MeetMe - Meet, Chat & Go Live iOS App: Stats & Benchmarks • SplitMetrics (2024)

2 months ago, Thelovinglyone

Meet me

Just like life, there are good in there are bad people much easier to block them then to deal with them. Definitely understandable who wants to deal with. There are all kinds of people everywhere. The app is pretty good for me. I've met great great great people on here and not so great but I focus on the great ones cause they have impacted my life in a mood. Great positive way just like You have to be careful who you pick and who you hang around everybody is vulnerable to a certain state it comes down to making wise choices and if you want to be positive or negative or just in between, you can have a lot of fun on the app respectfully but it can be tough if you don't know what you're doing or newMind you a Lotta new people are very vulnerable to the experienced people on the app . Definitely keep your personal business to your personAnd keep the public business to the public mind your Ps & Qs be careful which questions you answer and you should be OK

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4 years ago, jammincams

Customer support Is nonexistent and terrible when they do pick up..

The app constantly has malfunctions during purchases and there are hackers too one must deal with.. getting the Meetme support team to assist is nearly impossible.. purchasing diamonds usually works however, sometimes it doesn’t then you have to fight with Apple to get a refund, when you don’t receive your diamonds; However, at least Apple picks up or answers the phone.. meetme does not pick up the phone nor respond to emails, if your diamonds do not come through on a purchase.. as a failsafe you may have to call your bank as Apple doesn’t always refund when you don’t receive your diamonds.. i’ve only had issues with Apple twice for refunds regarding this app.. I think it’s due to the fact the meetme app constantly has problems during purchases and maybe Apple is tired of issuing refunds for diamonds purchased and not received.. fortunately, I’ve never received any other problems with any other apps other than MeetMe.. I hope Apple forces meetme to tighten up and have better security, and better accounts receivable when it comes to purchases and diamonds received..I was able to correspond with Meetme one time via email reference to resetting my account after it had been hacked.. i’ve been hacked four times at the meetme app.. security is truly terrible there and I don’t know how the Hackers continue to get in???

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2 years ago, nopenope191818

Scam app

They constantly revise their app with “bug” fixes yet the functionality of it remains the same for the past ten years+. What they’re REALLY doing is perpetuating this pronoun game and more than two genders game by having literally the same paid actors from all their combined apps, be the same paid actors on live streams for over 10 years and saying the propaganda they are paid to say. They import their fake users to their new apps as well confirming that they don’t need anyones phone number to “verify” they are real, because they just use your personal info to market and sell regardless of the new feature they put into some of their apps stating you can opt out of their marketing scam… oh, after 10 years we finally get to tell them not to use our info to advertise? Especially when they kick us out of our account on trumped up charges, then they don’t explain anything, then they just hijack our account and keep up photos and our name behind it. Still waiting on my profile from 9 years ago to be taken down. Matchgroupllc inc or whatever cowardly livability company they are hiding behind needs the federal government to take them down. They have become a billion dollar propaganda machine perpetuating liberal mental illness views, and censoring free speech. Notice all the “private” companies who censor free speech how they suspiciously spit the same propaganda nonsense?. Dismantle this company, they are un-American terrorists.

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2 months ago, all3y3sonme


This app was good at one point. Now they have Admins working for them and making money of streamers to get peoples account closed for no reason. There is a streamer going around reporting accounts stating they are violating the terms of use. They believe everything due to this streamer knowing someone on the inside closing accounts. Then you email them, they take long to respond and they tell you “your account was closed for violating “terms of service”. Then you asked them and they don’t show you proof of what you did wrong. What happen to getting banned for a day, a week and now they don’t even do that. There is so much to read the terms of service that if you ask 99.9% of streamers never read it. Why not tell the streamer what they did wrong and Am sure they will learn. But you are losing more streamers. This person is yet to be banned or deleted. This is how this app makes money. They wait til your on the top and poof they take all your money and diamonds. Black VIPs have also had their account closed. This is injustice and something must be done. Stop allowing admin to delete accounts for no reason. Find solutions instead of loosing good streamers. BBB has been contacted and reported. Bad business and experience this has been with this app and their affiliated apps. No respond from emails for weeks. They have nothing to say and nothing to prove that I violated the term of service.

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3 years ago, Jeff griffith

Scammers, scammers, scammers!

Download this app and you will be greeted by hundreds of scammers in no time at all! About 1 in 40 girls will be real, mostly you’ll be interacting with scammers trying to get you to visit a sex website and/or getting you to move on to Kik or Snapchat so they don’t have to worry about getting booted from MeetMe. This app is OK to use for free but mark my words, don’t ever give these people money, not even the girls. When talking to them, broken English and repetitive introductions will be your red flag. Some scammers will even appear and sound legitimate but will later ask you to give them gas money because they are always “living with their aunts and taking care of their kids”. Lol They usually have very similar life stories. You’ll see what I mean if you continue to the app but I wouldn’t recommend it. All the 1 star and negative reviews are accurate, if you see a review saying the app is great or giving it more than two stars, that would be a fake reviewer, likely paid by the app developers. Lastly, good luck trying to delete your account, I’ve been trying for almost a year, it wants me to verify my account before I can delete it, however the verification process has NEVER WORKED. The developers are fully aware of this garbage app but don’t expect them do anything about it, they never do and never will until Apple steps in and boots it off the App Store.

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2 years ago, Oklasooner17

Scammers and Bots will annoy you to no end

I’ve been on this app a few times and this last time I got on it completely sucked. To be completely honest I was just on there to video chat with women or meet up and I’m not bragging or being arrogant when I say this but I’m a really attractive person I’ve heard it all my life I can pull just about anyone I want obviously to an extent but what I’m trying to say is I was completely caught of guard and blown away that I had all these people trying to get me to pay them for their nudes or videos or sex or whatever and I just couldn’t help but laugh and be in complete shock at the same time. No woman has ever asked me to pay to see her body or sleep with her. Isn’t that something you go looking for on the corner?? I don’t need all these people trying to hack my phone and accounts using someone else’s pictures to lure you in. It doesn’t work on me. But it’s really annoying that it happens constantly while you’re online and they always say the same stupid first line over and over and they don’t make any sense when they converse with you probably because they’re not from this country and their using google translate which isn’t accurate when it comes to American slang and especially Texas slang no way they can keep up with me. Avoid this app! It’s too risky for hacking and identity theft to even think about downloading it. DO NOT!

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5 years ago, k-man1134

Fix The Bugs!!!!

I don’t like writing reviews because it’s kinda a waste of time. But I’ve had SO many problems with this app I need to address it. I’ve used MeetMe in the past a few years ago and it was working fine. It was the best app I had used back then. But one day when when I was logging out of the app to take a break, I tried to log back in but it didn’t accept the password that I had been using for years. And then when i was tired of putting things in, I tried to reset try password, but nothing was ever sent to my email. So I lost that account. The second profile I tried to make, everything was running smooth. However after a few weeks I wanted to change my photos. The app had other plans. The app kept bringing back the photos that I was trying to delete. Then it wouldn’t let me update my bio. So I was frustrated at this point and closed that account. Now I’m here in 2019. For this account, I promised myself that this would be the last one I ever make with MeetMe. However with this one, while I was trying to sign up and it asked me to upload some photos, I could not upload any photos. And I tried and tried and tried for at least an hour. I tried contacting support but it always ends up going nowhere. This app has been a complete waste of my time and I honestly would not recommend. There’s a reason why other apps are doing better and this is slowly starting to fail!!!

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2 years ago, Haitian Princess of NY

I’m gonna sue Re-evaluate this app it’s a scam

It used to be fun but now it’s based on the dollar which honestly it makes it disgusting how an app can stoop so low for the value of money. On the contrary,some people make a lot of money due to diamond trading or getting incentives from the app but hey that’s behind the scenes that Jill, Jim B, Thomas and all those heavy gifters(admins) that never appear on the list expect for the streams they were present in to gift on those top those boards. There is a lot of behind-the-scenes, group chats, sex trafficking, a lot of people that gift unfortunately don’t see. Honestly hopefully they crack down on them because there’s a lot of abuse such as mental psychological, physical abuse, etc that doesn’t get accounted for on the app. The trolling well unfortunately that becomes news stories because no one took care of the trolls Hopefully they will be shut down one day they don’t care about the community they care about the dollar they don’t do anything to elevate the app. This is killing the community of people and this mental and people are losing a lot more than gaining. This app whom I invested in whom I thought was for the community but when it’s said and done it’s all about the dollar disgust me. I will fight to get every penny I invested in this app as I have been falsely advertised. I have endless videos we can take this to court. Thank you.

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5 years ago, GangStalker

Very mixed feelings

So part of this app works well and it’s not anything special. But there is a feature called match with what is a guessing game called admirers. You’re meant to guess who has somehow indicated you as a person they admire. The only problem with this is they are almost entirely bot accounts created by the app developers in an attempt to make this app seem more popular and interactive than it actually is. This wouldn’t be a problem if they weren’t always encouraging users to spend money on credits to boost they’re popularity with these bots WITCH IS POINTLESS. I’ve spoken to my aunt who is a lawyer and has worked several class action lawsuits, she’s agreed with me that there is definitely shady business tactics at play here and there may be some leverage to show users being taken advantage of, and developers using misinformation to excel the amount of micro transactions. Meet Me team I will be in contact with you. This app needs a major overhaul. It’s worth your time to focus on making a better product for the consumer, and if you’re charging money for your product than it’s your responsibility to. This app has a lot of potential especially considering the amount of real people that are on here, but it’s gonna take the developers looking at it again and taking away all the features that are just bloating the app.

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2 years ago, DINA Darby


After spending THOUSANDS of dollars on this app. And being one color away from becoming the final color of a VIP GIFTER. My profile was suddenly logged out and deleted. When contacting support I was replied with the generic answer of “violating terms of service” when I asked what specifically that violation was….crickets. No response. I have a theory as to why this has happened but I will hopefully be presenting it with an attorney to get all of the money spent on this app returned. This app partners with marketing companies that once have your information it is sold and you will receive numerous marketing calls. How I know is I have a number just used ONLY for anything in conjunction with this app. The constant phone calls and text are excessive. I had problems with this app before so I tried to a different strategy when using it again this time and it did not take very long to have them delete the profile with very little provocation and NO explanation but this time after taking thousands of dollars from me! I will be posting a more detailed account of this final experience on other social media platforms and on meetme social media to warn others that the same thing can and will happen to them! Meet Me is a company that utilizes the users to profit off of and dispose of as they want with no recourse or CUSTOMER Service at all! STAY AWAY!

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5 years ago, Anon0-91

It used to be good, now it’s filled to the brim with bots and scammers.

So first off, I just want to say this app has so much potential, I’m not saying it still doesn’t but it has gone down the drain in a lot of ways. I’ve been on this app for approximately 2 years, I’ve seen it’s growth firsthand. The developers add in new things such as live streaming services to try and hide the faults that the app has such as the fake accounts, multiple scammers, robots impersonating actual people. In the time span of 2 years I’ve met friends, relationships, and even enemies. The only way I’ve noticed to even get anyone to “notice” you on this app is if you either pay or you’re outrageously good looking, I’m talking model status at some points. With that being said those said people who are actually on there to meet people either as a relationship or just friends. They always assume that other person is going to just want to, well for lack of better terminology, send naked photographs or buy photographs of that sort. It puts a bad light on everyone else that just wants to find people to hangout with in new cities. I’m dragging this on a while so in conclusion, I wouldn’t take this app too seriously at the moment. The developers need to work on better ways to phase out the bots and scammers. I’ve said my piece, do what you will with this review.

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9 months ago, Fayebo23

I hate meet me

I wish meet me would’ve got kicked off and sue because I am a disability, and I use my disability check onto their website and they banned me off from my website because I had type one diabetes, learning disability, and schizophrenic and overreact to thyroid and anxiety and high blood pressure And they don’t care about anybody’s life and Legacy. I wish somebody can sue them for everything because they use my disability check and I spent over $1 million on their website online prescription and I feel disgusting when they’re perverts taking a vantage of me, and they didn’t preach they didn’t respect me so they banned me off of their website, including I had created two accounts, so meet me, I hate meet me and make me feel better if they wasn’t no more apps of meat mean and a treat me like a wrong disability person even though there’s plenty girls on their their disability and I’m a disability guy so they don’t respect me also, I don’t care about anybody’s health condition or anybody life condition that’s why so many people on their website guy killed a cell phone cause they don’t care about them. They just want money but they don’t support life and Amber tech people with conditions I heard there was a guy in a girl hang yourself on this app and they don’t respect anybody. Take you off the website something that she didn’t do wrong.

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4 years ago, DCAlaska


Poor customer service, poor behavior in general. I agree with one of the lower comments about losing your account to pushback. I was being harassed and sent several messages asking about physical interactions with men for money, as well as much more and I decided to report one “admirer” and was quickly sent an email telling me I was flagged because I was “fake” and my account was locked until I verified myself. Which I did. Then proceeded to tell me to change my password, which I did. The app now won’t let me get on without asking for old password/set a new password which - I DID and tell me it’s incorrect when I try to log in. I’ve emailed customer service and am awaiting a reply....which I fear I won’t receive. They’re still locking me out. This app is filled with ridiculous misogynistic shady behavior and I am praying my pictures don’t get used by someone else now since they’ve quite literally removed my right to handle my account myself and delete it. I’d be taking legal action if I could. I’m contemplating making a trip to their office space (I’m nearby) to confront this issue in person since customer service is so poor. As a woman in the dating pool, it’s unsettling to put even a minuscule amount of trust in an app and then to be blatantly disrespected in terms of my privacy and my right to deleting it or having proper customer service to help me handle it.

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5 years ago, trevgrad08

Not what it used to be.

I’m not one for horrible reviews, but I feel something needs to be said. I’ve been an avid meetme user since it was formally myyearbook. After the name was changed to meetme, the site hasn’t been the same. Meetme used to be great! At one point it was a hot topic and was very popular, but just like everything else, it’s changed. I’m not sure if the developers are aware about this issue, but the fake accounts and spammers have got to stop! It’s become worse since meetme merged with skout. But skout is the same way. Nothing but spam accounts. This site and pretty much every other dating/social media site out there is nothing what it used to be. It used to be enjoyable, it’s nothing but enjoyable anymore. The only reason why I still have these accounts is because it’s a form of connection with other people, but it’s been nothing but fake accounts. I’m writing a review here simply because, I have tried to attempt to contact support personnel with various sites about this issue, including skout and I never receive a response, nor is nothing done to correct the issue. I would love to give input on how you could make sites like these better, but that’s nearly impossible when you can’t even get the right person to talk to that will step up and do something about it. It’s sad how much these sites have changed these days!

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4 years ago, candiceMama1991

Was fun decades ago, don’t know what to think now

So I’ve had this app back when it was still considered Myyearbook and more of a social network. There were games, causes to donate to, etc. It was then turned to “meet me” and I kept it. I absolutely love the lives and love the fact that you can cash out your diamonds for money and give gifts. However, I found that there are a few things that really bother me. 1- it seems that there are a few features that are only available to some users. Some people seem to be able to convert their diamonds back into coins to gift users while others can’t. 2-Many of the users and some “top streamers” have been known for bullying, going into other’s live streams to cause problems, and simply make nasty and rude remarks. The addition of the “bouncers” has been great, but the overall bullying really makes cyberbullying a problem. 3-Simple features such as sharing one’s live stream link via a “blast” to your favorite list seems to only be available to certain users. Overall, the app is fun, but the lives seem to overshadow the app and other features could be integrated to maybe make it better again (as I really enjoyed Myyearbook).

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5 years ago, Thethe2020

I used to love this app

I used to love this app and I have used it for years. But suddenly I can no longer log in and I have spent over an hour repeatedly changing my password. The only response I ever got from Meetme as to why I was locked out of my account that I had was apparently there was suspicious activity and I needed to change my password. Witch ended me up in a vicious cycle of never ending password changing because it would never let me log in with my new password. The site itself is good if you don’t mind all the underage kids and people from halfway around the world trying to marry you. Also lots of bots and people in relationships looking to cheat on their partner…now that I think about why did I use this app on and off for 5 years? Also make sure you never need support from meetme there is no such thing as support at all. Thou you can easily get banned just for upsetting someone or if someone decides to report your page in anyway and there is no way to get it back. I actually can’t even make a new account anymore since it atomically signs me into my account that I already have but yet I can’t access it without my phone number witch is considered invalid and unusable

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5 years ago, Mcchickennuggets


I’d give 0 stars if I could. I had meetme since I was 13, I’m now 19. Meetme and I have been off and on over the years. The bots, scammers, and MEETME DELEVOPERS are horrible. Don’t get me started on the ads. The app is so run down- oh how popular this app used to be! (As well as skout) when things were going downhill they added the Live and that got everything going for a bit then it got dull again. The app itself and the way it’s set up looks old like they haven’t updated or had any bug fixes. I’ve been through a lot with this app and believe it or not, when times were good they actually did respond to emails. I can’t even log in the app cause some message is stuck in the way saying I need to put in my phone number but I don’t use a phone number for my account. This app just needs to die completely along with Skout unless they’re going to fix the problem. DONT BUY THE SUBSCRIPTION, you won’t be able to cancel!! The caption literally says you won’t be able to cancel your subscription during the sub period so that means you’ll never be able to cancel because you won’t be able to get ahold of meetme and you will have to contact Apple and your bank! Don’t just give 1 stars, say why you hate this app. Maybe it’ll give them some sense to shut it down or make it better!!!

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6 years ago, MR BRAVE (TOP STREAMER)


I have been using meetme since it was my year book. I have met plenty of friends off this app and they became my true life friends. As a person that’s been using this app for a long time i have seen a lot of negativity on it from people that trolls people and look for attention. From people that scams people. People that are fake in everything. But that doesn’t mean everyone on the app is fake. This app truly helps a lot of people with their real life drama and headaches and it gives the a better way to explore their minds. I have even witnessed people that were trying to commit a suicide but I personally and others helped them from not doing that and they become our friends till today. Meetme is just an app like every other app that starts new and fresh but by time passing by they work on making it better and better and better and they have being making it even better than it used to be before. I’ll rate this app 5+ ⭐️s because the team is really working hard to make it a safe and joyful app to hangout on when you have free time.

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10 months ago, SatanX (Bassett)

Have been using this for 10* years since it was myyearbook

Do not use this app. 98% of profiles are fake trying to scam you and the app developers do nothing about it and do not care because all of the fake profiles give them more profits and generate revenue and more popularity by showing more active users to make it seem more genuine. This app developer does not care about your safety, your privacy nor your personal information. They will only care once something happens that they can get in trouble for AND ONLY THEN will they do something about a situation. EVEN WHEN YOU REPORT FAKE PROFILES IT DOES NOTHING but you can report real profiles and it will act on it much quicker. More than half the time for all of that. They literally do not even let “reports” go though all the way half the time. Steer very far away from this app, skout, or any other app this developer has made. It’s done notbung but gone down hill and will continue to do so. I just reported 30+ fake profiles that were “local” to me within a matter of 2 or 3 minutes before typing this. There’s maybe 15 real people nearby me that have been on here for years just like me and 1000s of fake profiles acting like they’re local. I’m finally done dealing with this app developer altogether.

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6 years ago, Natalee Sizemore

💜 Don’t take it for granted. 💙

I took this app for granted, I didn’t realize it could actually change my life. I messed around on it at first just talking to people, it would usually be those little chats that never go anywhere. Give everyone a chance because one day I got on to just block people / to see how my page was doing and I didn’t know it then but I got a completely normal message from someone that changed my life and showed me what true love was. I know it sounds sappy but I just can’t believe I met him off this app. I gave up so many times and deleted the app and my profile. I had my last profile for only a couple of days before he messaged me. I talked to 3 other guys and 1 of a week and the other 2 for a couple of months. I didn’t think it would ever workout of me and anyone. I’m a bigger girl and no one ever was interested in me in person. I love my man with all my heart and just so you know it can really happy my name on Facebook is Natalee Sizemore. My man and I have been together for almost 7 months and I know he’s the one.

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6 years ago, BombxKat


I’ve been on the app for over 2 months now and all I want to do is have a nice conversation and maybe find a friend. Maybe even more than a friend but don’t ever expect a reply. You know what I’m somewhere between a 5 and an 8. I’m definitely not the best looking guy on the planet but even the women on the sight who look like they have a missing chromosome won’t bother replying even if they read your message and it’s the apps fault. And now you can’t even view their whole photo album without paying the app to do so even if the account isn’t private. The only ones who bother messaging you will ask you to kik them so they can have a bot link you their nasty sex cams so you can give them money, it’s just trash. The app forces you to judge people at first glance and they promote that type of interaction by making you play this stupid guessing game to find out who liked your profile. It’s trash, everyone on it is trash, everyone on there is either fake or has unrealistic expectations and everyone is so pretentious they can’t even respond or look at your profile to see what kind of a person you really are and it’s the apps fault. Don’t get this app. Especially if your looking for date, even if it’s just for sex. And especially don’t get it if you’re lonely.

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6 years ago, XxCL0UDxX1990

Too many shady people on here

I had met someone on this app and we had been talking for a while and they asked to Skype and I agreed. So while we’re Skyping she wasn’t talking but rather typing things to me and suggested we both get naked for each other on camera. So I foolishly agreed, well right after that everything changed. They proceeded to tell me they they knew all of my information and that they recorded the whole Skype video call and they proceeded to show me they had created a fake Facebook account based on mine and basically was black mailing me and extorting me for money because they told me they were planning on sending it to all my friends and family if I didn’t send them $500 over PayPal. I refused and deleted and blocked them everywhere and even had to change my password for everything! Also even though they did send the video to all of my friends knew it wasn’t me and the reported the fake page to Facebook, which thankfully was taken down. Between this and meeting a girl that lived one town over from me that started out sweet but quickly became a jerk and basically lied to me about being single and only used me for money, I will never use this app again because obviously the creators don’t maintain it and allow anyone on here!

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3 weeks ago, TW1998,,,$

I would give 0 stars if I could, because that’s how terrible this app is.

Are you tired of your boring life? Well look no further, MeetMe is a place where you can be somebody else and cause all the drama you want, but be careful, the app is like high schoolers and the streamers run in cliques and gangs and they will go after a single person and even further attempt to doxx you and resort to threats. If the people on the app genuinely act the way they do in real life, I’m highly concerned about anybody who crosses their paths. Most of the people who cause drama are “keyboard warriors” meaning they act tough behind the computer and more than likely would be too afraid to say the things they say on the app in person because law enforcement would most certainly be involved. I urge people to stay away from the app as it is an addiction for some people, especially the people who’s lives are so empty and boring that they have nothing better to do such as myself. If you’re like me, get outside, making a living, participate in church activities, go fishing. I left the app and never went back. I was IP banned from meetme and skout, so thank you for giving me a reason to go enjoy that thing they call life and the reality of all reality.

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4 years ago, jnc9220

So frustrated

I have had this app not that long maybe two months or so. Was recommended so I could meet new people with the same interests and hobbies as me but that’s definitely not how it went. Not the apps fault BUT I recently decided to delete it because I just went through a divorce and not ready for those kinds of convos yet. TMI I know. I also felt a tad unsafe. So many of these individuals wanted me to drive to them or pick me up. Almost every single one. So I tried deleting the account but every time I entered my password it was wrong. Even though I write down every password I have and I know it’s not wrong. Logged out to try and send an email so I can change it. Still won’t send me an email I’ve tried several times. Thought maybe I could login with my Facebook NOPE! Made an entirely new account for whatever reason. I know I didn’t have the wrong email initially because I was sent a confirmation when I made the account. Now I can’t get ahold of anyone for customer service. I’m so frustrated and angry that this “customer service” is this terrible. It took me far too long to even figure out how to get in contact and now I’m waiting for a response since I’ve made a “ticket” for my issues. Stay away from this app entirely. It’s pure crap

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2 years ago, Illuminated Visionz

Poor Customer Support

I must express that the experience on the app as a participant is great. The live rooms and interactions between members is awesome. However, I had started to watch the free videos in order to build up gift coins that is offered by the app and after having reached over a 1000 coins I was suspiciously removed from the app. I have changed my password so many times and have requested for support from the supposed “Customer Support” team but it has been over a month and not a single reply. Instead I continue to get the notification “login invalid try resetting your password”. Individuals like me are the ones who have the resources to bring more people to the app, but if the administrators of the app feel that playing with participants time is okay with them, then how could I ask all of the members on the app who are not already contracted to remain on the app. All this over a simple login issue makes no sense to me or anyone that I have shown my failed login attempts to. So until customer support actually provides some technical support I cannot give this app a five star rating. Everyone on the app that knows me (@lubu_da1) knows I have nothing to lie about.

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4 years ago, meli805ox

I met my future husband thanks to this app

So when I was 14 I created an account and well there were a bunch of people who catfish you but luckily I knew how to detect it. Well I came across someone and I thought he was cute and messaged him saying hey :) and it alllll started there. After a few calls I asked to FaceTime to make sure he wasn’t a catfish. Luckily he wasn’t. Eventually We were best friends. Not a day went by where we did not FaceTime. 2 years later we finally met in person and a few days later we started dating. We are currently almost 3 years into our relationship with our love doing nothing but growing. We are all we have. I love Him more than anything and if it weren’t for my parents being so strict about marriage(I’m 19 and he’s 20 and they think we’re too young) we would’ve already been married. In the end I trace it alll back to this app. Where it all started. And well I just wanted to say thank you. If it weren’t for this app who knows how lonely my life could have been.

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6 years ago, Shyguy1


I will say this app experience. Luckily it screens all photos so nothing explicit will get to you, which is probably why so many people list or ask for other apps to be used in their chats. Still though, you will receive many “offers” and be annoyed almost constantly unless you can maintain a low profile, which they do have a few settings to help with that. Occasionally, you’ll meet someone nice to talk with so it gets points for that. However, just today when I was chatting with one of those rare people it stopped sending my messages, showing a failed message each time. And to make matters worse it stopped showing any of their messages and won’t give me a way to contact them. When I try to report the problem on the app, I get more error messages. Took a lot of work just to get on a site that would be able to send a message to the developers that wasn’t blocked by my security software. And I don’t even have a confirmation email that they received it. So now I am unable to talk with someone I liked, don’t know why or how the problem was caused, and don’t know when or if it will be fixed. But hey, if you’re just in this for you know what, you might enjoy this app.

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6 years ago, Rikurox21


Alright. I’ve had experience with this app a couple years ago, then I got bored and deleted it. I stayed away for two years, came back, and nothing has changed, except the people. This isn’t the problem, as, well, people change. The problem I have with this app is the ‘Matches’ tab. Going in here is weird because you have 3 more tabs in there labeled ‘Meet’, ‘Admires’ and ‘Matches’. The one I will talk about is the ‘Admires’ tab and how trash this installment is. Basically it’s a nice idea that needs some major work. (In fact this whole app does). Anyway. Upon tapping the ‘Admires’ tab, it will give you an option of 20 people, and you have 5 guesses as to which one ‘Admires’ you. For the first few times, it was all well and good, but then it got to the point where I couldn’t go an hour without getting an ‘Admirer’. After a few times I noticed a pattern, THEY WERE ALL THE SAME PERSON IN THE PICTURE. And to make matters worse a few times more THEy HAD THE SAME NAME. I don’t think I’ll go back into this app, until recent positive reviews start popping up. There is potential to make this app great, however. Staff at MeetMe, clean up or throw it away. Thank you.

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4 years ago, STG foster

This app needs well needed features

I would love to see back swiping on this app to make it a little bit easier to go from one message to another or doing various things within the app, another very important thing I would like to see is kind of an implication of what Instagram has where if someone’s trying to message you, you have accept their message and that would be great we cut down on the people trying to Catfish you because obviously you can see who is trying and who is actually trying to speak to you. There’s two bags that I’ve recently found out about one of them is where it will take a long time for it to recognize your taps, and the other bug is when you’re typing a message to and then the keyboard will sometimes go down and disappear and then you ultimately will tap the ad under the key board. Other than those problems the app is great I love using it I use it every single day.

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4 years ago, Jtyrellv

Waste of time

I've been using this app for a few years now. Tons more click bait social influencer wannabes when they added the ability to go Live but, you can stay away from that feature with no real problem. The main issue is spam accounts. I can't tell you how many times I'd see a notification saying someone viewed my profile and liked me then I go and see its from a profile with a young female, clearly in her teens, picture, the pic is a little blurry and the gender is Male. The second main issue I had was with gay guys messaging me constantly trying to turn me out. 9 times out of 10 they had a female profile with just one close up pic of their lips. I've met a few friends on this app but the nail in the coffin for me was this stupid security update they've added now. It completely removes the ability to log in... As soon as I try to log in there's a pop up requesting I verify my account with my phone number. I've never added my phone number to my account but that wasn't the issue. It won't even recognize my phone number as valid. I've had the same number for over 5 years and some stupid app is saying it's not real. Smh

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2 years ago, DavidHFGonzo

Account users that spend money are priority

Account users that spend money are the platforms number 1 priority but beware how much you spend cause only the biggest spenders gets true customer service I’ve been in the app for over 2 years now , and recently was kicked out of my account regained access but only online it’s like I’ve been locked out of my account via the app , I contacted customer service via email and they say my account is still active , yet I still can’t log in on the app , I’ve spent well over $2000 supporting friends and other random streamers on the app yet that doesn’t seem to be enough for the developers to grant me access via The Market App , I created a back up for this very purpose and 4 days later that account is permanently deleted via the creators for “COMMUNITY GUIDELINES VIOLATIONS” that are non existent I haven’t even been in the account long enough to violate anything , the application creators and customer support will target your account for nearly any reason possible and once you submit a complaint they will ghost you as if they never knew you existed .

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4 years ago, WVgirlHP

5 stars for finding a 5 star husband

For starters, I know it’s the person and all... and being fortunate that I happened to give that young bright eyed boy a shot. It started in 2014, I was 16 and bored from a surgery. Meet me was practically entertainment to my best friend and I. To some friends we even made it a joke. We’d talk to people just to get outside of our small town. Then, I stumbled upon him. My husband to be. He messaged me and fate began. Meet me introduced the greatest thing in my life hands down, the guy that has taken care of me and stood by me through 6 surgeries. Fully supported me while I got on my feet from post op recoveries. I waited on him though basic training and we dated for 4 years before finally getting married. I think back to how fortunate we were on an app that you start think is not worth the time. It was. You never know what you might stumble upon. I was extremely fortunate and couldn’t be happier with our life we’ve made together. By 21 and 20 we had a remodeled house and 3 dogs and good jobs with starts to our lives. We took such a chance thanks to this app. We fell in love with strangers. Didn’t even meet for a while due to still being kids. For our lucky story, after waiting due to age and circ*mstances, and all and catfish fears no matter what. It worked out. **Given my review I do strongly advise a ton of caution on this app from experience back in the day.

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5 years ago, TheRudeGal

Good apps lots of bugs

So, this app is really good! BUT, it has so many bugs that need to be fixed! I had to verify my identity (I think someone reported my profile for being fake) which wasn’t the headache.. the headache was how long it took their support team to respond back... They made me change my password which leads me to believe that my account was compromised... I finally got back into my account (it wasn’t working with the app after numerous failed attempts) I had to do it through their webpage.// now that I’ve done that and solved that issue, I am unable to log into my account with my phone using the app!!! -____- I tried doing everything that I could think of and nothing worked and nothing solved my issue!!’ I deleted and reinstalled the app numerous times and I find myself still unable to solve it... The app prompts me to prove my identity and to change my password. (Even though this has already been done!) I think this app is very fun but when you run into issues such as these... something more needs to be done.... what’s the point of having an app available in the Apple store if it doesn’t work after awhile...

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2 years ago, Ivytat93

Thankful For This App

While I discontinued utilizing this app post coming into contact with someone , I can say that it was legitimate with the few weeks I had it . I met the most amazing , articulate, amazing , drop dead gorgeous woman on here back in 2015. Had it not been for us matching on the MeetMe we would not know each other today. This app served as a lifeline for our initial meeting and soon we will be coming together within the next few months ! <3 . My advice to anyone actually utilizing the app for good intentions towards “meeting” someone is to be your authentic self and to have a positive mindset. You will be surprised; you could find your better half on the app with a chance meeting. Although this app is not commercialized like the dating apps you see advertised on TV that you have to pay for 😒, it is nevertheless authentic and valid. Like I mentioned, my Love and I met on it and I am so glad that we did. ⭐️⭐️ Thank You MeetMe

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4 years ago, HangmanV

Hello Meetme.

Everyone who’s considering this app should think twice. I am an adult individual who baits and reports pedophiles. Within 24 hours of setting a trap on that site I received bites from more than a handful of eager grown men, jumping at the chance to sleep with a 15 year old girl (you can find their names on a list near you). Now granted, these people’s actions are not MeetMe’s responsibility but securing the safety of their younger users is. And that responsibility has been woefully neglected. Meetme took down my page. Which I decided might’ve been because one of my marks flagged me. My other page which I used for myself at one point in time was also flagged, signaling a deliberate effacing of any trace I could’ve left. Any and all attempts to re-register were met with unexplained error and “spam prevention” pages prompting a number for verification. But no number actually worked. I even entered 10 random, locally based numbers, all were “used to verify an account in the past” which is statistically highly improbable. Not only does meetme fail to protect children, they opt, instead to protect the men who want to violate them. I intend to take this up with the authorities. It’s time to talk MeetMe.

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5 years ago, Lolapop143

Meetme is predatory and dangerous app.

I have been on and off meetme for years. Why? Because every time I make an account it gets deleted when I turn down sexual advances or solicitations from random men. It takes one report of me being “fake” for my entire account to be deleted. No questions asked. Unless it comes to reporting underage girls. Meetme is a mixture of sexually charged perverts and young girls being preyed on. There is no lack of prostitution or other illegal activity on this app and nothing is done about it. I have reached out through every possible way to express my concerns and they have gone unanswered. It’s a shame bc there are good things about the site for people who choose to meet people online. Again though the second anyone doesn’t submit to a sexual desire or pushes back at all, their account gets deleted indefinitely. I have found my pictures used on the site as catfish accounts as well right after my account has been deleted. Which of course is unsettling. Something is really shady about this app/site and like I said it all goes unanswered by the creators. I would stay away from this app all together. It screams prostitution, drugs, and human trafficking.

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3 years ago, Long time meetme user

Great app gone bad

I joined this app when I was 13. I wrote my review at 20, giving it five stars. I’m now 25 and editing that review to share my level of disappointment. Upon joining, this site was amazing. There were games, bidding on “owning” each other’s photos, fun profile customization with themes and top friend spots. It was so much fun. Over the years, many many changes have taken place and all of those fun features are gone. It transitioned into some sort of dating/live streaming/scamming website. For a bit, there was still a “feed” section with different interest categories you could post statuses to etc. The last I checked (at which point I deleted the app entirely) the feed section was also removed! That was the last straw for me as it removed basically any socializing unless you wanted to stream yourself live within the app. Most messages are also scams or bots, not even real people anymore! It makes me extremely upset that this site, which was my absolute favorite through my early teen years, has been stripped of every single good feature it previously had. It’s a huge shame. - R.I.P MyYearbook -

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2 years ago, PalePerson

Bug issues

I am so annoyed with this apps. I’ve had several accounts and each one has been verified each time. I got on it about 30 minutes ago and it said I needed to verify AGAIN because my account was flagged for some dumb reason. So I verified it once again, and now it’s asking me to change my password. So I enter all the old passwords I can remember, and try to create a new password, but it continuously says “password needs to be 3-12 characters long” which it is and it still is not accepting the new password! I’ve tried everything I possible could but nothing seems to be working. This app gets updated so often because of so many bug issues. Apparently you need to fix it again because it’s causing so many issues. I’m like did they go ahead and just delete my account? Because I even tried going online from my computer to reset the password that way and it’s saying that each email I put it is not found. I’m so annoyed with this app and all I literally want to do is talk and chat with people. I’m not one to write nasty reviews but I’ve had nothing but continuous trouble with this app.

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1 year ago, Whipsplash

Meetme app is a total waste of time

I had used meetme years ago and it was an ok website back in the but this app and corresponding website have been overrun scammers. In one week of usage not one legitimate user at all. This is not an exaggeration. The streamers are ridiculous and all of these dating sites have done this. Most steamers strictly state that they are not there to date which further diminishes the dating pool within the app. All the streaming is a sad parade of narcissist and their followers. It serves no purpose but to boost the egos of of the nobody’s that gain collections of digital gifts that don’t exist. Their fans buy these gifts with a virtual in app currency and gives them to the streamers. The person with the most gifts wins, nothing. Meetme and several of the apps like it have almost completely become scams. The only people benefitting from it are not rhe subscribers, not the streamers or their fans. The owners of the meetme website are lining their pockets hand over fist with the money of the victims/subscribers and steamer fans. This has gone on long enough and it is time for these frauds to be investigated and the owners shut down.

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5 years ago, Nightwing Undead.

0% Entertainment

Like many applications that have a failing consumer base, this app fails to deliver a constant feel good atmosphere and lacks in having a welcoming enthusiasm. Seems to run off of its members and less on actual management. Ran a test running through it’s “Lives” and found 90% of them filled with absolutely rude streamers and “viewers.” I didnt even have to stay in one lobby for over two minutes and i was suspended for a “language” complaint, which occurred by biased viewers wanting unwanted company out of the session. Obviously more excessive than necessary where a kick even then would have been seen more appropriate. The fact that this site hands so much power to it’s users alone is an insult to a social media consumer, and should be taken seriously viewing other social applications. I would highly recommend staying away from using this application based off of what i have seen from viewing it.

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5 years ago, Pinkiiy

Don’t waste your time

I’ve been on the account for several years but I’m currently forced to make a new one because I’m randomly logged out of the account and not able to login again. I have been told by Men that they’ll Report me because I did not respond to them. I haven’t even broke any of the rules I literally make a post about going to a museum and then I’m forced I have the app and no longer able to login. I really used to enjoy the app but now the owners have become so controlling. I can’t even post A photo. No my photo weren’t nude or revealing. I can post a photo in a dress much like the one I just posted before you kick me off the app. Then I check my wall it’s removed. Also honestly the developers have stolen so much money for me it’s criminal. Im done ! I’ve been a customer for years in this app has honestly become draining. I only like this app because you’re able to make statuses, other than that this app is completely outdated anything that this app can do any other app can do. If you want to lifestream go to another app. I’ve noticed a pick up more streamers on other apps it takes longer for meet me so don’t waste your time

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5 years ago, hmmm.that guy

The worst customer service ever.

The only thing slower then these CSR’S on this app is a sloth. This is the worst customer service I’ve ever had, and I’ve been to the Nevada DMV. If your a first time customer here you probably won’t have issues. I recently came back to use the MeetMe App, when I tried to login it would not let me, I then proceeded to try to do a change password for the account are used previously, no change of password email ever sent to original email. So I had thought well long time no use maybe account is completely gone and I need to create a new one. Went to create a new one and was told I could not have multiple accounts, associated with same phone number, no account name from last email address. I have contacted the Mimi service support team several times going on five times to be exact. No response no show of concern for the customer and still cannot use app. After several frustrating attempts and no help given by technical support team, I have rated this app one store and in line to change my rating even after waiting so long, if only they were to fix this issue so I can actually use the app.

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6 years ago, alextyran2

Efficient App for People of the LGBT Community!

I haven’t had any problems with this app that I normally wouldn’t have with any other social media. There’s the great and there’s the bad! I love this app because there is a bunch of people you can choose from and talk with! Granted some girls on here are dry/strippers/prostitutes/etc but those are everywhere and I won’t blame the app for the certain people using it. Of all the apps I’ve used, I’ve been a long time user of MeetMe for the longest! (almost two years!) HER,Badoo,POF,Tinder,Bumble,Clover,Skout,etc are all trash. Being apart of the LGBT community, this app is definitely the Lesbian HangOut of Meeting apps. They have a diverse lgbt community following on this app. Matter fact, the biggest of all meeting apps I’ve ever been on. (Except for HER, but HER is 18+) Great for teens and there is a way you can censor out all the negative/pervs of the app in which I can definitely appreciate! 5 STARS KEEP UP THE WORK!

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5 years ago, TeppanHage

2nd time major annoyance

Recently, for the SECOND time, I created account only to be randomly logged out after a while of usage. When I attempt to log in, it says my password is incorrect (which isn’t true). So the only resort is to use the reset password link right? Well when I use that, the email hits my inbox hours/days later, and when I try to reset my password it says the thing is expired. Trying to reset password now doesn’t even send the email to my inbox anymore.. which is extremely beyond frustrating, considering that you don’t have access to your profile with YOUR pic. It’s even more frustrating that this whole thing I described has happened twice. And it’s a deal breaker that these people didn’t respond to my complaint. MeetMe was good in the past I can confirm. If this was 2013 I’d give it a 5 star because I met a ex gf through MM at that time. Now, It seems like it’s being run by some thugs. I do not recommend. “Staff” is pathetic and doesn’t reply or take serious the complaint you send. Find something else, I’ve met 3 women on tinder in the past and have absolutely never had my account there hijacked.

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4 months ago, Squidmod

Bro no

I used to lobby for meet me over POF cuz the inbox reply’s were Too much of POF and meet me had better filters so randos weren’t asking me to wear diapers… however… I was just banned for over an hour for NOTHING… I’m fully clothed… my children are in bed and I was not even so much as speaking and just changed songs… So they used to ban me off I played icp boogie woogie woo… once I realized that was the issue I stopped playing it … last night I played symptoms of being human I was fully clothed children in bed asleep and not even talking AT ALL and caught a ban for SEXUALLY EXPLICIT CONTENT…. So I emailed support like usual (this is a thing) and got a mailer demon meaning that email the email listed it’s not even active any more there’s no contact phone… They are trying to be Facebook but honey you don’t have the power off Facebook… You broke your partnership with POF… WE ALL HAVE POF ACCOUNTS to deal with your bans and you wanna start for nothing we will all go to POF where we have accounts and won’t catch a ban every five seconds for nothing with no customer support… I’ll go back to my inbox of diaper requests to avoid your bs… bye you and hello POF

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6 years ago, 💦(rip) queen_kim💦

Almost had 80k diamonds and they logged me out.

This app is very much a new age social media. The live feature is what I utilized mostly while Being on here. I spent a large majority of my time on live in hope of reaching to the top. That is up until I had around 78k in diamonds and they logged me out and when I tried creating new passwords as mentioned it did not allow me to renter in to my account. This is the 4th time happening to me on this site, as soon as they see you becoming popular they delete you off in efforts of you not reaching the 80k which is when there suppose to give you a cash prize. As cool as it was to be on live they are very much liars , cheaters and thieves!!😡 , there countless amounts of emails I sent them and still yet no reply. Not only was my time wasted but I lost a lot of friends from around the world that I can no longer speak too. I have also spoke to top livers who said there is no way to fix the problem because the meetme team doesn’t answer anyone regarding this issue in which MANY people end of having.I would not recommend this app at all! Unless they reach out to me regarding this issue.

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9 months ago, lumpycushy

Heads Up: You Cannot Delete Your Account

Firstly let me start off by saying this app is WAY too busy in the sense that you are bombarded by so much information at once on your Home Screen, it’s very jarring as a new user. Navigating feels very busy, and not very user friendly to new people. And now for the two star review: This app makes it IMPOSSIBLE to delete your account if you sign in with your Apple account. Every single time I go to delete my account it will ask me to verify and I would have to re-log in. That’s all fine, except it doesn’t do anything at all and I would have to repeat the ENTIRE PROCESS all over again!! Customer service is also non existent, and there appears to be no solution to this issue. I feel very uncomfortable knowing an app has access to my photos and personal information, and I cannot revoke that access by deleting my account.. Please skip this app. Clearly the developers care more about keeping users on their platform than allowing them to make decisions in their best interests.

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4 years ago, Kalee Phillips

Customer Service has ruined this ENTIRE app 🤬

First of all, I literally made this profile just over 24 hours ago. Everything was fine at first...I had several normal selfies posted and even verified that I was who I was. Today, in the middle of a chat, I was logged out of my account for no reason. Tried logging back in and got an error message saying my login information was invalid. I LITERALLY reset my password 4-5x and it still said everything was invalid. I deleted and reinstalled the app, still invalid. I’ve already sent several emails to the support email address with no response. I messaged meetme on Instagram, still no response. I even called the phone number and that was no help. I just want to delete my account at this point and not even deal with meetme anymore but I can’t get into my account to delete, nor has anyone responded to my messages. Now my information and pictures are circulating around this app WITHOUT MY CONSENT. This is NOT ok. I’ve done my research and am now finding there are hundreds of other people going through this cycle with meetme. I DO NOT recommend this app to ANYONE!!! DON’T DOWNLOAD THIS APP!!

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4 years ago, Summer Snow

What Happened. SMH

I was on MeetMe when it was known as MyYearBook and moved on. Decided to give it a try and my experience has been really, really bad. Horrible! There are a lot of creepy men on who request nudes, who want to know everything about you, get mad when you don't send naked pictures, people threaten you on this app, men harass you, men call you names if you don't video call them, there are a ton of hom*ophobic, transphobic, racist and misogynistic men on there! Where is customer service when a report is made???? At one point today I feared for my life. This app needs a safer place and section for LGBT members. Also safety measures for women. It can be a very toxic and draining app if you let it get to you. I think members should be screened, maybe require a psychological evaluation, background check or a no discrimination or stricter policy. I think the matching process is a joke. As far as in my experience the matches just do not work. I see this app could use major improvement. Please make it more gender inclusive and a safer community. Maybe someone of the LGBT community on your team could come up with some ideas. Or ask me. Contact me!

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2 years ago, very concerned parent / viewer

Bulling !

I don’t understand why you guys let mocha and people like her and her people even jay 🎯☕️ ( I know he spends so much money and maybe that’s why . Y’all keep letting them and others continue it’s going to be very expensive for families when they start hurting their love ones because of them and others ! We all come to this app or 93% of us is because we have some kind of mental issues ! Rather it’s were crazy or lonely , suicidal I could go on but I feel like you guys already know this but money is more important ! It’s bad out here on the MeetMe streets it’s not a family where we all stood together and cared for each other and took care of the ones with with problems ! You guys allowed it to be a evil place . Please for us that love this app and come here to be ok mentally and feel love , get rid of people . I mention just a couple but man so many more . You guys do still have so many of us probably more ( not for long if yalll keep letting this go on ) that still are here for good you guys will still pull numbers! CLEAN IT UP MEETME ! IT’S , YOU , THE MEETAPP IS BECOMING THE BIGGEST JOKE OUT HERE!

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MeetMe helps you find new people nearby who share your interests and want to chat now! It’s fun, friendly, and free! Join 100+ MILLION PEOPLE chatting and making new friends. So what are you waiting for? Download the best app for finding new friends to chat with! --------- What Our Members Say: "I've met people I'd never have met otherwise. And it's easy to chat with people. It just makes life a little better in my opinion." "[It's] probably one of the greatest sites... greater variety of people... everyone is at one place at one time... meeting new people." "MeetMe has given me the opportunity to talk to really terrific people." --------- MeetMe+ Information While MeetMe is available for free, we also offer an optional premium subscription service called MeetMe+. MeetMe+ is available in one-month ($7.99), three-month ($17.99), and six-month ($29.99) packages. Please note that with all subscriptions: - Payment will be charged to your iTunes account at confirmation of purchase. - Your subscription automatically renews for the same amount as your original subscription, unless auto-renew is turned off at least 24 hours before the end of the current subscription period. - Your account will be charged for renewal within 24 hours prior to the end of the current subscription period. - You can manage your subscription and switch off auto-renewal at any time by accessing your iTunes Account Settings after purchase. - You cannot cancel the current subscription during the active subscription period. View our Terms of Service at: View our Privacy Policy at:

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MeetMe - Meet, Chat & Go Live iOS App: Stats & Benchmarks • SplitMetrics (2024)


What is stealth mode MeetMe? ›

Stealth-Browsing and Spotlight. On MeetMe, users are able to find out who has viewed their profile. With MeetMe Credits, users can purchase stealth-browsing, which allows them to look at other people's profiles without the other person finding out.

What apps are linked to MeetMe? ›

The Meet Group, Inc. (formerly MeetMe) owns several dating app networking services including MeetMe, hi5, LOVOO, Growlr, Skout, and Tagged.

Is MeetMe a hook up app? ›

MeetMe is social media in every sense: chatting with strangers, trading pictures, taking an anonymous poll, adding friends. But again, it's social media with a flirting/dating/hook-up bent with features like “Rate Me” and “Romance” which is a wall of pictures of mostly females.

What is the app where you get paid to chat? ›

Talkroom is pretty easy to use

It takes just a minute to create a profile, set a price and start getting paid for your time.

What does enabling stealth mode do? ›

If you're concerned about security, you can use “stealth mode” to make it more difficult for hackers and malware to find your Mac. When stealth mode is on, your Mac doesn't respond to either “ping” requests or connection attempts from a closed TCP or UDP network.

What is the point of stealth mode? ›

In business, stealth mode is a company's temporary state of secretiveness, usually undertaken to avoid alerting competitors to a pending product launch or another business initiative.

How do I look someone up on MeetMe? ›

MeetMe doesn't have the search feature to look for a specific profile anymore, as mentioned by Ann Pierce . But! If you have messaged someone before then you can search for that person's profile in your messages. Click on the message, click on the profile and voila.

What is the point of the MeetMe app? ›

The primary function of Meetme is to facilitate social interactions among users. It provides a platform where individuals can chat, meet new people, and build friendships, regardless of geographical location. It fosters connections through shared interests, discussions, and real-time video chats.

What type of social media is MeetMe? ›

Yes, MeetMe is primarily known as a social networking and dating app. It allows users to meet new people, chat, and engage in various social activities, including dating.

Can I get paid to text people? ›

If you're looking for ways to make some extra cash, getting paid to text may be a great thing to look into. There are many sites where you can earn money just by using your texting skills. You can get paid to answer questions, give advice, flirt, and more.

What app actually pays you? ›

Best money-making apps compared 2024
TitleBest for
Rocket MoneyKeeping track of your finances
DoordashDelivery drivers
UpsideGas station rewards
8 more rows

What is the Talkroom app? ›

Description. Talkroom lets people pay before chatting with you. Your time is valuable and so is your inbox space. Talkroom helps you prioritise who you reply to, while you earn money from answering those messages.

What does it mean when someone says stealth mode? ›

(1) Taking place in secret. Stealth mode often refers to the policy of a startup when developing a unique product or that an established company takes when creating something new. Everyone is sworn to secrecy, and a low profile is kept until launch time.

What is the stealth mode feature? ›

Stealth mode is the robust solution to provide a seamless authentication to the user without any user interaction when transitioning from one connection to another. This feature supports only on Windows.

Is stealth mode good? ›

The main benefit of business operating in stealth mode is protecting intellectual property, which is especially important to those working with unique new projects. Not having too much public information about the product prevents the idea from being copied and keeps it secret from the competitors.

Can you appear offline on MeetMe? ›

You don't have to logout in order to appear offline. The app has chat rooms where you can interact with large groups of people.


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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

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Job: Legacy Sales Designer

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Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.