61: My Untold Truth of 2023 (what i didn’t tell you) ; 2024 INS & OUTS by was that TMI? (2024)

67: What a Toxic Relationship Will Do To You *STORYTIME*TMI wtf is up, it’s Sadie typing this. Welcome back to the chapel of THE TRUTH, THE WHOLE TRUTH, AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH! Thats what we are here people, I started this podcast to talk about my life, and struggles, in hopes to relate to all of you who listen. The goal is to create a safe space where we can all grow to become the STRONG, CONFIDENT, AND HOT B!TCHES WE DESERVE TO BE. One thing I’ve learned is being in a toxic relationship with a boy who just wants to be you, will not help you get there. Today I’m sharing a personal experience that I kept hush hush about due to fear. Well guess what to everyone who wants to say “keeping quiet will protect the peace” WHOS PEACE B!TCH? Love you guys, glad to be back :)May 03, 202446:0666: Mental Breakdown from an out of touch YouTuber I might regret posting this but honestly fck it. I love you guys and the little community we have. Being honest is sometimes hard online because I don’t want people to think I’m complaing 24/7 but sometimes it is refreshing to show y’all the reality of everything. Today’s episode is me explaining how I’ve come to dislike social media lmao. Mar 12, 202442:3065: My Life Changing WeekendTHANK GAWD. Lord knows we could only take so many depression Sadie episodes. Luckily your girl got her sad a$$ up and went out this weekend, and by go out we mean, drove nine hours away from home and met completely new people in a completely new place. Was she scared? Absolutley. Was it worth it? Abso-FCKN-lutley.Feb 23, 202452:3264: F*ck Valentines Day and F*ck Men .... storytimes Oh no... Sadie has left this week but don't you worry, Chad (drunk Sadie) is here! In honor of valentines day being this week this episode is all about love or should we say failed love. Sadie is reading write ins from the fans, giving advice, and sharing her personal experience with romance. Tea time baby. Feb 16, 202450:0463: I am Austin McBroom... Life Update, Fighting my own Demons RN Currently in her rotting girl, depression era, Sadie is in survival mode right now. Her mental state hasn't been the best and she took some time off. Today she updates you guys on her diagnosis and tells some funny stories from the past few weeks Feb 10, 202446:0662: How to make 2024 YOUR YEAR and find your own happinessHappy New Year TMI !!! We made it people, and let me say the grass hasn't been looking greener. Sadie has been in her dumps, seasonal depression has definitely got the best of her. While rotting away in bed through the holidays was acceptable, IT'S NO LONGER ALLOWED. Don't worry this isn't your typical "new year, new me" episode listing off bullish*t resolutions that will "transform your soul." Nope, today we are being realistic and applying no pressure to 2024theplot. Listen up mfs because Sadie here has figured out how we're gonna make this year our best.Jan 14, 202454:0260: Social Media is boring now … Happy Thursday TMI ! Sadie is once again late this week, BUT she is here to tell you why. It’s VLOGMAS SZN baby and that means she does not stop filming her life for 25 days straight to post to her YouTube Channel. While in the mix of doing this Crowell sat down and gave you guys a massive life update and her opinions/theories on where social media is heading… Dec 07, 202331:0859: HOW TO BECOME CONFIDENT | it will change your life.The IDGAF MENTALITY that has changed lives time and time again is here for you all on a platter! Sadie has built her brand off of not worrying what others think, and just being herself. The most frequent question asked is HOW? Today Sadie shares the 4 steps to become the most confident version of yourself and how it will change your day to day life starting now.Nov 30, 202331:1958: Break Ups Suck, but don't have to...Sadie has recently experienced her first real break up. While she's tip toed around the topic online and has appeared to be handling it really well, today she reveals that is has all been a brave face she's hiding behind. Although she is in a way better place now vs when the split was first announced. Today Sadie is giving her tips on how to move forward.Nov 22, 202340:2957: Mental Health, Life Struggles, and Toxic Men with Katie RitchieWelcome Katie Ritchie, an internet personality who has recently experienced a sudden rise to fame through her TikTok account. Today she openly speaks about her life growing up and how it was far from the norm. Katies just this year has lost her stepfather, watched her mom go through rehab, and prayed to get her siblings who were in foster care back home, all while being in the public eye. Listen in to hear her journey these past few months and how her life has completely changed.Nov 15, 202353:1656: Getting Rid of Sh*tty Friends … Something you’ll come to realize when watching Sadie is she’s constantly alone. The confusing part about this is, SHE HATES IT. We all know her for her outgoing personality, and the girl who wants to talk to everyone … BUT today Sadie is sharing how she’s personally experienced and learned surrounding yourself with sh*tty people sucks a lot more than just being by yourself.Nov 08, 202332:0054: How to Deal with Sadness and Feeling Alone (my healing era)Over the past few weeks Sadie has come to learn that "healing takes time." Which in her mind that advice CAN SUCK A FAT D*** ... kidding. Your girl is impatient though and has tried to get through this season of sadness as quick as possible, while pushing under the rug that she should listen to her feelings and get though this all in a healthy way. A light has shined bright in her life today and she wants to share how to get through all of this and do it with anyone who needs it.Oct 24, 202347:0953: Overcoming Overthinking (how I cope)It's been a bumpy past week for Sadie as she's been in her feels. One of the things that gets in her head the most is the future, and always worrying about what's next. Even though she has no cure, Sadie is sharing somethings that help her with overthinking and fears of the unknown.Oct 12, 202337:5052: I’ve Been Depressed … (dealing with change is hard asf)AN ERA OF HEALING. As much as we try and plan out our lives sometimes things are out of our control. Sadie has recently faced some personal issues in her life and has taken some time to step away and reflect. Today she is sharing what she's been going through and how she's dealing with her emotions in a very raw, emotional, and ironically comical episode.Oct 02, 202340:4751: NO ONE IS BETTER THAN ANYONE. (i'm on a rant brace yourself)Social Media is indeed Sadies job, but it's not her LIFE, although her life is fully on social media. It's very easy to quickly look at her profiles and think "she got a following, has money, and just parties 24/7" ... BUT the truth is within this episode. Sadie goes to explain why her love for her job has slipped out of her control and she is only learning to gain it back. In a very raw and honest episode she is here to share even more in depth about what this industry will TRY and do.Sep 20, 202338:5750: Meet My BoyfriendSadie shares everything and just about everyone in her life with you guys. BF has been spoken about all the way back to when he wasn’t even BF. After 9 months Sadie is finally joined by Charlie, AKA bf, and they’re sharing the details of how their story begin while answering the questions you all have been wondering.Aug 24, 202357:1749: Dealing with a Phase of Depression… also where tf have I been?Sadie is depressed? What the duck!!! Your fav girl is back after disappearing ironically after saying she would be here for you guys every week on Sunday … f*cking idiot. At this point we’re not exactly sure how we still have any of you stick around but we are so very grateful. On this episode Sadie sweats her ass off while talking to you guys about her disappearance and how she’s dealing with life right now.Aug 16, 202331:1748: I Went on a Three Day Bender, and need to tell you all about it. ROCK THE SOUTH STORY TIMENot on schedule but at least it's a story time. Coming straight from the TMI audience request line Sadie is here to tell you all about her previous weekend partying at rock the south country festival. Sadie was joined by good friend Bailey Dedrick (fellow youtuber), as they both met up with TikTok squads. From what we've heard Sadie and Bailey grabbed this weekend by the balls and had a rodeo of a time. Sadies Episode recap phrase, “sprinter vans we're never made for mud."Jul 26, 202343:5047: Realizing when to move on and how to do it...Moving on is without a doubt one of the hardest things to do, but really it's all in our heads. Today Sadie shares her knowledge on the easiest way to move on through her own personal experiences. Of Course it wouldn’t be an episode without a story time so Sadie is also reccaping her wknd and FIRST TIME going to the bar with her mom. Sadies Episode recap phrase, “the grass isn't always greener, but just water that sh*t and you’ll be good” Jul 16, 202331:2946: I Met My BFs Family, Celebrated the 4th with TikTok boys, and Survived a Hurricane with a DILF and his Childrenhttps://sadiecrowell.com/A 2 week break is nothing you tmi listens love to see but turning a negative into a positive is something Sadie will absolutely do. Little did this b*tch know in only fourteen days she would go to 6 different states and experience the lowest of lows followed by the highest of highs. Sadies has requested to start including recap phrases for each episode and for this one she’s chose to say, “when there’s no ring there’s no rules.”Jul 10, 202352:3344: How to Deal with Losing a Best Friend…SADIE IS BACK IN helLA, in her new Tesla? After being on the other end of sicko mode for a week (sadie was genuinely sick in bed) she is back for a new episode. Today she let you CALL IN and tell funny tmi stories while she also gets deep about a topic that has personally effected her.Jun 05, 202332:1842: My Milf Mother is BackKELLEY!!! Happy late Mothers Day people, this week Sadies mama is back. Kelley and Sadie start off by taking the rice purity test together which then pushes them into some awkward topics. Later in the episode they come to realize they're each others only friends and for some reason feel the need to get deep. It’s not often you find a mother-daughter, milf-future milf duo like these two so make sure you don’t miss out.May 16, 202357:0241: Playing Truth or Drink Live from MexicoCINCO DE MAYO BABY!!! One of Sadies favorite days of the year just passed last weekend so she of course took it upon herself and made the most of it by flying to Mexico just for y'all. Todays episode is on the fun side while taking some juicy and deep turns as Sadie decides to answer wether or not YOUR haunting assumptions made about her are true or false. If Crowell doesn't want to answer a question she must take a shot. Let's get twisted ladies and gentlemen.May 09, 202347:3240: Your Guide to becoming THAT B*TCH for the Summer ;)LADIES LADIES LADIES, it is that time of the mother fcking year again and the last thing Sadie will do is leave y'all with no advice on how to live your sexiest, maybe slu*ttiest, possibly sh*ttiest season of your life. Summer is that time of the year we all are feelin free, BUT it can come with some bullish*t. A few things in that BS category include, worry about our bodies, worrying about stupid ass men, maybe worrying about what you did last night because God forbid you will be able to remember that. Don't stress though, Sadie is here to talk you through it all and have you leaving this episode as the person you didn't know you could even be.May 03, 202340:2139: So I Last Minute Flew to Europe AloneSadie is back in the states, in a weird mental state, and has a statement to make... LOL, kinda. Sadie is a traveling girl as we know and just recently received her passport. It has not even been a month and shes left the U.S. twice, surprisingly making it back alive. This past week Sadie flew over to Europe and traveled country to country all while coming to the realization of what anxiety is and feels like. This week Sadie brings you all along through her trip and how she dealt with being anxious. As always, stay tuned till the end to hear your questions answered from https://www.wasthattmi.com/https://www.instagram.com/wasthattmi/?hl=en Apr 24, 202332:0538: Navigating Growing Up with Hannah MelocheYouTuber Hannah Meloche is joining Sadie this week to sit and talk about her journey of being in the public eye and navigating growing up! Hannah has been sharing her life on the internet since the age of THIRTEEN, coming up on ten years as she just turned 22. Today we get the inside scoop on her life since the beggining and where she is at now. The two also relate their struggles career wise and learn to find they’re not alone and neither are you! Apr 11, 202342:2136: I'm Stuck in LA having an Absolute Mental Breakdown ... I don't know who I am anymore.Can I get a "dramatic ASF?". Thank you very much. Sadie is back in the city of angels, helLA, and to no ones surprise, is going through it. While she has been out here having some special guests on the podcast, she has also been feeling a little down. One may say this is due to the rainy cold weather, lack of social interaction, and her period almost being here. On the other hand Sadie has been over thinking her whole life on social media and questioning what she has become. Long story short, people change, GROWING UP SUCKS, but that's just life and she is here to walk you through it with some funny story times in between.Mar 21, 202328:1034: I Actually Have a Boyfriend ...The day we never saw coming ... Sadie has an actual boyfriend. The girl who preaches love at a young age is dumb, she would never date someone who isn't AT LEAST six years older than her, and having a relationship right now just doesn't make sense for her has BETRAYED US. This is a mini episode due to the fact that if Sadie talks on this topic for to long she begins to sound crazier, crazier, and eventually reaches a breaking point where she just questions the topic as a whole. So listen in to hear about this new change in Sadies life, and why she thinks it a good thing... maybe...Mar 07, 202325:5533: Getting Deep, Juicy, and Real with My MamaThis weeks episode is featuring wasthatTMIs most requested guess, Sadies mom. Kelley has been on Sadies journey of social media since the very beginning and the biggest question they both always get is "how are they so close?" Well today they both discuss their relationship since Sadies wild days in high school, and journey back to when Kelley was younger and how her and Sadie weren't to different ... KELLEY WAS A LIL RAGER!Feb 27, 202340:4431: Addressing Assumptions made about me and how I've Changed Since Starting Social Media"Sadie Crowell is a drunk sl*t who does nothing but party, post pictures of her body, and hookup with DILFS."Being in the public eye Sadie faces a lot of false things said about her. Although she doesn't really let it affect how open she is online, she always wants her true fans to know the what's right and what's wrong. Today Sadie reads through a bunch of assumptions made about her and talks about how much she and her online image has changed since she started her online career.Feb 07, 202325:5930: My Past Month was Full of DILFS, Wine, Traveling, and my Situation-ship... This episode is sponsored by/brought to you by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at betterhelp.com/TMI and get on your way to being your best self.ON THE ROAD AGAIN, and no ones shocked. At the beginning of this month Sadie packed up her car with a suitcase full of bathing suits even though it was 30 degrees where she lives. Y'all know Sadie needs sunshine in order to smile, so she was determined to get it. With no plan in mind she hauled down south and wound up bumping into her best friend Ford. With no priorities in her mind she's been living it up since she left home and partying with Dilfs, going to FSU frequently to see Rilyn, and ended it all with a flight back to her favorite place Los Angeles! Why tf was she there again? Well ... Sadie has found herself in some deep sh*t with the little crush she had on a boy now becoming ... kinda serious?Jan 31, 202333:2329: Our Boy Advice even Though We’re Prude and Rude to all menNothing beats the energy you have with your best friend. In Sadie and Rilyns case the energy is described as (double standard, toxic, and the 2 brains cells left after a night out). Today they sit down and talk about boys, deep life thoughts, and teen girl issues all while stuffing tacos in their face holes. Enjoy ;)Jan 17, 202328:3128: STORY TIME on My Roadtrip to HelLA, New Years Eve, and Reading your ConfessionsThis episode is sponsored by/brought to you by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at betterhelp.com/TMI and get on your way to being your best self.HAPPY NEW YEAR TMI, hope we all had a great, safe, and fun holiday... Sadie sure did. As we all know Sadie can't stay in the same state for more than 5 days so she is here to tell you all about her journey out West where she skrted a Tesla through the snowy mountains of Oregon?! All the way to her least favorite place in the US, aka helLA, aka Los Angeles. Where she then hopped on a flight back to the East Coast where she met up with life long long bestie Rilyn, aka Treyway. They hauled a$$ up to Nashville for a litty titty NYE, and now Sadie is back in Florida having her monthly mental breakdown, and best of all, here to tell you all about it.Jan 05, 202328:1027: 10 Rules to Self that will Change Your Life This episode is brought to you by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at betterhelp.com/tmi and get on your way to being your best self. Sadie is someone who very much stands by her saying, "when you feel stuck or lost, get a new a perspective." Life is to short to focus on the bad and even thought sh*t gets hard (that's what she said), you gotta keep moving forward! On todays episode Sadie is giving y'all the 10 rules and motto she strictly follows that turned her life around and molded her into the person she is today. Live laugh love and listen in b!tches. Dec 20, 202230:0026: Therapy with Sadie (I'm moving to New York City and have boy problems)Welcome to therapy! Sadie is back from her last minute trip to NYC and questioning where she is in life... this is typical for the end of the year but this may be the first time we actually see her make a move. As always she has boy updates and sadly loosing touch with her confident advice that is normally a staple piece of hers. Lover girl Sadie on the rise? Hell no, but ... maybe.Dec 16, 202234:5525: I f*cked up my Situation-ship, Went for a Night Out, and have Anger IssuesSituation-ships are like Sadies middle name, even though she's the queen of ruining every single one. Today she tells you what NOT to do if you want a possibility of yours lasting. Big girl moves/purchases are not something Sadie is the queen of but this past week she stepped up to the plate and bought her mom Kelley, whose frequently featured on her YouTube channel, a new car! A trip is something that your girl always has in store and this past wknd BAMA was the destination. Listen in to hear all about her night out on the town!Nov 30, 202232:1124: Getting Lit-ty in Nashville City (Our Weekend in Nash) ft. RilynThis past weekend Sadie and Rilyn got the invite to Nash Vegayyy (Nashville). They've both been before, but had never been together. Well little did they know only two nights on Broadway would change the rest of their lives for the better. They met Doug and Trey. Now these two showed them how to party harder and longer with no departure. From keeping in on the lowest of they keys to being in one of the highest penthouses on the Broadway strip this episode is a MF treat with special ingredients ;)Nov 16, 202234:0423: Hookup Culture, Cheating, Ex Boyfriends, The Ick, and the Time I Lost my VirginityWOOHOOO to an episode that made it on time! This week Sadie took her episode topics str8 from all of you. BOYS, BOYS, BOYS was exactly what you guys wanted to hear about. Although she still can't manage to keep a relationship herself Sadie has some top tier advice from her male experiences. She also gives her opinions on hookup culture, long distance relationships, and what counts as cheating. PLEASE BE ADVISED SADIE HAS BEEN CALLED TOXIC AND CRAZY BY MULTIPLE MEN WHO WOULD PROBABLY CLAIM SHE MAY NOT BE THE BEST PERSON TO TAKE BOY ADVICE FROM even though they're still hitting her up weekly. Happy Late Wh0reaween by the way.Nov 08, 202232:0222: I'm Moving Out ... (Auburn Rodeo Run Down, Stomach Issues, and my Dad went to the ER)WOAH WOAH WOAH, Sadie moving out? This is a day we never saw coming, where on earth is she going? Who is she going with? Now of course her stomach issues are not a surprise to any of us but the story you hear today is something you never want to experience yourself... she almost sh*t on the beach. An Auburn Rodeo run down, FINALLY!!! We've been waiting to hear all about it, who did she meet, maybe a new phone boyfriend. One thing I'll tell you is she met a bad case of food poisoning. Lastly, oh no! Papa Lester is in the ER, what happened? All your questions answered on episode 22 of the best podcast around.Oct 28, 202234:3821: My First Time Smoking Pot... at 12 Years OldImagine this, your 12 years old again and your mom dropped you off at a friends earlier in the evening. The wind is howling, the sounds of bats flying around, and sticks falling to the ground are sneaking in through the backdoor of the basem*nt you just cracked open as quiet as possible. Did anyone hear? Let's hope not ... because it's 1 AM and you can't get caught sneaking out. Especially because tonight is a big deal, it's your first time getting high. You can't f*ck this up. Next thing you know your lips are inside a musty Gatorade bottle and you're inhaling like your life depends on it. "I need more!" you demand. Thoughts are calm inside your head because "No one gets high they're first time" At least that's what you were told. F*ck were those kids wrong. YOU'RE BAKED ...Oct 17, 202236:2620: This Episode is the definition of ADHD (and an insight scoop on Sadies frat boyfriend)She's a travelin' again! Sadie is back on the road and her seasonal depression is going with her! So far she has spent a weekend in FSU and managed to bag 2 more phone boyfriends in just three days. Now she is in Nashville for a little while and getting ready to spend a weekend at the University of Alabama! Listen to her spell the tea on updates in her life including her diagnosed stomach issue, self diagnosed ADHD, and a frat boyfriend?!?!Oct 10, 202231:2619: The Dark Reality of Being a YouTuber Ft. Bailey DedrickYouTuber Bailey Dedrick is joining us this week to go behind the scenes of her journey through social media and the real struggles behind it. Bailey started sharing her life online as early as 12 years old and has grown up in the eyes of many. Sadie and her share what this life is really like behind the scenes and share the reality that people on the other side of the screen don't exactly understand. They also share the laughable, ironic, and never told story on how they first met, which was not through social media. *Sadie has rated this episode as one you do not want to miss*Sep 19, 202241:4518: Lets Get F*ckin Vulnerable. If there is one thing commonly used to describe Sadie it's her "IDGAF" motto. Call her what you want, have your opinions on her but truth be told she doesn't care ... well in some cases. On todays episode she talks about how although she seems to not give a rats a$$ about others opinions, sometimes they get to her. I mean c'mon we're all HUMAN. Sadie also talks about her experience on a current popular podcast called BFFs and how it was an eye opener for her.Sep 06, 202228:44
61: My Untold Truth of 2023 (what i didn’t tell you) ; 2024 INS & OUTS by was that TMI? (2024)


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Name: Domingo Moore

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Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.