorched, blistering skin beneath. The air of the conference room seemed to grow heavier in that moment, the silence thick with horror and revulsion as the full impact of the sight settled over the Elite Four.

Rosie turned a sickly shade of green, her usual cheer draining from her face as she covered her mouth with one hand. Alastor’s expression hardened, his smile turning steely as cold fury flooded his gaze. Lucifer looked away, one hand flying to his chest, twisting and crinkling his shirt as he desperately fought back the urge to retch. Even Carmilla and Zestial, normally composed and unflappable, appeared shaken, their hands lacing together as they fixed their gazes on the image before them.

Unable to bear the sight of the twisted corpses that remained of the Pokémon, Vox turned off his presentation and sat down, fighting back his own urge to start dry-heaving. Back in the cave, he had to be the one to catch both Val and Velvette as they fainted at the sight. Since then, he had refused to allow himself any moment to process this image, knowing full well that if he allowed himself to look or think about it too often, he might end up locked in his office as well, utterly horrified and frozen.

He… he couldn’t afford to be frozen. He was Gym Leader Rep, after all. It was his job to represent the Gym Leaders. And if he was representing the Gym Leaders, he needed to put on a strong, cool front.

For a few moments, the room remained silent, as each member of the League struggled to regain their composure. Zestial squeezed Carmilla’s hands, his mouth set in a hard line while the Iron Queen shuddered. Alastor and Lucifer were both staring down at the table, their faces ashen and gray. But then, the slight scrape of a chair against wood echoed throughout the room. Rosie rose from her seat, thin fingers trembling as she pulled out her V-pad and quickly thumbed through the slides until she pulled up a very clinical yet elegant looking set of slides.

The Roo Virus: A Novel Cause of Viral Encephalitis

A Brief Overview by Professor Lilith “Lily” Magne

…Well, there were worse ways to break a silence.

“I… well, Lilith, has an update for you all,” Rosie said, her voice shaking slightly as she spoke. “She’s finally made some breakthroughs on those poor feral Pokémon we’ve been collecting.” She flipped through a few slides, showing graphs, charts, pictures of things under a microscope, and all kinds of CT and MRI scans that only Lilith would be able to understand. “What we’ve found out is that every single one of them is infected with a virus of some sort. She… she wanted to call it something real long, but I had her shorten it to Roo so the rest of us could remember it.”

Curiosity and dread mingled in tandem as Rosie continued, her fingers shaking just a touch with each slide she swiped through. Now there were photos of these feral Pokémon out in an enclosure of some sort, surrounded by thick glass on all sides. Vox immediately zeroed in on a familiar-looking Golem and Houndoom squaring off against each other, their mouths muzzled and claws stuffed into what looked like padded mitts.

“Lilith says it attacks the brain. It goes for the parts that control the Pokémon’s fear and aggression responses.” A tiny note of disgust crept into her voice as she spoke. Then, Rosie flipped to another slide, showing a video of the Golem and Houndoom charging, their muzzles barely containing their fury. Drool dripped from their jaws, creating a sickening, shining puddle on the floor.

“Because of all the adrenaline rushing through them, it also makes an infected Pokémon even stronger than they usually would be. It sorta creates a feedback loop in that way. Pokémon gets scared, then gets mad because it’s scared, then attacks. When whatever it’s attacking hits back, it gets even more scared and, well, I’m sure we’re all familiar with this by now.”

Carmilla pursed her lips. “Unfortunately… Mimzy’s negligence has allowed them to establish a powerful distribution network. Even after all of the raids we’ve conducted, there are still Trainers showing up in my room with feral Pokémon. In fact… if anything, they are getting much harder to detect. They aren’t drooling quite as much anymore when they’re sent out of their Pokéballs.”

Rosie sighed, her fingers tapping lightly against the V-pad. “It ain’t just that. This is how they are ‘normally’... but then sometimes, they get like this.”

She swiped now to a video of an achingly familiar Minun. Vox frowned when he saw it, his memory immediately flying back to that horrible day when he had to deal with this thing eating through his Gym’s power cables all while Slyth City’s Pokémon Center was under attack. Behind it stood a pair of Flaaffy. Unlike their feral brethren, all three Pokémon were staring straight ahead at the camera, their expressions dull and vacant.

For a few moments, they stood there completely motionless, pathetic as dolls. It was as though all thought and rationality had been sucked from them, leaving the once-energetic Pokémon mere shells of their former selves. Suddenly, as though obeying some silent command, the three Pokémon crouched low and unleashed powerful Thunderbolts… all at the same time.

Vox's heart dropped straight to his stomach, the color draining from his face. His mind immediately raced back to his own presentation, the pieces falling into place with disgusting, horrifying clarity. The Pokémon on the platforms, the need for Thundershock to happen at the exact same moment, the Minun and Flaaffy in Lilith’s lab all suddenly unleashing Thunderbolt as though obeying some invisible Trainer’s order… sh*t. Whatever this virus had done to these Pokémon hadn’t just made them all feral; it addled their brains in a way that allowed them to be drawn into a f*cking hive mind.

Suddenly, a sharp inhale broke the silence. Vox glanced over, watching as Lucifer’s body jerked backward in his seat, his already pale face now a dusky, ashen gray. His chest heaved with ragged gasps, sky-blue eyes wide and unfocused, staring at the screen in abject horror. Once again, one hand came up to clutch his chest, fingers twitching as his face twisted in pain.

Alastor’s reaction was somehow even more visceral. His confident facade crumbled, replaced by a raw, primal fear. His eyes narrowed into slits, the dark brown irises darkening with a mix of terror and rage. On the ground, his shadow convulsed and contorted wildly, as though the creature living within it was responding to the storm clearly raging in his mind. The Phantasmal’s Host's entire body seemed to vibrate with barely restrained fury, a low, dangerous growl emanating from deep within his chest.

Again?” Alastor’s voice was a harsh, guttural rasp, venom dripping from every word as he spoke. “They… they’re turning Pokémon into mindless puppets again?”

Rosie turned to look at him fully, completely uncowed by his wrath. “Worse, Alastor. The mindless puppets from back then didn’t attack other Pokémon or Trainers.” She gestured to the video, which now depicted the Minun and Flaaffy growling and drooling again, as though the hive mind they had been forced into had turned itself off. “These do. Lilith’s thinking this might be how the virus gets spread. If you make an infected Pokémon aggressive enough to bite others, the virus can spread through its saliva. Plus, this time around, using the virus means that they don’t have to drug ‘em up and perform any risky surgery. All they gotta do is wait for the full infection to set in.”

“Why is this happening, then?” Carmilla asked. She glared at the video as it looped back to the Minun and Flaaffy unleashing their respective Thundershocks. “Why go after Heatran? They don’t need the power of a Legendary to forge the Crimson Chain… and even if they did, the Distortion World is sealed. One of the three Lake Guardians is dead, and the Distortion World’s Legendary is-”

“They’re not going for the Distortion World this time.”

Suddenly, every eye in the room turned on Lucifer. He was standing now, clutching onto Alastor’s shoulder like a lifeline, holding him so tightly his knuckles were bone white. He was still visibly shaken, his chest still heaving with unsteady breaths, but there was a new spark in his eye that hadn’t been there moments before. Alastor, his jaw clenched tightly, allowed Lucifer to lean against him. One of his hands rested on the small of Lucifer’s back. A tiny coil of something settled in Vox's chest at the sight, though he quickly pushed it aside to focus instead on whatever was going to happen next.

Rosie pursed her lips. “Lucifer-”

“They’re not trying to get to the Distortion World this time,” Lucifer repeated, his voice steadier but still laced with fear. He swallowed, tightening his grip on Alastor even more. “This time, they’re targeting somewhere different.” Then, he flicked his gaze to Zestial, his jaw clenching slightly as brilliant verdant met sharp sky-blue. “Right, Zestial?”

Zestial cleared his throat uncomfortably, shifting slightly under the weight of the League’s collective gaze. “Thou art correct. I hath studied many ancient mythologies. A tale most relevant hath been previously spun. If thou whilst enter the Hall of Origins, thou must first forge a flute and play thine tune at the top of the highest peak in Alighieri. To forge thy flute, thou requirest a Heatran’s flame to render an apple tree’s bark as ash.”

The Hall of Origins? Wait a f*cking second, didn’t that place have something to do with Arceus? Vox's mind began racing once again as he tried to summon every documentary he ever watched, every movie script he had approved about Arceus and its legends. The Alpha Pokémon supposedly lived in that place, which was otherwise inaccessible by any normal mortal Trainer.

If Team Paradiso was seriously trying to go for Arceus now, then there was no telling what they would do if they somehow managed to infect the thing. Vox's frown deepened even further, barely registering when Alastor called the meeting to a close before escorting Lucifer out of the room.

The Thunderous Overlord watched the two go, a mix of fear and apprehension settling in the pit of his stomach. Most of the League now had fought against Team Paradiso ten years ago, but only Alastor, Lucifer, and Lilith - or the “Holy Trinity,” as the media used to call them back in the day - ever saw what had happened in the Distortion World. Back then, Vox hadn’t even been a Gym Leader - he had just been a Gym Trainer hoping to one day take the spot. As a result, a lot of his contributions to the old battles were mostly relegated to investigation and research. He had been the one to discover the purpose behind the Crimson Chain and the horrible blood ritual required to forge it, but the Holy Trinity were the ones who were forced to witness it. Had Vox been just a bit luckier, maybe even a bit more powerful, perhaps he could’ve been a hero, too.

As Vox packed up his things, he couldn't help but glance out the window again, his eyes narrowing when he caught sight of Pikachu and Mimi. Pikachu was now lying facedown on the ground, defeated. Mimi was hopping on top of his body, no doubt crowing some sort of obnoxious victory song that Alastor taught him. Scowling, Vox hoisted his bag on his shoulder and began walking towards the door.

How did they get outside in the first place? There was no way. Mimikyu couldn’t learn teleport naturally, so either Alastor had somehow managed to stuff an Abra under that cloth or Mimi was some freak of nature straight from the bowels of the Distortion World itself. Then again, considering who his parents were, that last one probably wasn’t too far off from the actual truth.

With a small sigh, Vox cast one last glance out the window before pulling out Pikachu’s Pokéball. One beam of light later, Pikachu was gone, recalled back into the ball he had long called home. When his little “playmate” disappeared, Mimi actually had the audacity to give Vox an offended look. Then, as if deciding that the Thunderous Overlord wasn’t worth the effort, Mimi hopped on his… feet and ran back inside, no doubt to continue trailing Lucifer and Alastor like some clingy kid. Vox watched him go, his chest clenching a bit as he stuffed Pikachu’s Pokéball away.

sh*t, he really needed some headache meds right now.

From her seat on the bench outside of Amora City Gym, Charlie turned her newest badge over in her hand, pale fingers tracing the design with pride. It was a beautiful thing - a perfect circle featuring the silhouette of a Togekiss soaring through a serene blue sky. A couple years ago, it had been voted the most beautiful Pokémon League badge and ever since then, Val’s Gym often had lines out the door of Trainers trying to get their hands on the coveted Gale Badge as quickly as possible.

It had taken Charlie four rematches with Val, each one more grueling than the last. She had used up numerous healing items, revised her strategy countless times, and even started giving her Pokémon items to hold and enhance their abilities. In the end, she won. She managed to barely squeak one out against the Winged Charmer, thanks to KeeKee’s quick wit, Applin’s hard work, Chansey’s healing, Woobat’s agility, Riolu’s determination, and Dazzle’s incredible power. Her parents would be so proud! With a wide grin on her face, Charlie stuffed her hand in her pocket to pull out her phone, and-

“Sorry, kiddo… I have to go to work.”

Guilt crested over her like a wave. Her belly tied itself into knots as she dropped her hand. A weight settled in her chest, pinning her to the bench and sapping away all the pride she had felt before. Unbidden, her mind flitted back to the moment her father said those words, the moment he turned his back on her to become the Pokémon League Champion, someone whose duty was to keep the whole world safe, not just her. Never just her.

She… she shouldn’t waste her parents’ time like this. From all of those videos on VoxTok and Voxtagram, her parents were hard at work rescuing Trainers and holding press conferences in addition to their usual League duties. Papa used to say that if she never wanted to sleep again, she should join the Pokémon League. Back then, she didn’t really understand why he would say stuff like that… but she understood now. She understood all too well.

The sound of approaching footsteps snapped Charlie from her thoughts. She looked up, her face lighting up with a wide grin when she saw Husk, Angel, and Vaggie walking towards her. Angel’s arms were loaded with numerous shopping bags, each one overflowing with clothes, accessories, and Arceus-knows-what-else. Meanwhile, Husk was nearly hidden behind a mountain of boxes stacked so high it dwarfed the Shadow Gambler in comparison. Vaggie led the way, her grin widening when she spotted Charlie. She quickened her pace.

Unable to contain her excitement any longer, Charlie jumped to her feet and sprinted towards them, waving her new badge over her head like a flag. “Guys! Guys, look!” she crowed excitedly. Oh well, at least she could always tell her friends about her victory… she could just tell her parents about it when all the dust on their end settled. “I did it! I kicked Val’s butt!”

She reached Vaggie first and pulled the other Trainer into a tight squeeze, inhaling the scent of jasmine and magnolia in bloom. The first thing Vaggie had done after Angel and Husk booked and paid for the girls’ hotel room was take a long bath, with lots of sweet-smelling bubbles. She had spent so long in there that by the time Charlie managed to convince her to come out so they could train for Val’s Gym, her friend smelled like she had bathed in a tub of perfume.

Val had actually blamed the smell for distracting him so much during Vaggie’s rematch with him. Despite his grumbling, the Winged Charmer had handed over her badge and Poké anyways.

Once she let Vaggie go and stepped away, Angel reached her next, his wide grin mirroring her own. “Well, look at you! Up top!” He bent down, the bags on his arms swinging dangerously as he extended a hand for a high-five. Charlie eagerly slapped his hand, the sound of their palms meeting echoing through the street. “Didja finally whoop his ass?”

Charlie puffed out her chest. “Yup! You should’ve seen it! He sent out Cramorant but when I saw him, I made sure KeeKee used Roar to send him away so he had to use Mothim instead. Then KeeKee burned him!”

Husk, who had been watching them behind his box fortress, let out a low chuckle. He shifted the pile slightly so he could get a better look at her, the boxes wobbling precariously. “Burns, huh? That’s good. Might finally teach him a thing or two about trying to peek in the dressing rooms before it’s contest time.” He narrowed his eyes at the Gym doors. “Creepy motherf*cker.”

Charlie tilted her head. “I didn't know Val liked Pokémon Contests that much.”

”He doesn’t,” Husk said simply.

Of all the League members, Husk was the one Charlie understood the least. From what she had gathered, the Shadow Gambler didn’t speak very often, usually preferring to listen. Most people were sort of freaked out by that. Dad liked to joke that it was best to always look over your shoulder, even if you were far away from Illusoria Town, just in case Husk was there and listening. And yet, despite how quiet he was, Charlie always felt very safe in his presence, like nothing bad would happen as long as he was nearby.

On top of that, for some reason, Husk always acted just a little bit happier when Angel was around. It was in the way his usually stoic expression would soften just a little bit, the corners of his mouth twitching upwards in what could almost be called a smile. Whenever Angel came over to babysit when Charlie was younger, Husk would almost always “coincidentally” be in town. And whenever Angel left, Husk usually ended up leaving with him.

Eventually, the two started babysitting Charlie and Vaggie together. Once, she had even walked in on them doing some… very messy kissing on top of Dad’s workbench, completely lost to the world were it not for her calling out their names. When she had asked them if they were married like Dad and Papa, however, Angel just winked at her and told her that he’d let her know when she was older.

It was so funny to her that, even though she was basically a grown-up now, Angel and Husk still wanted to babysit her.

“So anyways, now that we all got our shiny sh*t, why don’t we head over to the Contest Hall?” Angel suggested. “You gals can head over to the snack bar while Husky here gets to help me outta this lil’ number so I can-”

“Don’t be f*cking gross, Legs! Do you want Alastor to kill me for corrupting them?”

“Oh, c’mon, it ain’t like we ain’t corrupting them already. Besides, I meant helping me get dressed for the Showcase! Get your head outta the gutter.”

Husk only rolled his eyes before turning around and walking in the direction of the Contest Hall. Angel shot the two girls a wide smirk before he gestured towards Husk’s back with a flourish, once again causing his shopping bags to swing precariously. “Well, let’s not keep the big scary Gym Leader waiting, huh? He’s been lookin’ forward to the Master Rank Showcase all week! We should head on over before the good seats get taken.”

The Hall was a big, majestic building that stood at the very heart of Amora City, glistening in the afternoon sun. Towering columns lined the entrance, each of them covered with a shimmering silk banner featuring previous Grand Festival winners and their partner Pokémon. Before they reached the doors, Angel made sure to have them all stop in front of his silk banner. He had won the previous three Grand Festivals, beating his archrival, Stolas, by only a few measly points.

Once they were done taking pictures of him striking various poses in front of it - including one where he flipped off the camera and stuck out his tongue that he insisted on sending to Stolas as a taunt - they entered the hall. The sliding glass doors opened to reveal a sleek and modern yet still grand interior, with soaring ceilings and a big, beautiful skylight.

The first thing they saw when they came in was the snack bar, which already had a huge crowd in front of it. It stretched along one side of the spacious lobby, displaying Pokémon-themed treats and snacks for Pokémon behind glass cases. Charlie’s mouth watered as she greedily eyed the Igglybuff-shaped mochi and the decorated Alcremie Cupcakes; if it weren’t for the fact that she needed to buy more Pokéballs and healing items, she would definitely be spending all of her hard-earned Poké here!

From the looks of things, Vaggie wasn’t too far behind her. The young Trainer was pouring over the drink menu, her eye darting between the Poppin’ Pachirisu Float and the Hot Litwick Cocoa. With a small giggle, Charlie nudged her friend, who flinched and turned a little red before putting down the drink menu. Clearly, she was thinking the same thing as Charlie about conserving their money.

“Wait a minute, you’re that bitch from last week! What the f*ck is wrong with you!?”

The shrill, grating voice rang through the air, splitting the previously bustling atmosphere of the Contest Hall. Heads turned towards the registration desk, where there seemed to be a commotion of some sort happening. Periwinkle eyes widened when she saw the man standing in front of the desk, his face so red he looked like a cherry tomato.

She knew that voice. She knew that face. She knew those long, flexible limbs. This was… this was the guy from the Slyth City Pokémon Center! His name… it was Fizzarolli, wasn’t it? Charlie’s jaw dropped as she exchanged another look with Vaggie, her heart racing as her gaze darted between the skinny man and the Mr. Mime trembling next to him, nursing what looked like a minor bite wound on his upper arm.

If Fizzarolli was here, did that mean that Team Paradiso was here too? Charlie bit her lip as she looked around, trying to see if there were any Grunts in the crowd. But no matter where she looked, she couldn’t find the black and white uniform anywhere. Next to her, Vaggie’s brow furrowed, one hand coming down to rest on Dartrix’s Pokéball.

They watched as the strange man stomped up to the silver-haired woman standing in front of the counter. The woman ignored him and placed her Contest Pass and an Ultra Ball on the counter. It was already inside a Ball Capsule and covered in Stickers that would enhance a Pokémon’s entrance upon being sent out. No doubt, that Pokémon was the one she was planning on using for the Showcase.

“Hey, you hear me?” Fizzarolli yelled, his voice trembling with rage. He smacked his hand on the counter as she reached for the paperwork to sign her name. “Your Mawile bit my Mr. Mime last week! You think you can just go around letting your Pokémon attack the competition? What kind of Coordinator are you?”

The woman raised an elegant eyebrow and lifted her sunglasses, revealing dark gray eyes. She gave the man in front of her a once-over, her lip curling into a sneer.

“I don't see how that’s my problem,” she said calmly, sweeping her cold gaze over to Mr. Mime. “Pokémon will defend themselves if they feel threatened. Maybe instead of blaming my Mawile for protecting herself, you should work on controlling your Pokémon.”

Fizzarolli’s face turned an even deeper shade of red at her words. “Threatened? My Mr. Mime wasn’t threatening anyone! We were just practicing our routine. Your f*cking Mawile’s the one that bit him! You need to take responsibility!”

The woman smirked, her eyes glittering with a strange, cold emotion that could almost be called amusem*nt… but not. “Responsibility? Sure, I’ll do that.” She held out her hand and gestured to Mr. Mime, who shrank away from her. The poor thing’s face was ashen gray. His lips were trembling, and his usually vibrant, playful demeanor reduced to a sickly pallor.

“Why don’t I take it straight to the Pokémon Center right now, then? Sure, it might miss out on the Showcase, but-”

“Like f*ck you are,” Fizzarolli snarled, his eyes blazing with fury. “We’ve been practicing way too long for this thing!”

At this, the woman tilted her head, her smirk widening, cold predatory grin curling at its corners. Her voice dipped down half an octave as she spoke next, tone tinged with the tiniest hint of malice. “Then I suggest you shut your mouth and let me go about my day. I traveled a long time to get to this dump. Light-years. We need to rest up before the Showcase.” She picked up the pen and signed her name with a flourish. “So, how about you get out of my face and mind your own damn business?”

She turned and walked away, but Fizzarolli wasn’t done. “f*ck you! Light-years are a distance, not a time!” Then, with a frustrated snarl, he turned and stomped off towards the boy’s dressing rooms, his trembling and sweating Mr. Mime following him in silence.

As they left, Angel let out a low whistle and shook his head. By now, he and Husk had handed their purchases to a nearby attendant, who was carting them away towards the dressing rooms. “Well… guess someone woke up on the bitch side of the bed this morning.” He furrowed his brows slightly. “Hope that Mr. Mime can make it through the Showcase. He looks like he should be sittin’ in a Pokémon Center right now, not playing dress-up. I thought that Fizz would get that by now.”

Wait a minute, if Fizzarolli was the leader of that group that attacked the Slyth City Pokémon Center, then they needed to stop him before he did anything else bad! Charlie turned to Husk, who had been watching the exchange with a completely impassive expression on his face. When he saw her looking at him, he raised one large eyebrow and crossed his arms.

“Something you gotta say to me, Princess?”

“Husk, that guy,” she pointed to the door where Fizzarolli disappeared. “He’s the one who attacked the Slyth City Pokémon Center! I saw him!”

Husk’s expression shifted slightly, a tiny flicker of surprise in his eyes. “You did?” Next to him, Angel raised an eyebrow.

“Yeah! I know that voice anywhere! He and the gold goggles guy are definitely the same person.” She turned to Vaggie, who looked… less confident. She bit her lip as her eye darted nervously towards the dressing room, then back at Husk. “Right, Vaggie?”

Vaggie swallowed, one hand coming up to scratch the back of her neck. “I-I mean… we did see him right before the attack-”


Husk’s face darkened, his brow furrowing. “Princess…”

Oh no, she knew that voice. That was the voice adults used whenever they didn’t believe her. Charlie pursed her lips as Husk regarded her. Were… were those dark circles under his eyes? Mom used to tell her all the time about how Dad and Alastor almost never got any sleep whenever they were stressed out. Was Husk stressed out, too?

“You… you don’t believe me?”

Before the Shadow Gambler could answer, Angel jumped in. “Listen, Sunshine, it ain’t like we don’t believe you. But, uh…” He jerked one thumb in the direction of the dressing room. “That guy ain’t someone Whiskers can just walk up and arrest, ya know. He’s one of the top Coordinators in Unova. Val specially invited him here for this Showcase. If we go grab the fuzz right now, the only thing that’ll do is make a headache for your dads.”

Charlie hesitated. “But-”

Husk grunted. “He’s right, Princess. And I know, it’s suspicious as all f*ck that he happened to be there right before the attack. But the only proof we have is your word and Vox's cameras… which only show some fool in gold goggles. We can’t tell if it’s him or someone else. And the last thing we want is to arrest someone innocent.”

Charlie opened her mouth to protest again but a gentle touch on her arm stopped her. She looked over and caught Vaggie’s hazel eye, only for her fellow Trainer to shake her head. Oh… maybe she was being too harsh on the poor guy. If he really traveled all the way here from Unova, then maybe he was just super tired… and maybe the whole attack on the Pokémon Center right when he left was just a big coincidence after all.

As though sensing her thoughts, Husk let out a low exhale and exchanged a glance with Angel. The Pokémon Coordinator placed one hand on his hip then nodded with a knowing grin. He turned to face Charlie, then leaned in slightly, his voice dropping a bit but still carrying that playful edge she had always loved about him.

“Alright, kiddo, how ‘bout this? I’ll be up on stage, keeping that guy in check, and ol’ stout, dark, and hairy here will be up in the box with you two. The second that creep tries anything funny, I’ll have Lopunny knock him flat on his ass and Husk’ll alert the League faster than you can say ‘Poison Sting.’” He straightened up then gestured to the snack counter, eyes twinkling. “Plus, I’ll throw in some snacks for you two. Whatever snacks you want. Deal?”

Charlie hesitated, periwinkle eyes darting over to the very tempting Sylveon Custard Slice displayed at the front of the case. “Okay… but we can head to the box now. We don’t need any snacks…”

Angel chuckled. “Don’t be like that, Lollipops! Let me and ol’ Husky here treat you guys. I’m pretty sure even your dads will agree that you two deserve something sweet after swimmin’ in all that guano!” He flashed a mischievous grin at Husk. “Now, remind me again, which pocket is your wallet in?”

Husk scowled. “Are you f*cking serious right now? You have your own money, don’t you? Use- hey!”

Before Husk could react, Angel’s hand darted forward and slipped into the Shadow Gambler’s back pocket. With a deft flick of his wrist, the Coordinator snatched the wallet and pulled out Husk’s platinum credit card, holding it up triumphantly. He stuck out his tongue, winking at Charlie and Vaggie as he waved the card in the air. “Jackpot, baby!”

Husk let out a resigned sigh, though a small smile was already tugging at the corners of his lips. “Again. Don’t you have your own cash?”

“I do, but, you know, gotta take advantage of you while you’re here, right? Berries are expensive.”

“Fine. Just don’t go overboard. It’s for snacks and souvenirs, not booze. Oh, and no betting with it. I still haven’t paid off the last time I lost.” His gaze slid over to the girls. “I’ll meet you both up there after you’re done.”

Angel gave an exaggerated salute. “Roger that, big guy. No booze, no bets. Cross my heart and hope that a big, strong daddy doesn’t come to spa-”


The Coordinator shot him a cheeky grin then turned back to the girls, brandishing the card like a prize. “You heard the man - anything you want, on Husky’s dime!”

As Husk turned and walked towards the Contest Hall proper, Angel, Charlie, and Vaggie made their way towards the snack bar. Excitement buzzed in the air as they weaved through the bustling crowd of Trainers and Pokémon. Because the Contest Hall promoted harmony between Trainers and their Pokémon, each audience member was allowed to have one Pokémon of reasonable size watching the show with them. Charlie’s eyes darted around excitedly as she took in a Machamp flexing for a group of admirers, a Pichu with a spiked ear playfully tugging at her Trainer’s shoelace, and even a pair of Swellow soaring up above. The Contest Hall was alive with the sounds of Pokémon cries and excited chatter, and the air was thick with the sweet scent of caramel popcorn and freshly baked Poffins.

Just as they were about to step into line, Angel suddenly froze mid-stride, his heterochromatic eyes widening excitedly. “Whoa, wait. M&M? Is that you?”

“M&M?” Vaggie asked. Before she and Charlie could ask further, Angel had already moved, closing the gap between him and a young couple standing near one of the display cases in only a few strides. As he got closer, Charlie’s eyes widened in surprise. They… they looked familiar. She had definitely seen her before. There was something about the woman’s bright smile and the man’s slim frame that tickled something in the back of her mind… but what?

The realization hit her like a lightning bolt - it was Moxxie and Millie, the very first Trainers she and Vaggie had ever faced! They were the ones who had used Plusle and Minun against them, who had given Charlie tips on how to beat other Trainers! Charlie beamed as she ran up to them, platinum blonde curls bouncing eagerly.

Angel reached them first. “How you doin’? What’re you two doing here? Coming to cheer on Stolas? I thought you two’d be over in Hoenn right now!”

Charlie frowned when she got closer to them, noticing just how… down the two looked. The couple looked much more tired and haggard than before, their eyes shadowed with worry and sleepless nights. Moxxie’s previously neat appearance was disheveled, his clothes slightly rumpled and his previously vibrant eyes dulled with exhaustion. Millie, despite her large smile, now had deep lines of concern etched all over her face. She had what seemed like every snack on the menu nestled in her arms.

Millie’s gaze quickly flitted from Angel to Charlie and Vaggie as they approached. Her grin widened even more, though it didn't quite reach her eyes. “Oh, hey there, sugars! Fancy seeing y’all here. We’re hangin’ in there, just…” She hesitated, then turned to Angel. “Well, we weren’t plannin’ on seeing Stolas today, but we figured that Hoenn was awful far away and we… we’d miss home too much, so-.”

Moxxie nodded, his voice shaking slightly as he ran one hand through his hair. “Yeah, staying close… just felt right. We’d miss too much otherwise.”

“I hear you,” Vaggie said. She hesitated for a moment, plucking lightly at her necklace. The moon-shaped pendant glistened slightly in the bright lights of the Contest Hall. “I know what it feels like to miss home.”

For a moment, Angel’s usual lighthearted demeanor faded. His expression grew serious, and it seemed as though he was on the verge of saying something. But when his gaze flicked over to Vaggie and Charlie, he seemed to think better of it. Instead, he forced a smile and asked, “So, uh… how about those snacks? Any good?”

Millie shook her head, her laughter bell-like yet hollow. “You know me, Angie! Everything’s good if it fits in my mouth!” She playfully elbowed Moxxie in the ribs. “But this one? He’ll tell you what’s what… if he eats at all.” She turned to face Moxxie, furrowing her brows. “Are ya sure you don’t want anything? You haven’t eaten a thing since all that stuff happened. You’re gettin’ me real worried.”

“I know, I know… it’s just that… ugh. How can I eat now? We’ve been running ourselves ragged across the region and… look, I’m just… I’m not hungry, okay?”

“I know, Moxx… but that’s why ya need to eat! Can’t have the energy to keep goin’ if you don’t have any energy at all!”

When Moxxie didn’t answer, Millie sighed. Then she wrapped one arm around her husband and gave him a tight squeeze. When she turned back to Charlie and Vaggie, her smile returned with a touch of genuine warmth. “Well, anyways, how’s the League challenge going, you two? Earn a buncha badges yet?”

Charlie’s eyes sparkled with excitement as she dug out her badge case and opened it, revealing the five badges inside - including her newly won Gale Badge. Millie let out a low whistle as Charlie puffed out her chest.

“We both just beat Val! It took me a few tries, but I did it!”

Millie’s smile grew a little brighter, genuine pride flashing behind her eyes. “That’s wonderful, hun! Congrats to you both! Maybe now you two’ll be ready for our next battle when Moxx and I’ll use our Nidoking and Nidoqueen against ya!” She indicated the Love Ball hanging from her belt with her head. “We won’t go easy on you since you beat Val, and he’s a real tough one to beat. Heck, I heard that the last fool who tried to battle him ended up with wet pants and a bruised ego!”

“That was one time,” Moxxie pouted, narrowing his eyes at her. “And it’s not like I was facing him at full strength! If I just had Mi-”

He cut himself off abruptly, his voice catching in his throat. There was a strange, faraway look in his eye. Millie pulled him just a bit closer as she glanced back at the trio with an apologetic smile. “Sorry, y’all. We… we got-”

“Somethin’ to take care of,” Angel finished. He nodded, a shadow flickering over his face. “Listen, if you guys need anything, you have my number, ‘kay?”

Moxxie and Millie exchanged a grateful glance with Angel before quickly hurrying away, leaving a heavy silence in their wake.

Charlie watched them go, her heart heavy with concern. It was on the tip of her tongue to call them back and ask. They were so much less vibrant than the last time she had seen them. But after a moment, she took a deep breath and shook her head. Whatever was happening with them, she needed to respect their privacy… that’s what Dad liked to say, anyways. Plus, they needed to buy their snacks and drinks soon. After all, Angel had to go get ready for the show.

The two girls quickly placed their orders, opting to share a Comfey Fruity Sandwich and a Burnt-Caramel Vulpix Sunday. Vaggie decided to also order a Nutty Buneary Frappe while Charlie picked out the Bouncy Brionne Soda. Once they had their snacks, they said goodbye to Angel and walked towards the Box. Husk was already there by the time they found it, accompanied by a very familiar, very adorable little Pokémon.

“Fat Nuggets!” Charlie and Vaggie said in unison, putting down their snacks so they could give the little Spoink a pair of high-fives. Fat Nuggets had been Angel’s first Pokémon, gifted to him by his father who had hoped he would go into the “family business.” When Angel chose to become a performer instead, he took Fat Nuggets with him, scoring his first Contest win with nothing more than his own hard work and creativity. Since then, Fat Nuggets was a staple in Angel’s Contest team, though for this Showcase, he had chosen to go with a different Pokémon instead.

Charlie beamed as she pet Fat Nuggets, careful not to dislodge the shining Cherish Ball on his head. Unlike other Spoink, Fat Nuggets had the honor of carrying Husk’s Cherish Ball rather than a pearl. When asked about it, Husk would always just shrug and say that it was because he figured it would be easier than constantly trying to find Fat Nuggets a new pearl. Somehow, that notion was really… sweet. Not that Husk would ever be caught dead being called that.

“Ladies and gentlemen! Non-binaries and people of all shapes and sizes, welcome to the Master Rank Showcase!” The announcer’s voice boomed cheerfully through the hall, only growing louder as the crowd roared with enthusiastic cheers and whoops. Charlie and Vaggie quickly jumped into their seats, with Charlie practically bouncing in hers as she waited for the show Coordinators to come out.

“We have an excellent show planned for you all today, featuring our region’s top Pokémon Coordinators and their Pokémon partners. You’re gonna see some rare sights tonight, folks! These Pokémon partners are all different from the norm… and that’s what makes them beautiful! Without further ado, please put your hands together for our contestants!”

The crowd erupted into applause as the room went dark, leaving only the spotlights swinging around the stage. The excitement in the air was so thick it was almost palpable. Numerous members of the audience leaned forward in their seats with eyes glued to the stage,their Pokémon doing the same. A hush fell over the hall as the announcer’s voice echoed through the speakers, each word dripping with unbound excitement.

“Entry number one! Coming here from the glittering streets of Slyth City, we have a pair that can outshine the stars! Give it up for Stolas and Noctowl!”

The snap of a Pokéball echoed through the hall, followed by a glittering shower of stars. Stolas’ Noctowl emerged with a loud, haunting cry, his golden plumage flashing beautifully as he took to the air. The audience watched in rapt silence as the majestic bird soared gracefully above them, his wings leaving a trail of shimmering stardust. After doing a large circuit around the room, he flew back to the center and unleashed a powerful Moonblast, creating a glowing pink sphere at the center of the stage. The audience gasped as the sphere grew brighter, illuminating the entire stage in a soft, otherworldly glow.

With a sudden burst of speed, Noctowl spread his wings wide and used Air Cutter, slicing the luminous sphere into delicate ribbons of light. The fragments floated gently down like ethereal confetti, catching the light and casting prismatic reflections throughout the hall. Then, with a powerful flap of his wings, Noctowl used Hurricane. The fierce winds scattered the sparkling particles in a breathtaking swirling display, giving birth to a glorious galaxy at the center of the stage.

With one final flourish, Noctowl dove swiftly before landing on Stolas’ outstretched arm. The audience erupted into thunderous applause and the music of hundreds of Pokémon cries filled the air as Stolas flicked out his shimmering blue and red cape before taking a deep and regal bow.

“Entry number two! From faraway Paldea, we have a Coordinator and Pokémon with some bite to their bark! Let’s put our hands together for Lute and Mawile!”

A hush swept through the audience as Lute stepped out into the spotlight, her starch white shirt and jet-black corset shining in the brilliant light of the stage. Charlie’s eyes widened at the sight of the Coordinator. Next to her, Vaggie stiffened considerably. It was the silver-haired woman from earlier… the one whose Mawile had apparently bitten Fizzarolli’s Mr. Mime. So she was a guest Coordinator, too?

Lute smirked as she held up a shining black whip, then threw her Ultra Ball into the air. Mawile appeared from it in a hail of bright pink hearts, her body gleaming pink and gold as she landed on the ground. With a crack of her whip, Lute signaled her Pokémon. The Deceiver Pokémon turned around, jaws opening wide to reveal an array of gleaming white teeth. Another crack of the whip prompted Mawile to use Rain Dance, summoning a gentle shower that sparkled as it fell.

Once again, Lute cracked her whip and Mawile used Misty Terrain, covering the stage in a mystical fog that mingled with the sparkling raindrops, creating a beautiful, dreamlike scene. The audience sat in rapt silence as Mawile danced through the mist, the shimmering rain clinging to her pink and gold body like a second skin.

But… there was something wrong. Despite her elegant performance, there was a strange stiffness in her movements and an even stranger lack of emotion. Every motion she made was precise and calculated, but sterile. Instead of the eyes of a performer, she had the eyes of… of nothing, really. She simply stared straight ahead with distant, blank eyes, tiny flecks of foam dripping from the large mouth on the back of her head as she danced.

From the looks on Vaggie’s and Husk’s faces, they sensed something off, too. Without a word, Husk pulled out his phone and began taking a video of the Mawile. Lute cracked her whip one more time and Mawile unleashed Ice Beam, freezing the droplets and mist in mid-air. The tiny frozen drops gently fell to the stage, sparkling like diamonds as they melted away. Lute took a bow before cracking her whip again, ordering Mawile to walk off to the side as the announcer’s voice boomed through the hall once more.

“Entry number three! Home-grown in our very own Amora City, we have a duo that defines grace and glamor! Please welcome Angel and Lopunny!”

The spotlight swung to the opposite end of the stage, revealing Angel strutting in while swathed in a gorgeous sparkling red gown. He paused at the center, showing off his long legs through the slit at his side before he tossed his Pokéball into the air. It opened with a snap and a burst of pink fireworks, revealing Lopunny in all her pink and caramel glory. She bounded onto the stage, ribbon-adorned ears twitching in excitement as she struck a pose before turning to Angel. With a saucy wink, the Top Coordinator snapped his fingers and the Rabbit Pokémon leaped into the air.

Lopunny spun gracefully, using Aura Sphere to create a series of shimmering blue orbs that floated around her in an enchanting dance. Then, she launched a Solar Beam, the powerful blast of light shattering the Aura Spheres in a radiant explosion. The remnants of the shattered spheres transformed into a beautiful, ethereal dome that covered the entire hall in a glowing blue energy, one that seemed to dance and pulse as though it were a living being.

But Lopunny wasn’t done yet. Once again, she leaped up and spun around, using Swift to send a cascade of glittering stars into the dome. The golden lights twinkled and arranged themselves into breathtaking constellations and wheeling galaxies, transforming the dome’s sky into a living, breathing universe. The audience gasped in awe at the sight, watching in delight as the stars became a glorious meteor shower, streaking across Angel’s sky and casting a beautiful golden glow across the stage.

As Lopunny landed, the cosmic sky shattered in a shower of glitter. Angel flicked out his shimmering red gown and took a deep bow. Then, he straightened and turned, his grin widening when he caught Husk, Charlie, and Vaggie up in the box. With a small wink, he raised his hand and walked off to the side. Now there was only one contestant left.

“And last but not least, entry number four! From the bustling heart of Unova, we have a performer who knows better than anyone how to put on a show! Let’s give a warm welcome to Fizzarolli and Mr. Mime!”

Suddenly, the atmosphere shifted. Charlie’s chest clenched as she gripped the edge of her seat, watching the stage with her heart in her throat. Fizzarolli swaggered out, his colorful jester-like costume drawing gasps of surprise from the crowd. With a wide grin and flourishing bow to the crowd, he threw his Pokéball into the air, releasing his Mr. Mime in a shower of rainbow confetti.

The Barrier Pokémon looked… horrible. Even worse than when Charlie saw him earlier. Mr. Mime’s normally vibrant colors were muted, his face a pallid gray. He walked on the stage as though he were swimming in molasses, tiny tremors rocking his entire body. The audience around them murmured in confusion and concern, clearly sensing that something was terribly wrong.

Every one of Mr. Mime’s steps echoed in the now silent hall. Fizzarolli flashed a too-bright smile at the audience, then turned to look at Mr. Mime, his brows furrowed in concern.

“What’s got you so glum, buddy? It’s the Showcase!”

But Mr. Mime didn’t answer. In fact, Mr. Mime didn’t do anything but continue to walk. Soon enough, he reached the center of the stage and stopped, swaying slightly under the bright glare of the spotlight above. Then, slowly, ever so slowly, he turned to face Husk. A flash of something wild, uncontrollable, and dangerous flickered in his gaze.

Oh, sh*t.

Husk was the first to react. With surprisingly quick reflexes for someone who was normally so relaxed, he threw out two Dusk Balls. They opened with a sharp snap, revealing his Umbreon and Absol, who immediately dashed towards the stage. For a moment, Mr. Mime froze, staring at the two charging Dark-type Pokémon, his eyes darting around uncontrollably. Fizzarolli’s smile melted into an expression of pure horror as he whirled on Husk.

“Hey, what the f*ck are you-”

Umbreon and Absol's paws hit the stage and, in an instant, Mr. Mime's eyes widened, the eerie light within them flaring dangerously. He let out a shrill, guttural cry and launched a Dazzling Gleam. The sickeningly bright light exploded from his hands, casting the entire hall in a blinding, almost nauseating rainbow of colors. The beam hit Umbreon and Absol squarely, sending them skidding back, their bodies momentarily illuminated by the harsh light.

Without pause, Mr. Mime twisted his gaze towards the Coordinators, his eyes flashing rapidly between blank, fearful, and malevolent. Bright pink energy covered him. He cast a barrage of Confusions that barreled through the air straight towards the Coordinators, sending them and their Pokémon reeling. Then, he snapped his attention toward the audience, his hands flailing wildly.

Angel’s scream pierced through the chaos, high-pitched and raw with agony. Charlie’s heart rose to her throat at the sight. His body jerked violently, every muscle spasming uncontrollably as the psychic energy shredded his mind. Next to her, Husk let out a strangled cry of his own. His grip on the railing was so tight that his knuckles went white. Then, as though acting on instinct, he turned sharply to face Fat Nuggets.


Fat Nuggets obeyed immediately. A shimmering barrier of light burst forth from his nose, expanding rapidly to envelop Husk, Charlie, and Vaggie. The psychic onslaught crashed against the barrier, sending ripples of energy quivering through the shield. But Fat Nuggets held firm, his tiny eyes narrowing with fierce determination.

But the shield only protected their box. Beyond the barrier’s safety, Mr. Mime’s Confusion raged unchecked, tearing through the audience like a psychic storm. Choruses of screams from people and Pokémon alike ripped through the air as they were forced under the assault.

Pandemonium broke out immediately. People screamed in terror as their senses betrayed them. Their vision distorted, their hearing warped, their screams ripped through their throats. Some clutched at their heads, trying in vain to shut out the agonizing assault while others stumbled blindly, their limbs no longer under control. Pokémon thrashed wildly, unable to control themselves as they too succumbed to the Confusion. Fiery flares, watery jets, and electric bolts crackled through the air as a chorus of roars, screeches, and cries filled the hall.

“I need both of you to get the f*ck out, now!” Husk shouted. In one fluid motion, he leaped onto the railing, pulling even more Dusk Balls from his belt. His Sabeleye, Weavile, Meowscarada, and Hydreigon materialized in a flash of light. “There are emergency exits in the dressing rooms! Don’t ask me why they’re there. Val’s on his way with backup and I’ll hold everyone off until he gets here!”

“Wait!” Charlie protested, snatching Dazzle’s Friend Ball from her belt as she desperately looked up at Husk. “We can help! We were at the Pokémon Center and in the cave. We can help you control these people!”

Husk shook his head. “You’re both strong, but this ain’t a place for kids.” He swept his gaze over to the stage, where Angel, Lute, and Stolas lay still - too still. Their Pokémon lay strewn around them, twitching and clutching their heads. Fizzarolli was sobbing hysterically as he crawled toward Mr. Mime. But just as he reached out for the Barrier Pokémon, Mr. Mime twisted away, horror and shame flickering across his face. Before the Coordinator could react, a stampede of confused Pokémon surged onto the stage, separating him from his partner.

“Hydreigon and I’ll open a path to the stage. You two need to run back there, pronto!”

Charlie hesitated. “But… there’s so many Pokémon you have to beat-”

Husk shot her a wry grin. “Hey, don’t forget. I was a Gym Leader before Alastor ever was. You don’t keep this job for as long as I have without knowing how to handle a crisis.” Then, he turned to face the stage. “Ready?”

“Ready!” Vaggie said, her mouth set in a determined line. She shot Charlie a tight smile, then offered her hand.

“Ready!” Charlie echoed, stowing Dazzle’s ball away before taking Vaggie’s hand.

Husk nodded. Then, he snapped his fingers. Fat Nuggets dropped the barrier. Hydreigon opened all three of his mouths. The Brutal Pokemon released a powerful Dragon Pulse, the multi-colored beam of energy surging towards the Pokémon below, knocking several off their feet. The force of the attack cleared a path straight to the stage.

“Go, go, go!”

They needed no further encouragement. Charlie and Vaggie bolted from their position, adrenaline coursing through their veins. They dashed down the stairs to the main floor, then sprinted towards the stage. Pokémon lunged at them from all sides, but thankfully, they had help on the way there. A charging Rhyhorn attempted to strike them, but Husk’s Absol intercepted her with a powerful Razor Wind. A Haunter swooped down on them, only to be quickly taken down by Umbreon and a Foul Play. Weavile leaped overhead, raining down Ice Shards at any Pokémon trying to stand in their way.

“Keep moving!” Vaggie shouted over the chaos, her grip tightening even more. As one, they leaped up on the stage and sprinted towards the dressing room. The path was littered with debris and snarling Pokémon, each step forcing them to dodge and duck.

A group of Sigilyph blocked their path, their sharp cries piercing the air. Several pairs of wings opened at once and their eyes glowed a brilliant red. Before they could react, Dazzle and Dartrix burst out of their Pokéballs and landed gracefully in front of the girls. Dartrix rose in the air and unleashed a powerful Shadow Sneak, quickly taking down a couple Sigilyph in their way. Then, Dazzle charged and used Crush Claw to fend off any remaining threats.

The dressing room was in sight. Charlie’s pulse roared in her ears as they charged towards it, desperation dancing at their feet. Just as they reached the door, a figure lumbered out from the shadows and blocked their path, causing them to skid to a halt. Dazzle let out a low warning growl as it crouched low, eyes narrowing at the figure before them. Dartrix hooted dangerously above them.

Mr. Mime stood there, twitching and lurching, his face twisted in pain. Every movement was erratic, every breath was laced with agony. When he looked up at them, his eyes were filled with a horrifying mix of fear and fury, the two emotions warring in his gaze. His psychic aura flickered uncontrollably around him, causing eerie shadows that seemed to writhe and twist like living things.

Charlie’s breath stilled at the sight. Mr. Mime’s eyes were wide and bloodshot, a stark contrast to the vacant gaze from Mawile earlier. It was as if he were trapped inside his own body, fighting an invisible enemy. His limbs spasmed uncontrollably, his mouth opening and closing like a fish. The air around him crackled with unstable energy, making the hairs on the back of Charlie’s neck stand on end.

“Stay back!” Vaggie warned, her voice trembling despite the wide stance she took. Above her, Dartrix narrowed his eyes as Mr. Mime stumbled towards them.

The Barrier Pokémon clutched his head, as if trying to hold his mind together. His psychic power surged erratically, causing objects around them to levitate then crash to the ground. He dropped to his knees and cried out, the sound more of a plea than a roar, as he struggled against whatever sickness was clawing at his mind.

Unbidden, Charlie’s mind flicked back to the image of Fizzarolli desperately crawling towards his Pokémon, the only Coordinator untouched by Mr. Mime’s Confusion. He had been right there. And yet, Mr. Mime spared him. He had even turned away from Fizzarolli with shame flickering on his face. Why? If Mr. Mime was going wild, then why would he still spare his partner? Why was he fighting so much?

What if… he didn’t want to hurt anyone?

“I’ll handle this!” Vaggie shouted, snapping Charlie from her thoughts. She swept her hand to the side as though to shield Charlie from any possible attack. “Shadow Sneak!”

“Wait!” Charlie cried, stepping forward, her eyes locked on Mr. Mime. “He doesn’t want to hurt us!”

But it was too late. Dartrix leaped into the shadows and quickly moved behind Mr. Mime, slamming into him as the Blade Quill Pokémon leaped from the shadows. Mr. Mime staggered under the blow, his eyes widening in terror as he pressed himself against the door. Then, his expression twisted from one of fear to a deep, feral rage. He let out a guttural scream, his body convulsing as he clambered back to his feet. Once again, his Psychic energy flared erratically, striking the walls and ceiling and sending debris flying.

“Stop!” Charlie cried, trying to run past Vaggie’s arm, only to be pushed back every time she tried. “He’s fighting it! Vaggie, stop!”

Her friend grit her teeth. “Shadow Sneak, again!”

Dartrix once again leaped into the shadows before reappearing behind Mr. Mime. The Barrier Pokémon let out a bone-chilling scream as the attack struck him square in the chest, the sound reverberating through the walls. Mr. Mime staggered, swaying on his feet, but then he lashed out once again.

Psychic power flared as shards of razor-sharp debris tore through the air toward Vaggie. Dartrix dashed to shield her, but he was a split-second too late. The fragments ripped into her, shredding her sleeve and gouging her skin.


Blood welled up in the tears of the fabric. Vaggie let out a pained cry, her body jerking from the attack. One of Vaggie’s hands came up and gripped her arm to staunch the blood. She grit her teeth. When she spoke again, her voice was strained with pain.

“Shadow Sneak!”

This was too much. Now Mr. Mime and Vaggie were hurt, and she couldn’t do anything about it. Each time Mr. Mime was struck by another Shadow Sneak, his every movement became more erratic. Meanwhile, Vaggie continued on the defensive, gritting her teeth as she ordered attack after attack. Mr. Mime cried out as he seemingly switched between two sides of himself - one moment wild and uncontrollable, the next cowering and trembling. Each time his body jerked violently and lashed out again, Vaggie snarled and ordered another attack, her expression wild with the frenzy of the battle. Tears streamed down Charlie’s face as she grabbed Vaggie’s arm, squeezing so tightly her nails dug into the skin.

“Please, both of you, stop!” Charlie sobbed, her voice breaking as Dartrix continued his relentless assault. “You’re both hurting! Please!”

But they didn't stop. Vaggie swallowed, her mouth trembling. One hand came up to clutch at her necklace. “Shadow Sneak! Take him down!”

The attack struck Mr. Mime once more and, this time, he dropped to his knees, his entire body shuddering. His eyes flickered between clarity and madness. For a brief moment, he raised his head and smiled at them, a fleeting expression of gratitude crossing his features. Then, he collapsed to the ground in a heap and lay still.

With the danger passed, Charlie ran up to Mr. Mime and fell to her knees beside him, her heart breaking at the sight of the fallen Pokémon. Even in his unconscious state, the Barrier Pokémon’s body continued to jerk erratically. She reached out and gently brushed a hand over his cheek, tears continuing to stream down her face.

“Why… why didn’t you stop?” Charlie’s voice was choked, caught between a sob and a scream, anger flaring in her as she turned to Vaggie. “I begged you, Vaggie! I begged you to stop, and you just kept-” Her words caught in her throat. Both hands came up to twist through her shirt. “He didn’t deserve this. You didn’t have to-” She broke off, her words dissolving into a fresh wave of sobs, her small frame trembling with the force of her grief.

“Charlie…” Vaggie’s voice was soft, trembling as she stepped closer, hesitantly reaching out. Charlie recoiled at the sight of it. There was dry, rust-colored blood on her palm. Vaggie paused at that, then shrank back, choosing instead to toy with her hair. “I’m… I’m sorry. I know you didn’t want me to hurt him more, but…” She took a deep, shuddering breath, forcing herself to meet Charlie’s tear-streaked gaze. “He… he already hurt so many people. I couldn’t… I couldn’t let him hurt you too, too.”

Charlie’s breath hitched in her throat. Her sobs quieted for just a moment. Vaggie’s posture was stooped, chin trembling, her eye wet and dull. Her arm had stopped bleeding now but was still covered in thin trails of coppery dried blood. Without a word, Charlie shakily reached into her backpack and found her first aid kit. Then, with tiny, precise movements, she pulled out some antiseptic and wipes and began cleaning the wound. It was a long, shallow cut, one that ran across the birthmark on Vaggie’s arm - the round one with a dot in the middle and some sort of weird spiky circle around it. Back when they were kids, Charlie used to draw on it with markers and make the mark into different Unknown letters.

That childhood seemed so far away now.

It took her a bit, but soon enough, she was done cleaning and bandaging Vaggie’s arm. Her friend swallowed, hazel eye quivering nervously as she regarded Charlie. There was still the slightest shadow of fear, of apprehension in her eye. But why?

The realization struck with sudden, beautiful clarity: Charlie… wasn’t the only one who was afraid. Wasn’t the only one who didn’t want to see anyone hurt. Was the only one who wanted to protect someone above all else. Without another word, Charlie surged forward, wrapping her arms around Vaggie’s trembling body in a tight embrace.

Charlie hiccupped, her voice muffled against Vaggie’s shoulder. “I-I’m sorry… I’m so sorry, I didn’t- I mean, I never meant to yell.”

Vaggie shook her head, silent tears finally escaping as she buried her face in Charlie’s hair. Her arms tightened around Charlie. “It’s okay. You were scared… I was scared, too. It’s okay…”

For a few minutes, the two simply knelt there, holding each other. The sounds of the chaos out on the stage faded into a whisper. The entire world seemed to shrink down to just the two of them. Charlie buried her face in Vaggie’s hair, inhaling the jasmine and morning dew that always clung to her.

Arceus, how long had it been?

A shadow passed over them. Charlie lifted her head from Vaggie’s hair, wiping at her face as she looked to see who it was. Dazzle walked up beside them, its gray eyes trained on the still-twitching body. Then, silently, it knelt down and bowed its head.

A single glistening tear fell from its eye, shining like a diamond. It fell and landed on Mr. Mime’s forehead, then was quickly followed by many more. The sparkling cascaded down, enveloping Mr. Mime in a warm, gentle glow. Slowly, the erratic movements ceased. The lines of pain vanished from his face. His breathing evened out, his body relaxed, and for the first time since they had seen him, he looked calm. Peaceful. Like he didn’t have a care in the world.

Charlie looked up at Dazzle, periwinkle eyes widening in wonder. What… was this? Zestial had told her legends before about how Arceus’ tears were said to be able to heal any Pokémon. When the Alpha Pokémon vanished, it had taken this amazing power with it. For Dazzle to have it was incredible. Groundbreaking, even.

But Dazzle wasn’t Arceus, right?

A sudden explosion behind them snapped her out of her thoughts. She bit her lip as she looked over her shoulder, watching as the battle raged on. The hall was still filled with chaos, confused Pokémon and Trainers stumbling violently. Off in the distance, they could hear Fizzarolli’s sobs, Husk’s commands, and the distant cries of Flying-type Pokémon as someone - likely Val - burst into the room. If they stayed here, they could get hurt. Husk had said specifically that he didn’t want that to happen. So that’s why they were here: to escape. To leave Amora City behind. To take themselves out of danger so the Pokémon League could protect them.

Taking a deep breath, Charlie got to her feet. Vaggie blinked in confusion up at her, her eye darting between Mr. Mime’s prone form and Dazzle. Then, she cast one last glance at the chaos over her shoulder. With a shake of her head, she reached out and took Charlie’s hand.

“Let’s go.”

Pokémon: Pride Version - PitFTW (2024)


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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Author information

Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

Phone: +5958753152963

Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.