Traditional Cherry Balls Recipe Perfect for Christmas - Bacon is Magic (2024)

December 17, 2020



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These Christmas cherry balls, also known as Cherry Surprises are so easy to make and great for making with small children or with a glass of wine….or three…. with friends.

Growing up, my Grandmother lived in our house. So when she passed away a few years agoit changed how we lived and how we celebrated Christmas.

We don’t try to replace the traditions that we had with her. It would be too difficult knowing it was better with her there.

Instead we try to create new ones.

We now make Instant Pot turkey as it’s faster than slaving all day in the kitchen and she’d shudder at the thought of Christmas pizza using leftovers.

And I’m not sure if she’d like Cuban crema de vie for the holidays.

But we will likely never give up is making her best holiday recipes.

I loved my grandmother dearly but Nanny was not a good cook. She married an Italian, who died before I was born.

And for some reason she really did not learn much in the years with my grandfather.

Maybe it was because she was of Scottish descent (sorry Scots) but the woman could not cook.

Except for a few things that she did very well and no one will ever make them better: seafood chowder, apple pie, mashed potatoes, stuffing, shrimp dip and Christmas cherry balls.

When she was getting older her health wasn’t as strong so I tried to get her to share her recipes.

Nova Scotia Turkey Dressing

Like many grandmothers she made it for so many years that she didn’t know the exact measurements.

As much as I love to try new recipes I will never make these items any differently.

Even if they were mostly recipes from the back of the box of some ingredient.

For me they are untouchable.

Traditional Cherry Balls Recipe Perfect for Christmas - Bacon is Magic (3)

Christmas Cherry Balls

I know I’ve said so many times that I am not a dessert person.

And yet she would store these in the freezer and I would be so impatient to wait for them to thaw that I ate most of them frozen.

There’s something so amazing retro about maraschino cherries.

EASY FESTIVE RECIPE: Christmas Muffins

They are horribly inappropriate at any time of the year other than at Christmas or drinking a Shirley Temple.

Today I’m fortunate because my sister likes to make dessert and is in charge of making cherry balls each year.

This post is my reminder to her to clear her schedule so that when I go home for Christmas these will be in the freezer.

Traditional Cherry Balls Recipe Perfect for Christmas - Bacon is Magic (4)

How to Make Coconut Cherry Balls

This Christmas dessert is similar to cocadas, one of the most popular Peruvian desserts.

I don’t often share recipe in process shots but in this case I think it’s good to show the texture of the cherry balls.

Whenever I make them it feels like the mixture (above) is too moist. But it isn’t and they always turn out great.

To save you some doubt I shot each step.

Step 1: Mix coconut flakes with icing sugar and add butter, vanilla and milk.

Traditional Cherry Balls Recipe Perfect for Christmas - Bacon is Magic (5)
Traditional Cherry Balls Recipe Perfect for Christmas - Bacon is Magic (6)

Step 2: Fold 1 tbsp of mixture around half portion of cherry and roll into a ball.

This is where you will doubt yourself because it’s not a firm mixture. Using a spoon put the mixture on your fingers and gently fold around a cherry.

Don’t worry about making it round at this point. You can do that later once the graham crumbs are on it and your hands are dry.

Traditional Cherry Balls Recipe Perfect for Christmas - Bacon is Magic (7)
Traditional Cherry Balls Recipe Perfect for Christmas - Bacon is Magic (8)

Step 3: Roll ball into graham crumbs and refrigerate or freeze.

These will keep in the fridge for months so do yourself a favourite and make them late November before the craziness of Christmas.

Traditional Cherry Balls Recipe Perfect for Christmas - Bacon is Magic (9)

Christmas Cherry Balls

Yield: 18 servings

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Additional Time: 10 minutes

Total Time: 15 minutes

These Christmas cherry balls are so easy to make and great for making with small children or with a glass of wine….or three…. with friends.


  • 1.5 cups coconut flakes unsweetened
  • 1.5 cups icing sugar also called confectioner's sugar
  • .5 cup unsalted butter not margarine
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla
  • 1 tablespoon milk
  • 9 maraschino cherries cut in half
  • 1 cup graham crumbs


  1. Mix coconut flakes with icing sugar and add butter, vanilla and milk.
  2. Fold 1 tbsp of mixture around half portion of cherry and roll into a ball.
  3. Roll ball into graham crumbs and refrigerate or freeze.
Nutrition Information:

Yield: 18Serving Size: 1Amount Per Serving:Calories: 171Total Fat: 8gSaturated Fat: 5gTrans Fat: 0gUnsaturated Fat: 3gCholesterol: 14mgSodium: 43mgCarbohydrates: 24gFiber: 1gSugar: 20gProtein: 1g

Nutritional information is provided as a courtesy and is an estimate only. This information comes from online calculators. Although attempts to provide accurate nutritional information, these figures are only estimates.

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Love coconut? also consider these great recipes

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Traditional Cherry Balls Recipe Perfect for Christmas - Bacon is Magic (2024)


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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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