Walkthrough - pokemon infinite fusion下载 (2024)

Note: This walkthrough is still incomplete. A good option if you are stuck in one of the incomplete sections is to look up YouTube videos of other players playing the game.

Alternative walkthrough can be found here.

Contents1 Kanto1.1 Up to the first badge1.2 Badge 1 (Pewter City and Mt. Moon)1.3 Badge 2 (Cerulean City and Nugget Bridge)1.4 Badge 3 (Vermillion City)1.5 Badge 4 (Rock Tunnel, Lavender Town, Celadon City)1.6 Badge 5 (Pok茅mon Tower and Fuschia)1.7 Badge 8 (Goldenrod City, Viridian City)1.8 Victory Road and the Pok茅mon League2 Johto / Sevii Islands2.1 Badges 9 (Newbark Town, Goldenrod City)2.2 Badge 10 (Azalea Town, Slowpoke Well)2.3 Badge 11 (Violet City, Ruins of Alph)2.4 Badge 12 (Cherrygrove City, Dark Cave, Blackthorn City, )2.5 Badge 13 (Ice Mountains, Boon Island)2.6 Badge 14 (Mahogany Town)2.7 Badge 15 (Ecruteak City, Burnt Tower, Bell Tower, Lake of Rage)2.8 Badge 16 and Mt. Silver (Kin Island, Water Labyrinth, Chrono Island)2.9 Mt. Silver2.10 Additional Content3 See alsoKanto[]

The progression in the main game very closely follows the progression of the first generation games and their remakes. This walkthrough is still incomplete, but walkthroughs for the original games should be mostly valid for Infinite Fusion.

Up to the first badge[]

After watching the introduction to the new DNA Splicers made by Silph Co., head to the computer to your room and withdraw the available Potion. After talking to your mom downstairs, head outside and you'll be confronted by your rival. He'll show off his official Pok茅mon trainer license before heading to the lab. Instead of following him to the lab, head upwards and Prof. Oak appears, telling you it's dangerous to go without a Pok茅mon, before taking you back down into his lab. Then he'll show three starter Pok茅mon to choose from.

After choosing your starter, your rival will fuse the other two starters together. Before you exit out of the lab, he will challenge you to your first Pok茅mon battle while showing off his very first fused Pok茅mon.

After the battle, Oak requests you to drop by Viridian City to pick up a parcel at the Pok茅 Mart. After getting to the Pok茅 Mart, talk to one of the workers and Oak's Parcel will be given as well as a free pair of DNA Splicers. Then, head back down to Pallet Town.

After getting to the lab, Oak will open the parcel and give you 5 Pok茅 Balls and a Pok茅dex. You can talk to the male scientist near the entrance of the lab to get 2 additional Pok茅 Balls.

Upon returning to Viridian City, you can obtain a Pyukumuku as a free gift Pok茅mon in the Pok茅 Mart.

Your rival is west of Viridian City on Route 22 waiting to battle you. He has his fused starter as well as a Nidoran/Pidgey fusion. Beating him will unlock access to the Secret Garden hidden next to Route 1, which contains many valuable items and Pok茅mon to catch. He will not be present to battle after you beat Brock later in Pewter City, so do this now.

After that, head north to Viridian Forest and catch a Caterpie or Weedle and train it to level 10 (if you're patient and dedicated enough) as it will be needed later in Pewter City. Make sure it stays unfused, or at least has the bug type after fusing. Catching and training a Spinarak to evolve into an Ariados (Or Ledyba to Ledian) would be unrealistic as it will take way too long and dinner time will already be over by the time you're done. You could catch a second bug Pok茅mon that can be traded later after battling the second bug trainer for one of his Pok茅mon, though it is not required as they're pretty weak and can be easily replaceable with a better Pok茅mon.

If you get lucky, you can find a Pichu, which you should catch, as fusions with Pikachu/Raichu can be pretty strong if you have the right type combinations (e.g. Electric/Flying) and right stats.

Take advantage of the bug trainers as it is one of the quickest ways to level up your Pok茅mon before challenging Brock.

Badge 1 (Pewter City and Mt. Moon)[]Badge 2 (Cerulean City and Nugget Bridge)[]Badge 3 (Vermillion City)[]Badge 4 (Rock Tunnel, Lavender Town, Celadon City)[]Badge 5 (Pok茅mon Tower and Fuschia)[]Badge 8 (Goldenrod City, Viridian City)[]Victory Road and the Pok茅mon League[]Johto / Sevii Islands[]Badges 9 (Newbark Town, Goldenrod City)[]

After beating the league, your mom tells you that Professor Oak wants to speak to you. Go talk to him at his lab and he will tell you that Professor Elm in Johto has some information for you. He then give you HM08, allowing you to cross the waterfall in Tohjo Falls.

Head West from Viridian City and Route 26 towards Tohjo Falls. Cross the waterfall and continue West to New Bark Town. Talk to Professor Elm in his lab and he will tell you that he needs you to obtain 2 Johto badges before he can trust you with his intel.

Fly to Goldenrod City or take the train

from Saffron City. The Gym will now be open. To reach Whitney, you have to interact with the gates and answer the questions about the Pok茅mon that pass through. The first question asks you to count the number of Pok茅mon. The second question asks you to count the number of Pichu. The third question asks you to count the number of different species. Defeat Whitney to obtain the first Johto badge.

Badge 10 (Azalea Town, Slowpoke Well)[]

From Goldenrod City, head South through Ilex Forest until you reach Azalea Town. Upon arriving, Kurt tells you that the Slowpoke Well has flooded the entire town. Find a suspicious character named Eusine near the well and talk to him. He will claim that he has nothing to do with the flood. Talk to him again and he will challenge you to a battle. After defeating him, he will admit that he is the one who flooded the well by " jamming a bunch of Shellders in it" and leave. Go tell this information to Kurt and he will give you HM09 Dive to go save the Shellders in the well. Teach the HM to one of your Pok茅mon and dive in the well. Push the Slowpokes onto the Shellders to solve the puzzle and drain the well. The town will then return to normal and Kurt will come and tell you that you can go to the gym and challenge him. To solve the Gym puzzle, you have to touch the spider webs in the correct order. The order is random each time you enter the gym, but a sound will play when you touch the correct one. Defeat Kurt to claim the second Gym badge.

Badge 11 (Violet City, Ruins of Alph)[]

Head East from Azalea Town into Union Cave. The main path is blocked by sleeping Gravelers, so you to use Surf to take the long way. When you are out of the cave, continue North on Route 32 until you reach Violet City.

Upon arriving to Violet City, you will come across Eusine who his going to the Ruins of Alph. Follow him and go down the ladder in the ruins of Alph. Go at the end of the ruins and you will find Raicune, which will automatically flee. Go back to Eusine. He will tell you the story of how he created Raicune and then go back to his house in Cherrygrove City.

Head over to the Gym to challenge Falkner. The gym is divided in two sections. In the first part, you need to run against the wind and use the blocks to avoid getting blown back until you reach the elevator. Make sure to run or you will not be able to make it far enough. In the second part, you have to time your movements to avoid getting pushed by the wind and fall down to the first section. The wind pushes you down 2 tiles each time it blows, so you have to keep this in mind to navigate the section and find safe spots before it does. Turning off Turbo mode helps a lot. Make your way to Falkner and defeat him to claim the third Johto badge.

Badge 12 (Cherrygrove City, Dark Cave, Blackthorn City, )[]

Head East from Violet City unto Route 31. From there, you continue head South to Cherrygrove City to find Eusine. You can find him in his house, which is full of Dittos. He will ask you to show him each of the Legendary Birds and the Legendary Beasts. See Legendary Pok茅mon on how to capture them if you haven't already done so. Once you show all of them, he will give you the Azure Flute, which will be used to obtain Arceus later on.

Go back to Route 30 and enter Dark Cave. A miner near the exit of the cave informs you that a boulder fell in the path and that it has to be blown up using Dynamite. Find and battle all three of his workers for some Dynamite and go back to him. He will blow up the boulder, clearing the exit to Blackthorn City.

You can challenge the Blackthorn gym right away. The gym puzzle is the same as in the generation 2 games. Push the boulders through the holes on the second floor to clear a path through the lava. Defeat Claire to earn the 4th Johto gym badge.

Badge 13 (Ice Mountains, Boon Island)[]

Head North to the Ice Mountains. You will find that a hole in the ground is preventing you to proceed any further. Fly to Cinnabar Island and take the ferry to the Sevii Islands.

Head East to Kindle Road and follow the road North until you see a sign on a small island. Head East towards Brine Road. You will find a Sunken Ship with a hole similar to the one in the Ice Mountains. Continue North to reach Boon Island. On Boon Island, enter the Joyful Game Corner. When you exit, a man will tell you that he needs your help to save his Jumpluff in the Golbat Soar competition. Go back inside the Game Corner and participate in Golbat Soar. Land on the Jumpluff to save it, then exit the minigame. The man will give you the Spring Boots, which will allow you to cross the holes the Ice Mountains and the Sunken Ship.

Before heading back to the Ice Mountains, head North from Boon Island. You will find Chuck, the Gym Leader from Cyanwood City in Johto under a waterfall. Talk to him to challenge him to a battle and earn the 5th Johto gym badge.

Badge 14 (Mahogany Town)[]

Fly back to Blackthorn City and head to the Ice Mountains. Cross the gap using the Spring Boots and continue West in the mountains until you reach Route 44. Continue West until Mahogany Town where you can challenge the gym right away,

To solve the Gym puzzle, you need to push the Pok茅ball in such a way that allows you to score a goal. You need to use the Gym trainers to block the Pok茅ball's path and align it correctly. A good strategy is to aim towards the center of the Pok茅ball markings on the ice. It is possible for som trainers to get misaligned. In which case you should exit and re-enter the gym to reset their positions. Score a goal to open the gate and defeat Pryce to earn the 6th Johto badge.

Badge 15 (Ecruteak City, Burnt Tower, Bell Tower, Lake of Rage)[]

Head West from Mahogany Town. You may optionally enter Mt. Mortar for a random static encounter on top of the waterfall that changes each in-game day, or just continue West until you reach Ecruteak City. Enter the Burnt tower to find Morty. You need to jump into the hole and climb back up on the other side to access the ladder to the second floor. Make your way to Morty, avoiding the Gastly's that try and push you off the planks. Talk to him and he will go back to his Gym.

To navigate the gym, you need to find your way in a labyrinth of alternating skulls.

After obtaining the city's badge, head over the dance hall and fight all the Kimono Girls.After defeating all of them, Alder, the champion from Unova who was watching you will come up to you and tell you about a strange energy signature on top of the Bell Tower. He will give you the Light Stone and Dark Stones, which allow you to enter the tower from a building on the North side of the city.

On each floor of the tower, there is a bell. Ringing it will make one side of the tower completely dark.You have to make your way to the statues in the darkness to find the secret switches to open the gates to the next floor. When you reach the roof of the tower, ring the bell to make Reshirom, a fusion between Reshiram and Zekrom appear.

After encountering Reshirom, Alder will tell you to share your discovery with Colress, a Unovan scientist investigating a strange icy rock at Lake of Rage. Fly over to the Lake of Rage and interact with the icy rock. It will react to the Light and Dark Stones and cover the entire lake with ice. Clear the ice puzzle to make your way to Kyurem in the center of the lake. The ice puzzle is quite difficult, but a good strategy is to start from the top of the lake. Talk to Colress after catching Kyurem and he will go start working on a Triple Fusion machine to recreate the original Tao dragon. Interact with the ice rock to return the lake to normal.

Badge 16 and Mt. Silver (Kin Island, Water Labyrinth, Chrono Island)[]

After obtaining the Spring Boots, head East from Boon Island and go through the Sunken Ship. Continue East and you will find a reef of Corsola that is blocking the way. Head North until you reach Kin Island. Continue North to Bond Bridge and enter Berry Forest at the end of the road. You will meet a fisherman who's looking for his kid that went camping with his friends. You will find the kid next to an RV in the forest and he will ask you to find all 5 of his friends which are scattered in the forest. Talk to the 5 kids and go back to the RV. You will notice that there is one additional kid on top of the 6 camping kids. Talk to him to reveal a Zoroark. After defeating or catching Zoroark, go back to the fisherman and he will give you the Mareanie Doll, which allows you to progress past the Corsola reefs.

Go South of Kin Island and use the Mareanie Doll on the Corsola Reef. Continue South into the Water Labyrinth. You will need to navigate the water currents and head to Chrono Island, to the South-East of the labyrinth. You will find Jasmine, the 16th Gym Leader on a small beach slightly to the South of the Pok茅mon Center. Talk to her to fight her in the meadow and obtain the 16th Gym Badge.

Optionally, you can go into the Rocket Warehouse on the Southern part of Chrono Island. Make your way to the room in the back and you will catch the Rocket admin having a meeting with members of Team Plasma. Defeat her to get Team Rocket to leave the building. Upon exiting the building, you will hear Team Plasma talking about "Experiment G". Go to Chrono Island's harbour to follow them to the P2 Laboratory in Unova. Enter the laboratory and defeat the Plasma grunts. You will find Genesect in the room at the back of the laboratory.

Mt. Silver[]

Cynthia and your rival will tell you to meet them at Mt. Silver. Fly/teleport to victory road to meet them, where the guard previously stopped you from going left will now let you through to Mt. Silver. Head up the mountain and go into the cave entrance, then surf to another entrance where your rival will give you rock climb. Use rock climb to get the rest of the way up the mountain path until Cynthia greets you and tells you to run away before battling you. After her battle she will heal your pokemon, then go ahead and fight the giratina/palkia/dialga fusion. After beating it, there will be a portal that opens that you can go into. This leads to a battle with a trainer named Gold, which, after you beat, you will be teleported back to you room in Pallet Town, where your mom will inform you you've been gone for days, that Cynthia has returned to her region, and will also give you a shiny charm.

Additional Content[]

Skibidi dop dop dop dop yes yes yes yes

See also[]

Puzzle guides

Walkthrough  - pokemon infinite fusion下载 (2024)


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Name: Arline Emard IV

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