If You Were in Charge of the Anime (*POTENTIAL SPOILERS*) (2024)

That was awesome, though I would have kept the final battle as Charizard vs Blastoise, and I like Primeape there I would prefer if Ash used Butterfree.

Thanks, I didn't want to give Charizard too much spotlight as the previous match would be Ash vs Damien and Charizard would take out three f his pokemon at least. I'm trying to have continuity with my previous posts and in them, I don't think I gave Ash butterfree, gave it to Leaf instead. I wanted to put Primeape there as he is one of the originals and I wanted to explain why he wasn't released. Oh what the hell, I'll do Ash vs Silver in the league:

Johto League
Quarter Finals

Ash vs Silver

[IMG139]http://www.serebii.net/blackwhite/pokemon/025.png[/IMG139] [IMG139]http://www.serebii.net/blackwhite/pokemon/214.png[/IMG139] [IMG139]http://www.serebii.net/blackwhite/pokemon/058.png[/IMG139] [IMG139]http://www.serebii.net/blackwhite/pokemon/158.png[/IMG139] [IMG139]http://www.serebii.net/blackwhite/pokemon/105.png[/IMG139] [IMG139]http://www.serebii.net/blackwhite/pokemon/195.png[/IMG139]

[IMG139]http://www.serebii.net/blackwhite/pokemon/160.png[/IMG139] [IMG139]http://www.serebii.net/blackwhite/pokemon/142.png[/IMG139] [IMG139]http://www.serebii.net/blackwhite/pokemon/229.png[/IMG139] [IMG139]http://www.serebii.net/blackwhite/pokemon/130.png[/IMG139] [IMG139]http://www.serebii.net/blackwhite/pokemon/215.png[/IMG139] [IMG139]http://www.serebii.net/blackwhite/pokemon/065.png[/IMG139]

Totodile vs Red Gyarados-The match starts off with Ash and Silver glaring at each other, and then Silver sends out Gyarados first, which wows the audience. Ash sends in Totodile to Silver's amazement, which questions why it hasn't evolved yet and for it to grow stronger, it needs to become bigger and stronger through evolution. Ash disagrees with this and the battle kicks off. Totodile starts off with scary face that is hilariously countered by Gyarados simply roaring at Totodile, causing him to fall over. Jimmy in the audience starts chuckling which causes Crystal to hit him on the head. Silver shouts that Totodile seriously needs to evolve, while Ash shouts that Totodile is an example of how a pokemon can be strong on love and will over evolution. Gyarados uses hydro pump which is shot out like a cannon from a pirate ship while Totodile uses it's own hydro pump, which is like a wild water hose. Ash notices that the size difference won't help anybody, and calls Totodile to stop and use ice punch, which Totodile does by jumping onto Gyarados, but this is stopped and Gyarados shakes the crocodile off, then unleashes Dragonbreath that pummels Totodile into the water. Seeing it is tired and not doing much damage, Ash recalls Totodile. Silver remarks that it wasn't really a good example, but Ash murmurs the match is far from over.
Quagsire vs Red Gyarados-Silver starts getting more tense and states there is more of a threat now since Quagsire is in it's final evolved form. Gyarados quickly sets off by using hyper beam across the land part of the field, causing Quagsire to go into the water with Gyarados. Ash takes the recharge time to have Quagsire use headbutt onto the snake pokemon. While trying to get another headbutt, it does not realise Gyarados is looking down at it, readying a whirlpool attack. Whirlpool hits Quagsire by suprise, and causes it to be rocked across the water field, hurting it badly. Quagsire then snaps out of this somehow and lunges out of the field, and uses water gun directly at Gyarados's face. As Silver orders a Dragonbreath, Quagsire uses mist, which gives it the necessary cover. Silver orders Gyarados to lurk into the water for the mist to hide, but Quagsire is already there, and unleashes Ice Punch onto Gyarados, pushing it upwards and out of the water. Gyarados is then on land, and Quagsire finishes it off by using headbutt. Silver notes that it was a fair defeat but notes that Quagsire was lucky at brushing off whirlpool and that it should do well as an evolved pokemon.
Quagsire vs Sneasel-The slow pokemon starts off with water gun, which Sneasel deflects with a quick slash. Sneasel then runs straight into the pokemon and uses faint attack, taking advantage of it's carefree and naive nature. Sneasel then continues by using blizzard onto the stunned pokemon, causing it to freeze and fall into the water. Quagsire then rises to the top as a frozen iceberg, defeated.
Heracross vs Sneasel-At the start of the battle, Silver notices the bad type-matchup but after checking Heracross on his stolen pokedex, he decides to keep Sneasel in the battle. Sneasel starts off with a direct slash attack which is countered by a horn attack, which seems to hurt Heracross more because the slash goes directly into it's face. Sneasel then unleashes fury swipes, which Heracross is forced to counter with fury swipes. As the two pokemon vicously atttack each other, Silver shouts to Ash that this is a real battle because both trainers are controlling their pokemon's emotions and using anger and agression to win. Ash notices this and disagrees with his belief, causing him to stop using fury attack and orders Heracross to rock smash, which Heracross tries but is stopped dead in it's tracks with blizzard from Sneasel. Heracross nearly falls into the water and struggles to get up as Sneasel jumps onto it, readying a slash attack if it rises. Ash looks to Heracross, who then gives a smirk and Ash nods, then orders megahorn. A shining light surrounds the two pokemon, and all that is heard is the megahorn attacking Sneasel, as it falls back onto the ground. Sneasel is knocked out and Heracross wins, Silver notes that megahorn was a suprise and how Sneasel halted before using slash, which was costly.
Heracross vs Aerodactyl-Silver looks to an old, nearly broken pokeball and Ash across the field notices it, remembering back to an episode that focused on fossil pokemon. Ash then asks Silver where he got that pokemon from, and Silver replies he 'got it' from a couple of old scientists who weren't going to train it, they were going to study it instead which would have been a waste of it's potential. Ash scowls at this and notes that it isn't a wild pokemon and needs to be cared for properly, which Silver scoffs at. Ash angrilly orders Heracross to use fury attack at Aerodactyl, who evades this by flying into the air. Silver orders a Supersonic attack towards Heracross, which works and causes Heracross to wander around the field in confusion. It trips and falls into the water by accident, and Silver orders Aerodactyl to finish Heracross with wing attack, easily defeating the stunned pokemon in the water. Pikachu is angry at how Aerodactyl is being used and begs Ash to use it next, which after a short moment of thought, he decides to despite the type disadvantage.
Pikachu vs Aerodactyl-Silver mutters that not only is this a bad type matchup, but an unevolved pokemon like Pikachu has no hope of defeating an Aerodactyl. Pikachu starts with Iron Tail, which Aerodactyl stops with bite, and starts flying across the field, with Pikachu in it's mouth by the tail. Pikachu is screaming at this point and the stadium announcers are calling this 'A brutal representation of nature', while Ash orders Pikachu to use swift directly into Aerodactyl's mouth, causing both pokemon to start falling to the ground. Pikachu quickly gets onto Aerodactyl and starts steering it to the water, and starts overusing thunderbolt while Aerodactyl tries to use hyper beam to soften the landing. Silver shouts at Ash, telling him because of Aerodactyl being injured by the thunderbolt, it won't be able to aim it's hyper beam good enough to the water to shield the crash, meaning both Aerodactyl and Pikachu will be badly injured. Ash smirks and asks if Silver is finally starting to care for his pokemon. The two pokemon fall into the water, and a big splash surrounds the stadium. Crystal and Jimmy in the audience get wet and start moaning about it, causing Randy to laugh who is then drenched by a bigger splash. The two pokemon are seen at the bottom of the pool, both defeated. The announcer states that as three of Ash's and Silver's pokemon have been defeated, it is half time and the field will be changed.
During the break, Ash releases Heracross and Quagsire out of their balls, and gives them to Randy, as well as Pikachu, to go straight to the pokecentre as they all need to be healed. Ash looks to his final three pokeballs and wishes them luck. Crystal, Jimmy and Professor Elm stand with Ash and wish him luck, and note that after the match, Silver will be defeated and be able to be interrogated for his crimes, though Ash states that Silver isn't a bad guy, as he is finally starting to care for his pokemon. Jimmy scoffs at this but Ash notes that Silver was pretty protective of both Feraligatr and Aerodactyl. The trainers return to the match and the field changes to an ice field. Silver looks to his final three pokemon and an idea is hatched in his head.
Marrowak vs Alakazam-The match starts off with Silver ordering Alakazam to use teleport across the field, while Ash tells Marrowak to use boomerang towards Alakazam. All of the boomerangs miss and hit the ice, causing them to fall and take the shape of floats and barriers. After a long period of this, and after a lot of questioning by the audience, Silver orders Alakazam to use reflect, which Alakazam does and realises what Silver is doing, and gives a worried face. Marrowak is then told to use fire punch at Alakazam, who is readying a shadow ball. Fire punch hits but the effect is decreased due to reflect, and Marrowak is hit at close range by shadow ball, knocking it back badly into the ice. Alakazam then uses psychic on the ice barriers, forming them in a circle shape around the field, shaping it into an arena shape. As Marrowak gets up, Alakazam uses teleport over and over without any signs of tireness, and Marrowak uses focus energy, then uses boomerang once more, but this time it hits Alakazam, knocking him down. Marrowak finishes him off with a final fire punch. Silver recalls Alakazam siliently, while Ash smiles and congratulates Marrowak, but Silver smiles at what is happening and notes it is all part of the plan.
Marrowak vs Houndoom-The match starts with Houndoom shooting shadow balls at Marrowak, who stops them all with boomerang. Silver then decides to enact his next step and orders Houndoom to use smog across the field, which distracts Marrowak long enough while Houndoom uses flamethrower on the ice barriers. The ice barriers melt and turn to water, and it is revealed that the field has been closed off. The ice section of the field is circular shaped while water surrounds it, and Silver laughs at how he is using his brains over brawn, something Ash never achieves which angers him. Marrowak then uses thrash to mirror Ash's anger and hurts Houndoom badly, and Marrowak tries to finish it off with fire punch, but Houndoom uses bite on Marrowak and brings him into the cold water. Houndoom is defeated by this and Ash quickly recalls Marrowak before any serious damage is done.
Growlithe vs Feraligatr-Ash believes the next pokemon will be Silver's Haunter, but he is suprised at how it is his starter, Feraligatr. Silver tells Ash that Haunter was getting too weak and had to be released, and he wouldn't battle Ash at the league without his signature pokemon. Ash notices the bad type match up and the new field, but then comments to Silver that he can use brain over brawn too and keeps Growlithe in, confusing everyone. Growlithe then uses agility across the icy field, while Feraligatr stops it with scary face, then uses hydro pump to push Growlithe away. Ash pleads Growlithe to get up, which it does, and then orders flamethrower towards the water, which Growlithe reluctantly does, staying loyal to Ash's crazy strategy. The water is heated and most of it evaporates, creating steam across the field. After a short period of spotting Growlithe through the steam, Feraligatr finishes Growlithe with another hydro pump, and Ash carries Growlithe to the bench, stroking him and telling him that he is brave and that he has greatly helped Ash. Silver sees the similarity between the two trainers and realises that Ash is copying Silver's methods.
Marrowak vs Feraligatr-The match starts with the steam clearing, revealing the field to be a short circular rocky hill, with a short pool of hot water at the bottom. Marrowak starts fighting with boomerang, which Feraligatr stops with dynamic punch, and then uses another hydro pump at Marrowak, who manages to endure it. Seeing Marrowak is incredibly tired, Ash orders an earthquake attack by Marrowak, while Feraligatr tries to counter with hydro pump. The earthquake causes the rocky mountain to fall in terms of size, and comes closer to the hot pool of water, while the hydro pump rises in the air due to the short amounts of steam, and then falls down and hits Marrowak, defeating him. Ash comments that the field changes might just help him win. Silver demands Ash to stop destroying the field as it could kill their pokemon and would stop them both from winning, while Ash smirks and comments how he is still starting to care, infuriating Silver.
Totodile vs Feraligatr-The two crocodile pokemon look on to each other, both tired and on the final round. Feraligatr is ordered to grab Totodile and jump into the water, using scary face to subdue him in the water, planning to knock him out of conciousness, which again causes the audience to call Silver's methods brutal. Totodile escapes and uses bite in the water to create a shockwave to separate the two water pokemon. The two pokemon then rise to the surface of the water, and unleash their own surf attack. Both waves hit each other hard, and Ash tells Totodile to stop using it's wave and latch onto Feraligatr with bite, which causes Feraligatr to lose control of it's surf and both waves knock both pokemon to the rocky mountainous base. The two pokemon then rise after Totodile is knocked off of Feraligatr, and they glare at each other, using their own scary face attacks at each other. The crowd is tense and both pokemon are panting, trying to ready a hydro pump to defeat the other but Feraligatr cannot take the pain from the bite attack on it's neck, and falls backwards onto the ground.
Ash is proclaimed the winner and the original three pokemon return to the field and all of the pokemon hug Ash, except Marrowak who simply shakes his hand and nods with a loner's badass look. Silver falls onto his knees and questions why he lost. Feraligatr starts to rise and crawls to Silver, looking sympathetically for forgiveness. Silver then hugs Feraligatr and has an emotional breakdown, apologising for everything. Ash, Professor Elm and the others go to Silver to comfort Silver, who discovers that his cold exterior and troubled mind is all down to his upbringing by Giovanni of team rocket, and later growing up in Orphanages. Silver releases his pokemon out of their pokeballs and tells them to go and live their own lives, while handing Feraligatr to Professor Elm and asking to be turned in to the police for his crimes. Professor Elm tells him that Silver redeemed himself in using the pokemon to take down Team Rocket, and trying to make up of his own bad background by defeating his own father and the rest of Team Rocket. He notes that ever since their first confrontation in Cianwood City, he noticed that Silver had bonded with most of this pokemon by that time, including Feraligatr, and knew that Silver would eventually discover his mistakes. Silver then looks to Jimmy and Ash and apologises for his arrogance, which Ash immediantly accepts and Jimmy comically accepts. The sun sets at the end of the episode, and the semi finals line up is announced, and Silver sets off, deciding he wants to head to Kanto and Mt Silver, to discover more of his home roots and maybe to find his mother. Ash wishes him luck and the episode ends with Ash discovering who he will be battling next in the semi finals: Harrison...

Wew, that took a long time, gotta say it was difficult making Silver and Paul look different and trying to make the battle fixated on emotions and teaching Silver of his mistakes. Hope you all enjoyed and comment, I'll probably do Ash vs Wally later on If You Were in Charge of the Anime (*POTENTIAL SPOILERS*) (1)

If You Were in Charge of the Anime (*POTENTIAL SPOILERS*) (2024)


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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.