The 11th Hour With Stephanie Ruhle : MSNBCW : July 22, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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that is tonight's last word. the 11th hour with stephanie rule starts now. the kamala harris campaign.

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she gets her first remark since moving to the top of the ticket. who will be her pick. one possibility, governor westmore is here. a look at the record- breaking hall as the 11th hour gets underway. good evening, i am stephanie ruhle. there are 106 days until the election. this was the first full day of the kamala harris campaign. after the historic announcement that he would drop out, he endorsed his vp. within hours she and allies jumped into action. a source told nbc news that harris spent more than 10 hours on the phone yesterday, calling party leaders, lawmakers, governors and labor leaders.

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her campaign is already seeing results. it is reported an $81 million fundraising haul in the first 24 hours. that money came from nearly 900,000 donors and 60% were making their first donation. harris is not the official nominee. nbc can now report that she has support from a majority of the democratic party pledged delegates. it is a sign that she is well on her way to officially be coming the nominee. she has racked up a tidal wave of endorsem*nts. no other potential candidates have come forward to challenge her. tonight, chair of the dnc said the party will deliver a nominee by august 7. that is

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two weeks from wednesday and about two weeks before the convention. vice president harris visited campaign headquarters in wilmington and addressed staffers and made her mission crystal-clear. >> before i was elected as vice president or senator, i was the elected attorney general in california and before that a corporate prosecutor. in those roles i took on perpetrators of all kinds.. predators that abused women, fraudsters that rip off consumers and cheaters who broke the rules for their own game. i know donald trump's type.

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in this campaign, i will probably put my record against his. >> conversations are already underway about who she may pick as a running mate. some of the names being mentioned include pete buttigieg , josh shapiro, gretchen witmer and governor westmore. let's get smarter. former communications director and cohost of how to win 2024

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podcasts and also the communications director for hillary clinton's campaign and simone sanders townsend is here. she is also the former spokesperson for vice president harris. what did we learn in this first full day. >> we learned she can raise a lot of money in a short time. that show the enthusiasm gap that was lacking has come back in a wave of enthusiasm in 24 hours. it is a sign of support and momentum and that is a big figure. you have heard from her marks, a little bit of the sense of the race and sense of the opposition. a lot of people i have spoken to

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is not quite at the top of the ticket yet. they think that vice president harris can prosecute the case against donald trump. she certainly used that language today, talking specifically about her background as a prosecutor and her time as attorney general and listing the weaknesses that she sees in donald trump which were weaknesses that you did not see president biden prosecuting three weeks ago. it is a seismic shift for the democrats and for the campaign. she has a lot of work to do yet. she is had a very fast start. >> she leaned into the record as a prosecutor during those remarks.

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>> i remember back to candidate harris for the first presidential campaign. they cycled through these things in the campaign and landed on a version of what you heard. the vice president used to say i was elected prosecutor. i know a rap sheet when i see one and i know a criminal when i see one. this is the elevated birzon. i remember when we were prepping for the vice presidential debate in 2020 against mike pence, the attacks about being a prosecutor and crime were high. not just for candidate kamala harris but for democrats. think should be leading away

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from law enforcement. then senator harris decided to lean in. if you look at the debate, when mike pence tried to come out her with criticism she said i am not going to be lectured by someone like you on this stage. i spent my career as a law enforcement officer and top rossa cuter in california it that matters. you post that against donald trump who does have a rap sheet that is long, it is tailor-made. she was truly tailor-made for this moment given all of the issues. >> let's talk about flipping the switch. we saw nancy pelosi come out and endorser. young rising stars all over tv supporting her. how big of a contrast is what we have seen in the last 48 hours to what we have seen in

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the last month. >> that is one of the reasons for the event today and was so important. you saw the campaign family coming together. the president being on the phone and being so gracious. you saw the vice president is keeping leadership and tag with julie chavez rodriguez. you can see it is a team that is united. it was a great way to be united. what it feels to me like is the 2024 campaign has finally started. we have been focused in the last six months on donald trump and his conviction in court cases. there has been so much that has happened.

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the conviction was just a bit over a month ago. then we have the debate and the focus has been on democrats concerned about whether or not biden was the right person to carry on. a phenomenal candidate, a ton of energy and a great argument to make about the critique she is able to make. then also a vision for the future. you feel like it is finally starting. that is what i think the energy or almost 900,000 donors. that shows the hunger to beat trump. >> you wrote a piece saying it would be a historic amble if they nominate her because she would have to overcome massive racism, massive sexism. how much is that being talked about behind closed doors? >> the headline is the historic

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amble. if you look at history in the more than 200 years of democracy, american voters elected a black person once and they have never elected a woman. certainly sexism and racism are issues that she will have to tackle. she seeks to break the highest glass ceiling. that said, the people will say to something she has dealt with. she has been a trailblazer and broken barriers as a woman. and all of the previous officer she held. it is nothing new. the reality, it is something she will have to face. it is part of the equation. let's go back to that fundraising. $81 million in 24 hours.

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>> it is historic. the actual numbers of donors are almost 1 million people. it shows there is a real hunger. there was a sense that if there was someone else at the top of the ticket, it uncorked that energy. that has happened in a historic way. for someone that worked the first time a woman was nominated and about the sexism and racism , it is not what the vice president will face, it is what the vice president has faced. the team talks about how she -- her whole career. she has been a prosecutor and attorney general and senator in the biggest state of the country, vice president and

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hopefully now president. part of being vice president is tough. you don't get covered a lot and when you do the circ*mstances are not usually in your favor. now the campaign has four weeks to be able to reintroduce herself to the american people and see everything she has done as vice president and what she has done prior. she is one of the more remarkable figures today. not just some excitement about the intake trump coalition and a really compelling story to tell. >> all sorts of donors have been unhappy. many were calling on president biden to step aside and he did. what is the sentiment now and is there a risk that they think

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they have more power and control that may actually do but seeing they just got their way, it could change the way we see things. >> it could. the aftermath of the announcement that he is no longer going to seek the nomination and his endorsem*nt, there has been a lot of excitement. what i have heard, they are relieved that the family business is no longer being dragged across newspapers and television all over the country. while everyone is excited and we're going to move past the sheer shock of what happened then start talking more more about the campaign and the nitty-gritty. there is a sense of what some folks have called elites.

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there were random donors conspiring. there were donors that care about the party and democracy. the donors did play a role in calling out members of congress, delegates and voters. and party officials. as the excitement rolls on and the business continues, democrats need to make sure there is a pause and reflection moment. the next time you decide that it will be harder to do the work or it looks a little treacherous, i hope people do not think it is a run-of-the- mill situation where folks can attempt to push the nominee off the ticket. joe biden is a better man than just about every politician i know and a very good person who

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has said he is going to work his heart out. he's going to continue to do his job. >> i don't know if democrats will do it but i know it is always a good moment to pause and reflect. thank you all so much. marked the calendars. you can join me and my colleagues. it is an all day event in brooklyn. by then we will have a vice presidential nominee and plenty to talk about. when we come back, who will harris pick. one possible pick, governor wes moore. later, trump campaign had a plan and now they are scrambling.

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as vice president harris hit the campaign trail, democrats are turning out in droves to sit toward her. 250 electives democrats have backed her. >> i am so happy you are here.

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i know you have lengthy conversations yesterday with vice president harris and president biden. what were those conversations like and where were you when you heard the news? >> they are great conversations. for the work we've been able to do. when i was speaking with the president he said don't write my eulogy. i am still working and will be working through january to get things done. i told him the work we have seen where we have gone from 43rd and unemployment having 12 months of the lowest unemployment rates in the country. record drops in homicide. they have done that in partnership with the administration. when i first read the news i was surprised. frankly i was heartbroken for the president who i think is a

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good, decent and honorable man. he deserves the proper sendoff. i told them both that i would be all in to make sure that i have a partner or continued partnership that we have with the administration. i am looking forward to having matt for four years. >> what does all in look like a? all sorts of americans have been frustrated thing they weren't excited about president biden or donald trump. they wanted new names. now you have kamala harris with a possible running mate that has all sorts of fresh names. your name, andy bashir, josh shapiro, mark kelly, could it be you and do you want it to be you? >> i will do anything to support her. i love my job. i have no interest in anything else. i have made that clear to the people on the team and people of the state. i made a promise to them.

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we have had remarkable results in my time as governor. this will be marilyn's decade and i plan on being its leader to see the promises that i have made. they will have a great field of people to choose from. it is a very personal process that the president has to go through. no one can audition. i have said clearly i am not going anywhere. i love being the governor of maryland and i love the direction. >> i have spent two days talking to donors about who could be her running mate. what is extraordinary is i hear the same thing over and over here gretchen witmer, i don't know if it could be two women. wes moore, i don't know if it could be two black people. what does that say about our country that so many people have that reaction.

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>> everything seems impossible until it is done. i went through the process when i was going through my selection. when i selected the woman who has become the first immigrant in the history of maryland to be elected, another person of color who immigrated from india. there are people that were telling me, they said you know it is two people of color. she even said that when we were first speaking about it. i told her, to be honest, if a person is not going to support me because i selected a woman of color, they were never going to in the first place. i have a big belief in the country and in the heart of the people.

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at the end of the day, what they want more from leaders is not something that checks boxes. they want leaders that see them and are willing to fight for them in their future and family. that is what people will vote for. regardless of what they look like and family background, it is the people that give direction and vision of hope for the people of this country. people told me it was impossible . now they no longer say that. >> kamala harris has been the d.a. of san francisco, the attorney general of california, a senator and the vice president of the united state's. donald trump is going to argue she is a de i pick. how do you combat that.

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i remember when we were dealing with the tragedy of the bridge and we had bodies we were working to recover to bring closure. when we still had to make sure we got the port of baltimore reopened. that represents 13% of the economy. when we have thousands of people not working. there were people putting on next that de i did this, do you have a comment. i said i do not because i am too busy working and making sure we can get closer.

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too busy making sure we can get the port reopened. making sure these workers who are who we rely on for growth did not have jobs. i don't have time for foolishness. you ignore them and keep working. you get to work and you earn it. when you do that you will quiet everyone out. >> she has raised $80 million in 24 hours. donald trump has a lot of supporters. what you see as the biggest challenge? >> we have 105 days to make sure we are speaking to them. when people say the goal is to make sure we are energizing the base. we have to energize the base

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but we can't stop there. you have to make sure you were talking to people that might not be initial supporters. have to go into areas we may not have a lot of voters. we tied to do inside of the state. it is remarkable when you are able to extend the branch to people. how many people will come on board. we went with more individual votes than anyone that had run for governor in the history of the state. you don't get that by just democrats. we made our case. we got 105 days to make that case either vision and future

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that she was pushing for is one that is brighter and more encompassing. if we can make that argument we will win. >> i know you said you like your job. there is a chance she will be calling. always good to see you. one person wanted president biden to stay in the race. that is donald trump whose campaign is now scrambling. scr the latest mercedes-benz has to offer. make your dreams come true. but the choice won't be easy with exceptional offers on the e-class sedan, c-class sedan, cle cabriolet and cle coupe. hurry, these dream offers won't last forever.

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don't give her a chance to run away for the biden record. the biden record is the kamala harris record. joe biden is not just a quitter but one of the worst presidents in the united states of america. kamala harris is 1 million times worse and everybody knows it. >> you just heard it from jd vance. trump and allies are all focused on trying to brand her as worse than joe biden. they are scrambling to we rework a strategy that was centered around making a point of president biden's age. as pointed out, biden lost ground with his party as well

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as independence because he was perceived to be too old and infirm to serve another four years. harris is neither of those things. i want to bring in tim ryan of ohio and founder of the organization, we the people. mark mckinnon joins us, former advisor to george w. bush and john mccain and basil -- democratic strategist and executive director of the new york state democratic party. he is now a political analyst at msnbc and columbia university professor. congressman, what did you make of the news? >> i am very excited. i thought it was going to happen earlier than it was back- and-forth. i am very excited, above and beyond my expert patients of what i thought to feel the excitement and see the money and see the energy and the new people and see 40,000 black women yesterday and 35,000 black women on the call today raising

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money. it was awesome to see. that is what we need to beat donald trump. you need energy and sioux center vision for the future. to hear her speak today was awesome. we are entering a new era of politics and it's great to be part of it. >> president biden dropping out was apparently the trump campaign's worst fear. are they right to be concerned? >> sure they are. they planned all along to have biden who 75% of the country thought was too old. now they don't have that argument. they planned accordingly and resources were allocated accordingly and their vice presidential pick was planned according to that strategy. now it is clear. they have been caught flat footed.

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we know they just assumed that biden would stick it out. that is reflected in the jd vance pick. that was based on the notion we have it in the bag we are going to appoint a pick that will appeal to the base. he adds no new votes outside of the base. if they had to do it over again, they would pick a different vp. >> they did it just a few days ago. we saw vp harris making her case, framing up her attack on donald trump. do you think that message will be effective? there are some undecideds. >> there are some undecideds. here to for, democrats have made the case against donald trump in an effective way and that we talk about project 2025.

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folks know the nuts and bolts and it's very important. she the prosecutor can now prosecute the case against donald trump, the convicted felon, recidivist. this is a preview for the next several weeks and what it will look and sound like. it will be pushing him back on his heels, constantly on the offense says and not a defense of which is critically important. including jd vance in that. the fact of the matter, if we are looking at the base vote, this pick energizes the base. if you look at suburban voters, there is both a gender and racial intersection that brings all of these issues if rights are women's health or even the economy. all of these things come to play. she can make that strong case. today was the kickstart. >> the real reason i wanted to

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have you here. you ran against jd vance for his senate seat in ohio. what do you want the people to know about this man. most people the first time i saw him speak with last week but you know him. >> he is a phony. he will say or do whatever he needs to do to move ahead. that is why you saw him, calling trump americas hitler saying he was going to vote for hillary and then it didn't behoove him anymore politically so he moved along and went to kiss trumps rear end. we talked a bit about that in the debate. he is for a national abortion ban. he has a terrible view of women and we come putin and hard on

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women. he wants a national abortion ban with no exceptions. he thinks women in a violent marriage should stay in the marriage for the sake of the kids. he thinks there needs to be a caesar and we should give absolute power to someone like donald trump to fix all of our problems. some of the issues you mentioned but kamala harris is going to come out and challenge all americans to help us solve problems. it is not going to be like an immunity president who is safe, it will be to complete opposite . it will be how do we build the country we want and had we have aspiration and inspire each other? that will be in direct contrast. jd vance was a terrible pick because he didn't branch tromped out at all. you will see some infighting. >> he is claiming that democrats switching their ticket is anti-democratic. is not going to land with any

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voters besides the core maga base. >> zero. it is an inside argument that has no relevance. it's much better to say she is part of the biden agenda that was not popular in prosecute the case on immigration. i will say, the interesting thing, the excitement factor is huge. tim mentioned it. there was an enthusiasm gap between biden and trump of 25 points. that has been erased overnight. i wouldn't be surprised now if democrats have more enthusiasm. you can feel the enthusiasm. money can't buy that. harris has shown that she has really juiced up the party.

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here is a quote that is interesting. i don't think joe biden has a ton of advantages but i do think democrats do. that was trumps campaign manager. there is a lot the democrats have going for them that wasn't there with joe biden. >> that is almost as good as nikki haley's soundbite where she said the party that doesn't run an 80-year-old will be the one to take the white house. we talked about this a moment ago. kamala harris with the d.a. , she was in ag, she was a senator and she is vice president of the united states yet she is going to be fighting the misinformation machine and those that are just calling her an unqualified black lady who got a di position. what does she do with that? >> attacks will come in a

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couple of weeks. they're going to talk about immigration and migration and focus on her background. she is going to talk about jobs in the economy and then they are going to hit her with she is not qualified for the position she has and not qualified for the position she want. you can also hear that gendered attacks have already started. comments about how she laughs and how she dresses. i worked with hillary clinton and i heard that misogyny. that is already there. it will come tenfold. my concern is if the folks that wanted joe biden out, i hope you ready to defend kamala harris. she is going to need that. if there are 40,000 black men on a call tonight and 50,000 women last night raised about $3 million in small donations in both nights, i think everybody has been deputized to go out there and push back, whether it comes from trump or republicans at large. i would also add this, think

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about it a black woman that broke up his businesses in a black man that convicted him and a black woman running against him. he doesn't know what to do with himself. >> we are going to leave it there. stack when we return, joe biden's decision to put country ahead of political career. how this moment defines his residency and his legacy. john meacham joins us next. s n oooh! this is our night!

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strachan one term, he has already surpassed the legacy of most presidents that served two terms. >> the decision not to seek reelection has not just changed the course of the campaign but also revealed something about who joe biden is. your next guest writes the following. he put country above self. the constitution above personal ambition. the future of democracy above temporal game. it is up to us to follow the lead.

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it's also the author of and then there was light. abraham lincoln and the american struggle is out now. i don't i know you don't like to get into specifics about when the speaker spoke to the president, give it 24 hours. what was your reaction when you heard the news has an american and a voter and as a historian and friend. >> my first reaction was this was an incredibly historic and personally brave thing to do. all the characteristics and traits and passions. and appetites and ambitions that drive someone to the pinnacle of power.

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they would be working in concert to keep you from leaving the pinnacle. it is great tragedy. something that makes us great will bring us down. president biden broke the cycle. that is an amazing thing. the other thing, i was thinking about this through the couple of weeks after atlanta. whatever happens will never be the worst day he experienced. that gives him a certain context and depth of vision and ability to do things that other people can't. i am not a great man.

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it is a small caucus. in the classical sense, great men make decisions that other people can't quite summon the guts to make. what biden just did is join an elite company of public figures and world figures. they made the decision contrary to self-interest for the broader good. >> it is up to us to follow his lead. what does that look like? are you looking for contagious patriotism? >> patriotism is different than nationalism. >> than the operations and

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anyone who swears allegiance to the idea that we are created equal and seeking and more perfect union. anyone can be american. a lot of the world, just being born is what you have to do. we create citizens here. we don't just produce them. what we need to do now is it will be a narrow election. i may or may not agree with the policies of the nominee but i know this from the evidence of every other american nose, the republican nominee is a figure that is willing to test if not break the rule of law. let's do

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what president biden did. i would rather argue under constitutional order than living in autocracy because one man wants everything. >> always good. it is a pleasure every time. not every decision you make will be as good as getting a volkswagen at the savvy vw summer sales event. 2024 volkswagen models cost less to maintain than honda. get 1.9% apr financing or a $2500 customer bonus on a new 2024 tiguan.

8:56 pm

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8:57 pm

long-lasting remission at one year. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to. liver problems may occur in crohn's disease. now's the time to ask your gastroenterologist how you can take control of your crohn's with skyrizi. (♪♪) ♪ control is everything to me ♪ learn how abbvie could help you save.

8:58 pm

shop etsy for classroom staples under $40 that are anything but basic. get original items made by small businesses to cross off everything on your list. choose from personalized apparel, backpacks & accessories, decor to freshen up their spac, and gifts their teacher will love. when you need back-to-school supplies under $40 everyone can agree on... etsy has it.

8:59 pm

team usa is back! let's see that enhanced 4k from xfinity. wow. everything you'd want is right here when you say... “olympics” so, what if your favorite athlete is... "grant hollowa”" nice. or you can't get enough... “swimming” definitely adding that to favorites. now let's check... “medal coun”" and when is gymnastics on? “olympic schedule” it's that easy. find it, see it, count on it with the best seat in the house. get the fastest connection to paris with xfinity.

9:00 pm

there is a lot going on. so we are going to keep taking deep breaths together. but for now, we're going to sign off. remember, you can listen to every episode of the 11th hour as a podcast for absolutely free. just grab your phone and scan the qr code on your screen and for now, i'm going to say goodnight and wish you a good and safe night. from all of our colleagues across the networks of nbc news, thanks for staying up late with us. i'll see you at the end of tomorrow. hello and welcome to

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An early look at the stories that will drive tomorrow's conversation.

Biden 18, Harris 13, Donald Trump 13, Kamala Harris 10, Us 8, Joe Biden 8, Vance 5, Crohn 4, Luke 3, Marci 3, California 3, Jen Y 2, Volkswagen 2, J.p. Morgan Wealth Plan 2, Chase Mobile 2, Skyrizi 2, Ohio 2, Maryland 2, Portugal 2, Jen X 2
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The 11th Hour With Stephanie Ruhle : MSNBCW : July 22, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)


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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.